Chapter 14

Ninety-seven years ago, her life had changed when she had said yes to Minerva...

Hermione had never expected to outlive Ginny, but she should have known what the consequences would be when she had consented to become Minerva's lover all those years ago. A decision she had never fully realized the long term consequences until now.

Because, now…she had the stark realization that she would be burying the rest of her friends, along with all of her children at some point in the future.

A future that would come far too soon for her liking.

Tearfully, she finally managed to utter the question she had wished to ask her wife, "How do you…cope with burying all those you've grown to love?"

"You never get used to it, rather the loss of loved ones can cause you to become predisposed to closing off your heart."

"And," Hermione slowly turned to her wife, "what happens when one of our children dies?" She felt her heart lurch, "I don't think I'll be able to…"

Minerva didn't hesitate as she pulled Hermione to her, "Love, I'm sorry for my need all those years ago."

Hermione's heart broke at Minerva's statement, "It took two for what happened that night," she breathed into Minerva's collarbone, "and until this moment, I have never regretted it."

"And do you regret it now?" Trepidation lacing Minerva's softly spoken words.

Hermione inhaled deeply, the sensuousness of her lover's scent, bringing a depth of comfort as she forced herself to shamefully admit the truth, "Merlin, forgive me, no." She felt Minerva's arms tighten around her waist, "Because to do so, would mean that I would never have been with you. And as much as it pains me to realize that I will have to one day bury our children, I'm more afraid…of losing you."

"I'm not going anywhere," Minerva whispered into chestnut hair before she lovingly pressed her lips into Hermione's temple.


Rose shook her head, "No, mom," she murmured as her joints protested her movements, "I've got it."

Hermione forced herself to remain seated as her daughter's aged form slowly moved across the expanse to pull a bottle of whisky, "How are the children?" She mindlessly asked to move her thoughts on the previous notion, age was rapidly catching up to her eldest.

Rose paused mid-pour, "I thought we spoke about this," she said meeting her mom's startled response at her comment, "and don't equivocate or act like you don't know what I am talking about."

"Rose, while you, your brother and sister are aware of my projected long-life, I still do not think it is wise to tell the grandchildren."

"They're family, mom." She finished pouring the second glass and turned around, "And at some point, we won't be here – and the last thing any of us want if for you and mother to be alone."

"Honey," Hermione took the proffered glass, "we shan't be alone."

"If you are trying to cut your grandchildren and great-grandchildren from your lives, what do you think will happen?"

Hermione met her daughter's unwavering and knowing gaze, "You know exactly what will happen."

Rose sighed, "You and mother will disappear, undoubtedly assuming new identities – but mom, you can't live your life that way. Look what it almost did to mother after having to assume all those identities for centuries."

"What would you have us do? Come out as pseudo-vampires?"

A low chuckle passed over Rose's face momentarily transforming them into much younger features, "Pseudo-vampires, really mom? As if Helena would ever come up such a shoddy classification."

"Then what would you call it?"

Rose stared into her mom's face, a face that hadn't changed despite the passage of years – at least when they were in private. "Life," she finally stated.

"You know if we could replicate…"

"Don't," Rose interrupted, "as we both know I am aware of the lengths both you and mother went through in an attempt to replicate what had happened to her and also the rejuvenating attributes that were passed on to you. However, for the interim, it is past our medical understanding. And not only do I understand, but so does Hugo and Alexis; and we want nothing more than for the two of you to live your lives and stop trying to prolong ours. Because while I would love nothing more than to see my grandchildren have children of their own, it isn't meant to be. But," she peered lovingly into mom's eyes, "it heartens me to know that you will be."

"Rose, I can't make that promise."

Rose edged closer, "You can, and you will." She countered, "As it is no different from the one you elicited from mother when I was but a child."

"She can't, my dear." Minerva's clear cadence ringing from behind them, "But," she swallowed her doubt, "I will."

"Minerva, we discussed…"

"We did." Minerva agreed interjecting, "But I believe Rose's assessment is rather accurately astute. As difficult as it is to admit, we shouldn't hide anymore."

Rose's gaze immediately lifted to that of the woman who had assumed the role of a second mother, "Why the change of heart?"

Hermione answered before her wife had an opportunity, "Oh honey," she began as she glanced over the back of the chesterfield to watch Minerva gracefully glide across the floor to the cadenza, "all you did was ask."

Rose's glance immediately went back to her mom, "What?"

"You've had Minerva wrapped around your finger since you were born."

"No, mother…has always been harder on me than Hugo and Alexis."

"Actually, it was your mother who was harder on Hugo and Alexis, whereas with you, she rarely told you no and if she did; she invariably opened doors behind the scenes to enable you to obtain what you sought."

"She's right," Minerva stated as she approached with a glass filled with whisky and ice, "you've always held a very special place in my heart."

Rose shook her head in disbelief as she chuckled; "Now you tell me." Tears of laughter dripping off greying lashes, "Don't you think you could've told me even a decade ago?" Her laugh rippling outward, so full of life and love, "A present for my hundredth birthday perhaps?"

"And give you an unfair advantage over your siblings?" Minerva questioned as she sat next to Hermione, who innately leaned against her, a smile playing along the corners of her lips, "Never."


Minerva subconsciously pulled Hermione's sleeping body closer, loving the feel of her voluptuous form pressed against her – a feeling she knew she'd never tire from. One that she had been able to indulge in for over a hundred and thirty-six years; and with how her wife appeared to not be aging; which she was blissfully thankful for, it seemed that for the foreseeable future – it was a feeling she'd be able to continue to indulge in.

Though, the last dozen years had been exceedingly difficult for them; having lost Harry, Hugo and one of their grandchildren.

Sighing, she wrapped her arm tighter across Hermione's waist, thankful that they had not lost either of their daughters as of yet, but Rose's health had become precarious of late and Minerva feared it was merely, a matter of time. Though, her iron will and ornery nature; she could very well outlive Alexis and probably a few more of the grandchildren; as she remained steadfast in ensuring that she and Hermione would never be alone. Even having defied death twice already, so she, herself would be there for them.

And as usual, Rose's concern was founded – because despite the passage of years, Minerva worried that at some point, her wife would die.

And she'd once again be alone.

"Stop thinking," Hermione rumbled into the stillness.

"I wasn't…"

Hermione rolled over, "You were."

Minerva peered into glowing bronze eyes, "You're supposed to be sleeping."

"Hmmm…I was." She murmured against heated flesh, "But then I heard you thinking," she placed chaste kisses along Minerva's jaw, "and it woke me."

"I doubt…that."

"It's true," Hermione stated as she leaned back, "as I have a feeling that you are stewing again."


"Uhh-huh as you don't like me to call it brooding; but either way, I already told you…" Hermione breathed as she shifted deeper into Minerva's warmth, "that I'm not going anywhere."

Minerva stared deeply into eyes that held her soul and she couldn't help the question spurred from the depths of her being, "But what if you do?"

"Ohhh, my dearest love," Hermione kissed her fully before gently pulling away, holding her lover's soulful gaze, "we make quite the pair…" she ruefully stated, "both desperately worried about what could happen to the other leaving us alone that it is paralyzing us from enjoying the miracle of our lives."

Tearful golden eyes blinked in the darkness as Minerva's earthy lilt rippled between them, "I love you, Hermione McGonagall."

"And I you, Minerva…" Hermione breathlessly continued on, "Katherine McGonagall."


a/n: I hope you've enjoyed this unique tale. I do not know if I'll be writing any new hg/mm stories; my muse continues to want to drift to other worlds. The prior statement does not mean that I will not be posting on Bonding or even updating HLFM and finding an end to that little gem. Merely that I have no other started hg/mm works floating idly along on my laptop, nor have I written any drabbles for some time.