Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail!

Yes I know, I have a problem writing another story despite writing so much already. Honestly, I was just talking about GrayLu to some awesome people on this site then...badda boom- The want to write a GrayLu. Then I listened to Stranger by Hilary Duff (insert disclaimer here) and that's how this story is born.

A huge special thanks to my talented beta, leoslady4ever. Can I just take a moment to completely applaud her story Shattered Dreams and New Beginnings. Like, gosh, SOOO good- along with just about everything else she writes!

Anywho, this story is T rated so just turn your heads away if you were craving a lemon; it ain't happening. And there is no intense blood and gore that will make this M rated. I may heavily imply M rated stuff (I'm not sure) but I won't write it in here.

And now, here's my story! Thanks for reviewing, favoriting, following and reading. It means so much to me and I love you to the moon and back.
xoxox xxSaphireBluexx


Nobody believes me when I tell them that you're out of your mind...

I rubbed the temples of my head, obviously stressed at what had just happened. Just another day I suppose. I mean, my day wouldn't be completely without a lovely fight with my oh so charming fiancé Natsu.

Sometimes I couldn't understand where I went wrong. He wasn't always like this though. He used to be a great boyfriend—the best even. He knew just what to do and how to make me happy. I was in love with him. I loved how he treated me.

I adored the fact that he would always kiss me awake. In my opinion, it was the most romantic thing ever. I mean, morning breath is gross, but it gave me the impression that his day would only start off with a taste of my lips.

Natsu Dragneel. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't still in love with him. He really does mean so much to me. It's the only reason that makes sense to me as to why I would still stay with him. After spending six years of your life with someone, there's no way you can not love them.

He was my high school sweetheart. When I say we've been together since the first day, I'm not kidding. I moved into the house next to him the summer before the ninth grade and over that summer, he managed to get me to go on a few dates with him.

After those dates, I felt myself starting to fall for the reckless, young boy. At the end of summer, Natsu and I became official, so literally, since the first day of the ninth grade, we were together. We've been stuck together like that ever since.

After high school, I ended up moving in with him. I mean, our relationship was definitely ready for the next step. It was great at first too. We were genuinely happy. We went to college. We cooked. We cleaned. We made love. We acted like we were practically married.

The best thing about Natsu was his sense of humor. Whenever I was down, he knew the exact words to cheer me up and make me feel better. In all honesty, I think that's why I fell in love with Natsu to the extent that I did. He had this magical ability to make my lips curve upwards into a smile.

But now Natsu seems bitter. He doesn't want to do anything with me. He's rude and always grumpy. He tells no jokes. He disappears for hours at a time. The most painful thing, above all was the look in his eyes. He doesn't look at me the same anymore. He used to have this warm and gentle look in his eyes. When we made eye contact, his eyes comforted me.

But that's all in the past now because Natsu doesn't have that look anymore. His eyes are cold. They hold no emotion. They don't tell me tales of the depths of the feelings Natsu has for me. His eyes don't tell me that they love me anymore.

If he didn't love me anymore, he wouldn't still be here right? It makes no sense to waste your time with someone you don't love. That's why I hold onto Natsu. Because I love him with every breath in my body. Because my heart yearns for him. My eyes beg for his toothy grin. My arms desire to be wrapped in his embrace. And my ears, they plead for those three words; the three words he hasn't said to me in ages: I love you.

I know that the reality of the situation is that Natsu, my Natsu is gone. And this Natsu, the one in front of me. The one who dared raise his arms at me. This Natsu, is a Stranger. To think this was the same Natsu as the man who proposed to me three months ago.

...Nobody believes me when I tell them that there's so much you hide...

So as you know, this is the prologue for a GrayLu. I'm not entirely sure when I will post the next chapter as I am yet to fit it into my schedule, but I did post this for you all to read! Well, Enjoy.