The pages of the book Armin had been reading rustled as the book lay forgotten, between his two hands. His chest rose softly as he succumbed to a well earned sleep, filled with images of deep, glistening oceans and vast, open plains.
This is how Eren found his boyfriend when he walked in.
Armin lay soundly asleep with another one of his books, perched atop of his chest, the pages fluttering left and right from the night breeze flowing in through the open window behind him.
Eren smiled and took great care in removing his shoes and jacket in complete silence, for he had no desire to wake the sleeping boy. It was by no means an uncommon sight to walk in on Armin fast asleep with a book in his hands, but that did not mean it didn't make Eren smile each time. He could only imagine the kinds of dreams Armin would have. Some days it made him jealous, to see the boy lost in his own little world of splendours while he was left to sort out never-ending piles of paperwork and payments. He longed for a peaceful nap, once in a while, but never did find the time, and when he did, Eren's dreams did not resemble Armin's in the slightest. While Armin dreamt of colourful animals and sweet-scented flowers, Eren dreamt of gigantic man-eating monsters that would swoop down on humanity and devour them whole.
Silently, Eren edged over to his sleeping boyfriend and set the book aside, making room for him to lower himself onto the smaller boy.
Armin felt a familiar weight on his chest and opened his eyes to face a tired-looking Eren.
"Welcome home." Armin says sleepily, winding his arms behind the taller boy's neck.
"I woke you up, I'm sorry." apologises Eren, brushing a few stray locks of golden hair and tucking them behind his lover's ear.
"It's fine, I'm glad you're home now," the boy mutters as he leans up to peck unsuspecting lips. "-Sleep better when you're 'round."
"So do I." Eren replies, nuzzling his head into the crook of Armin's neck and the back of the couch.
Eren may not have the same dreams Armin has, but he's sure they could never compare to the comforting feeling of having the one he loved, safe and asleep in the tender hold of his arms.