Alexis: Hello and welcome to the final chapter of Mad Auntie, today I have a friend of mine here, her name is Katness!

Katness: Hello everybody and we are so excited for the final chapter of Mad Auntie.

Alexis: I'd like to thank everybody for reading and review for me to continue, since it's my first story; I thought that I wouldn't really have anybody read this, but thank you to all who have read this story so far. My next story hasn't been decided yet, so I'm going to look around for any ideas, but I'm think about maybe Kingdom Hearts or some else, but if want a sequel like Misao style or something like that, comment please.

Katness: Before we begin, is their a third option?

Alexis: Yes, if this was a game, you would have to clear this once to get the third option. Now let's start!

(BTW, for this ending, you have to have read the journal entry that Patrick gave you, if not you go to the first choice, so this might not be different at first.)

I decided to walk over and open the door and Dio came running into the room. He turned around and saw and hugged me.

"Ana!" He said.

"Dio, oh thank goodness you're ok," I said to his before he released my from his hug.

Just then Simon and his sister, as I believe, got up and Dio went over to them and I went over to my Auntie as she got up.

"Huh? I'm alive?" she asked before seeing me, "Ana! Thank goodness that you are alright!"

"Auntie!" I exclaimed before crying in her lap.

"It's ok, we'll visit your parents tomorrow," Auntie said to me.

I got up and wiped my tears away, but just then a flash appeared and I now outside our old cottage.


"How did I get here?" I ask Silky, who didn't reply, "I guess you can only speak in the dead world."

Looking around, I saw my mother and father coming by to visit me and Dad knocked on the door.

"Hello, Aya? Are you home?" Dad asked after knocking the door.

Aya? My Auntie's name is Aya? Why didn't they tell me about this? The door opened to Maria and Auntie standing there and they were invited inside.

"Is our daughter alright?" My mother asked them as they sat down.

"Well, she does have a heart problem, but don't worry, she'll no longer have it," Auntie replied looking at one of the creepy dolls.

"Wait a second? Are you planning to make her one of your dolls?!" my father exclaimed.

"You her all better?" Maria asked them, "That's the only way for her to be all better. She'll never grow up or age."

"I can't allow you to do that to our daughter!" My mother yelled at Auntie, who was holding now a knife.

In front of me both of my parents were stabbed to death by Maria and Auntie! They fell to the floor bleeding from their wounds and I gasped at why I didn't hear this from my room. Today was when I was outside playing with Silky over by the river! I started to cry as they left to get the materials to dispose of their bodies. I slowly walked over to my mother and just stared at her.

"This is all fake right?" I asked myself aloud.

No… this is the truth…

I looked up and gasped at my mother standing in front of me.

I… wanted to save you… but I couldn't fight back… please… escape before you get killed next…

~End of Flashback~

I looked at my Auntie and started to back away.

"Ana? Are you ok? Why are you afraid of me?" I started to back away before I bumped into Dio.

"…I… was it true?" I asked before I saw my mother's necklace around her neck.

"What's wrong?" Dio asked me, but when I turned around, I saw a bloody corpse behind me.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed before I ran out of the room.

When I left the room, I saw both Simon and his sister trying to open the door. Just then I saw Dio blocking the door with a cupboard.

"Ana!" Dio exclaimed, "Good thing you're here with us. Now we can all escape!"

"Ana…Simon…Helena… DIO!" Auntie called out from behind the door.

"Oh no! Open the door!" Simon said as he was trying to open the door.

A chainsaw was being heard and it was cutting through it all. Helena took her's out and got the door to open up for us and we all ran all the down the hall until there was a fork in the hallway

"Sorry guys, go!" I said to them before I pushed them into another room and locked the door before I ran off.

I ran and ran until I was in the main hallway and then I suddenly tripped over something. Looking at what grabbed me, it was a doll and I could shake if off.

"L-Let go!" I yelled trying to shake it off.

Just then my Auntie came in holding her chainsaw and for once I was scared of her.

"Ana, don't worry, it going to be ok," she said in a calm voice, "Maria's getting your friends, and you'll be with them for all eternity…"

"No Auntie! Please," I said as tears were falling from my face while trying to break free, "I don't to become a doll, please!"

"It's a shame that I'm going to have to hurt your perfect look, but it's your heart that will need replacing, since it's so weak."


"I LOVE YOU!" She yelled holding up her chainsaw.

I screamed and braced for impact, but it never came, but I heard a scream before I fell the doll being thrown off of me. Looking up, I saw Patrick there and he helped me to my feet. When I saw him, he was perfectly fine; no blood or wounds, though he still had blood on his clothes.

"Are you ok?" he asked me.

"What happened to you?" I asked him after I nodded.

"Well, actually I woke up like this," he said rubbing the back of his head, "I was nearby with some knives when I heard you running, so I came and s-"

Before he could finish, I hugged him while crying into his chest. My emotion had to be let out, for who can bottle them up for all eternity… He didn't shove me away, he just allowed me to cry. It was like that until we heard a weird noise coming from behind us. Turning around, we heard screaming and banging before footsteps were coming our way. As we got to our feet, I saw Maria coming out with a long blade in her hands and she saw the body of my Auntie and ran over to it. We backed away as she spoke.

"Doctor! Doctor!" She said shaking her lifeless body, "Please stay with us!"

Just then she looked at us.

"…You two… what has happened to her, Patrick?"

"M-Maria?" I asked before Patrick got out his knives.

"Why would you do this to her?!"

"It wasn't our fault! She was going to kill-"

"You both will be dead!"

She ran towards us, but I felt Silky slide off of my neck before a flash of light came out of nowhere. As we looked, Maria's body was on the floor and Silky was around the arm of a salesman.

"I believe that I've come at the right time," he said handing me back Silky, "Are you two alright?"

"Um… who are you?" I asked him as Silky got around my neck.

"His name is Ogre, Ana," Silky said to me.

"Y-You're snake talks?!" Patrick asked me as more people came into the room.

"Ana!" Dio exclaimed hugging me, "You're safe!"

"You guys are alive?" I asked them.

"Yeah, thanks to Mr. Harrison," Simon's little sister said as he came from behind them, "I'm Helena, Simon's little sister. Mr. Harrison freed us before the maid came to kill us."

"It is what had to be done to save their lives," Mr. Harrison said to me, "Are you both ok?"

We nodded and then I turned to Ogre.

"Excuse me sir," I asked, "Do I know you? You seem so familiar…"

"I've never seen you before, but we should be going," he replied.

We all went to the entrance when I paused in the middle of the room. For some odd reason, it was odd that I didn't want to go outside, so I stopped there and I felt the journal in my hands. Patrick noticed this and he turned around as the others left the mansion. I was starting to cry holding the journal.

"Something wrong Ana?" he asked me.

"I… I remember now…" I said to him as I held out the book to him, "I forgot something, so wait for me outside."

"Sure thing. We'll see you soon, and we'll live like a normal family."

Patrick left with the book as I went up the stairs to "my" room and I found a lighter. Picking it up, I started to walk back downstairs when I stopped and lit it.

"Are you sure about this?" Silky asked me.

"Of course, besides, I'll be back, I just know it, and so will they," I replied dropping it on the carpet, setting the mansion on fire before I locked the doors.

I sat down in the center of the floor as the fire spread and I stroked Silky as I hummed a tune that my mother used to sing to me. As the fire grew up, I decided to say my final words for my decision.

"Listen, everybody," I began, "I know that they would do anything to save me, but I know the truth. I noticed this with my Auntie… if this happened to her, I would soon follow, so please; let them all be spared…"

Those were the last words before everything faded to black.

Alexis: …And that's it!

Katness: Wait, she dies in all of them?!

Alexis: Well, I'm making a sequel, so you will have to wait for it! Oh yeah, don't worry, they all be back in the sequel.

Katness: B-But, they both die!

Alexis: Plot reasons! XD and you can't make me tell them! I hope that you've enjoyed this story and I hope to see you all in the sequel to Mad Auntie.