Game On

Kim's POV

Ever since I could walk I've wanted to go to the tracks. I wanted to ride the rails with the big boys . My family has always been apart of the Indie 500 ever since I was born but the only porblem is, I'm a girl.

I know right! Dumb!

So I just watch and watch until this

very day. Today I turn 17 and um well it's my birthday.

And guess what I get.

I get to race on the tracks before the actual race and my favorite racer will be there...

Jack Brewer!

He's hot and hot and did I mention he's hot. His car is white with green Bobby Wasabi brick type bubble letters and two symbols that stand for peace in chines ( I don't know if it chines or Japanese ) one on top and one under the sign.

But that's were we're heading now, the tracks. I'm in my white vipers jump suit. I actually like our out fits because they have white vipers on each of the shoulders and the rest is all black with White Vipers written on the front and back in cursive but that's also in white... So? Yeah.

Our helmets are white and have a golden viper the size of an half dollar on the side of its head.

Cute right ... I designed them my self.

Before I get out the car I make sure my face is in check and add some cherry chap stick to the top of my lip. Rubbing it in I put on my helmet and get out of the car.

Every body's here and I know that this could be my chance to show the people what I've got. I see my friends, Grace and Julie and Kelsey here for my party after I'm done racing. There taking me some were and I'm kinda scared because the last time we went out... Well lets just say I don't think I want to jail...AGIN!

I turn to my mom who is looking threw her purs for something. I turn back twards the front of me and I see him.

In his jump suit, with his helmet tucked under his arm he's talking to Jerry. Jerry is Graces crush... I don't comment on the subject.

As I stare on dazed by how shaggy and brown his hair is he turns and spots me. I see him smile and walk twards me.

Or was that a smirk...

My hart rate picks up speed as he gets closer.

"What's up old man" he says

Did he ... What the... Oh my hell! I don't speak just stare.

"Are you death and stupid. Wow I new you were from Texas but not were the dumb ones come" he comments and I want to cry.

My biggest dream, my idle, my crush, my favorite racer... is a jerk!

My blood pumps with anger as I stare at pretty boy in front of me.

"Do we need to call some one I think he's deaed just standing" he comments and agin I want to cry when I notice him talking about my dad.

Oh now it's on!

I look at his car behind him and then at mine then

"Bring it on Crawford" and turned to his car.

This story is a inspiration of Hurby fully loaded, when linzylohan wasn't crazy, any ways I hope you liked this story and sorry for any miss spelled words I'm writing this whole thing on my IPod.

oh and REVIEW!