An: Starts at the beginning of season three. This fanfic should be interesting considering no one as a single clue what the actual hell is going on in Beacon Hills. Can I get an Amen? Like seriously, what is that old, weird, black hooded nonsense of a figure? I, for once in my life, do not have a single theory.

Disclaimer: This disclaimer will apply for the rest of this story so, Teen Wolf= not mine. Maggie Winchester is my original character and is Dean and Sam's younger sister though I don't have story up and running for Supernatural. This isn't a cross over with TMI (The Mortal Instruments) although Maggie is a Shadow hunter.


It has been four months since the recent occurrences in Beacon Hills, and the town was in a process of silent healing. Nearly everyone was in mourning for the sons, daughters, husbands, wives, or friends that had been lost due to the untold secret of the Kanima. Maggie Winchester, however, knew that Beacon Hills would not stay in its ghost town days for long.

Maggie exited the confines of her car, and walked into the hotel; her bags in toll.

There was a red headed women who greeted Maggie with much more enthusiasm than necessary, "Hello! Welcome to The Hampton Inn, how long will your stay be?"

Maggie cringed at the sound of her too high voice and pushed her aviator sunglasses down her nose, "FBI. I'll be here for awhile." Maggie flashed her fake badge, courtesy to her brother Sam, and handed the women her card.

"Alright, here is your room key and enjoy your stay," she said cheerily.

Maggie pushed her sunglasses back up and walked away, "crazy lady".

After she was done settling in, she did some homework on Beacon Hills. After nearly three hours of non-stop web surfing, catching up with the town she had intended to keep in her past, she became more and more intrigued at the information she found. "Looks like history is repeating its self." She said.

Grabbing her car keys and leather jacket, she made her way to her car and decided that a certain animal hospital needed a visit.

Maggie watched as people came and went through the seemingly normal animal hospital. She smirked to herself, "this place is ridiculous". She got out of the car and walked in.

A bald man greeted her at the front, "hello, how can I help you?" he asked politely, but shock was evident on his face as he saw who was standing before him. Maggie didn't answer right away, just browsed along the walls and took everything in.

Deciding that now wasn't a time for games she cut right to the chase, "Where is Scott McCall?" she asked. That was the sole purpose she had come to this town in the first place, for the boy. Maggie knew he was an exceptional case, but he had proved to be a pain in the ass to find.

"Now," he said, "why would I know that?"

Maggie took her sunglasses off and narrowed her eyes, "cut the shit, Deaton. I know, that you know, as well do I know that he is very important. I'm not here to harm him," Maggie stopped her pacing, "but I think you already knew that."

"I was afraid this would happen," Deaton sighed, "but I don't understand why you're here," he watched her as she paced around the room, "shadow hunter."

Maggie stopped, her body tensing at the word, but turned around with ease; trying to come across as if she had not been caught off guard. She leaned down on the counter and fingered the ring on her left hand. That, however, did not go unnoticed.

Deaton glanced at her arms. "You're arms bare the marks of ancient runes yet you still wear the ring that indicates you are a Winchester," he looked into her amber brown eyes, "interesting."

Maggie narrowed her eyes at the man and stood up straight, "we're not here to discuss my lineage Doctor," Maggie's tone began to rise, "my time is short and I need to know where Scott is."

Deaton crossed his arms, "I know you're kind. You have no business in a town like this. We have done nothing against The Clave."

Maggie snorted and rolled her eyes, "Are you kidding me?" she exclaimed. She threw her hands in the air and slapped them on the counter. "I have no business in a town like this? We both know it's a miracle all of this nonsense has gone on this long without the interception of The Clave," she said, "and besides I'm not here on clave business. At least not yet."

Maggie inhaled and closed her eyes, "you need to tell me where he is Deaton. You know who and what I am, so you know I'm here to help. And you know why I chose this very moment to show up. So please," she looked to him, "tell me. "

Deaton looked at her with sympathetic eyes, "Why?" he asked calmly.

"Why what?" she said impatiently.

"Why did you come back Maggie?" he said kindly and softly. He hadn't changed a bit she thought to herself.

Maggie ran her hands up and down her arms, her eyes still closed and responded, "this is who I am now Deaton. I didn't choose this life but a war like this one and people get lost along the way. I am just another pawn in The Clave."

"You are, and always will be, so much more then that," Deaton said. "3409 Alleyway Street." He continued.

Maggie thanked him and rested her hand on the doorknob, her back to the Doctor. "Listen Deaton," she said, "I know how much Scott means to you, believe me I do. He was nearly impossible to find. You did a good job hiding him. Just remember I'm on your side." And with that she left.

So what did you think? Reviews would be great. I'll answer any questions you may have, considering I just changed everything.