Chapter 9

Cold, angry eyes were viewing the street as they drove through the city, following the map in the tall man's phone. They were moving towards the red dot. "I'm coming kitten" he said as the driver pulled over. Aizen stepped out, only to find himself facing and alleyway. The phone suddenly began to beep. His kitten must be inside, but as far as he could see, the alleyway was empty, except of one blue container.

"Open it" he ordered the driver and gestured towards the container. The driver quickly did as he was told but suddenly stopped when he looked down.

"Well, pull him out"

"Lord Aizen, there is a problem" the tanned driver said as he stepped back. Walking over, Aizen could see that there in fact was no neko inside, only his collar.

The rich man felt anger boil up side him once again. "Well played Byakuya, but this is far from over"

Byakuya's House

Renji woke up feeling better then he had done in a very long time. He stretched out on the bed as he heard the door open. He looked up and saw a blond head peak in with a big smile.

"Good morning Renji. How are you feeling today?"

"Just fine, thank you." The neko said as he climbed out of bed and started to get dressed.

"Good now please hurry down stairs; I have some big news for you" Kisuke said and left the room. "Big news? What kind of news?" Renji thought as he pulled on a pair of black jeans and a dark red sweater.

He carefully jogged down the stairs and into the living room where Byakuya, Kisuke and Yoruichi were sitting, all with big smiles on there faces.

"Ah, Renji. You remember Yoruichi right?" The red neko nodded and gave her a little smile which she returned ten folded.

"Well, she and I have decided to get married" the blond man said eyes that sparkled with happiness.

"Congratulations" Renji said as he was pulled into a tight hug causing him to blush. Yoruichi stood up from her seat and walked over to them.

"We're planning a spring wedding in 4 months" she said and hugged her fiancés arm.

"Sounds lovely. Have you chosen the location?" Byakuya said from the armchair as he lifted his cup of tea to take a sip.

"Not yet"

"Do you have to get married far from here?" the red neko said quietly and glanced shyly at her. Yoruichi walked over to him and gently scratched his eras.

"No sweetie. In fact we were thinking maybe we could have it here" the tall women said as she crooked her head to the side and smiled at the raven haired man. Byakuya stopped for a moment as if he was processing what she had said.

"May I ask why?" he finally said and raised an eyebrow.

"Well, we thought that it would be lovely to have the wedding in the garden among the sakura trees" the blond man said as he rubbed his neck nervously.

"And also we thought that do to some circumstances, it would be best not to have to make you travel too far. And it might be good to keep the stress level as low as possible and being in a familiar environment might help" Yoruichi said and discreetly gestured towards where Renji was now sitting, peacefully looking out the window. Byakuya couldn't argue with that. He agreed that it would be best for the neko to stay away from stressful situations. If he could have it his way, he would have preferred if the neko didn't attend the wedding but then again Renji was quite fond of the blond man and he would probably be upset if he could be there.

"Fine" Byakuya said with a sigh.

"Great! Thank you Byakuya" Yoruichi said with a beaming smile on her lips.

"Did you hear that Renji? We're having the wedding here" Kisuke said and walked over to the neko who hadn't been paying much attention to the conversation and gently rubbed his soft ears. The neko lit up, tail wagging slightly from side to side. Since Aizen took him to "the vet", he hadn't really been comfortable with travel to places he didn't know.

"Well if we're going to have a wedding here, we need to do some planning" Byakuya said and stood up. He already had second thoughts about agreeing on hosting this wedding.

Renji was just smiling as he watched the three people talk. He was exited in his own way. This would be the first wedding he had ever attended. He hoped Grimmjow would be there. The red neko had caught quite a liking to the blue one. He was loud, energetic and confident but still careful around the red neko so that he wouldn't scare him in any way. Renji thou were still a little unsure of how he was suppose to act. It had been so long since someone had been nice to him or even treated him as a living being, and now he was surrounded by people how actually seemed to care for him, and it all had happened so fast.

He was brought out of his thoughts when a hand landed on his shoulder. He looked up and saw the tall women, Yoruichi smiling down at him.

"What do you think about all of his Renji? The wedding, that is" she asked.

"It's very kind of you to have it hear so that we don't have to travel" the neko answered in a very quiet voice as a small blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Of course we'd think about you sweetie. Even thou Kisuke is working for Byakuya, they are as close a family and since you're now part of Byakuya's family, you're also a part of ours"

Renji looked at her with big eyes. He was part of Byakuya's family? The neko couldn't help but to blush slightly at this thought.

"Well, how about September, Kisuke? It in two months or is that too soon for the both of you" Byakuya calmly said. The couple looked at each other before turning back to him with huge smiles on their faces.

"That's perfect Byakuya" Yoruichi shouted loudly as she almost tackled the raven haired man.

The couple soon decided that they would call it a night and head home. They had just bought a house and were currently living among boxes since they hadn't packed up yet.

Renji waived from the armchair as the couple moved to wards the door. He was happy for them. They were very nice people and they very kind to him. He was still a bit confused about why Yoruichi was being so nice considering he barely knew her.

The red neko didn't notice the raven haired man walking up to him until he felt a hand on his ears, causing him to jump but he quickly relaxed when he saw that it was only Byakuya. He gently leaned against him and purred as the other kept scratching his sensitive ears.

"How are you feeling about all of this Renji?" he heard the other say gently as he moved so that he was now sitting in the chair with the neko in his lap.

"I'm happy for them" the redhead said sleepy as he placed his head on Byakuya's shoulder, enjoying the gentle treatment. They sat like that for some time, enjoying each other's company. As Byakuya gently petted him, Renji became more and more tired until he eventually fell asleep in the other's lap, his head on the raven's shoulder and tail wrapped around his leg. The other man couldn't help but chuckled when he saw how the neko curled up against him.

"Renji, I hope you know how much I care about you" the raven haired whispered into one of the neko's human ears. He got a low purr in respond from the sleeping neko.

He let his hand gently trail down the redhead's face and stop when it reached the chin. Before he could even think, he leaned forward and captured the sleeping neko's lips in a strong kiss. The small moan that escaped Renji's lips finally pushed Byakuya over the edge. He moved them quickly from the armchair to the sofa when he laid down the still sleeping neko and climbed on top of him, still kissing him. The raven haired was too caught up in what he was doing to notice that the neko was starting to wake up.

Renji completely frozen when he realized what was going on. He was terrified, images of Aizen in the exact same position flashed through his mind and he started to panic. He didn't understand, he thought Byakuya wouldn't do this kind of things to him.

The large man suddenly stopped when he felt the smaller body beneath him freeze. He looked down and was faced with the scared and hurt look on the neko's face.

"What have I done?"

Quickly, Byakuya moved of the sofa. How stupid could he really be? To do that to Renji when he knew what Aizen had done.

"Renji, I don't know what came over me. I.." but he didn't finish the sentence when he saw tears streaming down the other's face. He took a step closer but the neko was eminently frightened and hurried to hide behind the sofa just like he had done when Grimmjow had come for a visit. Byakuya felt a sting of pain in his heart as he slid down the wall on the opposite side of the living room.

"What have I done? What have I done?"


An update! Finally:-D

I have a lot to do right now with school and everything else you're suppose to have time for in life so sorry for taking so long.

Please post a review and tell me what you thought of the chapter and I see you guys next time ^_^