
It was cold today. Both the weather and the mood of the city didn't feel welcoming. There was the noise of a city, but no warmth from all the people on their daily business. Maribel Hearn and Renko Usami were surprised at how different New York City was in person than from the movies and television shows that they grew up with. They were near Times Square when they came across a newsstand. Maribel bought the day's newspaper. On this one, the front page headline was what popped out at them. Classified CIA documents leaked about Gensokyo campaign. The article went on to explain that the Central Intelligence Agency's security had been compromised when a secure document was sent to every major newspaper on the east coast. The document detailed the weaponry being used by Gensokyo. It was a mix of modern, outdated, and even experimental weapons. There was also a picture of what was cited as a Russian SU-47 Berkut fighter taken during a reconnaissance mission.

"Reading about the war, huh?" Maribel and Renko jumped but relaxed when the newsstand owner laughed. "I didn't mean to scare both of you like that. You two don't look like you're from around here. Where you two from?"

Renko thought fast. "We're students from South Korea."

"South Korea, huh? My brother's stationed over there. Anyway, what do both of you think about the war?"

"We have been hearing a lot of different things. We really don't know what to believe." Maribel said.

"I know the feeling. Nobody ever heard about this Genskoyo place before any of this. Now we're at war with them. And I don't even know what's with the place. The news said that monsters walk around, people fly like birds, and that there's magic there. Sounds like something from a kids show. Something like My pink pony or something. But let me tell you this. I have never seen friendship turn someone into a frog. So where's the magic in that?"

Maribel and Renko sneak a quick glance at each other.

"Anyway, one morning I'm eating breakfast and watching the news when I see them announce that we're invading Gensokyo. It was going to be a fast run and everyone will be home by Christmas and some other stuff. And we're not the only ones there. To think such a small place can hold almost every other country off like that...".

The rush of lunch hour cut his train of thought as he had to attend to other customers. Maribel folded up the newspaper and put it into her purse. Renko adjusted her hat, hiding the fact that she was scanning the surrounding crowds. She had her hand in her purse, absentmindedly holding a Colt .45 pistol hidden there. Satisfied that they were not being watched, Renko lead Maribel to a pizzeria near the giant televised screen. On the way, a Marine in dress uniform flashed Maribel a smile that caused her to blush. Renko just smiled and shook her head. After they arrived and were eating, they watched the 24 hour news broadcast on the small television above the counter. Renko was the first one to break the silence.

"So far, nobody seems to really know why all of this is happening. Just that a strange land appeared and almost every nation on the planet is attacking it. And they know what kind of weapons we're using. But, I still can't figure out how they can attack."

Maribel nodded, "That's the main problem isn't it? Why did Gensokyo just appear, the barrier should have kept it hidden. Either Lady Yukari doesn't know, or it seems like she doesn't want to tell anybody. The latter seems more likely."

Renko was taking a sip from her soda when something attracted her attention. She saw a glint of light and when she looked closer, it came off a pistol partly hidden under a man's jacket. The hairs on the back of her neck rose and her mind went almost completely blank. Just one thought remained, to protect Maribel and get to the extraction point. From that thought, multiple scenarios were tested and rejected. Maribel noticed her best friend stiffen and knew something was up. She looks out the window and notices the man in the reflection. He reaches to touch his ear and moves his mouth. Deciding to plan for a quick escape, she sends a quick text message. The next few seconds seem to last for minutes until her phone vibrates. She sees a number and gives Renko a discreet nod. Acting as normal as possible, they leave the restaurant and head away from the square. Walking in seemingly random directions for ten minutes seems to have shaken their tail off. They make their way to a certain spot in a subway maintance hallway while looking behind. Seeing the coast is clear, Maribel dials a number. A purple gap appears and a kitsune walks out. She bows to the pair.

"So, have you completed your objective?"

Renko nods. "We managed to find out more than we expected. I have some papers that Lady Yukari would be interest in seeing."

Before Ran Yakumo could respond, a bullet flies past her head and creates sparks as it ricochets off the wall next to her. Running towards them is the man from the restaurant, along with a group of soldiers in full battle gear.

"STOP! Stop or we will fire on you!"

"A little too late for that, isn't it?" Ran snarls.

Renko pulls out her Colt and fires a few shots as she guides Maribel into the gap. As she gets into the gap, she squeezes Renko's hand comfortingly. Renko returns the gesture and gives her the same promise that the always do when in danger, the promise of coming back alive. The shots purposely miss because Renko knows Maribel is still uneasy with the possibility of killing a person. Ran pulls out a Heckler and Koch G36 and drops to a knee. She sprays bullets and forces the soldiers to duck behind the pillars on the sides of the hallway. They return fire but can't aim due to the volume of bullets. Unlike the bullets coming towards them, the ones that Renko and Ran shoot are bright blue with white cores. Once she makes sure Renko and Maribel are safely in the gap, Ran jumps back in. The gap immediately closes, leaving a very angry National Security Agent and a team of soliders in a hallway.