AN: I am extremely sorry! Its been a full year since i have updated this story and i did not even realise. I promised people chapters and didn't come through and for that i cannot apologise enough. Life got in the way and i kept forgetting. It took me a while to get inspiration back and to figure out a plot line. But i promise i am back, not much action in this chapter but we're getting there.
Omg so thank you to all the amazing people that have supported this story despite there only being two chapters and despite it being a year. The feedback back has been amazing and i have neglected you all. I'm sorry, i hope you can forgive me and keep reading my stories.
Thank you all. I hope you enjoy.
~LoveLife xoxox
Ted and The Flustered Females.
"Yeah Bobby, we're up at Mosby's place" Dean Winchester huffed into the phone. For the past ten minutes he had been assuring the man he saw as a father than him and his brother were fine. The old hunter was repeatedly making sure that they had made it to New York and honestly Dean just wanted to down this beer and bed a hot brunette that kept looking his way.
Bobby Singer was never one to show his worry but ever since the whole angels wanting to wear Sam and Dean to the prom, well he was a bit uneasy with them being so far away.
"Don't use that tone with me ya idjit. What if they get you there, I won't be there to help"
Dean breathed out a laugh, if he didn't love Bobby so much he would have punched the old man by now.
"Bobby, we're awesome okay. You know that's why I came here. Mosby's one of the best hunters I know, he was trained with and by us Bobby. We need him"
"I swear to god Dean if you do something stupid I will drag your ass back into hell, you got me?"
His eyes dropped to floor even though Bobby couldn't see him.
"You know me Bobby, always got a plan B Anyway so you were saying you think it's a nest of vamps? I'll check with Ted see if he knows anywhere nearby that could house vamps. If only a few people have gone missing they'll be looking for more. Gotta go, Sammys back from the can"
Leaning heavily onto the bar, Dean shook his head, it was wrong of him but this was the only way they could win. Putting this on Ted was wrong but it was their only, he'd leave it a while. Do a few jobs in New York with Ted and when the right time come, he'd tell him why the Winchesters really needed his help.
Slapping his little brother on the back he slid over another beer bottle. Sammy gripped the bottle and they both leaned back against the bar. It was moments like this that Dean had missed, just in a bar relaxing with a beer and his little brother without any tension. He had to get as many moments like this as he could. He wouldn't have long left to just relax with his brother, his little brother. He'll tell them about the vampires when they get settled into the apartment.
Taking a gulp of his beer he grinned when the cool, liquid slid down his throat. That was good, he glanced to his big brother and saw traces of worry on his face. No, Dean was not allowed to be a hunter at the moment. They would have time for that later.
"So Dean, you gonna try? She's Teds roommate" Sam raised his eyebrow at his older brother as he watch Dean rake his eyes up and down the brunette that was seated in the booth with a red head and Ted.
"Oh Sammy, I'm going to do more that try" Dean through a wink to Sammy and picked up his beer as he sauntered over to the booth as Mosby called for them.
"OW, what the hell Lilly?"
Ted glared at his friend as she yanked him down into the booth facing her. Her face set in stone and her eyes bright with curiosity. She practically buzzed with excitement. If she smiled any fucking wider he could fit his whole fist in there. He sighed, they must have heard more than he wanted them to. That's what he gets for being so loud when greeting them damn brothers. He glanced back at the bar where they were having a drink while he sorted the room out.
"Spill it Mosby" Her voice cutting through his inner rant. "Who are the two hot bastards at the bar?"
He smirked and looked her dead in the eye "I have no clue what you're talking about Lilly? Anyway shouldn't you have eyes only for Marshal?"
"You know what I'm talking about Ted. We heard you talking to them, so spill who are they?"
Fuck. Fear spike through Ted, how much had they heard. He glanced back at the brothers again, wondering if he'd just blown his cover that he managed to keep all these years. Had his foolishness caused his secret.
'You've got the look on your face Ted, I've been seeing that look since college. The fuck I've been found out look. So spill it already, we couldn't hear so you're gonna have to tell us'
Lily is a life saver without even knowing it. A surge of relief passed through his whole body, they hadn't heard a thing about seals of the devil. Well thank God for that. Slipping a smile onto his face, a holding his hands up he prepared himself to launch into their well-planned speech.
'Okay okay, them two hot bastards as you called them are old friends of mine. The shorter one is Dean and the taller one is Sam. Back in high school before I met you all, they transferred there for a while and Dean helped me with a few kids who were bullying me. Since then we've been close, they're family to me. And yes I will introduce both of you to them. Just calm down, okay?'
Finishing his speech he glanced back at the Winchesters to make sure they heard all that, just so they knew the story right. It's been a long time since they've had to use it and details always get rusty. In the many years he had known both Lily and Robin he had never seen them look as thrilled as they were right now. Lily had a smile latched onto her face that must have been hurting, no one can smile like that. And Robin, well Robin was readjusting the front of her blue dress while ruffling her hair. Oh right up Deans alley.
Giving a small nod to the boys he signaled for them to come over and join him. They gathered their beers and made their way over to the booth. Ted moved over and Dean slid in next to him. Honestly, Ted would have loved to see Sam try and manoeuvre his legs into the small space of the booth, instead he opted for a chair next to the booth.
'Robin, Lily these are my old friends Dean and Sam Winchester' he pointed to them.
Dean wrapped his mouth around the top of his beer bottle, slowly pulling a mouth of alcohol into his mouth, gulping down the beer he dragged the tip of the bottle sensually down his bottom lip keeping his eyes trained on Robin, offering a quick cheeky wink. And Robin fucking giggled like a school girl while leaning forward to show more cleavage. Yeah, Robin was exactly where Dean wanted her.
Dean raked his eyes over Robin, his eyes soaking in every curve of her delicate body, drawing them up her prominent cheekbones and staring intently into her wide lust filled eyes, he let his gaze linger on her. Pulling another sensual swig from his beer, he tilted his head slightly to address Ted.
"So Mosby you son of a bitch, this is where you've been? Hiding with these stunning ladies? I feel cheated, how have I never been graced with their presence until now" Dean Winchester was a smooth mother fucker. Once sentence and he could charm any type of woman, Ted had also been a bit envious of that.
Barking a burst of laughter, Ted shook his head at his friends. Dean knew what he was doing and Ted laughed louder watching the older Winchester smirk. Lily had burned a fabulous red and Robin had never giggled so much in the time he had known her. Looking over Ted saw Sam hiding his smile behind his beer.
Ted decided to take pity on them "So Robin, the guys are here for a while and instead of them staying a shitty motel I thought they could stay with us? They're comfortable with sleeping on the couch and chair. Wouldn't be problem with you will it?"
Dean had gave her another cheeky wink while Ted had been explaining and he had never seen Robin this flustered in his life.
"S-sure, no problem" Robin finally stuttered out.
Well at least they had somewhere to stay. The Winchester was coming to stay with Ted Mosby. That could only mean trouble.