I'm taking a break from my other fanfic for a while cuz I don't have any ideas so I have decided to start this new one. Enjoy.

12:00 am; 6 years before Oz gets back from Abyss.

Gil was asleep in his bed at the Nightray mansion. Earlier that day he had formed a contract with the Raven. A light appeared in the room and a girl with shoulder-length black hair was left in its place. She was wearing a white button down shirt with the sleeves ripped off, a long black jacket that was torn at the bottom, black pants and black combat boots. Her bangs covered her right eye and her eyes were dark grey. She looked around the room slightly confused then she saw Gil sleeping on his bed and went over to him. She sat on the bed and stared at him.

6:30 am

Gil slowly started to wake up. He had a strange feeling that something was on top of him. He slowly opened his eyes and found a big grey eye staring back at him. His eyes widened and he blushed as he looked at the girl who was staring back at him.

"W-who are you?!" Gil asked.


"Raven? You mean you're-"

"Your chain? Yep."

"What are you doing?"

"I was watching you sleep but I guess that's over now."

"Why were you watching me sleep?!"

"Do I need a reason?"

"I guess not… But how do you look like that?"

"Like what?"


"I don't know. You know you ask a lot of questions."


"I'm hungry. O_O Feed meeeeee."


"What? I haven't eaten in like 100 years or something. I NEED FOOD! FOOOOOOD"

"Ok ok I'll get you some food. Just stay here ok? I'll be right back." Gil said as he gently pushed Raven off of him and walked over to the door. Raven layed down on the bed and stared at the door. It opened and Vincent stepped in but stopped when he saw the grey eyed girl staring at him.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" He said to her. She just continued to stare at him. Gil walked in behind him with a plate of food.

"Gil, do you know this guy?" Raven said staring at Vincent.

"Raven, this is my brother, Vincent. Vincent, this is Raven." Gil said calmly. "She's my chain."

Gil walked over to Raven with her food and handed it to her. He turned to his brother. "So what did you need, Vince?"

"I just came to make sure you were up. So this girl is your chain?"

"I gotta name ya know." Raven said as she shoved a piece of bacon in her mouth.

"Well is there anything else you would like to be called instead of Raven?"

"Nope. Just call me Raven."

"Vince, are you ready to go eat?"

"Yeah I'm coming."

Just before Gil shut the door, he said "Raven, just stay here until I get back alright? I'll come back after I eat." Then he left.

OK that's all for now cuz I'm out of ideas for this chapter.