AN: OKAY so this is my second go at writing a fic. The first one I wrote I didn't like my writing style so I kind of ditched it and I recently deleted it. My writing has improved A LOT since then, so hopefully this story will be successful. Also, this story is about ballet and I don't know that much about it so don't hate on me if I get some stuff wrong. I'm going to do my research, but if it's not 100% correct just bear with me. I'll put some dance definition in the author's note at the end too. Also, my grammar is not great so you can correct me about it but please don't be mean if you ask nicely, I'll fix it in the future. This is going to be written from Tris and Tobias' POVs. Okay I hope you like it!

Tris' POV


And pirouette,

And pirouette,

And attitude,

And hold,

And fouetté rond de jambe en tournant.

These are the words that go through as I perform on the stage. Not that I need them. I know this dance routine so well, I could do it in my sleep. The words are more for comfort. More of a habit, than anything.

I take my final position and the music ends. The audience erupts in applause and I smile a little to myself. The lights go down the applause continues as I make my way to the front of the stage and wait for the lights to come back up for the bows. The bright lights hit my face and the audience stands and applauds even louder. I do a curtsy and wave and a run off stage to the dressing room. I want get out before I have to deal with the other dancers. Well, actually only other two dancers: Peter, and Molly.

As I enter the cramped dressing room I trip over people's bags and costumes. Slobs. I get to my space on the counter and quickly untie my pointe shoes and take of my tutu and leotard. I throw yoga pants on over my tights and quickly put and a tank top and my sneakers on. I throw all of my other things into my dance bag and speed walk out the door. This time I make sure not to trip over the various shoes, bags, and tutus on the floor.

As I walk down the hallway I can hear everyone approaching. No, no, no. I'm sure if Molly or Peter saw me they would have some criticism or snarky remarks about my performance tonight. They always do. I can take constructive criticism but their comments are mean and spiteful. I know, they only hate me because I'm the prima ballerina and they're jealous. But still, I can't help but feel a little hurt.

I make it to the exit and I know I'm free for the night.

I push the backstage doors open and start to make my way to the lobby. On the bench outside the doors, a man sits. He's tall, dark blue eyes, dark hair, and quite handsome. Probably one of the girl's boyfriend, I think.

The doors close with a bang and the man looks up. When he sees me he smiles and stands. I'm confused for a moment. I've never met this guy in my life and as far as I know there were no recruiting agents from other dance companies here tonight. He clears the throat and begins to speak.

"Uhhm hi I'm Tobias," he extends his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Tris," I eye him skeptically and finally shake his hand so that I don't come off rude.

"I just saw you in the show and I want to tell you that you were fantastic. Like, truly amazing."

I look in his eyes and see his compliment is sincere. I relax a little.

"Well thank you. That's very kind of you."

"Also, this might be kind of awkward, but… you're beautiful. I mean your dancing and you know… everything else."

I laugh uncomfortably. This guy is forward. Is he hitting on me?

"Thank you again, but I'm really not. It's just all the makeup. You should see me without it."

"Okay," He says smugly. Oh great. He's one of those guys. I have to get out of here.

"Uhh yeah well I have to go but thanks… I guess," I say turning away from him. He grabs my arms and I let out a gasp.

"Wait, I'm sorry. I'm being really forward aren't I? I'm not normally like this. I just had a couple of drinks at dinner, before I came here and I'm just not myself."

I stay silent and stare at him.

"Oh God okay, I'll tell you what. I want to give you chance to meet the real me. So I'll give you my number and then you can call me if you want to see me sometime. How I really am. Not all liquored up and confident."

I laugh a little and say, "Okay."

AN: Okay well I hope you liked it please review if you like! Sorry it's short but it's just the set up chapter i have big plans for the next one. I know Tobias is like so OOC but he's drunk so I think it's justified.

Some ballet terms-

Brisé- One leg is thrust from the fifth position to the front in the air; the second leg reaches the first in mid-air executing a beat

Attitude- A position in which the dancer stands on one leg (known as the supporting leg) while the other leg (working leg) is lifted and well turned out with the knee bent at approximately 90-degree angle

Fouetté rond de jambe en tournant- For each turn the dancer stands momentarily on flat foot and in plié, as the working leg is extended in fourth position en l'air front then whipped around to the side as the working foot is pulled in to touch behind the supporting knee

Don't ask me what some of those words mean because I have no freaking clue.