Welllll, I lied. This is officially the last chapter/epilogue because the last one was really long but it was… missing something? So I decided I should get this last one up for this fanfic to actually be complete. WARNING- lots of fluff, but who doesn't like that? Also this chapter will be slightly smaller than the majority of the other ones, however I think the content will make up for it :).
Epilogue part2
Yoruichi moaned softly as she woke from her peaceful catnap. She stretched her feline body, shivering at the relaxing sensation before kneading at the comforter underneath her. Giving a tired yawn, the cat sunk its front claws into the bed, – baring its pearly-white, sharp teeth for a brief moment. Afterward, the black cat licked the fur on its breastbone, smoothing out any flaws that a quick nap may have caused.
One cat in the bed, Yoruichi thought contently, huffing out a breathy laugh.
Tucking her delicate paws beneath her chest, Yoruichi paused- her tongue poking out of her mouth in mid-lick when she noticed this comforting and familiar warmth pressed up against her side. Unintentionally purring, she turned her golden gaze toward the source and was not surprised to see a grey tabby nuzzled against her own black form. Yoruichi's purrs increased in volume as sighed dreamily while staring down at her sleeping mate. The Shihoin curled her lithe body tighter around the smaller feline, almost possessively and protectively as she intertwined her tail with her lover's, forming a cat tail braid and spiral. She gave the tabby's ear a quick, affectionate lick before falling back into the hypnotic trance of listening to her mate's perpetual and rhythmic breath. Yoruichi hummed, still under the effects of waking up from her nap.
"Hm, I love you, my little bee," she mumbled groggily, the pitch of her male, cat form voice an octave lower than usual due to sleep.
The two had married a short time after Yoruichi's proposal; about four months they had been engaged. It was quite a big and popular wedding, much to Soifon's distaste; however, noble weddings are possibly once in life-time opportunities so evidently everyone in Soul Society yearned to have an invitation. Some people were perplexed at the thought of the captain of squad two – perhaps the coldest person in the Seireitei – getting married. They had all mused that it was just a silly rumor started by the SWA, but when they saw a posing Yoruichi with a flushed red and pouting Soifon trapped in her arms on the front page of the Soul Society's newspaper with the heading, 'THE CAT CATCHES THE BEE; AN OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF STRUGGLE HAS COME TO A HAPPY END', they gaped for days on end. All of the members of squad two and the stealth force were belated that their former and current captains were tying the knot. The senior members who were around during Yoruichi's reign remember how the young and shy Soifon would trail after Yoruichi wherever she went and how Yoruichi would never miss a chance to joke around with her protégé. But it was odd, thinking back to when their captain was a blushing young lass and now she one of the most feared shinigamis in the Soul Society.
The media wasted no time to jump on the news. The very morning after Yoruichi proposed, the duo headed toward the second division offices and apparently they caught a number of people's attentions. By midday, the news spread like wildfire and everyone knew about the engagement; Yoruichi and Soifon hadn't even told anyone yet! They both got an earful from Amaya, but found out later on that it was the dog-woman who started the spreading of the news. The couple wasn't too cross with her so of course the woman wanted to know each and every detail of the night of the proposal (which literally took a whole day to explain).
(A/N: sort of a flash backy here)
However, when the Shihoin and Fon clans caught wind of the gossip, they had mixed opinions. Some Shihoin elders did not approve of the engagement purely because they were both women and cannot produce heirs. Others disapproved because Soi was a Fon; a family of lesser noblility who serve under the Shihoins. The younger members didn't really give a damn while the middle-aged one's approved solely on the fact that Yoruichi would have to remain in the Soul Society and be the twenty-second head as she should be. The noble family was so involved with the situation that they even held a meeting in the Shihoin court a month after the proposal- which Yoruichi and Soifon were required to attend. Yoruichi was furious and pissed throughout the duration of the council. It was completely ridiculous, in her opinion, that something as happy as a marriage was being ruined due to her family's disagreement about it. Not only that, but the opposed members were verbally insulting her little bee right in front of her; while Soi was right next to her! Oh, how she wished she could tear apart each and every contradictory person in the room! She was visibly fuming and ready to strike at any given moment while Soifon was sitting silently beside her, her head bowed and posture in a submissive state. She was, in fact, in the presence of every Shihoin in the clan, so of course her instincts told her to keep her mouth shut unless spoken to and head bowed with her eyes looking downward. This also angered Yoruichi to no end. The golden-eyed woman loathed that Soi was acting like this when she herself would receive the Shihoin name! But she knew the younger woman was not at fault; there was no possible way she could blame her lover for behaving in such an old-fashioned manner.
Half way through the meeting, a comment was made by one of the younger members. It was not announced to the entire council, however it was mumbled more so to the person beside him who chuckled quietly, knowing full well not to disturb the elder who was presently speaking. But Yoruichi heard him. Her ear twitched, detecting the insult three rows down, five to the left. Her deadly stare met the offender and her eyes burned red. Her breath was heavy with rage, puffing and huffing so that her chest rose and fell greatly with each inhale and exhale. The purple-haired woman rose from her seat slowly, drawing some attention from others but not so many. The elder carried on with his argument, still having most of the audiences' scrutiny. Just as Yoruichi was about to jump down from her row next to the main heads of the clan and attack her naïve cousin, she felt Soi's hand interlace with her own. She turned to face her lover who was looking at her through the corner of her eye. Soifon gave her a reassuring smile and a squeeze of her hand. Only then did Yoruichi realize that she was letting loud, animalistic growls escape past bared teeth. The threatening noise coming from her chest dissipated the longer she stared at her lover. When the sound finally stopped, Yoruichi noticed that everyone, including the main heads was looking at them. Soifon – whose head was still bowed- did not need to look up to know that everyone in the court was looking over at them; she could feel the large number of mostly golden stares upon her. Yoruichi scanned the council before scowling and raising her head, tipping it back a little in a request for someone to challenge or speak ill of her. Her golden irises narrowed, turning her eyes dark; she grunted warningly. Her lover turned her bowed head to face the disgruntled, seethe woman still standing beside her. Her paler-than-normal face had a trace of a smile which was worn on her lips. The younger woman once again clutched her hand tightly before giving the tan hand a weak tug, signaling for her to take her seat. Yoruichi gave her a confused look, tilting her head to the side, the frown still plastered on her face. She knew the seated woman had heard the insult, she certainly knew; but why was she not taking action? Why is she not letting Yoruichi defend her honor? Alas, Soifon gave a deliberate, yet stiff shake of the head before motioning to sit again. Yoruichi's frown slowly but surely left her brow, each moment staring at her Soi. Soifon nodded.
Yoruichi sighed, her shoulders slumped a fraction before plopping down in her seat with a huff. She crossed her arms below her chest but made sure she kept a tight hold on Soifon's slightly trembling hand, trying to calm not only herself but her lover, as well. However, Yoruichi couldn't help but to glare evilly out at the council. That is, until an echoing, achingly slow clapping sounded and bounced off the walls of the council room.
Everyone, even Soifon, turned their gaze to the standing form of one of the main heads of the Shihoin clan- Yoruichi's father. His golden gaze was fixed on the surprised couple a few seats away while he clapped his hands loudly together. Yoruichi and Soi looked at each other for a brief moment, trying to decide if the applause was sarcastic or genuine and why exactly they were receiving such a gesture.
"No one," the man started in a booming, gruff voice. His words were strong and confident as it echoed throughout the room; catching each person's attention, "has ever done that before. Not even I, her own father, could get that woman to do as I say. Yet you, once her servant, bodyguard, whatever you were to her, spoke no words, but gestured to her and she listened."
Yoruichi was confused by her father's words but noticed her little bee shrink into her seat under the man's hard gaze and watched as she shuddered at her father's severe tone. The older woman's body tensed, ready to stand and defend her love from her father of all people. Soifon couldn't help but think that she was in serious trouble. She should have known better! She bowed her head in shame and apologetically.
"I like you."
Soi's head snapped up, surprise written all over her face. Was it a joke? If not was there an insult to come to cancel out the complement? The man had a trademark Shihoin smirk yet it was so sincerely genuine that there was no mistake that his statement was earnest. Her stormy eyes widen as did every gold iris in the room.
"What?" the elder to the man's right asked. His tone offended those who agree with Yoruichi's father.
"It is as I say; I like her," he smiled at the couple before turning to the rest of the Shihoin clan.
"Family, do you not see? This girl – the one who burdened many burdens during her life due to the Shihoin name- has done the impossible. She spent many years of her life training to serve us. This woman was raised just to obey Yoruichi's every command. This proves that she is loyal and trustworthy. She took the reins of the stealth force and second division and put it under control when our careless and may I say ignorant twenty-second abandoned the Soul Society. This shows she has competence and determination; a hardworking and strong leader."
Soifon couldn't believe her ears; she was being complemented? The very moment that the meeting had started, she was bombarded with insults. Each word was reverberated as the entirety of the Shihoin clan listened as the head preached; silently absorbing each word that exited the man's mouth.
"She has shown forgiveness toward those that deserve to be and obdurate to anyone she sees fit; concluding that she's intelligent and knows how to act properly and mannerly. She is merciless and very strong and skillful in battle. And let us not forget her reputation for being one of the greatest and most successful captains the Soul Society has ever known. She is very tenacious, perceptive and of somewhat nobility. I believe that the traits I have listed about this woman are the exact definition of what being a Shihoin really is. Hell, she's more of a Shihoin than many of us in this room!"
A cacophony of mumbles and murmurs erupted through the large court. People turned to their neighbors, speaking their thoughts. Yoruichi gaped at her father. Had he really spoken with such heartfelt sincerity? Soifon was in a similar state, however she was blushing madly.
"Not only that, but this woman has made a clearly huge impact on my daughter. Yoruichi has always lusted for freedom and her abandonment of her duty as a Shihoin and captain of one of the thirteen court guard squads is reasonable proof of this. However, Yoruichi now wants only to settle down with someone she obviously holds dear. Not only will she be remaining in the Soul Society to properly run the Shihoin clan, but she'll also bring young Shaolin into our family; therefore, the second division and stealth force will once again be in the hands of a Shihoin. . And clearly by what these two have displayed, they both have equal feeling towards one another and obey one another's wishes. And look! Around her neck, she proudly wears the Shihoin eternity necklace. Do any of you women here remember the moment you received yours? Do you not remember the feeling of acceptance? Or how about all of our men present? Did giving your heart and soul to the very person you love most not one of the most miraculous feelings you have ever experienced? I know it was for me."
Murmurs of agreement seemed to rise in the older member's side of the court room.
"Now, Family. Can we please stop all of this nonsense and allow these lovebirds to be wed?" Yoruichi's father raised a hand, a signal for the clan to come to a decision. Yoruichi also raised her own hand, eyeing her father with her famous smirk, which he returned. One by one, hands were raised until the majority of the room had their hands up in the air in agreement. Yoruichi grinned as she looked over to her stunned lover. It was quite comedic, how wide Soi's eyes were as she looked around at the hands in the room.
The meeting was adjourned shortly afterwards and Soifon was officially accepted into the Shihoin clan. The heads gave Yoruichi their blessing to wed her love. After three months of weaning Soi into the family and Amaya trying to plan the whole wedding by herself (she finally accepted help a month before the wedding) the big day had arrived. Both women were extremely nervous.
A/N:(Another flash backy moment)
Yoruichi stood at the altar of the Shihoin court dressed in white pants and black dress boots that came to her mid-calf. She wore a red, royal blazer with yellow décor and designs on the sleeves and collar with golden, polished buttons running up the middle of her upper body. A yellow patch rested on each her shoulder and the outfit was complete with a thin black belt latched above her hips. Her long, elegant purple hair has tied up in its normal fashion yet her usual hair tie was replaced with a black ribbon. Yoruichi couldn't stop fidgeting; she was just so nervous! There had to easily be about over a thousand people in the audience and the wedding was probably being broadcasted live through hell's butterfly throughout the Soul Society. Hell, Urahara probably got bribed by Rukia to find a way to broadcast the wedding to Ichigo's home television! The whole world of the living gang is probably watching her at this very moment! A hand clapped Yoruichi's shoulder, causing the woman to jump. She turned to see her best man- Kisuke – and behind him Kuukaku. The brash woman had insisted that she should be an important figure in Yoruichi's wedding so she came up with the new position of being Yoruichi's best 'wo-man'.
The music began as bride's maids came down the aisle (almost every girl from the SWA) escorted by the additional groomsmen – captain Hitsugaya, Kyoraku ect. They were followed by the maid of honor – Amaya, who was holding the little ten month old ring bearer in his adorable suit in her arms- Arashi. Lastly, everyone rose to their feet when Soifon came into view. Yoruichi's eyes widened as her breath caught in her throat when her love stepped into her sight.
She was stunning.
Everyone, including the gang in the world of the living stared and were awestricken by the sheer beauty that the second division captain was in her wedding dress.
Escorting her was captain Unohana, since both of her parents were deceased. Soifon made it very clear that there was no possible way she was walking down the aisle by herself so Retsu graciously offered to fill that role. Besides, she's not called the 'Mother of Soul Society' for nothing!
Clutching her hand around the older captain's arm, Soifon was led slowly by Unohana down the longest walk she'll ever take.
Two cats in bed, Yoruichi thought as she sighed once again. She flicked her raspy tongue out once more to give her lover's ear a quick affectionate lick. Imagine their surprise when they found out Soifon could turn into a cat!
It was around the time after their wedding that they were once again called to meet at the Shihoin council. When they arrived, Yoruichi's father explained that now that they were married, they must now go through the Shihoin binding ceremony. Yoruichi nearly face-palmed; how could she have forgotten?! It was an… extreme type of ritual, however. When it was explained, Soi thought it was some silly joke, trying to test her reaction; but when she realized that they had to partake in the tradition, she gave Yoruichi a shaky glance. Her goddess encouraged her with a reassuring smile while giving her hand a quick squeeze. They entered the main council room where all the elders stood in the center. With a few words of history about the ritual, they handed Yoruichi a zanpakuto, which Soi assumed was her own that she hadn't used for years. The tanned woman unsheathed the sword and made a swift cut on the palm of her own hand. Quickly following suit, Soi unfastened Suzumebachi from her waist and sliced the skin of her scarred palm. With blood dripping from their wounds, they slowly brought their bleeding hands together and interlaced their fingers, locking their appendages together. For Yoruichi, she felt her blood being sucked into her little bee's wound while Soi felt the sensation of absorbing her lover's crimson life source. It was odd to say the least but somehow the two sensations began to feel… normal? The pain was swept away by a new euphoria.
"Congratulations, Shaolin Shihoin, you are now officially of Shihoin blood," Yoruichi's father's voice spoke confidently, "I sincerely hope you don't mind the extra bit that comes with this ceremony."
"Wait, wha-"Yoruichi began, however Soifon began to somehow glow blindingly white light. Yoruichi literally had no idea what was happening and all she could do was to watch as a puff of smoke consumed her wife's illuminate form. The smoke filled the room and everyone batted at the dancing grey substance, trying to get it away from their air passages. The smoke dispersed to reveal…a grey tabby?
"Ugh, what happened?" The she-cat said, sitting up carefully before glancing down at herself. When Soi saw that she was covered in fur, she nearly jumped out of it.
"Aw, you're adorable!" Yoruichi said, morphing into her cat form and bounding over to her mate. She literally tackled Soifon, giving her a lick on the cheek before the grey tabby escaped her clutches and tried to escape her love from capturing her again. They ran around the council room while the main heads shook their heads but smirked none-the-less.
"Alright you two, change back so that we can continue with the coronation," The man called, halting both cats from their little game. Yoruichi ushered Soi her into a neighboring room to quickly get dressed before returning to begin the coronation.
And ever since then, the two had a fairly peaceful and happy life.
Yoruichi began to hear Soi purr in her sleep as she nudged her nose into the other cat's cheek. It was quite adorable, hearing her little bee make such cute noises.
Oh! Speaking of cute and adorable! Yoruichi lifted her head and excitedly scanned down Soi's feline body until she nearly voiced out a sudden panic. Oh, crap! Soi'll kill me if she wakes up now!
Carefully and silently, yet urgently, Yoruichi untangled herself from her sleeping mate and jumped down from the bed. Padding quietly out of the room, she let out a series of soft mews into the living room before going silent, listening for a response. When none came, she began to worry.
Ugh, where'd you go off to!
She called out again, hoping her love wouldn't awake and that she'll get a response this time. Not hearing anything, Yoruichi almost left the room to search another until she heard a quiet noise. Hopeful, the Shihoin mewed again and got a sure reply. Bounding over to where she heard the noise, skidding to a halt, half sliding across the hardwood floor, she looked around the general area. Approaching the coffee table, Yoruichi sees a grey and black striped tail sticking out from underneath it. Chuckling, she makes her way over before sitting before the little tail.
"Little one, what did your mother say about wandering off?" she said gently, gaining the attention of the kit under the table. The trembling kitten turned to face the much bigger black tom, wide, curious golden irises meeting one another in a loving clash. Yoruichi leaned down and touch her nose to the little kit's much smaller, pink one, dragging her tongue on top of the little one's head before speaking once more.
"Come now, we need to get back to mama before she wakes up," She leaned down once more before taking the kitten by her scruff , causing her to limply curl up in her father's hold. Yoruichi trotted back to the bedroom, mindful of the kit in her mouth and effortlessly hopped up on the bed. She was relieved to say the least that Soi had not yet woken up. She made her way over to the sleeping she-cat and carefully placed her daughter near the warmth of Soi's belly. Upon releasing her from her maw, Yoruichi gave the kit a few comforting licks before nudging her closer to her mother's awaiting stomach. Using her paw, the black feline tucked the little grey and black swirled kit closer and closer until she finally began to nurse. Yoruichi quickly returned to her original spot, curled around her mate, and awaited for her daughter to wake her mother up.
Three cats in bed.
Slowly but surely, Soifon began to open her eyes and as soon as she did, she lifted her grey head and watched as her daughter kneaded her stomach with sharp baby claws, taking her fill on her milk. She purred and laid her head back down sighing happily before she felt a raspy tongue lick her ear. Soi turned her head, grinning if a cat could at her mate, touching noses with her.
"Good morning, little bee. Did you enjoy your catnap?"
"Good morning and indeed I did"
They both turned their attention to their nursing daughter, who greedily drank as much as she could. Soifon giggled before closing her eyes in content.
"So, someone decided to go on another adventure this afternoon," Yoruichi stated, stretching out her lithe body once more before wrapping herself around her wife.
"Hmph, I wonder where she gets it from," Soifon sarcastically responded. Yoruichi only laughed loudly. At the same time, the kitten had seemingly stopped nursing, concluding that she was full.
"Alright, I guess it's time to get ready to head over to Amaya's," Soifon said, getting up, stretching, and hopping off the bed before transforming into her human form. Yoruichi followed suit and changed back to her sexy self, lying on her stomach on the king sized bed with her head elevated on her arms, kicking her legs in the air above her body. She glanced over to the kitten, "Shunko, come on change back to your adorable little baby form!"
As if on cue, a puff of smoke consumed the kit and a baby was left in its place. Yoruichi gently pulled the baby in front of her and tickled the three week-old's feet while blowing raspberries on the little girl's belly. The baby giggled and kicked her feet, showing that already at an early age she was going to be a wonderful fighter. Yoruichi captured her petite, offending feet in her hands and gave each one a kiss. She noted that the baby's skin couldn't be any softer. The baby cooed softly at her father and reached a hand out to her. Granting her request, Yoruichi allowed Shunko to grasp her right index finger while releasing her other foot and running the hand through the little one's soft raven hair. They stared into each other's golden eyes as Shunko decided to stick the digit into her mouth. Yoruichi only laughed as she casted her gaze over to her wife, who was making her way over to the closet on the opposite side of the room. Yoruichi's eyes could not seem to break away from the hypnotic movement of her queen's naked form.
"Yoruichi Shihoin, I hope you realize that your daughter is right in front of you," Soifon said humorously as she began to shrug on her uniform.
"I was just admiring; you're the one who came up with the assumption!"
Soifon giggled; the couple had gotten used to seeing each other naked since they were married. Therefore, there was no longer any awkwardness when it came to the amount of clothing each woman had on.
Upon hearing her mother's voice, Shunko began to fuss a little, kicking her legs with agitation and rubbing her slightly tanned, porcelain face with balled up fists.
"Aw, does someone want their mama?" Yoruichi said in a baby voice, rolling onto her back and lifting Shunko into the air above her, affectively ceasing the fussing. She then brought her down so the little one could lay her fragile head on her father chest. Soifon walked over to them, tying her yellow obi around her waist. She picked Shunko up and cradled her in her arms, smiling down at the toothless smirk her daughter was giving her. The captain leaned down and placed a quick kiss on Yoruichi's forehead before heading over to the baby's changing table in Shunko's room adjoined to the master bedroom. She managed to get Shunko into a diaper before rummaging through a drawer, trying to figure out what her little angel should wear to Amaya's. Soon, she was stuck between picking a yellow onesie with a kitty on it or a cute golden dress.
"Which one do you want to wear, huh?" She asked the baby, presenting her the two outfits. Of course, Shunko had no idea what her mother was talking about so she just smiled and cooed in response.
"You're not helping very much," Soifon laughed, throwing the two articles onto the dresser.
"I like the onesie, personally," Yoruichi said while approaching the duo, wrapping her arms around her queen's waist and pulling her back into her now clothed front. She leans her head in to place a long kiss behind Soi's ear before trailing her lips down her neck, causing her love to shiver at the sensation.
"Yoruichi... not now, we're trying to get ready," she groaned.
"I can see that," Yoruichi said against the skin of Soi's neck, "just put the onesie on her; everyone thinks babies are super cute in onesies."
"I know but she needs to wear something nice for her play date with Arashi."
"Oh, no, no, no! Shunko will never be dating that crazy canine!"
"It's just a play date. Besides, they're destined to be together! They're so cute!"
"I will not allow it!"
"Oh, you old cat; listen to yourself, you make it sound like she's in her teenage years."
"I will be dreading that time, too."
In her mother's arms, Shunko giggled and reached her hand up for someone to take. Her older parent chuckled and allowed her daughter to clutch her finger again, both of the adults watching as Shunko hugged the appendage tightly to her small form. Both women sighed happily at the sight. Yoruichi tightened her hold around her queen as she slowly swayed their bodies from side to side. Their eyes were trained on the raven haired, golden-eyed baby in Soi's arms.
"We made an adorable baby, my little bee," Yoruichi hummed, watching Shunko become drowsy as she was rocked slowly to sleep.
"I couldn't agree more," the captain stated, tilting her head to the side to allow Yoruichi more room to rest her head.
Yoruichi moved her arms to wrap around Soifon's own- which contained a now sleeping Shunko. Soi smiled and nudged her head into the crook of Yoruichi's neck, inhaling the older woman's unique scent. She placed a chaste kiss on her king's throat. Yoruichi smiled as two thoughts came to her mind;
Her picture had jumped out from the paper, and became reality.
All of this is because of some super-storm, a dog-woman, and her own jealousy.
Well I guess this ends my tale of jealousy…
The real end.
Well, there you have it; the official last chapter! Thank you for reading and thank you to those who have stuck with me from beginning to end! I will start the next multi chapter soon so keep an eye out! Until next time and signing off of The Cat's Tale of Jealousy for the last time (it seriously is the end this time) Bye!