I keep opening with this, but thank you again to all of you who reviewed/followed/favorited! It means the world to me! (:

I apologize for taking a bit longer to update than usual. Friday my mother had knee surgery, Saturday and Sunday my grandfather was in the hospital, and every other day had me working on summer assignments and spending time with people who are going away for college. Still not done with that darned assignment, but hopefully I can get the next chapter up a bit faster.

Sadly, Merlin is not mine...

Chapter 5

It had been a little over a year, but she was still just as beautiful as he remembered (though he was trapped within his own mind, after all). He could feel tears prick at his eyes as she smiled sadly at him, her pale skin and wavy brunette hair seeming to glow in the tenebrosity.

"Freya," he nearly whispered. "Why are you here?"

She stepped forward and took his hands in hers. "Merlin," she started, equally as quiet, "As much as I wish to be by your side, it must not happen this way. You aren't fated to join me for many years to come."

"Your destiny with Arthur is nowhere near finished," his Magic chimed in. "Arthur has no idea what he's up against!"

Merlin tore his eyes away from Freya to say, albeit half-heartedly, "Arthur's improved, one day he'll be a great king without me..."

"Merlin!" the woman exclaimed, causing his eyes to snap back to her. "You can't believe that! Arthur is not ready to be king, and only with your guidance will he get there."

"Are you sure, because-"

"Yes, Merlin," she interrupted, "I am. He's changed because of you. You there to tell him what he needs to hear, rather than what he wants, is what is drawing out the king he is meant to be; you are two sides-"

"-of the same coin," Merlin finished. His brow furrowed and he looked at his hands, still being held by the spirit before him. "Freya, I wish..." He trailed off, unsure.

She smiled, softly saying, "I know," before letting go of his hands. "I once told you that one day I would repay you. Though that time has not yet come, I will help you to live to see it."

She lifted her hand to place it upon his forehead, and he closed his eyes, smiling at the sensation of the pure magic that coursed through his veins. When he opened his eyes again, she was gone.

His Magic walked over to him and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Do not worry," he said. "You will see her again."

Merlin just nodded and, after taking a steadying breath, turned to face his duplicate. "She's given us a fighting chance to help Prince Dollop-head; let's not waste it, shall we?"

The moment he was alone in the council chambers, the knights having gone to carry out their orders and Gaius, who showed up slightly late, having gone to resume caring for Merlin (who hadn't shown any signs of improvement), the Prince let out an exhausted sigh and leaned forward to bury his face in his hands. He'd just ordered to place the castle under seige; yes, it was what his father would do, but was it truly right? Gaius had mentioned peace talks to buy time, but that would've made Camelot appear weak. It was bad enough that news of his father's illness had traveled, there was no need for the people to believe that such a powerful king's replacement was soft.

Though he would never admit it aloud, he needed Merlin by his side. After every council meeting, the boy offered up comments and advice on what he'd heard so often that eventually Arthur came to expect it, even seek it. While that may not have been a council meeting, per say, it involved the first truly important decision he'd made in his father's stead. Even if it would have been simply a few words of encouragement coated in good natured teasing, having his manservant there to give him a good kick in the backside was something he'd grown accustomed to.

Abruptly, he straightened and stood, and all signs of doubt melted away. With a purpose, he rose and strode around the table and through the large wooden doors, heading towards the Physician's chambers.

Six horses stood upon a large, barren expanse, lined by trees and beneath a grey and almost sunless sky. Morgause smirked as her ally led his horse directly before her, appearing far too arrogant for his own good.

"My dear Morgause!" he exclaimed, sarcastically surprised.

The blonde's lips turned up slightly, her eyes dark. "Cenred," she acknowledged simply.

The corrupt king cut to the chase. "My army shall be here by nightfall."

She smiled larger this time, thinking of her goal. Her enchantment had weakened Camelot; with an army such as that she had planned, the kingdom was hers and her sister's to take.

Cenred raised an eyebrow slightly, obviously pleased with himself as he said, "I'm glad this pleases you."

"I will wait and see if you deliver before I say that I am pleased."

"And when I do?"

With you, Cenred, I would not set my hopes too high... She smirked. "Then I will give you a feast you will never forget!"

Morgana was trying very hard not to panic. Morgause was nowhere to be seen, though she knew that her sister wasn't actually supposed to meet her for another few hours, giving her just enough time to contemplate the news she was going to deliver. She wasn't worried about being alone in the Darkling Woods-after all, she did have magic, albeit not yet to it's full strength-but she was worried about how her sister would take the news of Merlin escaping them. A simple servant thwarted their plans, all the while being seriously injured. Even when dying, he was a nuisance.

She paced to and fro, her traveling cloak swishing over the foliage at her feet. Perhaps she should have sent a message... She had been so worried about the missing mandrake and the onslaught that very well might fail that the thought hadn't even crossed her mind. As she hurried to leave the citadel, she had been stopped by a guard who had been told that no one was to leave the city-apparently her dear adoptive brother had ordered them to prepare for a siege. Had the enchantment not been broken, she would've laughed at the Prince's foolishness.

However, the walls of Camelot were virtually impenetrable without magic as an aid. The throne that was so rightfully hers may yet slip from her grasp.

And all thanks to a servant.

There had to be something more, but what? She hadn't bothered to check if Gaius had been truthful; even if he was wrong and Merlin was recovering, it wasn't as though she knew what to do with the boy. She needed her sister's guidance, as always.

Yet her sister was not here. The surrounding forest was becoming ever more shadowed, and she still had yet to arrive. What was it that Morgause continuously said to her? Have patience? Well, what a lot of good that did. Nevertheless, she sighed and stopped her pacing. It was nearing the time for them to meet, and her one ally would arrive any second.

When Arthur reached the door to the Physician's chambers, he stopped. He had no idea what to expect, no idea how to react. Would Merlin be the same or would he have gotten worse? He wasn't entirely sure what to think about the latter.

Closing his eyes for a brief moment, he reached out to open the door, only to have it open to reveal a somewhat startled Gwen holding an empty bucket.

"Arthur!" she exclaimed, exiting the chambers and shutting the door behind her. Her eyes shown with concern for him as she asked, "How is your father?"

He sighed. "I could do with him here." And Merlin, a voice added from somewhere in the back of his consciousness.

Her response was immediate. "You should have more faith in yourself."

How can I have faith in myself when I've doomed the people to war? Rather than voicing the dark thought that suddenly flicked through his mind, he asked, "What are the people saying?"

Gwen gave a small smile. "Since the King's illness, they are glad you have taken charge."

Suddenly he blurted, "I've committed them to a siege! Guinevere..." He trailed off, a frown playing on his fair features.

"I know, Arthur," she said softly, placing the bucket on the ground beside her feet. "Gaius told me what happened."

"There will be casualties, Gwen. The people trusted me to lead them, to help them, and the only way to help them is to let them watch as their villages burn, cowering within the walls of a city which they know will soon be attacked and knowing they can never go home." Huh. Apparently Sir Leon's question about the livelihoods of those in the outlying villages had gotten to him a bit.

Gwen took a step forward and placed a hand upon his arm, her face the very picture of faith and love. "I trust you, Arthur, as does every citizen of Camelot. More than Uther-more than any man, in fact. Worry is not a wise council, Arthur, you must follow what you believe is right and forget everything else."

As he placed his hand over hers, she looked up at him; no more words were necessary, and though his mind was still in turmoil, it had lessened with her words. Suddenly, she took a step back, retrieving the bucket and curtsying.

"I should go, Sire," she said. "Gaius asked me to get more water for Merlin."

As she moved to leave, Arthur frowned. "There is no need to call me that."

She turned to look at him once more, smiling as she said, "There is every need, Sire." And then she was gone.

He stood there for a few moments. Suddenly, he was spurred into action by a loud crash and the shattering of glass from beyond the door.

Alright, I'll admit, not my favorite... Still, tell me what you think! I love feedback! I've been trying to keep with a few points of the episode, so hopefully those scenes weren't dry or anything. ._.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Please let me know what you thought!

Best wishes,