Jude and I have been living with the Fosters for a while now and I must admit that this is the first time that I have ever felt like I belong. Everyone was like family, every but Brandon. I had started to like him but maybe, hopefully, I am just lusting after him. School was out for the summer and everyone was doing their own thing. I was walking to mine and Mariana's room when Brandon came out of his room.

"Hey can you come here for a minute?" He asked me and I just nodded and followed him into his room. "What's up?" I asked him as I sat in front of his key board. "Well there is no beating around the bush when it came to this type of stuff. Look I know girls have needs and of course us guys have them..." I had to inturuppt. "Please Brandon just spit it out because this is not turning into a conversation that I really want to have with you?" He smiled a little before he contiued. "I know this is something that doesn't seem like me but what would you say to be something like friends with benefits?" he asked and he was right, that didn't sound like something the Brandon I know would ask.

"Why? I thought you and Talya were still together." I said watching him sit down on his bed. "I broke up with her a few months ago. She turned into someone that I really couldn't stand." He said and in my head I did a little happy dance. "Well can I think about it? I mean if Stef and Lena found out, Jude and I would be shipped off to another foster house and I don't want to do that to Jude. Plus I really like it here." It was the truth and I really don't want to risk this. "Yeah just let me know." Brandon said with that smile that made my heart skip. "Alright well I have some stuff to do so I will see you at dinner." and with that I left his room.

Going to my room I thought about what he had said. I haven't had sex in almost two years. I really wanted it, and with Brandon at that, but I don't want to risk getting me and Jude sent to a different house. Jude has finally made friends and I myself am just starting to feel safe. I can't just be selfish but I really wanted to. There was no denying that I felt something for Brandon. It would just be sex no relationship so nothing would change in front of everyone. What would be the chance of us getting caught? I guess the over all answer is yes.

Lena called us for dinner and I headed downstairs. I took my normal spot in between Brandon and Jude. "So how was everyone's day?" Stef asked. "Well I got asked out today." Mariana said smiling. "Oh and do we know this boy?" Stef asked smiling. "No he is new to town. He and I are going out this weekend." Stef nodded. "What about you Jesus? How are you and Lexi doing?" "We are good. We are going t oa beach party this weekend." Jesus answered and again Stef nodded. "Sounds fun. Brandon, Callie what about you two? Any plans this weekend?" Lena asked. I looked to Brandon who was shaking his head no. "Nope just thought I would hang around the house." I said. "Oh well can we talk to the two of you after dinner?" Stef asked and Brandon and I nodded.

Dinner went by fast as did the clean up. Soon Lena, Stef, Brandon and I were sitting in the kitchen. "Okay since everyone has plans this weekend we were thinking about a little get-a-way but we want to make sure you two will be okay here alone." Lena said. "We will be fine Lena. But Mariana, Jesus, and Jude will be here too." Brandon said. "They wont be here. Jude has a sleep over all weekend, Mariana is going to stay with Lexi, and Jesus is staying with one of his friends from school. It will just be the two of you." Stef answered. "Unless the both of you want to go stay with friends as well. Or I'm sure I could get Mike to come over and stay the weekend." She added. "No mom we will be fine. You don't have to call dad and have him come and babysit or whatever. We are both old enough to take care of ourselves." Brandon said and I agreed with him. "Well okay then." Lena said smiling.

"Alright well you two go on up stairs then." Stef said and both Brandon and I headed up stairs to our rooms. "Hey come here for a sec." Brandon said at his door. I followed him in.

"Have you given any thought to our earlier conversation?" he asked and I nodded. "We have to be super careful because if Lena and Stef found out and sent me and Jude away I wouldn't be able to handle that. We can't let the twins or Jude know what we are doing. Pretty much no one can know because it could risk Stef and Lena to find out. I guess your room will be the only one we can use since I share a room with Mariana. And even when we aren't with the family and it is just you and me out somewhere we still have to be on our toes about what we do." I said and Brandon nodded. "Anything else?" he asked and I shook my head. "Do you have anything to add?" I asked and he nodded. "While we are.. doing what we are doing neither of us can date anyone else unless we call this thing off." he said and I nodded. "I agree and no sex with anyone else." I added and he gave me a weird look. "Brandon if you have sex with a girl with an STD and then have sex with me I can get that STD or if I were to sleep with a guy that has one. That's why I say no sex with anyone else." He nodded. "Alright is there anything else that you can think of?" he asked and I shook my head. "Well I guess this weekend will start this thing then." he said and I nodded. "Brandon." I whispered but I almost wish I hadn't. Brandon leaned in and kissed me. I saw fireworks and I knew this was right but I couldn't say anything because we are only friends with benefits. Brandon pulled away and then said, "Good night Callie." and I nodded. "Good night Brandon." and with that I left his room and went to get ready for bed. This seemed like a dream world and now the dream is going to get complicated.