This will be a very weird Sailormoon/Yu-gi-oh crossover fic. Both series do
not belong to me so don't bother suing... since I'm broke, anyway onto the fic.
Warning Yaoi in later chapters, not for Darien lovers.... fic extremely weird.
To Be A Pegasus
By Firehedgehog
Chapter One- Leap of Sorrow
Usagi Tuskino hummed to herself happily, her sapphier eyes shone
with a deep kindness that drew friends to her. She was like any other
sixteen year old in interests, yet unlike any other teenage girl she had a
destiny to be Sailormoon.
Sure she was a clutze (she was growing out of it) and had bad grades
(they were getting better), but everything seemed to be going great in her
To her happiness she had finally told her parents about the fact she
was sailormoon, they had taken it surprisingly well concidering she had died
a few times in the line of Duty. She almost laughed as she remembered
Shingos reaction when he heard the news, but he was thrilled to hold a
secret almost everyone would love to learn.
'Its like a weight is off my shoulders, even though my parents don't
want me to continue they are still supporting me as Sailormoon' Usagi
thought with a smile, she turned the corner to her street and froze.
Police cars and ambulances surrounded her house, she felt her heart
skip a beat in fear... then quickly she ran towards her home.
"Are you Tuskimo Usagi?" a police officer asked, Usagi nodded feeling
more and more fearful of what could of happened.
"Yes i am, what happened officer... and where are my parents?" Usagi
asked and she feared the answer, the officer sighed and told the truth.
"They were murdered along with your little brother, and I'm afraid
that four of the sailor scouts did this," the officer said, Usagi felt her world
come down crashing around her. As he said those words she knew who had
done this and actually feel it, the inner scouts had done this... and she had a
feeling she knew why.
'They killed my family because I told them the truth.... but why' Usagi
thought in shock her face pale, why had her best friends killed her loved
"Miss Usagi are you alright?" the police officer asked his face filled
with concern, Usagi wanted to yell to teh world that nothing was right...
everything was wrong.
"Yes, the whole worlds mad," she cried tears falling dowm her face,
then she turned around and ran ignoring the officer trying to get her to come
back. She ran and ran not caring where she went, her world was destroyed
and now she didn't know who she could trust.
Finally she ran out of energy and she fell to the ground crying, hours
later all cried out she looked around. She found herself in a forest
somewhere outside Juuban, nearby she saw a cliff.
'If I fall over the edge all the pain will go away and I can join my
family, no destiny of crystal Tokyo is worth this' Usagi thought, she knew
that this was probably the wrong way out... but at the moment she didn't
"I'm coming," Usagi whispered standing up, then she walked to the
cliff her eyes blank of anything but sorrow. Closing her eyes she leaned
forward.... and fell, hoping to never open them ever again.
As she fell the Silver Crystal began to glow as if to unspoken internal
wishes, it covered her entire body... and everything changed.
Maximillion Pegasus sighed and turned off his TV, the news told of
how the sailor scouts had killed an innocent family... the remaining family
member hearing the news had vanished two weeks ago.
'What a waste of life, how could they kill innocents... I would never let
them near by loved ones' Pegasus thought, he smiled and looked at his wife
of three years. At the moment she was leaning against his side deep asleep,
he loved her with all his heart.
"Sir," a voice yelled and someone barged into the room, Pegasus
blinked at such a rude entry but quickly noticed why. In his servants arms
was a young child of maby two years old, at that moment he knew that the
child needed medicle help or he could die.
"Quickly put him in my bed and call my families doctors, we have to
hurry," Pegasus yelled, the servant nodded and ran fron the room. By this
time his dear wife had awoken, quickly he explained things and they ran to
where the child was kept.
A small child woke up slowly, his body felt tired and hurt some. The
child looked up to find himself looking into a pair of concerned brown eyes,
he blinked and so did the eyes.
Something felt wrong and the child felt great sorrow, and what more
his entire body felt wrong.
'For one thing I should be dead, and why am I little boy of all things'
he thought confused and bewildered, but that was all he remembered before
this moment... everything was a blank.
"You've been asleep three weeks little one, can you tell us your
name?" the owner of the eyes asked, he had purple shoulder length hair and
he seemed kind.
"I don't know," the child said, then he broke out crying and a kind
woman comforted him... but he couldn't shake that feeling of wrongness
about his body.
Chapter Two- Reaction
"You better get better," a male youthful voice sighed, a teenage boy of
sixteen years old sighed. He had silvery-gold hair and deep sapphier eyes, he
wasn't very tall just over five feet, he dressed in a white T-shirt, blue jeans
and white sneakers.
His name was Maximillion Pegasus Jr, or Max to everyone. He had
been adopted by Maximillion Pegasus when he was two, he had full blown
amnesia of his first few years of life. When no trace of who he was was
found his father had adopted him, sadly his new mother had died a few
months later of a terrible disease.
His life had been pretty lonely after his father had left six years later
in a search to bring his mother back to life, three years later he returned
with the millenium eye... he knew all about it. Max knew all about the
millenium items and there abilities since his father wanted him to know,
wvwn with this information he still loved his father.
Since his fathers millenium eye had been stolen he had been in a
coma, he was now running his fathers fortune.
Max sighed as he watched his fathers sleeping face, he was alone
again... and another thing it was boring running the company.
"Sir?" a voice said, Max turned to face one of his fathers many guards
and raised his eyebrows seeing that it was the chief of security.
"Yeah?" he asked tiredly, maby if he wished hard enough the man
would leave him alone.
"The papers for your transfer to a Japanease school arrived, I have
them in my hands," the man said, Max smiled relieved that it wasn't
somethig bothersome. Since home was so empty between tutors and
bussiness he had gotten permission from his temperary guardian to transfer
to an ordinary school, he was going to be attending Domino High.
"Thanks, pass them here," he said and the man passed them to him, he
quickly leafed through them and smiled. Everything was here, and while in
school in Domino he woould be living with his guardian.
"You may go," he said seeing that security was stil there, he then
blinked and wondered where his guardian was.
'Where is Setsuna, oh well' Max thought and he shrugged his
shoulders, with nothing else to do till she arrived he began to work once
again on the designs for one of the new cards the company planned to bring
"Serenities heart, magic card," he whispered, this magic card he
designed looked like a silver crystal, it would allow you make one monster
twenty percent stronger for two turns in both attack and defence, when
published there would be only five in existance and he would have one of
"Hikari Magician, Spellcaster," he said looking over his next design, she
looked like a wizard and she had the attack power of 2300 and defence
2000. A secret of this card was that if you had the dark magician on the
playing feild as your own both monsters attack and defence would go up
even higher, he loved to surprise people with things like this.
He smiled as he looked over his other designs, he had a feeling that
these new cards would cause alot of surprises for people.
"Yugi," a voice called, sixteen year old Yugi smiled as he saw the owner
of teh voice. It belonged to Anzu his best friend since childhood, but he then
noticed the slightly worried look on her face and frowned.
"Anzu, whats wrong?" he asked, she caught her breath and began to
walk to school with him.
"You haven't heard?" she asked, he shook his head no.
"No I haven't, what is it?" he asked, she looked slightly nervous but
told him.
"I just found out that Pegasus has a son and he is coming to our school
to attend, hes running Pegasus company till he recovers," Anzu told him and
Yugi gasped, he hadn't known that Pegasus had a son... and why was he
coming here.
"What, why would he want to come here?" Yugi asked, he felt Yami
stir at his worry.
Don't worry Aibou, we'll find out and if he tries to hurt you he'll have
to face me Yami said, Yugi frowned slightly but knew the darker spirit
would protect him.
For all we know he could be a nice person, we should give him a
chance Yugi said to his other half, Yami nodded but instead of going back to
his soul room stayed close to Yugi in case he needed to dual Pegasus son.
'Maby I should of just keep on using Tutor' Max thought with a
sweatdrop, as soon as he had entered the class and they learned his name
the class had started to act weird. Many girls began to look weird and many
looked at him in awe, he felt nervous at all the attention.
Some though looked at him with disinterest, and the one he knew was
Kaiba (from descriptions) looked at him with almost hate.
'I'll have to avoid Seto Kaiba, I don't like the way he's looking at me'
Max thought, finally the teacher pointed him to his seat and he quickly took
'Please let this day go quickly, the way this is going I'll never make
any friends' Max thought sadly yet kept his face clear of his fear and
Errr... okay definately weird, if you havn't figured it out Max is Usagi. Later
chapters more from Sailormoon series show up, i would also love fanart,
ideas and reviews for any of my stories.
Ja Ne