Ichigo groaned before his groggy eyes opened. Confusion hit as he stared up at a cave ceiling. Ichigo forced himself into a seated position. A frightened yelp was heard causing Ichigo to look at the glaring yellow eyes of a cat.
"Yoruichi? What are you doing there?" The glare didn't lessen.
"I WAS sleeping." At least Ichigo had the decency to look sheepish.
"Wait, why were you asleep on me." A blush adorned Yoruichis cheeks but was hidden by her fur.
"I needed to sleep after dragging your ass here." Yoruichi blush deepened as she caught herself think, 'and what an ass', before she managed to compose herself. "Now, as you are currently unable to take on any of the other captains-" Ichigo looked affronted.
"HEY, I beat Kenpachi didn't I?" Yoruichi sighed before starting to explain.
"Yes you did, but Kenpachi looks for fights. He wants to see what his opponent can do, while the other captains will end it as fast as possible."
"I kept up with Byakuya." Ichigo was grasping straws.
"Yes but he delivered four deep cuts to your none and even if you matched him in Shikai he still has Bankai." Ichigo was silent for a moment.
"Then how do I beat him?" Ichigos voice was barely a whisper.
"By gaining Bankai." Ichigo looked at Yoruichi waiting for the 'but it takes years that we don't have'. None came only a quick 'follow me' before Yuroichi disappeared down a ladder leaving Ichigo to follow.
After Ichigo reached the bottom of the ladder he turned to Yuroichi, who was sitting at Ichigos head height on some rocks.
"Please don't tell me-" Yoruichi nodded.
"Uraharas first training ground."
"I told you not to tell me." A grin spread across Yuroichis face.
"Oh, bad memories?" Her tone was very condescending and laced with false concern, showing she knew the answer. Ichigo glared at her.
"A few."
"Now, you wait here while I go and fetch the stuff that we need." Ichigo looked confused.
"Are you sure? I mean, can you carry all that stuff? I could help." Another grin formed on Yuroichis features this one, however, was infinitely more devious. Yoruichi jumped down in front of Ichigo.
"Oh, that's right. You don't know do you? Honestly Ichigo, did you really think I was just a cat?" A Puff of smoke formed where Yoruichi was sitting. When the smoke cleared a naked women with beautiful ebony skin winked at Ichigo. Ichigos eyes widened before he shut them whipping the blood from his nose and shouted.
"WHAT THE HELL." Yoruichi stared to tease him.
"Oohh, Ichigo, you're so innocent, you're not even peeking." Yoruichis smile dropped slightly before it came back full force with a gleam in her eye.
"OF COURSE NOT, NOW GET SOME CLOTHES ON." The blush that Ichigo wore definitely didn't help.
"I'm over here." As Yoruichi said this she tapped Ichigo on the shoulder causing him to jump, turn and open his eyes giving him another site of Yoruichis body. Closing his eyes as the blush brightened, making him resemble the sun.
"PUT SOME CLOTHES ON." Yoruichi smiled again.
"You're so innocent and cute Ichigo." Yoruichi looked shocked before slamming her hands over her mouth. Ichigo just mumbled under his breath. "What was that?" Yoruichis heart thumped in her chest as she waited for Ichigo to repeat himself.
"It doesn't matter. Get some clothes on and then we can get on with it." Yoruichi smiled. The fact that he wouldn't tell her what he said gave her some hope, no matter how little. She left to change with a smile on her face and a sway in her hips.
When she returned Yoruichi brought a device that was similar in shape and size to a person.
"This, Ichigo, is the Tenkai Kecchu. It's a device that will allow you to achieve Bankai in three days. You need to stab it with your Zanpakto-" before she could finish Ichigo stabbed it. Reishi exploded from the device before a cloaked stood in the dust cloud that had formed.
"Zangetsu." Ichigo took note of all the swords that were spread around the field. Zangetsu grasped one before hefting it up, levelling it at Ichigo. Ichigo grabbed one before he sped towards Zangetsu. Zangetsu parried before Ichigo brought the sword overhead swing downwards. Zangetsu knocked the sword from his grasp and sent a slash at Ichigos chest. Ichigo grabbed the sword to his left before clashing swords with Zangetsu and managed to cut his cloak. For several hours the pair switched from sword to sword and cut up each other's clothing.
"You have learnt. Well done Ichigo." Ichigo stopped to take a breath.
"What do you mean."
"You do not have fear! You don't fear whether or not you have the right Zanpakto, you believe you do, you do not fear my knowledge of my blade, you believe you can learn, you do not fear you can lose, you believe you can win. You have finally rid yourself of your fears, and now, it's time." With that Ichigo collapsed to his knees clutching his heart. Another jolt caused him to callout in pain. Yoruichi moved to get to his side before Zangetsu called out. "No, Ichigo has already earned my Bankai and now he must face himself to gain it." Yoruichi looked at him.
"What do you mean?"
"His inner hollow."
Ichigo sat up clutching his chest and looked around. Black and white sideways skyscrapers, black and white sideways ground and black and white sideways sky met his wondering eyes. A chuckle could be heard from behind him.
"So the king finally arrives." Ichigo turned to see a complete copy of himself only that it was black and white with yellow eyes. The copy drew Zangetsu from his back, Ichigo doing the same. The copy rushed Ichigo, whom quickly went on the defensive. The copies fight style was defiantly not a copy of Ichigos, it was more aggressive, more reckless.
Zangetsu and Yoruichi were being pounced upon by a Hollowfied Ichigo. Yoruichi was using Shunpo to get around Ichigo and deliver devastating blows while Zangetsu charged, sword in hand, at Ichigos front. Ichigo grabbed the sword mid-swing and pointed his horns at Zangetsu before roaring in pain as Yoruichi ploughed into his kidneys. The pair moved away to gain some breathing room and assess the situation.
"How strong is he?" Yoruichi turned to Zangetsu who just stared ahead at the recovering Ichigo. "Well?"
"Vasto Lordes." Yoruichi stared at him in shock.
"How-?" Zangetsu cut her off.
"His Hollow has grown as he has, also it has been feeding on some of the exes Reishi that Ichigo possessed before he gained his Shinigami powers."
"But that would mean-" Zangetsu cut her off again.
"Yes. That Ichigo has had his Hollow as long as he has had me. Ichigo is the first natural born Vizard." Yoruichi turned to Ichigo in disbelief. Ichigo had risen during her conversation but only now that she looked did she see way he hadn't attacked. His Reishi was flying around him in a maelstrom while it waited to be slowly condensed into a blade.
Ichigo blocked another of his copies attacks.
"Come on King, is this all you can do?" Ichigo glared at his grinning counterpart. Ichigo went in for a slash but his colour confused other lent backwards, allowing the sword to pass over harmlessly. The copy snapped upright while bringing his inverted colour schemed sword down in an overhead strike. Ichigo blocked the strike but buckled under the weight. He rolled to the side before using Shunpo to gain some distance. He then hefted Zangetsu above his head while his clone lowered his.
"GETSUGA TENSHO." The other Ichigo mealy raised a finger the blast of Reishi before, he too, unleashed one of his own. Ichigo grew confused when he saw a cylinder of crimson Reishi explode when it hit his Getsuga Tensho. He used Getsuga Tentate to protect himself from damage. When the smoke cleared Ichigo saw that his copy was also none the worse for wear. "What was that?" His copy started to laugh at his confusion.
"That was a technique called Cero. It's a Hollow technique." Ichigos brows fumed.
"Hollow?" The now identified hollow stated to laugh again.
"Oh that's right. You don't know do you. I'm your Hollow, Ichigo, I've been with you ever since birth. I am your madness, your insanity, your…" He tapped his chin in thought. "…creativity. *BWAHAHA*." The Hollows maniacal cackling was interrupted by Ichigo.
"So, that means you're a part of me does it?" His thoughts drifted to what Zangetsu had taught him. "That means your powers are mine too." His Hollows Eyes grew wide as he finally began to understand. Ichigo held up his left index finger and pointed it at his copy. Black Reishi with a crimson tinted outline swirled into a condensed ball at the end of his finger. "CERO." The Hollow stood, too shocked to move, as the pillar roared towards him. The dust settled to reveal a badly burned Hollow.
"You win King. But remember this, if you EVER become weak then I will take your place as king." Ichigo just watched as his Hollow disappeared into the wind.
Yoruichi and Zangetsu continued to watch as the sword was being formed. When the bull masked Ichigo had finished he roared before growing still. The sword vanished and his mask fell apart. The now normal Ichigo fell to his knees before falling face down in the dirt. Zangetsu smiled before saying.
"Well done Ichigo. You now have Bankai." Zangetsu faded as did the sword that were still strewn across the training ground. Yoruichi approached Ichigo before leaning down to pick him up.
"Did I do it?" Ichigo was barely conscious but he managed to stay awake long enough to hear Yoruichi say 'Yes, well done' before he fell into unconsciousness.
The next Ichigo awoke feeling rested and refreshed. He turned to see Yoruichi walking into the cave with a serious expression on her face.
"Get ready. Central 46 moved up Rukias execution to today."
"What? Why?" Yoruichi stopped to think for a moment.
"I don't know. Perhaps it's because they don't want you to rescue her. I mean you did take out Kenpachi."
"Doesn't matter, let's go."
Kenpachi was walking through his barracks before stepping outside into a court yard filled with people training. He approached a group of four while calling out to them.
"Oi, you four, let's go. The execution has been moved to today." Uryu looked at the man before asking why it was moved up only to receive a response of 'don't care, but Ichigo will be there' a grin spread across his face at the thought of fighting him again. Kenpachi took Chad and Ganju while Uryu took Orihime.