Author's Note:

Hey everyone!

So I bet you're wondering what is happening right now, and this might come as a shock to you guys, but as of today I am going to stop updating on my stories.

Now, I have a good reason as to why I have stopped and I am going to explain.

But first, thank you all for reading my stories. Thank you for reviewing and staying ever faithful to them. I greatly appreciate it. When I first joined, I wasn't sure if anyone would ever read my story. I wasn't sure if I would ever get a single review on any of my stories, and I just want to thank you for being there every step of the way.

But there's just a lot of stuff happening right now, and I just can't keep jostling everything. My life is just way out of balance and I can't handle the stress being added on top of it.

I would like to keep updating, but it's just so complicated. I have school to handle, family issues, personal issues, my life is falling apart right now and on top of that I just keep getting some very rude PMs from someone telling me to update!

I hate to be the Suzy downer right down, but as much as I enjoy writing and updating, I can't. I don't know how long I'll be off and I don't know if I am ever going to be on again. But despite all that, everyone should know that I have a very busy life and that I have other things that are important than to sit at a computer and write all day. As much as I would love doing that, life just doesn't roll that way.

I apologize for not finishing up any of my stories, but only time will tell if I am ever going to return to this site. So keep your fingers crossed and pray hard because until my life gets balanced back, I won't be online.

I'll probably be reading some of your guys's stories...possibly review on them, but possibly not.

I'll be posting this on some of my other stories incase some people don't read this.

Hope to hear from you guys the last time.

This is Madeline Chavez.77 signing off for (possibly) the very last time.

Thank you for reading.