AN: Well this is one story idea that wouldn't go away until I wrote about it. I'll go ahead and admit a lot of what happens here is cannon but kinda sets the premise for the story.

Basically in cannon we have the Kyubi who after he was released was taken control of by Tobi, and was always bitching to Naruto about freeing him, but here's the thing. To be taken control you had to go through the host first so in essence the Kyubi's jinchuriki was pretty much protecting him from being controlled by the sharingan but he never saw it that way. Basically this story is what if he HAD felt that way the whole time instead of just raging that he was in a cage. What if Kyubi and Kushina actually got along well? What if, knowing that Tobi would come back for him, Kyubi decided to help Naruto in memory of his parents? And what if, instead of hating Kyubi as he did in cannon Naruto felt that Kyubi was the only one who was always there for him? That's pretty much what this story is about.

"Kyubi(Kurama)/summons speaking"

'Kyubi(Kurama)/summons thinking'



-In a secluded cave near Konoha;


That was the wail of one Kushina Uzumaki the current host of the Kyubi. She was currently giving birth to her son Naruto.

"Calm down Kushina yelling isn't going to make it go any faster. It's just going to alert everyone in a 5 mile radius that you're giving birth."


Even though the Kyubi was an entity of near infinite power it still didn't want to be chained up again so it shut up as it recalled how this the pain was in a way partially it's fault…..

-Flash back no jutsu!...-

-In some place that's has no impact to the story;

'Kushina there is something I want to talk to you and Minato-san about later.'


Even though Kurshina and Kurama didn't talk much unless it was important they still had some sort of respect for each other to the point where they were on a first name basis so when Kurama actually did want to talk to Kushina or Minato they knew it was important.

-line break-

-In Kushina's mindscape;

"So what did you want to talk to us about Kurama-san?" a man with bright yellow spikey hair asked.

"Yeah! Usually you don't want to talk to us much unless it's important."

"It's about your son."

"WHAT! Is something wrong with Naruto-chan!? What is it!?" Kushina asked on the verge of panic. Even though she had only carried the child for a few months both she and Minato already loved him.

"Calm down Kushina-chan, I'm sure if it was something like that Kurama-san would have taken care of it himself." Minato calmly interjected stopping his wife from working herself into a fit.

"Indeed if it was something like that I would have taken care of it myself without informing you as there would be no need. This is something of a more personal choice."

"Oh… well what is it?"

"Your child will have a very weak Uzumaki blood line."

Even though Kushina cared about her almost-dead clan it wasn't something she really worried about that much. She could just have another child and she was planning on slowly restarting the Uzumaki clan in time rather than having to be part of the Clan Restoration Act (her status as a jinchuriki put an emphasis on her continued mental health something having multiple husbands could easily disrupt.)

"I'm sorry but I don't really understand why that would be a problem."

"I wasn't finished. Having a weaker version of their bloodline his chakra won't be potent enough to counteract my ambient chakra running through Kushina's body, because of this he will most likely have whisker-marks."

Now THAT was something that gave them pause. While many jinchuriki are given some ability due to their Biju without having to directly tap into their chakra almost none of them had any distinguishing physical markers like facial markings. The whisker-marks associated with the Kyubi's chakra were due to the gold and silver brothers. The gold and silver brothers Ginkaku and Kinkaku were two Kumo shinobi who tried to take the Kyubi for Kumo. They were eaten but survived by eating the Kyubi's stomach meat. In doing so they also absorbed some of his chakra which caused the tips of their hair to turn black and whisker-marks to form on their cheeks. Because of this the Kyubi's chakra began becoming associated the whisker-mark on their cheeks formed by some of the corrosive effects of the Kyubi's chakra. The reason Uzumaki Mito and Uzumaki Kushina didn't have any were because the powerful chakra of the Uzumaki's were able to resist the corrosive properties of the Kyubi's chakra. While they would form if they tapped into enough of it's chakra other than that there would be no constant physical markers.

"Kushina-chan… that would be like painting a target on Naruto's back." Even though the hokage's son would definitely be watched carefully there was no guarantee that someone couldn't slip through to try to obtain the Uzumaki bloodline. It had already happened once.

"I know Minato-kun, but what do we do?"

"That is why I called you down here."

"What do you mean Kurama-san?" Minato asked unsure what they could do in this situation.

"Due to having been sealed in two Uzumaki's now I have a decent idea of their genetic make-up. I could… manipulate your child's genetic structure so that his Uzumaki genes would become dominate however that would open up a new host of problems."

"What do you mean Kurama? Wouldn't it just cause his chakra to become stronger?" Kushina asked. She understood why the Kyubi wouldn't make this change by itself but she didn't understand what other problem it would cause.

"No…" Minato wasn't hailed as a genius for no reason. The gears in his mind where already turning"… it would also cause his physical appearance to change… his chakra would become stronger but it would also cause his hair to turn red… am I right?"

"Indeed, once again you prove your position as the brains of the relationship."Kyubi said ignoring Kushina's indignant squawk Minato picked up where he left off.

"That means Kumo might try to kidnap Naruto for their bloodline program like what they tried to do for you Kushina-chan." Minato concluded with a frown remembering the events that lead to Kushina's almost kidnapping.

Silence reigned as both Kushina and Minato processed what this meant.

"There's no contest." While Naruto having the Uzumaki physical traits would make him a target for Kumo, his whisker-marks would make him a target for every power-hungry village out there that would believe he held the Kyubi. Not only that but there was also a chance that some enemy village would put together that Kushina was the jinchuriki of the Kyubi if they got ahold of Naruto and found out he didn't have the Kyubi.

"As much as I don't like it I agree with Minato on this point. Do it."

"Very well. Consider this my baby-shower present to you two."

As Kushina and Minato began to fade from the mindscape, Kurama smirked and added almost as an afterthought.

"Ah yes by the way, this will probably make child-birth even more painful than it already would be because of my chakra also being in the womb. Just for your information."

-In the real world;


-end flashback no jutsu-

"Do you think she'll be ok? Minato asked nervously as he worked to repair the seal. Kurama wasn't trying to break out but the seal was still collapsing.

"Of course!" Sarutobi Biwako exclaimed. "This kind of pain would kill a man! But women are strong!"


"Come on you can do it Kushina, Naruto"

-line break-

Unknown to those inside the cave the last ANBU fell as a masked man slipped through the walls of the cave…

-line break-


"I can see the head!" Biwako said trying to comfort Kushina,"Just a little more Kushina!"

"It's ok Kushina your almost done." The Kyubi offered from inside the seal as it's perch on a miniature moon began to crumble.

"Naruto come ouuuut!" Minato said as he tried to repair the seal.

As the sound of wailing filled the room Biwako hurried to wrap the new-born Naruto as she showed Kushina and Minato their new son.

"It's a healthy boy." Biwako said with a tender smile.

"Haha… I'm a father!" Minato said with tears running down his cheeks.

"Naruto… I finally get to see you..." Kushina whispered, exhausted from giving birth.

"Hmm looks like it worked. No whisker-marks and a nice tuft of red hair." The Kyubi said from within the seal with no small amount of pride in it's voice. It's not every day you modify the genetic make-up of a human.

"Whew… all right Kushina you can relax now. Kurama just sit tight I'm fixing the seal."

As Minato began to repair the seal he was interrupted by Biwako's cry as she hit the floor. Turning around he saw his new-born son in the arms of a man in a black cloak with a mask with one hand over the babies' face.

"Yondiame Hokage Minato Namikaze… step away from the host… or your son dies at the ripe old age of one minute."

'How did he slip though the barrier and what happened to the ANBU stationed outside…' Minato thought as he prepared to move at in instants notice 'who on earth is he.'

To his side his wife moaned in pain as she felt the seal begin to destabilize,'Shit whoever this guy is he's good. He did his homework and put us in an extremely compromising position.' The Kyubi thought as it tried it's best to reestablish the seal.

"Get away from the host…" the mask man demanded as a kunai slipped into his hand."… or do you not care what happens to the brat?"

"Wait… calm down!" Minato said as he tried to find some way to stall for time.

"You're the one who needs to calm down Minato. I myself am perfectly calm."

Seeing as how Minato wasn't moving the masked man threw Naruto in the air and tried to stab him with a kunai, but before he could Minato speed past him and caught the baby in mid-air.

"As expected of the yellow flash..." The sound of hissing was heard from the bottom of the blanket. "but what about the next one?"

Grabbing the baby in one hand and the blanket in another the yellow flashed disappeared.


-line break-

-In one of Minato's marked safe-houses;

A small house in the forest exploded and a man shielding a baby where thrown out by the force. "Thank goodness… Naruto's unharmed.

Grunting as he pulled a piece of wood out of his shin. "He forced me to use the Hiraishin. He's after Kushina and Kurama… and now I'm not with them!" Gritting his teeth Minato teleported to the next nearest safe-house to put Naruto in a safe place.

-line break-

-A secluded clearing;

"What… do you want." Kushina said as she tried to stall for time until Minato arrived. Her seal, spread from her body, was wrapped around 4 stone pillars that surrounded a smaller rock in a lake as she was hung above the small rock.

"To take the Kyubi from you and destroy Konoha."


"Kushina… this man has the Sharingan. He is going to take me from you. There is nothing we can do at this point. But if you were to willingly release the seal… it would give you some more time to live and give me one shot at ending him."

'… alright… but that probably means that you're going to be sealed into Naruto after this.'

"The markings for Minato's Hiraishin which allowed for him to teleport to their location were incorporated into your seal."

"I know but that is still better than being under this one's control."

'That also means Minato will probably have to seal you in Naruto… Can you promise me something?' Kushina asked Kurama as tears streamed down her face.

"Minato is always protecting you."


'P-promise me that you will look after Naruto when I'm gone.'

But now I've gotten him away from you." The masked man gloated as his Sharingan appeared in the single eye-hole of his mask.

"… I promise."

"Furthermore the seal is weakened after you gave birth… do you know how long I've waited for this brief mome-"

And the land shook as the Kyubi was released to the earth for the first time in almost one hundred years.

-line break-

"You'll be safe here." Minato said as he tucked little Naruto into a bed.

-line break-

"DIE!" Kurama roared as he swung his claw at the masked man….

-line break-

" Just wait here a bit Naruto."

-line break-

The earth shook as the Kyubi's blow crushed the area where the masked man stood.

"… Something isn't right…"

Almost on-queue the masked man seemed to phase out of Kurama's hand.

"Hmm…how interesting. I was told the Kyubi was an irrational creature filled with hate. "Drawled the masked man almost lazily as he made eye contact with the Kyubi. . "Oh well. It makes no difference."

"Shit! Kushina get away…" the Kyubi exclaimed as it's eyes changed from their usual shape into a Sharingan before it's pupils dilated completely.

"Just now the Kyubi tried to defend you… and now I will use him to kill you." The masked man said as the hypnotized Kyubi turned around and prepared to crush Kushina.

-line break-

"I have to go save your mom."

-line break-

As the Kyubi's claw approached Kushina she closed her eyes thinking of her newborn child who would have to shoulder the burden of being the next jinchuriki of the Kyubi.' Naruto…'

However when she opened her eyes again she wasn't bloody paste on the floor but in the arms of her husband and they were on a tree on a cliff.

"It appears you still have the flash… but it's still too late." The masked man mumbled as he prepared to move to Konoha.

"Minato… Naruto… is Naruto… alright?" Kushina panted out as she felt her life slowly leaving her.

"Yeah… He's all right… He's in a safe place now…" Minato replied as he turned to glare at the masked man and the hypnotized Kyubi.

"Minato… you have to stop that man and Kurama… he's heading for Konoha…"

Minato remained silent as he jumped back to the safe house he left Naruto at.

"He teleported again… it doesn't matter… we now head for Konoha."

-line break-

-In the safe house where Minato left Naruto;

"Why?" Kushina asked when she got a look as to where Minato as brought her.

"It's fine…" Minato comforted Kushina even though he felt his own words rang hollow "You're with Naruto now."

"Naruto…" Kushina cried as she pressed her forehead against his.

Minato watching his wife cry as she slowly died clenched his fist as he prepared to go confront the masked man.

"Minato… one last thing before you go… Kurama… after he was released from the seal… he had one chance to attack the masked man before he was taken control of… the attack phased right through him…but it looks like he has to turn tangible to transport something... I think it some kind of Space-Time Jutsu "

"…. I understand… I'll be back soon."

"Minato… thank you."

-line break—

A five year old Uchiha Itachi sat outside of his houses patio as his new-born brother Uchiha Sasuke as a feeling of dread passed over both of them and Sasuke began to cry.

'Don't cry Sasuke… as your big brother I'll always protect you… no matter what.'

-line break-

In the streets on Konoha two people were discussing a matter of grave importance. These two people where a 13 year old Hatake Kakashi and Might Gai.

"Hmm can't we just decide by rock, paper, scissors today?" The white haired Hatake drawled.

"NOT THAT AGAIN? CAN'T WE HAVE A MORE YOUTHFUL BATTLE FOR ONCE?" The, dare this author say it, youthful Might Guy screamed at the top of his lungs.

"… Hey Guy… do you feel something weird? The air feels cold…"

-line break-

Smoking a pipe the aged third Hokage was looking at some paperwork when he sensed the Kyubi's chakra.

'It can't be…'

-line break-

Appearing in an ally the masked man knelt down and the night that would be known forever as the day of the Kyubi attack began.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!"

Suddenly appearing in Konoha the Kyubi let out a might roar and began to destroy everything in sight.


"Sandaime Hokage-sama!" an ANBU appeared panicked "The Kyubi! The Kyubi has suddenly appeared in the village!"

Dressing in his black battle armor Sarutobi Hiruzen once known as the god of shinobi immediately took command. "I know! I'll take care of it! You all protect those who can't fight!"

"Yes sir!"

'Kurama-dono… did you break the seal of your own volition or are you being controlled.'


-Kushina's mindscape

The fouth and third Hokage stood with the Kyubi's jinchuriki in her mindscape, the Kyubi having called to tell them something important.

"Hiruzen Sarutobi… Minato Namikaze… and Kushina Uzumaki… what I am about to tell you is something I have only willingly admitted to three others who were in turn your First and Second Hokages and my previous Jinchuriki."

The three people in question looked around at each other. For only three other people to have known this it must have been a pretty big secret.

"The reason you receive little to no fuss from me being sealed inside you is because it is something I myself asked for."

That surprised them. What reason would a creature as powerful as the Kyubi have for wanted to be sealed?

"During the battle of the end… where Uchiha Madara" Kurama spat out the name almost like it was a poison." fought your first Hokage it was a little known fact that Madara controlled me using his Sharingan. Since there is a clan of those with the cursed eyes I requested to be sealed inside your Shodaime's wife because I could sense her powerful chakra and that my own would not harm her. It was mutual benefit. She would be able to call upon my chakra in her time of need and I would never again be controlled by those cursed eyes."

Giving them a minute to let them possess this, the Kyubi continued.

"Look at my eyes. You can see how they are vertical slits correct?" After receiving a round of nods he continued. "When I am under the influence of an Uchiha my eyes ether become round and dilated like you humans or there is a pattern of a Sharingan."

-end flashback-

'How did it come to this…' Minato thought as he prepared to subdue the Kyubi. One moment it seemed like his family would have a picture perfect ending the next, his wife was dying, his son was going to have to be made into the next Kyubi jinchuriki, as no one other than someone with Uzumaki could handle getting the Kyubi sealed within them, and they had a serious information leakage. Before he could move, however, a hostile presence appeared behind him.

Spinning around and lashing out with his Hiraishin kunai he saw his attack pass though the man.

'That must be the intangibility ability Kushina warned me about.' Minato thought as his hand was caught by the masked man. 'Since he turned tangible that must mean he's planning to transport me.'

As the space around masked man's eyehole distorted Minato reacted instantly and teleported.

'He jumped again… I'll have to suck him in the instant I touch him.'

-line break-

-Near the destroyed safe-house;

'He knows I am one of the only people who could seal the Kyubi …that's why he's coming for me.' The Yondaime Hokage as he prepared for the masked man's arrival.

The masked man arrived in a swirling vortex seconds after Minato finished his preparations

"You… not many people could break through our barriers and have Space-Time Jutsu that advanced… not to mention you got though the Sandiame's personal ANBU like they were fresh Genin… not many people could do that… who are you?" Minato asked as he shifted to a battle stance.

"Then again I guess it doesn't really matter who you are… but then the question would be why you're attacking Konoha."

"Hmm… I guess you could say it was on a whim and for a plan…" The masked man said and he pulled down his hood and revealed a battle chain attached to his wrists.

"But I will say it was for war… and through that war peace."

'For a whim and for a plan… that means ether that he has some plan for the Kyubi and attacked Konoha on a whim or he has some plan that involves weakening Konoha and getting the Kyubi was just the means…'

"There is no hope f-!" was all the masked man could say before a kunai phased through his head.

'It doesn't matter… I'll end him to eliminate a threat to Konoha all the same… revenge for my family is just the cherry on top.'

-line break-

Speed is, while one of the fundamental aspects of combat, one of the most important. Maybe in an all- out brawl with no weapons or armor strength and stamina would also as important, but neither of those could help you when a knife slits your throat.

While the Yondaime might not have the destructive wood and water Nin-jutsu power of the Shodaime and Nidaime respectably, or the Jutsu arsenal of the Sandaime, his speed, un-rivaled in the elemental nations, his sealing skills, which included his famous Hiraishin which let him teleport instantly to a special seal that he could 'tag' on people/things, and his Rasengan, an original Jutsu that let him grind through any defense, all combined to make him a near unstoppable juggernaut in battle and first Shinobi to be elevated to a SS-rank in the bingo book and given a flee-on-sight order.

This is something the masked-man, Tobi, Madara or whatever the hell he wanted to be called, was experiencing first hand.

'Shit… I don't know what exactly this seal is doing but I have to get out of here!' Tobi thought as he blocked another knife strike to his neck as a kunai passed though him.

The seal that Tobi was referring to earlier was a seal spread out on the ground that Minato prepared before Tobi arrived. Basically what it did was interfere with his Space-Time Jutsu making it so he could only turn one part of his body intangible at a time. While it didn't stop it completely it did stop him from simply turning intangible whenever the Yondaime lunged at him. At the moment he was beginning to feel like a cornered rat. The kunai spread around the seal let Minato teleport to him whenever he got close to the boundary and when he tried to just suck himself into his own dimension he just got smacked down before he could finish moving. So far he managed to avoid any fatal wound and getting 'tagged' but it was only a matter of time.

'This is taking too long.' Minato thought as he sliced at Tobi with one arm and finally 'tagged' him with the other arm.


Teleporting behind Tobi he smashed him into the ground with a Rasengan while simultaneously putting a contract seal on him.

'Shit. The Kyubi!' Tobi thought as the Rasengan exploded cratering the ground and kicking up dust everywhere…

-line break-

-In Konoha;

The leaf ninja were putting up a valiant effort against the Kyubi but it wasn't known as the strongest of the Biju for nothing. Hundreds had already died at its claws and the destruction of Konoha seemed all but inevitable when suddenly the Kyubi jerked as if it had been struck by something massive. Noticing this all the Konoha ninja jumped back as it jumped back outside of Konoha's walls before it lifted one clawed hand and grabbed its head.

-line break-

-With Minato and Tobi

As the dust began to clear a figure jumped out holding its arm. Landing on a rock that was sticking out of the now-destroyed ground the figure was revealed to be a badly injured and panting Tobi.

"Hah… huh… ha…"

'Shit… even with all the training Madara gave me I still can't match up to sensei.'

Turning towards Konoha Tobi thought. 'That last attack… if the seal hadn't been disrupted by the Rasengan and if I hadn't made myself intangible before that Rasengan exploded…'

Dripping blood, the area around Tobi's mask began to distort and suck him in.

'In my current state going for the Kyubi would be suicide… you won this battle sensei.'

'But I still won the war and I'll be back for the spoils.'

-line break-

-In Konoha;


Suddenly appearing out of nowhere Gamabunta flattened the Kyubi. Seeing the Toad Boss all the Konoha Ninja regained hope.

"It's Yondaime-sama!"

"Yondaime-sama's here to stop the Kyubi!"

Almost as soon as Gamabunta appeared the Kyubi disappeared. Minato appearing from atop the Toad Bosses head jumped and down handed Sarutobi a scroll before disappearing.

Curious at what the scroll contained the Sandaime opened the scroll, scanning it before his eyes widened and burning the scroll. Gritting his teeth Sarutobi located Minato's chakra signature and sped after him. What the scroll contained at the front of his mind.

Masked man with Sharingan attacked after birth

Released Kyubi

Drove off masked man

Sealing Kyubi

Take care of my son.

-line break-

-Miles away from Konoha;

"Urg… I'm guessing you beat the man with the mask." 'My head is pounding…'

"Yeah haa… haa… I need to put up a barrier so no one interferes…" 'I'm almost out of chakra…'

"… let me… I still have plenty of chakra…" Kushina said as chains shot out of her back, crossing to form a make-shift barrier.

"I'm guessing you plan to seal me in the child." The Kyubi said as it saw Minato summon a ceremonial pedestal.

"Wait… that's!"

"That's the Hakke Shikki Fuin(Eight Trigrams Dead Demon Seal)! You'll die if you use that!" Kushina exclaimed.

"What are you doing Minato? There's no reason for you to use that seal!" The Kyubi said just as surprised as Kushina.

"There is a reason… first is that I don't plan on just making this a seal." Minato began to explain as he ran through seals. "If Naruto had been born without the Uzumaki bloodline I would have had to seal half of your chakra in the Death God with me but since he was I don't need to. While the seal will dilute your chakra to stop it from unintentionally harming Naruto's undeveloped coils, once it is released and Naruto can handle your undiluted chakra, it will then work as a gate. With it you and Naruto will be able to use a form far more powerful than a simple full possession."

"Wait… why would he need that… I thought you defeated the mask man…"

"I did but I couldn't finish him...I realized two things today… the masked man who attacked you… he will bring catastrophe upon us… and this child is the one who will stop him." Minato said as he finished the last seal and summoned the Death God to seal the Kyubi into Naruto.

"Any last words? I'll seal the rest of both your and my chakra in Naruto after I use the Shiki Fuin so we can meet him when he's older… I also want you to help him control the Kyubi's chakra… but that will be far into the future."

"Naruto… don't be a picky eater… eat heartily… so you grow up big and strong… take a bath every day and keep warm… make sure you get enough sleep… make friends… true friends you can really trust… and as for women… don't fall for a strange one… find a woman like your mom… and don't become a pervert like Jiraiya…"

"Naruto… you will face many painful times… and hard times… but just be yourself… and have your dreams and the confidence to make those dreams come true… I really really really wish I could be there… to teach you so many more things… I really wish I could be with you longer… I love you."

"Naruto… as your father… I'll just second everything your mom said." Minato said before he looked up at the Kyubi.

"Kyu… no Kurama… you'll be there to watch him for us right… like a god parent right?"

"Yeah I'll make sure to watch him… but since that pervert sensei of yours is his god father would that make me his god mother?" Kurama joked with a grin.

"Heh yeah… I guess it would… alright are you ready Kushina… Kurama…?"


