Of Flyers and Frills

{Part 4} of 5

She was screwed.

So. Damn. Screwed.

The fates were certainly cruel towards her today, and him being around was not helping her.

First, the Master Lunch Set he ordered.

Kagura had to endure his stare when she did the kanji writing on his lunch set, but instead of writing 'moe', she had written 'baka Do-S' in katakana. When she was done and glared back at him, he shook his head as if fed up with her, and began to dig in. Yamazaki, who was sitting across him, gave out a nervous laughter, and began eating his fried rice set meal. It was evident that the thick tension between his superior and China was unnerving him, for his hand shook at times and he kept dropping his utensils on the plate.

The noise from the table, however, did not bother the customers that much as they themselves were back to chattering with their companions… though the other table that she had been to was a different story.

The two male otaku were crying quite loudly in despair while eating their meal. Kagura did not dare look at them, for fear of both barfing at the sight of them eating like slobs, and them glaring at her as if she had done the most unforgiveable act ever. It was obvious that they were just sore losers because they had been losing in their jankenpyon games with her, and that bastard sadist was lucky enough to win all ten games with her, but hell, did they think she was really as angelic as they make her out to be?

Sure, she did look angelic, but she was far from being innocent.

Hell, she was no longer the innocent girl they made her out to be.

All the innocence had been stripped off her, all because of—

"Oi, 'Maiko'." Intoned Okita, giving her a bored look. "Get me more food. I'll have a parfait."

She placed his order by tapping his choice on her device. "You're not gonna get any more game chances even if you order more—"

"Who says I need more game chances? Can't a customer eat and indulge in your café's dessert selection?"

She shrugged. "Just reminding you."

" 'sides, I'm not the one who lost ten times in a row in a simple game of jankenpon." At this, he smirked as he shoved a spoonful of scrambled egg and rice. "Let's get that photo session over and done with after this."

"O-Okita-san, we still have to patrol—" before he could finish his statement, Okita shot him a deadly glare. "O-oh, okay. I'll… just patrol… alone then."

"I'll pay for all of this anyway." Okita shrugged. "The least you can do is go back to patrolling."

"O-okay, sir."

Half an hour later, after he had finished his dessert and had paid for the lunch (he didn't even flinch at the bill, which was worth seven thousand yen), he was led to a private room that had a photo booth position at the far end of it. He was surprised that the café had managed to get one of those photo booths that was quite popular with the teenagers these days, and he wondered if he was going to go through all ten different purikura sessions with her. As if reading his mind, Kagura rolled her eyes. "You're just gonna get ten different shots with me, then the machine will print one copy for you to keep. We've programmed it to be like that to save time." That was not how it really worked, but as long as he didn't know of it—

"Sounds like a scam." He remarked. "Five hundred yen per shot on one sheet that has ten photos in it."

"… Fine. I can set it to ten individual shots on ten separate photo sheets." She muttered, cursing herself for suddenly giving in to a light threat he threw at her. He was correct with what he said, but damn it, having her photo taken with him ten times in a maid outfit printed in ten different photo sheets was just too much.

'Damn it, this was going to be awkward.' She tried hard not to panic at the thought of them inside the photo booth. Hell, she wouldn't be surprised if a bloodbath occurs inside.

They were really not in good terms right now and—

"Can't believe I spent five thousand yen just for that game." He said all of a sudden.

"No one forced you to play that game, so stop whining." She shot back sarcastically. 'I'm surprised why you even bothered paying that much. What the hell are you planning…?'

He ignored her. "Are we gonna have the pictures taken or not?"

"Fine. Step in." she grabbed the white curtain aside and gestured at him to get inside the booth.

Sougo did what she told him and got in. The photo booth looked just about every purikura machine in existence in Edo, and it also gave him the option to stand or to sit during the time the photo would be taken, as there was a built-in seat inside. However, despite the fact that he got to take a look inside at times (just to see if there were stupid teenagers who used it for other activities), he had no idea how to use it.

As if reading his mind, China had given him a look of disbelief. "Just stand or sit there and it will take the ten shots you've requested."

"Fine." When Kagura pressed on the button to take the first shot, she posed in a way that had surprised him: with a peace sign on her right hand, she winked at the camera while he looked on at her, a bored look on his face.

And that was their first shot, taken after the ten second countdown.

For the second one, as it did the countdown, Kagura was preparing for yet another pose when Sougo did the unthinkable: he pulled up her skirt, and upon seeing her frilly bloomers, he pulled it down to take a look at her panties. The Amanto's reaction had been surprising: immediately, she had froze on the spot, all the while gaping at him for what he had done. The camera flashed, and the second shot was of Kagura slowly turning red and Sougo flipping her skirt and staring at her underwear.

"Even your underwear is frilly." He said out loud. "You really match those things—" before he could say anything further, she threw the first punch, which he had blocked using his hands.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" she screamed at him.

That was their third shot, her looking at him angrily while he did the blocking, his poker-faced expression still aimed at her skirt.

"Now, China, I thought you wanted to be cute for the camera." He grabbed her wrist, pulled her in front of him, and grabbed both of her cheeks. She elbowed him in the rib, and he grunted in pain. "Smile for the camera." He said, pulling her cheeks harder.

The camera flashed blinded both of the momentarily, and as soon as they had recovered, Okita had placed a hand on her left breast. She squealed at the contact, and kicked him on the left foot. "Sorry China, your stomping isn't gonna do anything. Steel boots." He squeezed her breast for good measure, earning a squeal of surprise from her.

Once again, the camera flashed, and right after, he placed another hand on her other breast. "I-I'm gonna sue you for sexual harassment…!" she yelled.

"Yeah, sure, go ahead." He replied. "It's not as if those two disgusting otaku were not looking at these. They looked like they wanted to devour you right then and there."

"Jealous?" she shot back.

He chose not to answer and instead squeezed harder, making her squeal once more. "And it's not as if I haven't touched these either." He intoned, staring straight ahead at the camera, waiting for it to flash. When it did, he lowered his left hand on her waist and pulled her as close to him as possible.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"… Didn't you want to do this before, doing couple photos inside these photo booths? We have four shots left, so better use it to your advantage, China." Right after he said that, the camera flashed once more and took their photo.

When he just stood there after the last one, Kagura looked up to him in an attempt to taunt him. "Ran out of ide—" she was unable to finish her statement as he pulled her closer than before and pressed a kiss on her lips. She tried to pull away from him as she felt her face flame from embarrassment at the sudden display of affection despite the privacy that the booth offered, but Sougo held her still, placing his right hand on her nape. When the camera flash lit and signalled that the eight picture had been taken, he pulled away to smirk at her.

"Two more."

And with that, he placed an arm over her shoulder and gamely posed for the 9th shot this time around. While Kagura was still flustered from the kiss he gave her, he looked very smug for the camera. As the camera flashed, he let her go and started for the curtain leading back to the room. "You can have the last shot if you wa—" seconds later, he found himself pinned down to the attached seat inside the photo booth, China straddling him as she sat conveniently on his crotch, her hands placed on shoulders to prevent him from sitting up and pushing her away. As he struggled to get her off of him, she silenced him with a kiss, just as soon as the camera flashed for the final time.

She was still kissing him long after the photo booth began printing the ten photos it had taken, and when she had pulled away, Kagura was quite satisfied to see Okita Sougo blushing like mad, gaping at her as if she had grown an extra appendage.

"Two can play at that game, Sougo."

One more chapter, and this fic is done. The next part has adult situations, so the version to be posted will be the cut version as to comply with the site rules. Links for the uncensored version will be provided to the readers who want to see the other one.

Thanks for reading!