Carley sighed and all but fell onto her bed at the dairy farm. Lilly sent her out to feed the cows and one had blind sighted her from the left. Now her ribs ached like hell.

"You good, shorty?" Lilly laughed from the doorway. A pillow soon found itself launched in her direction. "Okay, you're fine. Take a nap, you deserve it." Lilly said, chucking the pillow back and leaving the room, closing the door. Carley picked up the pillow and placed it under her head, quickly dozing off into a deep slumber.

She looked around, doing a full 360 degree circle. All she could see was a field of endless wheat. The blue cloudless sky above her.

"Carley…" Carley whipped around, and was visibly shaken to see Lee stood there, right in front of her. Looking down at his right arm, she could see not much of it was there anymore. His once brown skin was now pale and his eyes hung low with dark circles under them.

A walker.

"…Lee… what…?" Carley stammered, unable to get out words. This couldn't be true.

"I left you… you were still alive…" Lee stayed where he was, a good 5 meters away from the one-eyed woman. "I should have checked…"

"Lee… you're… you're dead…?" Carley finally managed to get out.

"Yeah, I am. Y'know, I was looking forward to seeing you again. But you lived." Lee said, finally moving closer to Carley.

"Lilly, she saved me. We live at the dairy. We were going to try and find you, but I guess we can't n-" Carley mumbled the rest of the sentence when Lee pulled her in for a kiss. After a few moments, he pulled back.

"I'm sorry, I-"

"Don't say sorry. I don't mind. …I love you Lee Everett."

"I love you too Carley… you never told me your last name." Lee said, still holding her shoulder.

"I never told anyone. My name is just Carley." Carley said, tracing his jaw-line. "Where… where's Clem?"

"Where we said we were going. Atlanta. Please, Carley, please find her." Lee begged, leaning into her touch.

"I'll get Lilly ready to go. We'll take the RV. I'll find her Lee."

"Carley!" They both looked around for the source of the voice, not seeing anyone. "Carley!"

"Is that-" Lee started to ask.

"Short stuff, wake the hell up!"

"Lilly. I'm sorry, I have to go." Lee nodded and backed away. "We'll find her. And Lee, don't be a stranger." Then she faded away, and back into reality.

"Carley, wake up right n-"

"I'm awake!" Carley pushed Lilly away from her and sat up, looking at the clock. No way 8 hours had passed. "What is it?"

"I need to replace your bandages." Lilly showed Carley a new role of white bandages. Looking into a mirror, her ones were a light red.

"Damn, okay. Hey Lilly?" Lilly looked up from the bandages.


"Wanna go to Atlanta?"