Hello! So this is the PROLOUGE of The Heat! Any flames will beturned into positive feedback and thanked!

Any mistakes is because I am doing all this on my Phone!


He was hot. So unbearably hot. He felt like the he was in a dancing inferno. He could feel the sweat in his white hair sliding down his face. He knew today was THAT day. It was after all the the 5th of april. He hated that day, it meant this unbearable heat would be in his body for at least three weeks. He knew he had to go into hiding again. "Can't have them finding out"he murmured

Even though it had been at least 10 years since he had joined The Guardians they still didn't know his most precious secret. He wouldn't be able to stand there faces at him if they found out. When The Guardians asked him where he was for about 3 weeks he would lie. It was funny how they never caught on.

'For crying out loud even that kangaroo doesn't have this!' Jack Frost thought as he sluggishly got up. He picked up his staff and launched himself in the air. He dropped slightly in the air and then picked himself back up and flew with the winds to Antarctica He needed to go to a cool place with his body so hot. He was losing his free will and he knew if he didn't get to Antarctica soon he would hurt somebody. Also it was far from the north poll.

After a two hour flight, with him almost falling four times, he finally made it to his hiding place. Jack found a small cave he always hid in when ever this season came and flew into it. The cave was about 50 feet deep and 50 feet wide with a height of 70 feet. The cave was a black marble color.

His body was now dangerously hot. Jack was now sweating buckets and his white hair clung to his face and neck. His usually pale skin was flush. All he had to do was hide until after Easter and he would be okay.

He laid down, making sure he was at the entrance of the cave. So if there was wind he would feel the cool wind and if there was snow even better. His powers wouldn't be working until he found what was needed. So now all he had to do was wait. Wait until this forsaken month was done. To wait until his body temperature went back to normal. To wait and hope not to be found by anyone. To wait and hope was all he had to do and he was good at waiting. He did after all helped kids for 300 years that couldn't see him, and that took patience . He would hope The Guardians wouldn't need him. He would hope nobody found him. He would hope that this season passed fast. So again he could only wait and have hope.

Please review. Should continue?