Hey guys, so I'm super excited about this fanfic I have for you guys, but first I want to say that this is my first Songfic ever and just can't wait for you guys to read and hopefully listen to the music with it as well. All rights go to the creators of Soul Eater and all songs go to the artists that sing them. I will be listing the songs and who they are sung by as well. Please review, favorite, or leave me a message about a comment or suggestion it will really help me out a lot! Ok with out further ado . . . ENJOY!
Soul's POV
"Soul get back here right this instant!" Stein called as I walked out of the audition room annoyed and pissed off.
"Soul wait!" I hear Kid shouted following behind me along with my band members following behind me as well.
"Are do you think you're going Soul!?" Liz yelled.
"Anywhere, but here! This is ridiculous we don't need another band member!" I shouted still walking away.
"I agree with Soul, we don't need another member when we have a great god like me!" Black star shouted and Tsubaki quickly hit him.
"Not helping Black Star . . ." Tsubaki said and Black Star rubbed his head.
"Soul we need a girl vocalist . . . You heard what Stein said . . . It will help us become number one if we want to beat those no good-!" Patti said.
I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to face her and point my finger to her, before she could even finish that sentence.
"Never speak of them remember?" I questioned and she nodded and I continued walking.
"Soul will you just stop for a second!" Kid exclaimed and I stopped, but growled.
"Look we've auditions hundreds of girls and not one of them have you agreed on and time is running out! Look we came to Death City to continue our search I believe she's out there waiting for a chance like this! I know you don't like this idea, but we have to if we want to be number one . . ." Kid explained.
I said nothing for a moment and then continued walking as my band mates followed behind me. We're known around the world as the band "Soul Eater". I'm the lead singer and piano player Soul Evans, Black Star plays the drums, Tsubaki plays bass, Kid plays lead guitar and sometimes does duets with me, and Liz and Patti sing back up or any another instrument since they basically can play anything. Stein is our manager and my guardian. However, Stein has been pissing off about finding a lead girl vocalist when we don't need one! As we continued walking around the city in our disguises we came across a bar/club called Lucky Thirteen.
Right when I entered the door, there was so pretty good music playing and a lot of poker tables and a ton of people dancing around the DJ area. Also I could through the door in the back, that looked like a show room and I grinned.
"This looks like an interesting place . . . I think I'll have a few beers here before we head back . . ." I said to my band mates as I took a seat and then gave in and sat down as well.
Maka's POV
"Maka sweetie I'm sorry, please me another chance!" My stupid excuse for a father pleaded.
"You disgust me, you know that!" I shouted leaving out of the showroom and back to the bar where I heard Sid laughing.
"You're father screwed up again?" He asked and I just groaned.
"Hey instead of groaning, why don't you take orders for that table . . . They just walked in . . . Oh and remember . . . Service with a smile." Sid said pointing at his own fake smile and I just laughed and grabbed my notepad and headed to the table.
As I made my way to the table I noticed there were about six people. They looked a little familiar, but I just shook my head and put on a smile for them.
"Hi, how can I help you?" I greeted.
They all stared at me and then I noticed the white haired boy turned to face me. He had his sunglasses which I thought was weird, but maybe he's having a hangover. He looked at the menu and then threw it back on the table.
"I'll just have vodka on the rocks and whatever these guys want . . ." He replied, but he sounded a little pissed off.
Soon the rest of the group ordered their drinks and I headed back to the bar to get their order ready.
Soul's POV
I watched as the waitress walked away. I tilted my sunglasses a little and stared at her. She actually didn't look so bad looking, but she's got some tiny tits. Soon she back with our drinks and placed them on the table. Suddenly I saw a guy some up behind her and touched her ass. Bad move . . . Suddenly she turned around and grabbed his hand off her ass and found and book on a table and shouted something that I just found hilarious.
"MAKA CHOP!" She shouted.
The pour dude just fell to the ground unisonous. Dumb ass . . . I gave a small laugh to which she heard and she just walked away in a huff. Black Star laughed with me giving me a high five while the others just ignored it.
"Hey Maka, how about a song!?" The DJ shouted to the waitress as she stood by the bar.
"Forget it Jack, I'm still working!" She called and started cleaning the glasses, until the bartender took it out of her hands.
"Go on up there . . . I know you want to Maka . . ." The bartender said.
"Come on . . . Who wants to hear the lovely Albarn sing tonight!?" The DJ shouted and suddenly the crowd goes wild.
"What the hell . . ." The girl named Maka shouted and everyone cheered.
See went to the backstage and maybe about ten minutes later she shows back up, but in a totally different outfit. She wore now black converses, black ripped shorts with a chain on it, a white tang top, a silk like jacket that was long in the back that reached to her shorts, and a black fedora. I noticed her dirty blonde hair was a little wavy as well. She walked up to the microphone and smiled to everyone and waved to them as they cheered for her.
"Hey guys how we doing tonight!?" Maka shouted and they cheered.
"That's what I like to here . . . now this song I'm about to sing is something that sort of relates to me, so I hope you enjoy it! Here's "I'm Alive by Becca!" Maka shouted.
Suddenly the DJ handed her a guitar and she began to fix her microphone. She nodded to the DJ and he began to play the song. This should be interesting . . .
"Nothing I say comes out right, I can't love without a fight, no one ever knows my name, when I pray for sun, it rains. I'm so sick of wasting time, but nothings moving in my mind,
inspiration can't be found, I get up and fall but . . ."
I watched as she strummed the guitar and I could see in her eyes that passion she had when she played and when she sang.
"I'm Alive, I'm Alive, oh yeah! Between the good and bad is where you'll find me, reaching for heaven. I will fight and I'll sleep when I die, I'll live my life, I'm Alive!"
As she sang I noticed as she rocked out to the music and how she played the guitar so well. I have to admit she isn't so bad . . .
"Every lover breaks my heart and I know it from the start. Still I end up in a mess every time I second guess. All my friends just run away, when I'm having a bad day. I would rather stay in bed, but I know there's a reason."
As she sang this verse I noticed some pain in her eyes, like she was actually singing with emotion.
"I'm Alive, I'm Alive, oh yeah! Between the good and bad is where you'll find me, reaching for heaven. I will fight and I'll sleep when I die, I'll live my life, I'm Alive!"
She started to reach out into the crowd and grab their hands and started to dance again.
"When I'm bored to death at home, when he won't pick up the phone, when I'm stuck in second place, those regrets I can't erase. Only I can change the end, of the movie in my head there's no time for misery I won't feel sorry for me."
She now got down on her knees and practically sang her heart out to the crowd and then stood back up and jumped around to the music.
"I'm Alive, I'm Alive, oh yeah! Between the good and bad is where you'll find me, reaching for heaven. I will fight and I'll sleep when I die, I'll live my life, ohhh! I'm Alive, I'm Alive, oh yeah! Between the good and bad is where you'll find me, reaching for heaven. I will fight and I'll sleep when I die, I'll live my life, I'll live my life, I'M ALIVE!"
Once the song ended she was on her knees and then looked to the crowd who cheered for her. She waved to them and gave a smile to them and then began to talk.
"Thank you guys so much, I couldn't have done it without you guys! See you tomorrow!" She shouted and handed the guitar back to the DJ and went backstage.
"Very interesting don't you all agree." A voice said from behind me and I groaned to see who it was.
"Stein what are you doing here!?" I questioned and he grinned.
"What can't a manger come and see where his band has run off to?" Stein grinned.
"I have to say though, that was quite a performance . . . I haven't heard anything like that in a long time, don't you all agree?" Stein said.
"I thought she was amazing!" Liz exclaimed.
"SHE"S AWSOME!" Patty shouted.
"She truly has a voice and it seemed like she really put some soul into the song tonight." Kid said.
"Yeah. . . I think she's alright . . . She's better than what we've heard . . ." Black Star admitted.
"Well I think she's perfect, I mean she was just incredible." Tsubaki said.
"Then it's settled! Let's go and meet your new band member!" Stein said and I nearly choked on my drink.
"Hey don't I get a say! I mean I am this band's lead singer!" I growled.
"No, because we already know what your answer is and at this point she's the best we've found out of everyone and I'm not about to lose another singer! Now act nice and let's go introduce ourselves." Stein said and everyone nodded in agreement, but me . . .