Because they're my babies. And I've had no inspiration for anything else lately whatsoever.

Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom, Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja, or American Dragon: Jake Long. They belong to their respective owners.

Follow the Leader

"As the oldest one here, I say I should be the leader."

"You're not the oldest; we're the same age!"

"And that's not fair to me. I'm only in the eighth grade."

"Okay, one, I turned fifteen last week, and you know that. Two, it's not my fault that you were born later than me."

"… That's just wonk…"

"Well, I'm responsible for an entire magical world. I have the biggest responsibility, so I should be the leader."

"What? So not true! I have to keep a dimension of dead people from destroying my town, and then the world. Some of those guys are demented."

"And you think some of the creatures I deal with aren't?"

"Yeah, well, if the Sorcerer gets free, you won't have to worry about either of those things. And I have to keep up with him."

"Dude, all of us have crazy enemies that could kill us. It's not that impressive."

"Yeah, what's your argument?"

"I have this!"

"… Didn't you tell us that was just a hunk of sass in a book?"

"D-don't tell it that!"

"All the more reason why I should be the leader. I don't talk to books."

"You might as well with all of the magic voo-doo you deal with."

"Ghosts are magical creatures, too, you know!"

"No, they aren't! Haven't we been through this?"

"But it doesn't change that fact. So, since I'm responsible for you, I should be the leader."

"Yeah, but you aren't responsible for me. Ninjas are free spirits; I'm not controlled by some middle schooler."


"And now we're back to the topic of me being the oldest. And I'm the most powerful one of us all!"


"Yeah! The Nomicon teaches me new things all the time!"

"But can you shoot rays of energy out of your hands? Nope."

"I can breathe fire. That should be reason enough."

"I can summon a worm to come and defend me if I want to. You don't want to mess with it… or me. Want me to show you? Stay grounded, do not –"

"Please don't start on that."

"We don't need a crazy monster on top of all this. So that's why you shouldn't be the leader."

"Well, it's not like you can! Aren't you supposed to stay hidden or something?"

"All of us are supposed to stay hidden, dimwit."

"Quit being such a shoob."

"Ooh, you're crossing the line now…"

"Please don't start fighting."

"Stay out of this, hot-head."

"Hot-head? Oh, that's it! Dragon up!"

"Wh-what? No fair!"

"Playing dirty now? Fine! Going ghost!"

"Why don't I have a cool catchphrase?"

"'Cause you're a dimwit."

"Oh, yeah? Well… uh, it's ninja-o-clock!"

"… Don't ever use that again."

"Another reason why I should be the leader."

"Bring it, ghost boy!"

Boys and their egos…
