A/N: Hey everybody, this is CP Nightshade here saying two things. One- This story belongs to Palerider365 who graciously let me adopt it from him and the first seven chapters are his. Two- I'm baaaacckkk! (I don't care if they're out of order, you don't like: go die.)

Disclaimer: I do not own PJO or the first seven chapters of this story, they belong to Rick or Palerider.

I walked through Manhattan with the gait of a drunken man. My eyes were raw and rimmed with red. Tear stains lingered on my cheeks. As I walked, people stayed away from me and let me pass through, even the gangs left me alone. Have I really become an outcast to the mortals as well as Demigods? I sighed and slumped down in an alleyway. For the first time in my life, I cried like a little baby. I just couldn't hold it in anymore; I've held it in for too long.

"The Gods of Olympus have abandoned me." I muttered quietly. Pain coursed through me. The Gods wouldn't answer my prayers. Not even my own Father. Tears slid down my cheek at that thought. I had I not sacrificed almost everything for them?

"My friends have replaced me with another." I whispered. The pain in my heart worsened. The very people I thought were my friends tossed me aside for another hero who was no better than Hercules. Only Nico and Thalia stayed by me but they had things they had to do and I was forced to suffer.

"The one you love does not love you." This was the worst pain. It felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest. I sobbed hard; I thought are relationship was going good but then she leaves me out of the blue. She claimed that we were just caught up in the moment and apparently I didn't have time for her. That's lie; I always had time for her. It was just the other way around. She didn't have time for me. What was the point of being a hero if you're going to be forgotten, what's the point of living if all that you hold dear leaves you. My thoughts drifted to suicide but I shook my head fiercely. Never will I go that low. That will only show that I'm weak and Uncle Hades would be disappointed in me. He, Nico and Thalia were always there but they had things that had to be done. I heard a growl near me and I grasped my pen that was in my pocket. If I'm going to die then I die fighting. It's not possible for a child of the big three to have a normal life. I wasn't the exception to that rule. I removed my cap to my pen and it transformed into a celestial bronze sword: Riptide. Out of the shadows stalked out were Troll, a Ghoul and an Earthborn. I was too weak to fight them all. I haven't ate and slept for three days and there isn't a water supply near me. I got into my stance and raised Riptide in a defensive manner. The Earthborn laughed at me.

"Fool, you stand no chance against us. You are weak, I can feel it." He said in a gravelly voice. The Ghoul stalked toward me, muttering only one word.

"Kill, Kill, Kill." It kept saying. Its flesh was rotten and torn; it was missing some teeth and a couple fingers. Its teeth were messy from its previous meal. The Troll bellowed with laughter.

"This time you will die Demigod, Mistress Gaea will be avenged." My sword felt heavy. I was tired and no condition to fight. I gritted my teeth in frustration. My eyes narrowed.

"C'mon!" I yelled. I charged and the Ghoul ran to face me. It swung its hands madly, trying to swipe as hard as it could. The thing was fast or I was just exhausted. I sliced off one of its fingers but it didn't even flinch. It swiped and slashed my chest leaving a red gash across my front. It sliced through my shirt with ease. I grunted in pain and hacked off one of its arms. It stopped fighting and looked at me like "Now why did you have to do that?" I roared and sliced it in half, its top half fell to the ground. The Troll roared with rage and swung its massive club. I couldn't react fast enough and it hit me. I flew into the wall of the alley we were fighting in. I screamed in pain. Two of my ribs were broken, I could feel it. I got up clutching my side. It charged me once again but this time I managed to roll under him. I sliced in between his legs, effectively making sure he'll never have kids. In screamed in pain and humiliation. It grabbed the place where its undesirables used to be and fell onto its knees. With one swift motion of my blade, its head fell to floor. My ribs felt horrible and I gasped in pain. I turned around to see the Earthborn walking toward me with a sadistic grin on its face.

"How does it feel to know that you are going to die Jackson?" He's right; I won't survive at this rate. His grin grew wider and he continued his taunting.

"Once you were strong but now you are weak and you are alone." It laughed out. I was slowly breaking at the truth of his words. I truly was alone. I snapped. I charged the Earthborn, fueled by my sadness and pain. It raised its arms to block but I swung at its legs. Sand began to seep out. We aren't touching the Earth; we are on solid NYC concrete filled with filth. It means no help from a sleeping Gaea. He roared in rage and smacked me away, breaking more of my ribs and my left arm. I hit the concrete with a crack. The Earthborn roared and swung madly and raised my blade and swung it. I felt immense pain in my chest. I opened my eyes and looked down. Its hand was in my chest and my blade was in its heart. The beast laughed half heartily.

"Gaea is avenged." It crumbled to dust. I was left standing there clutching my chest. I looked at my hands. Blood was all over them, I began to get dizzy and I fell on my back, clutching my chest in pain. My blood coated the concrete. My vision was getting blurry. I could feel it. I was dying. I could see the faint outline of Thanatos. I turned my head and coughed out blood. My eyes widened. The mutilated Ghoul was dragging itself toward me. I reached for Riptide but it was too far. I was going to be a meal to a Ghoul. As I gave up hope, a figure jumped from the darkness, grabbing the shocked ghoul by its neck and ripping its head from its shoulders. The figure dropped the now dead Ghoul with disgust. The figure turned around and I saw that the figure was a beautiful woman. She had shoulder length black hair and pale skin. Her eyes, her eyes were unnatural. They were a yellow orange color and they glowed a bit. If you looked closely you could see little points protruding from her lips. The mysterious woman wore a purple undershirt and over it was black light armor. She had a black cloak on. She walked slowly to me and got on her knees. She cradled my head in her lap and she moved my hair out my eyes.

"You are dying hero. You were stronger than them. They were not honorable and attacked you at your weakest." I chuckled a bit. She sounded concerned.

"I know, my time is near." Seriousness grew in her mysterious eyes. She was analyzing me for something.

"You are honorable and strong, do you wish to live?" I had to think about that. Did I want to live or did I want to pass on.

"I have nothing to live for." I said with obvious pain in my voice. She smiled gently.

"I am a Vampire mortal. I can make you one of my kind and give you a new life, a new home." She said. My eyes grew wide in shock. Well that explains the eyes. For some odd reason, I wasn't afraid of her even if she was a Vampire. She looked pleased.

"You do not fear me?" She asked. I smiled at her. I knew what I would do.

"I do not fear you because I know you are good. Turn me into one of you." I said. Almost all of my blood was gone. It was only my will that was keeping me alive. She nodded and pulled me closer to her. She placed her lips upon my neck and opened her mouth. She bit gently onto my neck. It didn't even hurt. I could feel something being injected into me. I could feel power. My vision was getting blurrier than before. She removed her mouth and smiled a fanged smile at me. She looked happy.

"Sleep Hero." My eyes closed and everything went black.

Third Person POV

The young woman picked up the boy with ease and revealed an ancient scroll. She muttered something in an ancient language and they disappeared with a puff of black smoke. When they reappeared they were at the entrance of a grand castle near the edge of Alaska. The area was a bit foggy and snow fell from the sky. The Castle overlooked the sea, boat debris and several things showed that the Castle was old. The gorgeous woman opened the large castle doors and walked in with an out cold Percy Jackson. She walked into the Keep of the castle and straight to the Cathedral, something told her she needed to bring the young man there. As she walked the young boy muttered a single word.

"Family." She smiled sadly. Whatever had driven the boy to this depression had something to do with family. Once she reached the Cathedral, she was greeted by several Vampires.

"Selene how good it is to see you!" One vampire exclaimed. She was a female. The Vampire Selene smiled at the other woman.

"Likewise Aurora." Aurora smiled. She then noticed the male Selene was carrying. So did the other Vampires there. A male Vampire casually walked to Selene and pointed at the boy.

"Why is he here?" Some must make noticed that he didn't say it with disgust. Selene smiled.

"I found him in combat with a Ghoul, Troll and Earthborn. He was stronger than them but he was in a weak state. Physically and emotionally battered Zane." Zane nodded in understanding. The other Vampires there at the moment nodded in understanding. They wondered however what could bring a warrior down like the way Selene described. Emotionally and physically destroyed? Why would he be like this? Zane gave the boy a look that showed that he had questions.

"Why bring him to the Cathedral, why not just turn him?" Selene seemed a little irritated at that question. Aurora and the other Vampires voiced their agreement.

"I don't know Zane, something is drawing me here and it's telling me to bring this man. Now please excuse me." The group of Vampires moved out of the way as Selene walked over to the altar inside the Cathedral. She placed him upon the Altar and waited. The vampiress and her comrades waited in anticipation, something was going to happen and they knew it. The Altar began to glow and a red light began to shine from it. Bats flew in from opened windows inside the Cathedral. The boy's body rose off the Altar. The red light engulfed him and the bats covered him like a cocoon. A lot of people gasped. The vampires turned to Selene. She was captivated by the sight before her. This has only happened once before. A commotion was heard and the Vampiress turned around. A man strode forward in gold armor with a black cape flowing behind him. He had neatly combed hair and was clean shaven. He looked to be around his mid-forties but everyone else knew better. He was way older than that. The man strode to Selene .

"Selene what is this commotion." He demanded. His eyes latched themselves on the sight before them. His eyes widened in realization. It's not possible is it? Selene frowned.

"I'm sorry father but do you know what this is?" She said knowingly, pointed at the cocoon of bats. He nodded with the same knowing look. He muttered something that everyone heard.

"A Pure-Blood." Some Vampires eyes bugged out of their heads and Selene looked on with hope in her eyes. The light died down and the bats landed upon the Altar gently. They uncovered the body and their lay the broken boy. His skin had gotten noticeably paler, his hair was darker than it was before, and his features were more defined and improved. His build had gotten slightly larger and the black shirt he wore was a bit tight on him. He looked like a god. Some of the Vampiress's found themselves blushing at his beauty. Selene called some guards.

"Mistress?" they said with a salute. Selene smiled.

"Take the Pure blood on the Altar to the infirmary and wait for me." They nodded and picked up the boy. They grunted with his weight. He wasn't light but he wasn't fat. He looked like one of those models except godlike. They picked him up and walked out of the Cathedral and to the infirmary. The Vampire Lord waited for his daughter to finish what she was doing. The Vampires cleared out so they could talk. The Father looked upon Selene with a demanding look upon his arrogant face.

"Father, I found the boy and sensed something within him. I don't know what to describe it with." Her father motioned for to continue, his eyes glowing with interest. She continued.

"The boy was malnourished and weakened both physically and emotionally. He was in combat with a Troll, Earthborn and Ghoul. He beat them all but the Earthborn landed a fatal blow. I usually wouldn't interfere but something drew me to help him so I did. He is honorable and was willing to accept death with honor but something told me he needed to live so I injected my blood into him." Her father's eyes widened.

"Selene you know the power of a Pure-bloods blood. You just don't give it to anyone. To be a Pure-blood you must be worthy!" He yelled. She glared back at him.

"I know father but again something was telling me to do it. My blood wasn't working and he was still dying." He raised an eyebrow at that. She continued.

"I brought him here to see if one of our healers could possibly heal him but I was drawn to the Cathedral and then the events you just saw happened." She finished. The Vampire Lord seemed to ponder this.

"It seems that our deity deems the boy worthy and actually turned him into a pure blooded Vampire. Interesting, he could be very useful to me. Selene let me know when the boy has awoken so that I may speak to him." He said. She nodded and he turned around and left the Cathedral. Selene rushed to the Infirmary and noticed the group of Vampires there, wishing to see the Pure Blood. She growled and they all turned around to face her. Seeing that look on her face, they left to keep their skins. She walked into the medical area and dismissed the guards. The healer stood over Percy. He smiled when he noticed Selene.

"Ah Mistress Selene, this boy I sense had a lot of power. He will be an interesting case in the castle." She nodded in agreement and they both watched over the boy. The Healer didn't know what was going on the boy's head but Selene did. She went through it as she is a Pure Blood herself.

Percy POV


Wow. I was in some dark place. The sky was purple and had a shining moon. I was in a graveyard. I walk around the tombstones and found a tombstone that nearly gave me a heart attack.

"Here lays Percy Jackson" Was what it said at the top. I stepped back in fright only to hit something behind me. I turned around and saw myself except it wasn't me. Instead of the green eyes I had before they were a yellow orange like the girl and they had slits. I was taller and my hair was darker. My features were more defined and I was well, more muscular then what I already was. He pointed to himself then the tombstone.

"If you pick me, then this is what you will become. If you pick the tombstone then you die." I didn't need any more hints. I grasped his hand and a glow enveloped me. When it died down, he was gone and a mirror was in front of me. I gasped. My eyes were the same as his.