Why I Do This

Author's Message: Hey guys and gals. So I'm writing a one-shot that I may turn into a full blown chapter story. Who knows? It could happen. And yes it is a "Phinabella" fanfic. I think that's how you spell it. *shrugs* Oh well. Any who hope your enjoying my other fanfics. Let me know what you think about this one. If you like it post it, Hate it roast it ;) hehe made that one up :P Anyways, continue on down!

Summary: Isabella ran away for unknown reason. Phineas has been hurt and broken by Isabella's decision. But after spending two years searching for her, Phineas has finally located her. But when everyone notices Isabella's strange behavior they can only suspect something is wrong. Rated T for drug use.

Disclaimer: You can't pin anything on me! I was framed! I own nothing!

As Phineas stared out the window he sighed. It's been two years since Isabella's departure. He felt tears build up as he heard a song on the radio.

Notice me
Take my hand
Why are we
Strangers when
our love is strong
Why carry on without me?
Phineas started sobbing as he listened and kept his gaze towards the house across from his. How could she leave? He thought.
Every time I try to fly
I fall without my wings
I feel so small


That day she left Phineas was about to pour his feelings. But when he knocked on the door he was met with a horrible surprise.

"Phineas? Oh Phineas I'm so glad you're here!" Ms. Garcia Shapiro said. Phineas walked towards her and saw tears.

"What's wrong?" He had asked. If only he had come sooner…

"It's Isabella. S-she isn't in her room. I-I can't find her anywhere!" The distraught mother replied. Phineas stared in shock. His friend. His lifeline was gone?!

I guess I need you baby
And every time I see you in my dreams
I see your face, it's haunting me
I guess I need you baby
"W-what do y-you m-mean?" He stuttered. He felt his throat tighten up. Ms. Garcia Shapiro wept and sobbed. The policemen looked at her with sorrow. They couldn't find a note or anything to show where the girl had went off.

"S-she just disappeared!" The mother wailed. Phineas tried to swallow the lump in his throat, but to no avail. He felt his eyes water. He tried to come up with words but nothing came out of his mouth. Nothing save for small squeaks and sobs.
I make believe
that you are here
It's the only way
I see clear
what have I done
you seem to move on easy

Phineas felt his body wrack with uncontrollable sobs. Isabella was his world. She was his inspiration. Since she left Phineas stopped inventing. He locked himself in his room and refused to interact with people. When he closed his eyes he saw Isabella's face in his mind. He cried harder.
And every time I try to fly
I fall without my wings
I feel so small
I guess I need you baby
And every time I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you baby
He continued to cry. Over the two years his mind has started playing games with him.

"Phineas!" Isabella's voice said. Phineas jerked his eyes opened.

"I'm here Isabella!" Phineas said loudly. He looked around and outside franticly searching for the girl's voice. He sighed with disappointment. He wiped his tears away with anger and grief.
I may have made it rain
Please forgive me
my weakness caused you pain
and this song is my sorry
"Oh Isabella." He said softly, "If only I had reached you sooner." He cursed himself every day. Constantly telling him he was a fool, an idiot, pathetic…pretty soon he started believing those words. He gazed back out the window. The rain had slowly started coming down as soft drizzles.

At night I pray
that soon your face
will fade away

As the rain pelted down on the window Phineas was left in silence. The only sound was the ticking of his clock and the rain. He heard the door open but refused to turn around.

"Phineas?" He heard the voice say. It was Ferb. Ferb had been there when Phineas told him. Ferb know about his brother's feelings for the girl. "Phineas, do you want something to eat?" He asked. Phineas remained silent. "Do you want or need anything?" Ferb asked. Phineas turned around. Ferb silently gasped at his brother. Phineas' hair was a mess. His once full of life blues eyes no longer held their spark. He looked broken hearted. Phineas softly breathed in and out before speaking.

And every time I try to fly
I fall without my wings
I feel so small
I guess I need you baby
And every time I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you baby

As the song on the radio died down Phineas spoke…

"I-I need her back. I w-want her back." He choked out. Ferb felt his heart ache. He could feel his brother's pain.

"I know Phineas. But it's been two years. She could be de-" Ferb started. But Phineas shot his a cold glare and interrupted him.

"Don't. Say. That." Phineas said through clenched teeth. Ferb gulped. Phineas turned his head back towards the window. He couldn't bare to let the thought of his dearly beloved friend being dead enter his mind. Though he knew that it was possible.

"Phineas…" Ferb tried again. But Phineas wasn't listening.

"Just leave me be Ferb…" Phineas whispered softly, "I just want to be left alone." Ferb sighed. He looked down and saw Perry walking in.

"Oh, there you are Perry." Ferb said softly. Phineas didn't respond or anything. Perry looked at his family members. He felt distant from Phineas ever since that day. Perry missed his buddy Phineas. The boy who created wonderful things. The boy who made every day fun. But Perry knew that boy was long gone. Without Isabella…Phineas just wasn't Phineas. Perry sighed and walked towards his master. He did his platypus chatter thing. Phineas looked at his pet.

"Hey Perry…" He said. Perry frowned. During the day, after fighting with Doofenshmirtz, he would look for the girl. But he would have no such luck. Perry laid down next to Phineas. The said boy started to gently pet the semiaquatic animal. Perry's eyes widen. Phineas had stopped petting him since that day. Perry looked up at Phineas. He smiled as he saw the boy's eyes. Phineas' eyes started to sparkle back with life. He started to get that boyish creativity back. As Phineas looked out the window, he started coming up with an idea. The sun was starting to come out as he thought. He would bring Isabella back. No matter what. As Phineas smiled a real genuine smile at Perry he glanced at Ferb who was staring at a photo of Phineas and Isabella.

"Ferb…" Phineas said, Ferb jerked his head towards Phineas' direction, Phineas smiled, "I know what were gonna do today."

Ferb smiled, he got out his lucky wrench and gave a thumbs up to his brother. Phineas smiled and started telling his plan.

Well? What did you think? Is this a story that is worth writing? If so say yes. If not then…I'll just delete the story. I hope you guys liked it. Let me know! Thanks for reading! Please R&R!

P.s The song is called: Every time, by Britney Spears. Until next ladies and gents.

~ Madeline