L o v e - M e

"Akatsuki's personal medic."

"What's that?" She questioned.

"What do you mean what's that yeah?" The blonde asked, his one blue eye wide in disbelief.

"Akatsuki. I don't think I've heard of that before. Is that a hospital or association-"

"You've got to be joking. You seriously don't remember-"

The dark haired man immediately locked eyes with the loud blonde. Some kind of silent communication went on between them because he backed up, his hands shoved into his pockets and eyes elsewhere.

"Akatsuki is a private organization handled by our superior. Although we excel in all matters of shinobi, we need someone who specializes in healing."

Red eyes clashed with green again.

"Okay then...well...No."

Silence hung heavy in the air, awkward and tense. However it seemed the red eyed man wasn't used to hearing the word "no". Instead of accepting her reply and walking out with his friends, he pulled out a chair, sat down and looked completely at ease.

"Care to elaborate why?"

Obviously he wasn't going to make this easy for her.

Sakura could feel herself starting to get impatient. True, she opened her home to anyone who needed help and stands by the oath until now. Yet she had a feeling these men weren't going to leave her alone any time soon. Of all the medics in the world, why her? It was the middle of the night, her head throbbed painfully and her warm, if not slightly lumpy, futon was calling out to her.

"Only if you explain why choose me, out of all the healers out there."

And she definitely wasn't going to be treated like a little girl in her own living room. Sakura stood her ground and crossed her arms across her chest, daring anyone to test her already shortening patience. It seemed the men in the vicinity seemed wary and tense, ready for a fight judging by how tightly coiled their muscles were and where exactly their hands were situated. From where she was standing, her eyes caught an almost comically large sword wrapped in bandages, strings and clay. Only the very calm, dark haired man before her was empty handed. Which made her feel even more anxious. Was he so powerful that he didn't even need a weapon in his palm?

The pinkette had heard of ninjas before from those she had nursed back to health. Apparently life outside wasn't all sunshine and rainbows but was actually kunai and senbon needles tipped in poison. She wasn't afraid exactly. The idea of all those weapons didn't frighten her as much as it should have. What did bother her was all the pain it inflicted. All these ninjas fight and for what? Money? Fame? Judging by all the talk and whispers she's heard, it was better to remain hidden in the forest. Heal those who got hurt in battle than get involved.

"We've heard of your medical skills. That of course is what piqued our interest in the first place." He tilted his head as if in deep thought as he regarded her with hooded eyes.

"Many have been at death's door yet are now in amazing health as soon as they visited you."

The other men chose to lean against the walls of her small home. Sakura noted how the blue one made sure to place his weapon on the door, its weight making the wood creak pathetically.

"However it's your clear unbiased judgement that makes you the obvious choice."

"I'm sure there are other medics who are like that."

He shook his head slightly at her response.

"Unfortunately they are not. Most are affiliated with a shinobi village therefore do not help those who are considered...threats." He gave a pointed look to their cloaks which had the same print and colors.

Red, black and white.

"Akatsuki means the dawn. We mean to help others but the vast majority view us as criminals, a danger to their villages because of the power we each hold."

Suddenly the largest of the group spoke, teeth easily as sharp as any of her tools.

"So you'd see how it's pretty damn hard to get an honest medic who won't...I dunno, slit our throats while healing us for some cash or loyalty to their leaders."

Slowly Sakura began to understand their predicament.

"Okay. That makes sense." She muttered before running her hands through her pink hair, the strands were long and tangled easily.

"But I don't want to get involved in any fight or side with anyone. That's why I like being in the middle of the wilderness, away from any struggle and drama. I'm perfectly content where I am."

She sighed at their tenacity. Which in hindsight was quite flattering. It wasn't everyday that people came to her house in an attempt to hire her.

"For now. But is this what you want for the rest of your life? These four walls and nothing but trees for company?"

"Well...not exactly."

"You have potential and skill. Why just settle for helping a few nameless faces when you can be a part of something that gives you purpose?"

"If I do that then it makes me no different from any of those medics affiliated with a shinobi village."

He shook his head again, his expression unchanging.

"Those people are loyal to their respective villages because of blood. They do their duty out of mere obligation. What we're offering you is a choice. If you do not agree with our ideals and way of life, then you simply return to your life here in the woods."

At that the pinkette stopped, her eyes suddenly everywhere but on him.

He made a good point. Inwardly she groaned at his perceptiveness and ability to find the only chink in her armor. He was right. Yes, she enjoyed the isolation from the world yet at the same time she felt something was missing from her life, something she couldn't exactly place.

When she no longer replied and the silence stretched on even longer than the first one, the dark haired man stood up, turned on his heel and quietly made his way to the door. His friends left first, but not before looking back at her one last time, their gazes a mix of sheer incredulity and confusion. Once he was the last to leave, he spoke again, this time he didn't face her. She only saw his red and black cloak billowing in the slight breeze.

"We'll be here until tomorrow morning. I hope you reconsider our offer."

And they were gone, leaving her in the suddenly empty living room with more questions than answers.

"What the fucking hell Itachi?!" Kisame grunted as he used his large sword to cut a chunk of wood in half for a fire.

"Tch...keep your voice down."

"Careful, you're starting to sound like Hidan yeah."

"Don't insult me Deidara."

"Oh but you make it so easy." He smirked.

"She's lost her memory." Sasori muttered as he carefully detangled a wire from one of his puppets.


"How did you know?"

"If you waited for my orders instead of fulfilling some petty revenge then you would know her predicament."

Everyone went quiet after that.

"She won't say yes. And we're gonna have to knock her out and carry her back to the base yeah."

"We'll see."

Dawn broke out and there was still no sign of a pink haired medic.

"Told ya Itachi. Guess it's time to hit-"

"Hit what?"

All four men froze and turned to see Sakura, a curious and almost innocent expression on her face.

Kisame abruptly dropped his sword and scratched the back of his head.

"T-the road. It's time to hit the road right guys?"

Deidara chuckled at the mist nin's expense while Sasori gave a blank stare. The Uchiha on the other hand tilted his head, the only acknowledgement of the girl's presence.

She was dressed in civilian clothes. No boots, arm guards or shin guards nor any kind of armour. No scrolls or weapons, just a plain white blouse and fitted white pants. Sakura definitely didn't look like a Hokage's apprentice. Rather she seemed like an ordinary villager.

"Don't get the wrong idea here guys. The fact I'm going doesn't mean I officially work with you. This is more of a probation period. The second I feel uncomfortable I'm leaving. Got that?"

Although she seemed small and fragile due to her hair color and overall appearance, there was no mistaking the strength or intensity in her eyes and voice.

"Works for us yeah."

AN : Alright, so lemme know what you guys think so far. Ready yourselves for fluff and randomness and the occasional bit of angst and drama *winks*