So I hope all of you reviewers will enjoy this! Thanks for all of your wonderful reviews! Here I go!
This will be the last chapter!
It had been three weeks since the night where Ino had told him to stay. Shikamaru found that one night could change your life, and that sometimes that was a good thing. Even though he had practically moved all of his things in he was now packing a suitcase to go see his family for Christmas. When his mother had called last week to ask if he was going to make it, he didn't bother to tell her he would be bringing the girls. He could only imagine the shock on their faces when they pulled up in Ino's Tahoe. He smirked to himself as he loaded the bags into the back.
He watched as Ino came out of the building with Mizuumi holding her free hand, and the other clutching the small cooler they had brought for the long trip. He smiled at his girls, leaning over to kiss Ino as she put Mizuumi in the car. He grabbed the cooler and walked around the other side of the car, placing it in the floor board behind his seat.
"Do you need to go potty?" He asked Mizuumi one final time before they left, his hand hesitating on the buckle of the seat belt. He didn't want to buckle then have to go right ahead and unbuckle for no reason, but found that he didn't need to.
"No daddy." Mizuumi said as she made her doll dance across her legs, it was apparently a unicorn (although it looked eerily similar to a horned naked mole rat).
The trip was long and winding, the mountain's road steep and narrow. Ino didn't want to drive and had reclined her seat and placed a cloth over her eyes, so she couldn't see the sheer drop that was precariously close to the edge of the road. In the back seat Mizuumi slept soundly, her head lolling at awkward angles at times that Shikamaru was forced to make a wide turn. It took half the day to get out of the mountains, and another day to complete the drive to Konoha. By the time they reached the city Shikamaru was tired, having only run off of coffee and the sandwiches Ino had prepared.
As they neared his childhood home, Shikamaru began to reflect on his life. He smiled as he peeked into the rear view mirror to see his daughter. His life had been so incomplete before Ino came stumbling back into it. There was never a day that he wished for things to have been different, he knew he would never have gone to college if Ino had told him of the pregnancy. He would've gotten a job to support her and the baby, and their life would've turned out completely different.
Shikamaru had taken and passed his exit exams, which meant he was graduating in the summertime. He was glad that he would be able to give both of his girls the lives they deserved, he wanted to be a hardworking husband and father, wanted to provide them with everything they could want or need.
With a sigh he looked up at his parent's home, pulling into the drive way and killing the engine before unbuckling. He turned towards Ino and gently placed a hand on her shoulder, her eyes fluttered open slowly.
"We're here," He said softly as his eyes flicked to the door. "I want to greet them together first before we unload."
Ino gave him a reassuring smile before nodding. "Alright."
Shikamaru opened the door and got out, circling the car and opening up Mizuumi's door quietly. He picked her up slowly without waking her. Together they slowly walked up the concrete path towards the door, and Shikamaru rang the doorbell two times before the sound of footsteps filled their ears. The door opened quickly and his mother's greying hair was the first thing to be seen.
"Shika darling-" She said, stopping mid sentence when her eyes fell upon the sleeping child in his arms, and the familiar young woman at his side.
"Mother," He said with a confident smile. " I'm sure you remember Ino, but I don't think you've met our daughter, Mizuumi, have you?"
His mother gasped as she stumbled back, and his father gave a sigh as he finally reached the door. Shikamaru's smile could've almost been considered sinister as he entered the house, he couldn't wait to share all the things he had learned recently with them.
So this is it, sorry for any errors. I didn't want to make this too long or I'd never be able to finish...I hope you enjoyed it. Leave a review if you want.