Here is another chapter I was really upset when I only got one review for the last chapter so please please review. Here the shout outs I am doing the ones from chapter 7 and 8 as well.

Anusha - Ahsuna









Elena's P.O.V

Now that I think I about it I am quite excited about going to Kol's home for thanksgiving, I haven't had any traditional holidays happen for the past 2 years, at when my parents had died Jenna was more sensitive and tried to make us feel normal, but then I guess she got bored and wanted to go back to her old life.

Jeremy refused to come. He said something like I'm not spending thanksgiving with that f***head and his family. I really felt that this would do him some good but he just wouldn't listen when I tried to convince him. Truth be told I think I wanted him there it would be less intimidating. Kol's family would be there; well the ones that care for him. Kol has basically invited me to meet his family. I guess with Jeremy there wouldn't be as much attention on me.

I had packed a small suitcase as we leave later today and tomorrow it thanksgiving. Then on Friday we are coming back. Scholl was out from Wednesday but then classes were back on Monday. Kol, Rebekah and I are going to take a 2 hour flight to New Orleans and then his family's driver is going to pick us up. I found out that his family is mega rich.

At the moment I'm with Bonnie who is just helping me find a way that will help me get through the next couple of days. In an hour we are going in a taxi to the airport. We get in to New Orleans at 10 as the later flight was cheaper. So we will probably be at his house around 11:30 he said his house it 45 minutes away from the airport and it will take to get past security and declarations and airport control.

We were now just loading our bags into the taxi; well Kol was as he was trying to be a gentleman as Rebekah said.

"So are you excited to see your brothers?" I asked Rebekah, she looked really happy I guess she missed her brothers.

"Yeah really, I can't wait. We usually play loads of family games. Like Pictionary and charades. Oh we are going to have so much fun. I'm really happy that you are coming Elena."

"Oh no thanks for letting me come; this is your family's thanksgiving."

"Yeah well it is going to be so much better now that there will be another girl there usually there are too many boys there and I'm all on my own."

We continued to chat and throughout the journey and started to exchange stories about past thanksgivings. When we finally got to the airport me and Rebekah continued to talk, and waited in the line for baggage drop off. Through security and all the other checks we all talked about various things ranging from thanksgiving to Christmas to Cheerleading to football, and in the end we told Rebekah about the Pep rally and she got really excited and talking about all these ideas she had. When we were through and into the shopping section we told Kol to wait in the seating area and us girls went and looked through the shops and bought a few things. When our flight was called Rebekah and I made our way back to where Kol was sitting and got our stuff and started to may our way in the direction of the boarding area.

"What did you do that it took you so long?" Kol asked us, we looked at each other and said shopping in the duh tone as it was obvious.

"I will never get why girls take so long when they shop, what did you even nee?"

"Stuff" Is what Rebekah said and Kol shook his head.

We got on the plane and it was in rows of three luckily we were all on the same row an both me and Rebekah call shotgun on the aisle seat but unfortunately Rebekah got there first and sat down so I sat in the middle seat. I hate sitting by the window. When Kol finally got to our seats he looked annoyed as he was left with the window seat. Well it is first come first.

We talked some more on the plane and eventually I fell asleep on the headrest, was tired I didn't get much sleep last night as I was up late trying to convince Jeremy to come and then I went and talked to Caroline and Bonnie about it and they said it was got a sign that Kol liked me. If only I know he only likes me as a friend.

"Elena, Elena come on wake up we are about to land." I started to open my eyes and saw that I was in someone's lap Kol lap to be more specific. How did I get from the headrest to his lap?

"Oh how long was I asleep?"

"About an hour and a half, you fell asleep pretty quickly I guess you were really tried."

"Way to go captain obvious."

Once the plane had landed we got up and got our bags from the overhead compartment and made our way to passport control. It took about 45 mins to get through and out of the airport we were just looked for the car that is coming to pick us up. Rebekah wanted to go look in some of the shops on the way out while Kol was constantly pushing her along trying to steer her away from the shops.

Eventually we made it to their house and Kol was just unlocking the door, once opened we were greeted with,

"Ah Kol, Rebekah I see you brought a guest."

Please please review it just makes my day