She didn't know why she was so aggravated at the view of the sandy beach laid in front of her. The soft sand beneath her sandals squished between her toes, sending an uncomfortable feeling up her legs. She liked the beach, she did! But it was the reason why she was here that made her teeth clench in annoyance.
"You're staying with your grandfather for the summer," her aunt's voice resonated in her head, and she huffed as she carried her bags across the sand. The vacation before junior year was definitely not planned to be like this, that's for sure.
"McKenzie!" a voice called from a few yards to her left. Mack turned and a large smile made its way across her face.
"Grandpa!" she shouted and unceremoniously dropped her suitcases on the ground, no doubt getting some sand inside. She didn't care. This was the one reason her vacation wouldn't be completely horrible. She had missed her grandfather dearly.
She tackled him in a hug, and his familiar laugh echoed in her ear. "I thought you'd arrive a lot later!"
"Aunt Antoinette wanted to drop me off earlier," she rolled her eyes as she explained. She didn't let go of the elderly man until he pulled her back by her arms and took a good look at her.
Mack missed the warm blue eyes she was so familiar with as a child. Ever since her mother died, the monthly visits to her grandfather lessened and lessened until she was lucky enough to even see him twice a year. He was the one to teach her how to fly a kite and how to swim. She had no idea how she went this long without him.
"Look at how much you've grown!" he observed as he studied her. "Such a beautiful young lady you are."
Mack blushed and hugged him again. "Oh, Grandpa, I missed you!"
"I missed you, too McKenzie."
She pulled back once again, pushing back her dark brown curls from her face. "You can call me Mack, Grandpa. Only Aunt Antoinette calls me by my full name." Once again, she couldn't stop the eye roll at her mention of the uptight blonde woman.
Her aunt wasn't always so pushy and insensitive. She was her mother's sister, despite the personality and physical differences. Antoinette was blonde with stern brown eyes, while her mother was brunette, like her, with really warm hazel eyes. Don't get her wrong, she loved her aunt, but she was the one who forced her to live with her grandfather for three months, and she automatically rebelled against that decision.
"Mack it is," her grandfather smiled. "Come on, let's go to the shack."
He helped her carry her large bags and suitcases, all filled with clothes meant to be worn in the city. Mack was a city girl, and she was proud of it; hence the annoyance of her current lifestyle on the beach now.
Mack couldn't help but scowl at the surfers littering the shoreline and watching the ocean with glee in their eyes.
'Didn't they have anything better to do than stand on a stupid floating board all day?' she thought to herself dryly.
Multiple people, most looking around her age, were surfing on intense looking waves, pulling off a few spins and tricks that she tried very hard not to be impressed at. Others on the shore that she passed were trading comments about the water, spouting off surf lingo that Mack didn't bother trying to decipher.
At this point, Mack was certain the sand would be permanently stuck in between her toes now. She tried to walk on rocks to avoid it, but there was no point. The sand followed her everywhere.
With a defeated sigh, Mack followed her grandfather who was excitedly telling her all about his surf shop and how well it was doing.
"That's great, Grandpa," she forced a smile and adjusted the slipping purse off her shoulder.
After a torturous five minutes, the special house attached to the shop came into view, and Mack nearly cheered with relief. She climbed up the creaky wooden steps, happily shaking off any sand from her nice silver sandals. Most came off, but she eyed her still-sandy toes with disdain.
"I'll show you to your room," her Grandpa announced, leading her deeper into the admittedly cute house. The wooden floorboards were old beneath her shuffling feet, but they felt…homey.
Actually, the entire place felt homey. Whether it was the old surfboards lining the walls or the ocean scent drifting in, Mack couldn't help but breathe in deeply and smile just a little bit.
Maybe she could get used to this.
"Right in here," he gestured to a door at the end of a short hallway. With a tight smile, she carried her things into the room.
"Wow," she found herself breathing in awe. The room was absolutely beautiful. Light from the afternoon sun filtered in through the pale white curtains, and illuminated the sky blue walls. It was bright and summery, a perfect type of room for this kind of place.
Mack shuffled in, admiring the sea shells decorating the walls and several framed pictures on the wooden dresser. Some were of the beach right outside, while there were others of her as a small child.
She picked one up, brown eyes studying the two people smiling brightly at the camera. It was of her when she was about ten, and her mother right beside her. Cursing to herself, she quickly wiped away a stray tear building up before her grandfather could notice.
Fortunately for her, he was looking out the window with his hands clasped behind his back.
"I really hope you like it here, Mack," he seemed to say to himself. Mack softened at the easygoing look in his light eyes as he turned to face her directly. "I'm glad I get to share a part of my life here with you."
"I already do," she found herself saying before she could stop her mouth. That mouth got her into trouble more than she could count. Whenever something was on her mind, or a strong thought built up, it came pouring out. She had no filter, but sometimes, it was a good thing. People never really spoke down on her for standing up for what she believed in. Mack was strong like that in her opinion.
"Good," he grinned, leaning forward to lay a tiny kiss on her forehead. "Breakfast will be ready at around eight."
"Sounds great."
After that, Mack was left alone with her thoughts in the gorgeous room.
"Could I really enjoy myself here?" she asked herself aloud, standing in front of the mirror and observing her appearance.
Nicely curled chocolate locks spilled out of a half ponytail and down the back of her silky blue blouse. She opted for white capris before the plane ride here, but quickly realized it would be much too hot to wear anything longer than her knees in this California weather.
Quickly, she opened up her large suitcases and shifted through the similar pieces of clothing she was currently wearing.
Oh no, this wasn't good. She had nothing to really wear this whole vacation!
"Nice going, Mack," she mumbled to herself. With a groan, she decided to put away her things the next day, already slipping off her clothes and finding her pajamas.
The jet lag from the journey there was getting to her, and as the sun started slipping down the horizon, Mack was already snuggled deep in the fluffy blankets.
She vowed to do her best to try to enjoy her vacation, at least for the sake of her grandfather.
Her toes were still covered in sand.
And there you go! I recently watched Teen Beach Movie and was automatically dying to make a story for it. It never really explained how Mack and Brady met, so I thought I'd try to make a possible story out of it! Don't worry, Brady's coming soon;)
Next few chapters will be longer, I promise!
Review and tell me how I did! Hopefully it's up to your standards:) Do it for Ross3