My friend Yami no Nakutan has been pestering me to get a new chapter out so, yay! I did it! Also, I did change this to be the sequel to my other OoT story, A Pair of Unlikely Heroes so there will be some connections between the two so I recommend that you read it but it isn't necessary. Just know that Malon joins Link as the Heroine of Time and they save Hyrule together. It is still in progress as I am writing that story at the same time. Happy 2014 and I hope you all had a great New Years Eve!
The Seal Unbroken
Link, Stonethrower, and Aquious, Navi too, all stood staring at the front doors of the Temple of Time, or as it is called now, St. John's Cathedral.
"Last time I went in there, the priest and I, let's say, didn't meet eye to eye. Are you sure this will work because I don't want to have to go back to jail again."
Stonethrower chuckled a mighty Goron laugh. "Don't worry brother. We have gone in here many times before and know this place well. The priest never has anyone here at this time."
"Yeah buddy, relax." Aquious said, giving Link a big pat on the back, "everything will be alright."
"Okay. As long as you guys say so." Link proceeded up the stairs and put a hand on the door, giving a quick look back at his two new friends. Shedding a small smile, Link twisted the knob, pushed the door open and disappeared inside the building.
Stonethrower and Aquious turned around and started heading to the side door of the cathedral when they spotted a hazelnut red color car parked in front, the license plate reading, EPONA.
"Uh, Aquious… that isn't the priests car, is it?"
The zora shook his head.
"This is not going to be good."
Link closed the door behind him and took a look at the all too familiar converted temple. The many pews aligned in two rows, an alleyway between them, pictures littering the walls, and the altar sitting in front of the Door of Time.
Link started walking to the altar, his footsteps echoing in the emptiness of the church.
"Hello! Is anyone…"
His shouts came to a pause, as his eyes slowly locked onto a girl, sitting on her knees, facing the statue of the man hanging on a wooden T. (Remember, Link still doesn't know much about modern day terms and religions. I am not trying to be offensive by any means) Her hair was a warm, red color, wearing slivers of white from the light shining down upon it. She wore a white shirt that ended where a T-shirt would on her arms, but had a purple skirt take over just about half way down her torso.
The girl heard his voice and the footsteps approaching. She immediately turned around to see who approached her.
As she spun around, her skirt twirled with, and Link saw her front side. Ocean blue eyes, a yellow bandana tied at her neck, the white shirt, the purple skirt. It was an exact replica of…
"Malon!" Link gasped under his breath, only audible for Navi to hear, who was hiding in his hat.
She frowned at Link. "You can't have expected me to hear that, could you? Repeat what you just said and this time" she lifted her eyebrows and gave off a small smile as if she was holding off a giggle, "don't mumble."
"What? I still can't hear you."
"Malon!" Link said, this time so loudly, the name echoed off of the surrounding walls.
Her face turned from a look of breaking out, laughing, to a total look of shock.
"How do… how do you know my name?"
"Malon, it's me!" He pointed to himself. "Don't you recognize me?"
"I-I cannot recall having… having met you before. Please forgive-" Malon said, still in shock.
"Malon, it's me! Link! Don't you remember?" Link shouted, interrupting her midsentence.
"I'm sorry, uh Link, but I don't think we have ever met before and if you could please stop saying my name. You are really creeping me out now." Malon shuffled her feet backwards slowly, trying to get away from this, strange boy.
"But Malon," Link said totally neglecting to follow her previous request, "how can you not remember!? You- you gave me Epona, your most precious-"
"Did one of my friends put you up to this?" Malon's face shifted back to its former happy self. Link gave no reply, making Malon give off a giggle. "I'm sorry about that. My friends have been pestering me about putting my horse's name on the license plate of my car but I really like the name."
"Yeah… a friend." Link said, totally bewildered as to how his best friend couldn't remember who he was.
Malon smiled sweetly at him. "Well, I'm sorry for the trouble that they put you through." They both stared at each other for a brief moment, then Malon spoke out, interrupting the awkward silence between the two. "Ahem" Malon cleared her throat. "We- we never did formally introduce ourselves." She extended out her hand. "Hi, I'm Malon!" She smiled sweetly at him.
"Link." Link reached out for her hand, as the two conducted a hand shake.
Malon retraced her hand to her chin and turned sideways a bit as her confused look overcame her face again.
"Link huh? That seems somehow… familiar…" Malon slightly turned her head and realized the green clothed boy was still standing there. "Oh sorry, lost in thought. Anyways, it was nice to meet you but I have to get back to what I came here for. You see, I-"
"You need to get out of here now! Something is about to happen and who knows what the outcome of it could lead to."
Malon looked at him bewildered. "What are talking ab-"
"Please Malon, get out of here now."
Just then, the side door opened and Stonethrower and Aquious came bubbling out with the priest's ankles and wrists tied together, tape across his mouth.
"Brother, we got the him. He called the police once again but they shouldn't be here for a few minutes. Go now before they show!"
Malon looked back and forth between the weird rock like animal and fish prototype, then back at Link.
"What the heck are you talking about?"
Link started a mad dash to the altar shouting behind him, "Grab the girl and get out of here!"
Stonethrower walked up to Malon and with one arm, scooped her up, as the priest was in his other arm.
"Let me down!" Malon said, flailing her arms and legs.
Stonethrower ignored and proceeded to walk outside. Malon gave up as the goron turned and as they exited, she saw the boy in green pull out three odd looking stones.
"Link, just like last time. Put the stones on the altar and play the Song of Time!" Navi shouted as she flew out of his hat.
Link shifted the stones into place and as he pulled the ocarina to his lips, the faint sound of police sirens could be heard.
"Link, hurry!"
Link played the song, every note sounding crisp in the empty temple.
G, (The song of time, just transcribed into real, musical notes)
The Ocarina left his lips and for a brief second, silence filled the temple. Then, the Door of Time behind the altar, began shuddering open, as the ancient door opened for the third time in its thousands of years in existence.
Link began walking around and as he climbed the few stairs to the chamber, he saw it.
The Master Sword, halted in the Pedestal of Time, the only place the sun shined in the entire chamber.
"Look Link, its… its…"
"The sword of Evil's Bane. The sword that changed my life. The sword that every day, I curse of for its existence."
"Link!" Navi spoke out, shocked to hear these words coming out of his mouth.
"If it wasn't for that… that… thing, the Sacred Realm would have never opened. Ganondorf would have never taken over Hyrule. I… I… I wouldn't be lost in this cursed time, confused and full of hatred for that thing in front of me!" Link shouted, as many memories flooded his mind.
"Link, I know that all this place has brought you is pain but… now, it is the only remedy for that fire you feel within."
He walked up the steps and stood in front of the sword, that was stuck in the pedestal.
"Link, you pull that sword, and you can go home but, it won't be an easy ride."
"I know Navi. I know that if I pull it out, Ganondorf will room free once again." Link put both hands on the hilt and got into a stance to pull the sword out. "But, what chance do I have?"
Link readjusted his hands on the hilt and with one final look at Navi, grasped the sword and pulled it out, grunting as he did it. He pulled until the resistance was no longer felt, and the point of it was fully out. Link put the sword in his hand and pointed it in the air, letting the sun's rays reflect off of the smooth metal.
He sheathed his sword and was about to turn when an incredible rumble caused Link to fall on to his rear. Link faced the pedestal as the rumbling increased in intensity. Link struggled to get back to his feet and just as he regained his footing, the ceiling of the main temple began to crumble as small chunks fell and collided with the marble flooring, creating massive crashing sounds, which mixed in with the earthquake. Link turned to see the building crumble and saw the candle falling off the tables they were placed on, and crashing down onto the rug, sparking small fires. The paintings and many statues clinging to the wall fell, ripping, tearing, breaking, and destroying the image they once showed. Only the chamber where Link stood, the Chamber of Time, entrance to the Sacred Realm, remained intact and unharmed.
Link looked back to the pedestal and saw part of the floor crack around it, as black oozes and gas escaped from the ground, and flew out the temple. Link continued as waves of the black air escaped from the ground, flying outside into the world.
As they continued to spur out of the ground, A dark, unruly voice shouted out in the air around Link.
"Hehehe, foolish boy!" Link immediately recognized who was speaking to him.
"Ganondorf." Link said as he showed his teeth.
"Foolish boy! You have allowed me to once again roam this earth and this time, I will not make the same mistake I made last time."
"And what was that?"
"Allowing you to parade around Hyrule… No, no, that won't happen again."
The black air oozing out from the pedestal slowed and the rumbling slowed and steadied until, along with the black spirits, ceased its actions, and all was as it was before.
Only, the Temple of Time was gone.
"Gaonodorf! Don't go and hide! Fight me now! Fight me like the coward you really are!"
Silence filled the broken temple as the Hero of Time continued shouting in the empty spaces around him.
"Show yourself you coward! Come out here and fight!"
"Link!" Navi said, attempting to calm him down.
"Why are you running? Fight with me you piece of filth!"
"Link stop!" Navi said in a stern voice.
"Where are you yah-"
Navi rammed her entire body into Link's face, which this time got his attention.
"Link stop it! He's gone Link!" Navi flew down onto his shoulder, and said in a mellow voice, "He's gone."
Link looked around and finally, dropped the Master Sword, and went down onto his knees, as tears ran down his face.
Navi leaned against him, putting her hand on his cheek.
"Shh, Link, it's okay." Navi said, trying to comfort her companion.
But the tears continued to streak down his face as memories of his adventure flooded his mind. All the stress, the uneasiness, the hardships he had faced was because of… that man… and this sword; the sword that changed his life.
Link continued to sob, Navi trying her best to comfort her friend in his time of need, until his tears eventually ceased, and the reality of the scene around him came back into focus, a faint voice being heard in the distance.
"Link? You there?"
The voice echoed in the eerie silence until Link was able to recognize it as the voice of Stonethrower.
"Brother, are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah, I'm okay." Link shouted out. He slowly turned to his fairy friend who still sat on his shoulder, and whispered a small compliment. "Thank you Navi."
The fairy smiled whispering back a small, "Your welcome."
Link got back up to his knees and picked the sword up, just as a large chunk of the collapsed ceiling started shaking. It was lifted into the air and tossed to the side as if it were as weightless as a small stuffed animal. Three faces appeared on the other side; the faces of Stonethrower, Aquious, and… Malon?
The Goron quickly ran to the Hero and gave him a big hug.
"I was so worried and I am so glad you're okay." The Goron said while squeezing the life out of the Dodongo Buster.
"P-Please… let… go of me." Link gasped as he was being squished by the Goron, who did eventually let him go.
Link looked at the Zora, knowing that he was one not to talk frequently, and knew that his warm smile spoke for him, saying "I'm glad you're okay."
Malon tilted her down, looking at the ground in front of her.
"I-I'm… sorry. I should have believed you when you said something terrible was about to happen. If you didn't get me out of here, I could… I would have… died."
Stonethrower, not picking up on the special moment about to happen, shouted out to Link.
"So what did happen? The rumbling, the temple collapsing."
"The moment I lifted the sword, the black spirits that had been sealed away broke free and Ganondorf escaped too. To sum it up, I opened the sacred seal of the seven sages. I opened up the world to Ganondorf."
Author's Note: First, thanks for all the support on this story. It wouldn't be anything without you! Second, thank you to The Legend of Zelda Fangirl and Anime lover 3593 for giving me the idea for Malon. Finally, I am trying to decide if Malon should join Link on his adventure in this time period or not. (As you can tell, she is one of my favorite characters) so leave a review with your opinion. It can be a simple response like, "yes you should" or "no you shouldn't" but I am basing the entire story off of the reviews with your input on this matter so please, leave one. Hope you all had a great New Years Eve and hope your new year goes well!