Ch 1

Ch 1


' thinking'

A/N Hey everyone. This is my first fic that I've even bothered with posting. Please R&R this when you're done with this. Don't really mind the flames if there are any. They'll just keep my house nice and toasty in winter time. Also, if some of this stuff doesn't make sense, don't expect it to. I've been on the loopy side for half my life. This chapter was made when I was in I was in 'The Zone' and improved upon it later so it should be good enough. It's kind of a SI In 3rd p erson pov and may be MA later, so read at discretion. Don't own anything in this except myself and my oc. Enjoy.

Cold. The world world around him was a bit cold, despite what seemed to be lush grass underneath him. He could feel his leathered black traction shoes, his black cargo pants, his red-symboled glow-in-the-dark punisher t-shirt along with his Superman-symboled shirt underneath, and his grey hoodie buddy with its purple cross-striped pattern. He could also feel the world around him, the life that was in this world. He could feel the trees along with a town in the distance. " wake up", a voice whispered to him. It reminded him of the beauty of a flame for some reason. Not to mention how far off it felt. He could tell that it was feminine, but why couldn't he feel her at first? When he tried to feel her with this new yet so-old sense of his, he felt what she was, what she was made up of, what drives her, basically everything about her. The information flooded his mind and it forced him to quickly organize it and store it somewhere.

" Wake up. Please, wake up." The voice, it was getting louder and closer. He wanted to actually see what she looked like for himself, but all he could see was darkness. Then there was a light like at the end of a tunnel. He moved towards it and the voice grew louder. He came upon the blinding light. He forced his eyes open despite the bright light and came face to face with a Flame Atronach. Not some human stranger, but a flame Atronach. He got a good look at her, and her head had some human traits than that of which not would normally be found on a Flame Atronach. She had flowing hair-like fire that went halfway down her back.

When she was waking this stranger up at the Voice's command, she had gotten a good look at his face. It seemed robust and a bit shapely. He had a few freckles and his skin tone appeared to be an in-between of pale and tan. He also had raven black hair. "Uh, can you please let me get up?" He asked as she was a bit too close for comfort. She gave him some space and he went into a sitting position. He sighed and said,

" I suppose introductions are needed." His mood then shifted to a lighter one and with a smile he said.

" hi. My name's David. David Farcry.(A/N: I'm not going to use my real name.) What's yours?" She seemed a bit surprised at David's sudden mood shift, but shocked David with her piece of information.

" I don't have a name." " What!? Why not?" Her character grew sullen as she spoke. " I was basically in a dream-like state and was wandering around up until a few minutes ago when a voice told me to come to this exact location. And to wake you up." ' so a voice told her to come to where I'm laying and wake me up,' David thought, ' then the person who told her must know how I ended up in Skyrim. But there is no way I'm going back to my old world. Its too boring there.' With his thoughts settled for now, David returned to the physical plane and suggested to the flame atronach in front of him.

"Why don't I help you pick out a name. I pretty much owe you for waking me out of that state of unconsciousness. If you hadn't, I probably would have stayed like that for a long while." She then nodded her head then said," Sure, why not?"

" awesome. Now, what would best suit you?" After he had asked this, an ear-splitting headache struck him full force along with the information of the Atronach . After a few seconds, the perfect name for the beautiful Atronach in front of him came to mind. Wait, why had beautiful popped up in his mind? " I got it. Your name should be Karin. I can feel that it fits you perfectly." She smiled and said " I like it. Its a wonderful name."

Standing up and motioning for Karin to follow, David began to walk in a general direction. Karin was floating after her new friend, wondering where he was headed to but held her voice and decided to leave it as a surprise. A few minutes later David came to an abrupt halt and turned towards Karin, voicing a question/statement.

" Karin, do you think you can crouch on the ground and follow my lead? I hear a fight happening ahead of us and I don't want us to be detected if I can help it. And if we get caught, don't do anything rash, okay?" Karin nodded at him and touched her feet to the grass-covered ground.

When there was no reaction from the grass, they moved forward while crouched and took cover behind some shrubs. ' so far so good,' David thought, but he knew that things could quickly go sour. They peeked through the bush and saw that the fight was over fairly quickly and the prisoners were being loaded onto a couple of carriages by some Imperials. It seemed more like an ambush than anything else. David realized the significance if they were caught and when he glanced at Karin, she knew too. " We need to leave. " he whispered and they turned to leave, but were lead to a carriage at sword-point by an Imperial who had discovered their hiding spot behind the shrubs.

" thought you could hide from us, did you?" He asked. Neither David nor Karin answered. They stopped at the carriage on the left, and the imperial ordered David to dismiss Karin. " I can't," he said," I never summoned her in the first place. And I beg of you; please, don't kill her." The Imperial growled and scrunched his face, a clear sign to David that this guy might be a loose cannon. He regained his composure, though, and ordered for Karin to follow close to the carriage and for her to be kept in sight. ' Dodged a bullet, But how long can I keep us alive?' David thought as he hopped into the carriage to be carried to the town he sensed earlier.

A/N if you enjoyed it, good for you. Didn't, oh well. If there was something that was confusing, it will probably be explained in later chapters. If they haven't or if you demand it immediately, I'll explain it in the next chap's summary. please alert me to any errors and I will attempt to fix them accordingly. Chao.