Author's Note: Okay, so I lied...I didn't upload this in the two weeks that I would predicted I'd do. Then again, by know, you should know Lily isn't good at sticking to her deadlines. I don't mean to do it, but it just happens. Sorry!

Baby Turtles (Part 2)

"TK, I need you to take over the barista station," the manager said.

"But Zoe's the one who makes the drinks," TK said.

"And she's on break right now, so you're gonna cover until she gets back," the manager crossed his arms.

"But sir, I don't know how to use half of the machines! The only machine I know how to use is the coffee dispenser," TK said.

"You've got to be kidding me! Everyone should know how to use the machines! You all had the same training session, so there's no excuse for this! If everyone can know the barista basics in a week, why can't you?" the manager barked.

"I didn't think I needed to know. I'm just a busboy," TK sheepishly said.

"I don't just blab out useless information so it can go in one ear and out the other. Trust me, I do not like wasting my time on unnecessary things. If I'm telling you something, I expect you to listen and follow up. Do me a favor, pull that head out of your ass, and hang up your apron. You're fired," the manager grunted.

"But sir, you can't do that!" TK stuttered.

"Yes, I can. If an employee is not fulfilling his duties, I have the right to let him go. I don't need to have any dead weights on my crew," the manager said.

"I'll retake the training session! Just let me stay," TK pleaded.

"What for? So you can ignore me a second time? I'd be stupid to train you again, when I can just save time and find somebody else to learn the basics. Your last paycheck will come in the mail next week," the manager curtly said.


"It was nice working with you," the manager waved him away and stomped over to the counter.

"Unbelievable," TK muttered to himself. He put the broom inside the closet and took off his apron.

"Hey, TK. Are you going on break? I thought you were only working 4 hours today," Zoe walked to the cubby.

"You could say I'm on a permanent break," TK took off his visor and ran his fingers through his hair.

"A permanent break?" Zoe raised an eyebrow.

"Yep. Manager fired me," TK shrugged.

"No! I can talk to him if you want," Zoe said.

"That's okay, but no. I hated working here anyways," TK said.

"This sucks. Now who am I going to go on coffee runs with?" Zoe groaned.

"Who knows. From the way he talked, he sounds like he'll find a new pal for you," TK said.

"This bites. You're the only reason I could even tolerate this job. You made this job bearable, but now that you're gone, I can't ignore the fact that I'm only earning minimum wage for making trips across the highway for coffee," Zoe sighed.

"I'm sorry," TK looked guilty.

"It's not your fault. You know what? Maybe it was meant to be. Maybe you'll find something better," Zoe said.

"But what about you?" TK said.

"You just have to deal with the cards God dealt you with," Zoe shrugged. "I should get going. Until I find a better offer, I might want to hold on to this job for as long as I can."

"Good luck," TK grabbed his backpack.

"Thanks. I'll see you at school," Zoe tied up her apron.

"Okay," TK mumbled. He left the coffee shop and wandered around the mall. He had to get a new job soon, but it didn't seem like anyone was hiring. Even the giant lemon in the middle of the mall wasn't hiring.


"Huh?" TK turned around.

"Hey, why aren't you at work right now?" Matt put his arm around TK's shoulders.

"I just got fired," TK sighed.

"Oooh, bummer," Matt winced.

"I know. Now where else am I going to make any money?" TK sighed.

"I know a guy who knows a guy...maybe he could get you a gig at Underground Video," Matt said.

"Isn't that the place that rents out movies dubbed in Spanish and indie flicks?" TK raised an eyebrow.

"That's the one! It's not exactly the Taj Mahome Video, but it's a lot better than that craphole job you used to have. Besides, hipster is the new trend, so there's definitely going to be customers around. Maybe one of them would be a cute girl, eh?" Matt playfully nudged him.

"I'm not interested in picking up chicks. I just need a job," TK said.

"Oooh, you've got an eye on someone?" Matt winked.

"What makes you say that?" TK gasped.

"Is it that blonde girl you hang out with a lot? Chloe, right?" Matt asked.

"No! It's Zoe, and we're just friends," TK said.

"Hmm, if it's not her, then it has to be someone else...," Matt flicked his chin.

"What if there isn't?" TK snarled.

"Oh, there definitely is. I know why you and Mimi and hanging out so much now," Matt snapped his fingers.

"Why?" TK could feel his palms get sweaty.

"All I have to say is that she's too old for you," Matt said.

"What? How can you say that when you're dating Mimi? Aren't you guys a year apart too?" TK clenched his jaw.

"No! It's different with me and her! I'm a guy, so it's okay if I'm older. It would be weird if a girl dated someone younger than her. I say you just let it go. I totally understand. Miki's hot and she's got great boobs, but she's going to be in college in a couple of months, where she'll be surrounded by college boys. I'm sorry, but get real. A girl like her isn't going to want a boyfriend who's still in high school," Matt said.

"What? No, I don't like her like that!" TK stuttered.

"So it has to be Meg...she's cute. Now that I think about it, she's got a nice rack too. You must really want someone to motorboat. I never thought my little bro would be such a perv," Matt ruffled TK's hair.

"I'm not a perv. You're the one talking about boobs," TK fixed his hair.

"I'm not the one who likes my broads with huge knockers," Matt smirked.

"I never-never mind," TK huffed.

"Look, I have to meet up with Mimi at the Cafe Coeur Brisé and I don't want to be late. I'll swing by the apartment later tonight," Matt said.

"Alright," TK said.

"Hey, Matt. You wanted to talk?" Mimi walked over to the small cafe table.

"Sit," Matt gestured at the chair across from him.

"What is it?" Mimi managed to breathe out.

"I've been thinking," Matt said.

"Something tells me that this is serious," Mimi said.

"This isn't working out. Our hearts are in different places. For me, it's my band. It takes a special kind of girl to make me want to take a break from the band for even a couple of minutes. Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think you were ever that girl and you will never be," Matt said.

"How can I not take that the wrong way?" Mimi's jaw dropped.

"I'm really stepping on toes here...what I meant to say is that we have nothing in common, besides our former group of friends. You hate my music, I hate talking about shoes, what are we supposed to talk about? Maybe you and I were a bad idea. We're just too incompatible. I just don't think there's any fixing us."

"How can you say that when you don't even try?" Mimi said.

"What is there to fix? You're a different person around me- and not in a good way. You're quiet and tense, and that's not the Mimi I used to know. It seems like you can be the real Mimi around other people, but you can't do it around me. You deserve to be with someone you can let loose with, because clearly, you're not comfortable doing it around me. TK knows more about you than I do, and you guys were as friendly as the Jets and Sharks," Matt said.

"Really? And did you really use a West Side Story reference?" Mimi raised an eyebrow.

"West Side what? I was talking about the sports teams, but I probably should have said Red Sox vs. Yankees, or Michigan vs. Ohio State, or everyone vs. the Cowboys. That would have made more sense, but that's not the point. TK could write a whole book about you, while I could barely make a short list on a sticky note. What does that say about us?" Matt asked.

"Maybe you would know more about me if you didn't run off to your band buddies all the time," Mimi crossed her arms.

"Maybe if you tried to be interesting for once, I wouldn't hang out with my band all the time," Matt retorted.

"Excuse me?! Don't turn this around on me!" Mimi gasped.

"I'm not trying to, but what do you want me to do? Be honest with yourself. Are you truly happy in this relationship? And please don't spare my feelings. I want the truth for once," Matt said.

"I guess I'm not...," Mimi looked down at the tabletop.

"Neither am I. Finally something we have in common. So this is it, huh?" Matt sighed.

"I guess so," Mimi pursed her lips.

"Come on, Mimi! This is what I'm talking about. Why can't you tell me what you want for a change? Be assertive. Give me a definite answer! I thought I was talking to a human being, not a Magic 8 ball! Please don't tell me I have to shake you to get an answer other than 'ask again later', because I'm not really crazy about that idea," Matt said.

"Fine. We're through," Mimi crossed her arms.

"That settles it then. It's better for the both of us. I'll see you around," Matt picked up his guitar case and walked away.

"See you around," Mimi scoffed when he was out of sight. She fidgeted with a napkins, tearing it to shreds. Matt did have a point, it wouldn't make sense to fix a relationship that neither of them wanted to stay in.

"TK!" Matt cheerily sang.

"What are you doing here?" TK asked. It was pretty late at night and he was just getting ready for bed.

"I have the greatest news ever and I just couldn't wait to tell you!" Matt gripped TK's arms.

"What is it?" TK nervously looked at him.

"I broke up with Mimi and I've never been happier!" Matt beamed.

"You did what?! And you're happy?!" TK choked.

"It was all thanks to you! If it weren't for that talk we had, I wouldn't have broken up with her!" Matt grinned.

"What?! What part of the baby turtles conversation led you to think I said break up with Mimi?" TK yelled.

"It took me a while, but I figured out you were just speaking in analogies. I'm not stupid, you know," Matt smirked.

"No! No I wasn't! I was purely talking about a baby turtle!" TK said.

"Listen, I know you and Mimi talk now. I see what you're trying to do," Matt looked TK in the eyes.

"What?" TK gulped.

"She wanted to break up the whole time, but she was too scared to do it. I wish she could just have told me flat out, but I guess having my little brother hinting at it works too," Matt shrugged.

"But I didn't-" TK groaned.

"Thank you! I've never felt so free in my life, and I bet Mimi's feeling the same way. Now we can both," Matt hugged TK.

"Yeah...," TK winced. Mimi was going to be sooo pissed...

"We know you don't usually drink these, but we figured you were going to need it," Miki handed Mimi an energy drink.

"You didn't sleep well, did you?" Meg frowned.

"I was fine," Mimi shrugged. She knew her friends knew she was lying. After the break-up, Mimi immediately called the girls over to her house. From there, Meg forced Mimi to take countless love quizzes she found in teen magazines. Mimi had to fill them in twice, once for Matt and once for TK. Although she didn't label which answers were which, Mimi knew Meg and Miki figured it out anyways. The good news, Mimi was totally over Matt- not that she needed a love quiz to tell her that. The bad news was that she was crushing hard on TK, and she knew it all along. She tried to deny her feelings, but those taunting love quizzes only shoved it in her face.

"It's just like any other quiz. Nothing to work yourself up over," Izzy added.

"What? You told him about this?!" Mimi shrilled.

"No!" Meg and Miki said.

"It's nothing to be ashamed about," Izzy said.

"Oh my god, I'm going to kill you girls," Mimi curled her fingers.

"But we didn't-"

"I don't know why you're making a big deal about this chemistry quiz," Izzy said.

"So is that what you boys call it?" Meg asked.

"Now I'm confused. What are you talking about?" Izzy raised an eyebrow.

"The chemistry quiz!" Miki blurted.

"That's what I thought. Look, Mimi. The quiz doesn't even effect our grade that much, but if it's so important to you, we can review it at lunch if you want," Izzy said.

"Okay. I'd like that," Mimi bit her lip.

"I'll see you at lunch then. I have to head to class," Izzy waved goodbye and walked down the hallway.

"Whoa, that was freaky! I thought you guys told him about you-know-what," Mimi said through her teeth.

"I know we've been hanging out with Izzy more, but we wouldn't tell him personal stuff about you," Meg said.

"Yeah. We're too lazy," Miki joked.

"Hah hah," Mimi flatly said. "But seriously, what should I do about this?"

"I don't know...maybe you can act like everything is normal and just talk to him?" Miki said as if she were talking to an idiot.

"But is it really that simple?" Mimi wrung her hands.

"Yes. There he is! Now go talk to him," Meg shoved Mimi in TK's direction.

"TK," Mimi breathily said. "Hi."

"Hey Mimi...," TK winced.

"What is it?" Mimi frowned.

"It's nothing," TK shook his head. "I...I...I have to go, get that thingamabob and do stuff that's really import- I should go. See you later."

"Okay," Mimi sighed and walked back to the girls.

"What was that about?" Miki said in disgust.

"I don't know...all I did was say hi. Maybe he thinks I'm ugly. He thinks I look gross in these glasses and he's ashamed to be around me," Mimi cried.

"No, don't say that!" Meg hugged her.

"But I am!" Mimi sobbed.

"Come on. I don't think TK would ever think that. He's probably just busy," Meg soothingly said.

"Yeah. With other girl- oops!" Miki blurted.

"Wait, what?" Mimi stood up straight.

"I didn't say anything. Come on, let's go. I want to show you guys this cool rock I found outside," Miki pulled Mimi in the opposite direction.

"He's surrounded by all of these girls, what would he want with someone like me? You know what, I want to go home," Mimi sighed.

"Probably a good call, especially since you have a chemistry quiz today," Miki nodded.

"Crap! I forgot about that," Mimi groaned.

"Are you cold?" one girl asked.

"No, I'm good," TK shuddered. As he talked to his "groupies"- as the gang dubbed the flock of girls, he noticed Mimi walk past him. They locked eyes for a quick second before TK shuddered and diverted his gaze.

"Hate to cut this short, but we have to go something important. Come on, guys," Zoe grabbed TK by the hand and motioned the boys over.

"Okay," the girls pouted.

"TK, what's wrong with you? Why are you acting so funny?" Koji grabbed TK's arms.

"Nothing...," TK looked down at his feet.

"He just got fired yesterday," Zoe said.

"Yeah, but that's not it...I caused Mimi and Matt to break up," TK said.

"You did? Way to go!" Takuya chuckled.

"No! Not way to go! If she knew I broke them up, she'll be so mad at me!" TK said.

"How did you do that?" Kouichi asked.

"I don't know...last night, Matt came over and thanked me endlessly for helping him break up with Mimi. I didn't even know what he meant by that. I never told him to break up with her- at least not since we started the video project," TK frowned.

"Nonsense! You can't blame yourself for something Matt did to her," Zoe said.

"I don't know. Did you guys see the way she looked at me?" TK asked.

"No...," JP raised an eyebrow.

"She looked almost sad, even disappointed," TK sighed.

"It's all in your head," Takuya scoffed.

"Is it all in my head now?" TK angrily glared at Takuya. Mimi hadn't shown up to school in the past couple of days. Miki and Meg hadn't even come to talk to him. TK contemplated going up to them, but he wasn't sure if it was a good idea. They looked mad.

"Okay, sorry. I didn't think you two would seriously be this butthurt," Takuya huffed.

"Butthurt," Koji snickered.

"Aww, TK! Hey!" a couple of girls ran up to him and hugged him.

"We'll catch up with you later," Koji said.

"No, wait-" TK said.

"This is getting old," Zoe muttered, two lockers away from the scene.

"Tell me about it. It was funny at first, but come on, enough of it already," Takuya grumbled.

"It wouldn't have happened if you didn't tell the tall tale of TK the Badass," Koji scoffed.

"And that story wouldn't have happened if you didn't kick the poor guy under the table," Zoe put her hands on her hips.

"I think we're the poor people here. Just because TK made an ass of himself doesn't mean we should have to deal with the consequences," Koji snorted.

"That's true," JP frowned.

"It'll all pass over soon," Kouichi said.

"I really hope so," Takuya groaned.

"Are you seeing anyone right now?" one girl lightly brushed her hand down TK's chest.

"Not really," TK tensed up.

"Not really? What do you mean by that?" another girl asked.

"I have my eye on this girl, but I'm not sure if she likes me back," TK shrugged.

"Awww," the girls gushed in unison.

"Well, she's a lucky girl," a girl rubbed TK's bicep.

"I don't know about that," TK said.

"Come on. You're handsome, chivalrous, and sweet. Who wouldn't want that?" another girl said.

"I don't know. I don't think she sees me in that way," TK sighed.

"Then she must be blind. Someone should get her a pair of glasses," one girl remarked.

"Yeah...," TK paused.

"Anyways, we should get going. We don't want to wait long in the lunch line," one girl giggled. All of the other girls followed her down the hallway.

"I'm really sorry about that," TK apologized to his friends.

"It's not your fault all of these girls want to chat with you," Zoe said.

"Yeah. It's their fault," Koji jerked his thumb at the boys.

"We were just trying to cover for you!" Takuya defensively said.

"That's okay. I appreciate it anyways. You guys really have my back," TK said.

"And don't you forget it," Koji snorted.

"Um, okay...," TK bit his lip.

"Don't worry about him. He's in one of his bad moods. Worse than he usually is," Kouichi said.

"No I'm not," Koji scoffed.

"Why don't we head to the cafeteria now. I think we all just need to get some food in our system," Zoe said.

"Good idea," JP clutched on to his stomach.

"Hey TK! Wait up!" Meg ran toward the gang.

"Great. Another interruption," Takuya said under his breath.

"We need to talk," Miki aggressively said.

"Okay, sure...," TK bit his lip.

"Um, do you guys mind if we borrow him for a second?" Meg asked.

"Go right ahead. Everyone else does," JP shrugged.

"Thanks," Miki grabbed TK by the wrist and pulled him to the end of the hallway.

"Bye!" Meg said before she followed Miki and TK.

"What's going on?" TK looked bewildered.

"Listen here, Casanova! Mimi's having a rough week right now. She just broke up with Matt, you're avoiding her, and it doesn't help that you have all these sluts all over you! What's the big idea, dingus?" Miki held him against the wall.

"Why does she care that I'm talking to girls?" TK asked.

"Because she likes you, you dumbass!" Miki said.

"Wait, what?" TK turned red.

"She's head over heels for you," Meg soothingly said.

"Am I hearing this right? Are you saying that she likes me? Like she like likes me?" TK raised an eyebrow.

"Yes!" Miki huffed.

"And this isn't a joke?" TK asked.

"Nope, we're completely serious," Meg said.

"I can't believe it," TK gasped.

"I know, neither could we and I don't want to know how Matt would react if he knew. Not that we'd tell him, but still," Miki said.

"Hold up! Why should he care in the first place? They broke up," TK said.

"So you might never had a girlfriend before, but let's imagine you did. How would you feel if your girlfriend secretly had a thing for your brother the whole time?" Meg said.

"What?!" TK gasped.

"That's what we said," Meg shook her head.

"So she likes me? I don't believe it. I seriously don't believe it. This is too good to be true," TK sighed.

"This is perfect! You two like each other!" Meg squealed.

"It completely works out, because of you didn't like her back, that would have been awkward...," Miki said through the side of her mouth.

"But what can I do about it? She seems like she's mad at me," TK looked down on the floor.

"Listen," Miki picked TK's chin up and looked him in the eyes. "We have a plan."

"Knock knock," Takuya rapped on the door.

"In a second," Zoe got up from the couch and opened the door.

"Hey Zoe," JP said.

"What are you guys doing here? And why are you all dressed up?" Zoe raised an eyebrow.

"Because we're going to the Spring Fling, silly!" Takuya grinned.

"I didn't know you guys were going to the dance," Zoe said.

"Neither did we. It was completely unexpected," JP said.

"Tell me about it. Well, I hope you have a good time," Zoe faked a smile. "Do you want me to take group shots before you go?"

"Only if you're in them too," Kouichi said.

"Huh?" Zoe looked perplexed.

"That's right! You're coming along with us!" Takuya exclaimed.

"But I can't go. I have to babysit Tommy tonight," Zoe said.

"Don't give us that crap. We already know the Himis canceled," Koji said.

"How did you know that?" Zoe gasped.

"Because we told them that even though you don't mind babysitting the kid, the dance was important to you," JP said.

"What?! I'm going to call them right now," Zoe pulled her cell phone out and began to dial.

"Nope! You're going to the dance," Takuya snatched the phone away.

"Even if I wanted to go to the dance, I don't have anything to wear," Zoe sighed.

"Or do you? TK, get your ass over here," Takuya whistled.

"These are for you. Open them," TK came into the apartment with two boxes in his arm.

"Oh my god!" Zoe opened one of the boxes to see a short prom dress inside.

"Do you like it?" Kouichi asked.

"It's beautiful," Zoe was awed at the bejeweled bodice and the tulle skirt.

"All of us pitched in to get that. I hope it fits," Kouichi said.

"Just because you're one of the boys doesn't mean you can't be a princess for a day," Takuya said.

"You guys," Zoe gushed.

"Now hurry and put that on!" Takuya said.

"Thank you all! It's a beautiful dress," Zoe hugged all of the boys individually.

"Yeah, yeah. Now get to it," Koji smirked.

"I'll be right back," Zoe took the box and went to her room.

"Whoa! Everyone drop what you're doing because we have a showstopper in the house!" Takuya rubbed his hands together.

"You look gorgeous," JP smiled.

"He's right. You're beautiful," Koji said, sarcasm omitted.

"I can't believe you did this for me," Zoe's eyes began to water.

"That's not all we did," Takuya grinned.

"Open," Koji handed her the other box.

"Oh my god," Zoe cried. She pulled out a pair of purple heels.

"I hope they're the right fit," Koji took one of the shoes and carefully put it on Zoe's foot.

"They're perfect," Zoe sniffled. "Thank you, guys. You have no idea how much I appreciate this."

"Don't mention it. We don't want you to be the only girl missing out on an awesome night. Most girls only have one date, but you're lucky because you get four dates!" Takuya flailed his hands in the air.

*knock knock*

"I wonder who that could be," Zoe walked to the door.

"Hi there, Zoe."

"Mrs. Himi? Hi. Is there a problem?" Zoe said.

"No, not at all. I came to help you get ready," Mrs. Himi held a tote bag on her shoulder.

"That's so nice of you, but you don't have to do that," Zoe said.

"Nonsense! You've been a such a faithful babysitter to us. I think the husband and I can stay home one night. It's not every day that you have a high school dance. It's a shame that your parents aren't around, but we're going to make this night special," Mrs. Himi beamed.

"Thank you so much," Zoe said.

"Now let's get ready. I have all of my styling tools in here," Mrs. Himi smiled.

"Hey Mimi, look what we picked up," Meg held a small paper bag.

"If it's not a time machine, I'm not interested," Mimi rolled face-down on her bed.

"But they're your contacts," Meg said.

"Thanks. Just put them on my vanity," Mimi sighed.

"Hey, why aren't you dressed up yet?" Meg put her hands on her hips.

"Because I'm not going," Mimi muttered.

"Yes you are. Now get up from bed," Miki yanked Mimi's covers off.

"I don't want to. I was looking forward to this day for a long time, and now that it's finally here, I wish I could just skip it. Nothing is going as I expected it would. I thought I would be be dancing with the one boy on my mind, but what does it matter now? It's not like he'll show up," Mimi sighed.

"So? You can still have fun with us!" Meg said.

"We'll all go stag. Guys do it all the time, so why can't us girls?" Miki said.

*knock knock*

"Come in," Mimi sighed.

"Hey," Izzy timidly walked into the room.

"What's with the surprise visit?" Miki smirked.

"I just wanted to drop by to give you girls these. I figured that you would be going together, but that doesn't mean you have to go without the finishing touch," Izzy held three cases of corsages.

"Aww, how sweet!" Meg gushed.

"A white rose for Meg," he tied the corsage on Meg's wrist.

"It's beautiful!" she squealed.

"I got a violet for Miki," Izzy fastened Miki's corsage on her wrist.

"I feel like I'm on The Bachelor," Miki gave him a teasing smile.

"And uh...a pink lily for you," Izzy awkwardly stood in the middle of the room for a couple of seconds, not knowing what to do. He then decided to place the corsage on the bed, next to Mimi.

"Thank you," she mumbled.

"I didn't know what color your dresses were, but I got the flowers in your favorite colors. I'm not a fashion expert, so I'm sorry if the flowers don't coordinate," Izzy said.

"What are you talking about? They're perfect," Miki grinned.

"Yes! Thank you!" Meg hugged him and abruptly held him back. "Hey, hold on a second! Why are you still in a hoodie? How come you're not dressed yet?"

"Because I'm not going," Izzy said.

"Great, we already have a stubborn one right here, we don't need two," Miki tilted her head in Mimi's direction.

"These kind of events just aren't my thing. Besides, I have a previous engagement in Highton View- speaking of which, I should get going now if I want to get there on time," Izzy glanced at his watch.

"Thanks for the corsages. We love them," Meg delicately touched the flowers on her wrist.

"It was nothing. I hope you girls have a good time. Mimi?" Izzy lingered by the door.

"Yeah?" Mimi turned around to face him.

"I voted you for Spring Fling Queen. Knock them dead," Izzy said and then left.

"Thanks," she quietly said.

"Alright, let's get a move on! It would be a shame to let this night go to waste! Greta worked hard on getting this dress taken in," Miki pulled the dress out from the closet.

"And Izzy got us these nice corsages. If you don't go for you, at least go for us," Meg pouted.

"Don't let Natalie and the popular drones get satisfaction in you not showing up. We're counting on you to swoop down and snatch that crown!" Miki said.

"You girls are right," Mimi took in a deep breath and stood up.

"Atta girl! Now let's get that war paint on!" Miki grabbed Mimi's makeup bag.

"Come on, Mimi. Join in on the fun!" Meg pulled Mimi's hand.

"You girls go ahead. I'm going to have some punch," Mimi faked a smile.

"Okay, but you better join us soon," Miki winked.

"Alright," Mimi said. She tried to make herself look busy, but she couldn't help but to think everyone must have known she was a pathetic lonely person hiding out by the pinch bowl because she was pathetic. She grabbed a cup, pretending to contemplate which beverage to drink. She was trying to avoid being on the dance floor as much as possible.

"Oh boy, I need to take a break," Miki wobbled back to the punch bowl.

"Hey! Why didn't you come with us?" Meg asked.

"I just wanted to finish my juice. Can't let it go to waste, right?" Mimi turned red.

"Sure," Meg raised an eyebrow.

"Look, Meg and I will be right back. We need to fix our shoes. Don't go anywhere," Miki said.

"Okay," Mimi nodded. As soon as the girls went off, the Cyndi Lauper hit, "Time After Time" started to play. Why does that song play at every school dance anyways? Could this dance be any more cliche? Mimi thought to herself.

"I figured I'd find you here."

"TK! What are you doing here? I mean, I'm happy you showed up, but I thought you don't like these kind of things," Mimi beamed.

"I don't," TK said.

"But what about Kari-"

"I don't care about that. I came here for you. Want to dance?" he held his hand out to her.

"Gladly," she grabbed his hand and led him to the dance floor. "Do you remember how to dance?"

"Yes. I take your hand, like this," TK interlaced his fingers with Mimi's. "Then I put my other hand here," he touched the small of her back.

"Good, and now what?" Mimi put her other hand on TK's shoulder.

"Uh...I-I-I," TK paused for a moment and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"What's wrong?" Mimi lightly brushed her finger against his shirt buttons and inched closer to him.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what I was thinking. I'm such an idiot, I'm sor-," he stammered.

"You talk too much," Mimi kissed him mid-sentence.

"Aww," Meg gushed.

"Get a room," Miki teasingly said.

"Stop it. I think it's cute," Meg swooned.

"Totally saw that coming," Miki said.

"It's called a joke, geez. But honestly, I saw this coming," Miki said.

"You did?" Meg looked at her.

"Yeah, it was completely obvious from the first day of shooting," Miki nonchalantly said.

"How? You don't know a thing about romance!" Meg lightly slapped Miki's arm.

"Maybe I don't, but give me a break. She must have liked him all along and she never even knew it. Come on, why else would she have gotten out of her way to be mean to someone who kept to himself?" Miki smirked.

"That doesn't make a lot of sense to me..."

"Matt! What the hell?!" Miki punched him without thinking.

"Whoa, you've got a heavy hand there," Matt rubbed his arm.

"I've been told," Miki grinned with pride.

"Matt, I'm sorry," Meg pouted.

"For what?" Matt asked.

"You know...Mimi," Meg mumbled.

"I'm not sad, if that's what you're thinking. I knew that Mimi and I weren't a good match. I just didn't expect it to be with TK. Baby turtles are cute and all, but it belongs with someone who will give it the love and attention they deserve," Matt cracked a small smile.

"Right...," Miki made a face.

"Hey, is everyone having a good time?" Natalie walked up on stage.

"Yeah!" the crowd cheered.

"Great! Now here's the moment you've all been waiting's time to announce our Spring Fling King and Queen!" Natalie announced. "Put your hands together for our Spring Fling King...Tai Kamiya!"

"Not surprised," Miki clapped.

"And this year's Spring Fling Queen is..," Natalie struggled to rip the envelope open. "Aha, gotcha! The Spring Fling Queen is...Matt Ishida?!"

"What's going on?" the whole room muttered.

"What? Nuh uh! I didn't sign up for this!" Matt yelled as the cheerleading squad pulled him closer to the stage.

"I didn't even know he was even a ballot choice," Miki grimaced.

"Me neither...," Meg shrugged.

"Sorry, but that's what the school decided. If it makes you feel better, I didn't want you to be Spring Fling Queen either," Natalie pouted.

"Miss Kelly, be a good student body president and just give him the crown," the principal sternly said.

"Fine. Happy?" Natalie thrust the crown into Matt's hands and stomped off stage.

"Uh...," Matt awkwardly held the crown.

"And now, everyone gather around for the King and Queen dance," the principal said.

"I don't wanna," Matt whined.

"There is no way this school will be on the news for being anti-gay, so you're going to dance and you're gonna like it!" the principal yelled.

"The quicker we get this over with, the better," Tai muttered.

"Okay," Matt whimpered.

"Yaaaaay!" the crowd cheered.

"Hey Miki, do you think it's karma or something?" Meg asked.

"What makes you say that?" Miki raised an eyebrow.

"Well, Mimi took something Matt really cares about, so he indirectly took away something Mimi cared about. It's like fate's way of making Matt feel better, don't you think?" Meg looked spooked.

"Fate should have thought of another way then," Miki shook her head.

"Here," Koji handed Zoe a couple of napkins.

"What's this for?" Zoe asked.

"You know," Koji gave her a small nod.

"Thanks," Zoe wiped her tears dry, careful not to smudge her makeup.

"Don't mention it," Koji put his hands in his pockets and looked down at his feet.

"I shouldn't have come. I hate watching people have a good time," Zoe sniffled.

"Me too," Koji smirked.

"I mean, good for them, they're having fun, but when iwill I get my happy ending?" Zoe squeezed the napkin in her hand.

"I ask myself the same question," Koji shrugged.

"You do everything to make that one person happy, and even though it hurts, you still do it," Zoe said.

"Uh huh," Koji said.

"I'n not saying that it makes them a bad person, because they aren't a bad person. After all, it's not like they forced you to do anything- you chose to do it on your own," Zoe rambled.

"Yeah," Koji nodded.

"You just hope for the day when they'll finally wake up and find that what they've looking for has been here the whole time. I hope you don't think I'm being stupid or creepy," Zoe sighed.

"People are just blind to what's in front of them," Koji shrugged.

"You just hit it right on the nail," Zoe said.

"Zoe, can I ask you something?" Koji looked at her.

"What is it?" Zoe murmured.

"Alright! Let's blow this popsicle stand before we get caught!" Takuya grabbed Koji by the wrist.

"Before we get caught?" Zoe looked worried.

"Takuya, what did you do?" Koji grunted.

"I may or may not have rigged the outcomes of an election," Takuya said.

"Or accidentally spilled fruit punch on Natalie's dress," JP blushed.

"We must create an alibi! Let's go to the froyo place!" Takuya yelled.

"We're the biggest losers in the school. I don't think people would even believe we were here," Kouichi muttered.

"Even more reason to flee the crime scene! Froyo's on me! Let's just get away!" Takuya ran.

"Can't beat that logic," Koji said. "Ready, Zoe?"

"Why don't I just catch up to you guys? I can't run in these heels, my feet are killing me," Zoe said.

"Here," Koji took off his shoes. "They might not be much better, but at least the shoes are flat."

"Are you sure? I don't want you walking barefoot on the sidewalks," Zoe said.

"I have socks on. I can manage," Koji shrugged.

"Thanks," Zoe smiled at him.

"Great, the guys ran without us. We better start moving if we want to catch up," Koji picked up Zoe's heels.

"I'm ready," Zoe slipped her feet into Koji's shoes.

"Stop talking to yourself and turn that camera off! You're gonna be late for school dammit!"

"Okay Mom!" TK said as he gently put his camcorder in his bag. He grabbed his backpack and dashed out of his apartment.

"Geez, I never thought I'd have to wait this long," Mimi smirked.

"Hey, I'm always worth the wait," TK walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Shut up," Mimi said.

"Make me," TK grinned.

"Challenge accepted," Mimi nibbled his lip, the kiss gradually getting more passionate as she gently tugged his blond hair through her curled fingers.

"You always know how to make me speechless," TK mumbled in her ear.

"Come on now, let's get going. Carpe diem, seize the day!" Mimi smiled.

"Yeah! Stop snogging and get your ass in the car!" Miki yelled.

"What she said," Izzy said.

"You heard them. No time to waste," TK reached for her hand and locked his fingers with Mimi's. He had the girl of his subconscious dreams, a new job at an indie film store, had an expanding circle of friends, and summer was just around the corner. Today was the start of something new.

The End

Author's Note: Yay! I finally finished! How did you like my story? This was my first Mikeru story (and probably one of the very few Mikeru stories on or- even the internet), so I wanted to make this story as good as possible. Also, hopefully my story would inspire other people to write some romance Mikeru stories of their own- I'll be reading!