Hello readers! As promised, here is all the info and such for the sequel of Come Back To Me.

The story did really well, except for the last chapter… I felt like I should have had WAY more reviews than that… Like c'mon guys! I THRIVE on feedback, if you didn't review on the last chapter PLEASE do. I'm not trying to beg or anything, but I would literally be the happiest girl in this world if it hit 400 reviews… (:

Story deeds;;

Title;; Don't let me go

Summary;; I don't really have summary JUST yet, but I'm trying my hardest to think of a NEW plot that's never been used…

Characters;; Ally Dawson. Austin Moon. Kendall. Dez. Trish. AND a NEW character…

Genre;; Romance, hurt/comfort, maybe a little suspense…


Release Date;; February 18th


So I hope you guys aren't TOO upset about the long wait, just trust me lovelies… It will be worth it!

I am starting a NEW story in about a couple of days maybe called "Extra Credit" Make sure to favorite me as an author, and stay TUNED! Thanks guys, love you all.
