This is the first movie-verse story I have written. This is a one-shot collation of Annabelle and Ironhide. This is probably fairly well known, but bold and italics are comm. links.
"That should do it, Ironhide. Just be careful of the new weld, it might break open if you are not carful of it. Now, shoo!"
The lime-green medic shooed the bulky black Autobot out the door with a wrench that might just fall out on a swing towards the weapon specialist and accidently hit him if he did not speed it up.
This, as he checked the clock on the opposite wall, was no problem.
"Scrap! I'm late for Annabelle's bus to arrive!" the big black truck roared out of the base with bits of armor still clinking into place.
"Ironhide!" Ratchet hollered angrily, "I said 'Be careful!"
Prime smiled at his old friend, "Has Ironhide ever been careful?"
"No—PRIME!" the medic looked at him with a raised wrench, "At least he tells me when he gets hurt! How long have you had that?"
"What?" the leader was a bit taken aback; he was not injured in any way.
"The green oozing gash on your right shoulder!"
Ironhide smirked as he heard Ratchet go off on a rant about how no one ever takes care of themselves and they think he can fix things with a simple weld when they require surgery, and how Prime is supposed to lead when he's gone up and died from a little cut that got infected.
He arrived just as the kindergartener got off of her bus and was looking around wildly for her friend that was a just big black truck to everyone else. "Hidey-Hide?" she called.
"I'm right here, I just had to go to the base for a moment and couldn't leave right away." The truck purred as the child climbed inside him to go back to the base, "Please do not inform her of my incident, such news will aggravate her."
"Understood, 'Hide, we all know the effects of injuries can be taken badly by sparklings."
"Thank you, Mirage."
"And another thing, don't go near the med. Bay, Ratch has got Prime pretty loud about some injury."
"Understood, thank you again."
The child watched the world roll by as Ironhide played her favorite song, from her favorite CD, for the thousandth time this week, and the hundredth time that day, but he never tired of it because it made her happy. Even though she did not always verbalize it, Ironhide could smell it, and that made his day.
"How was school, Sweet pea?"
"Good, we had to take naps, but I didn't take one!" the five year-old child sang.
"Oh" the bot chuckled.
"Yeah, I went outside and climbed tree!" she wiggled in his seat and yawned.
"Oh?" But Ironhide's question fell on sleeping ears. He looked at the sparkling inside his cab, and felt this overwhelming protective emotion, just like, just like—no! Not now! Not now! But his processor would not listen to him.
There was a tiny sparkling in his hand, Chromia stumbled to look over his shoulder and the big black Autobot supported his wife and guided them to their room. Before going into recharge he looked at his family and had that feeling.
Two weeks later, while he was on tour, Deceptions attacked the base.
There were no survivors.
The raven-haired holoform looked at his protectee, I swear, Chromia, I will always protect her, and I promise you I will protect her, I will not fail, and I cannot fail.
Then he was at the base.
"Hide-Hide, where are we going?" a tired voice asked.
"To the base, darling." Ironhide's gentle voice replied softly.
"But we don't come in this way."
"No, dear, I just thought it would be good to go this way."
"Ok, Hidey." She sat up and peered over his hood as he stopped.
"Hidey? Why is no one here?" she asked as she hopped up and her guardian transformed.
"They are busy." He replied, hoping she would not press further; he could not lie to her.
"Hide!" she gasped, her eyes fixed on his left arm.
This caused the giant robot to lean down, "What's wrong? Are you okay?"
"Hidey has boo-boo!" she began digging around her backpack for something, her golden curls getting in the way of her face.
Primus! Humans are confusing! What in the pit is a boo-boo?
She emptied her bag on the floor, crayns and markers rolled everywhere and a box that filled up most of her book bag fell out. She opened the box, "Hidey-Hide closer!" she demanded.
The tough mech leaned closer to the ground, but the sparkling demanded he come closer.
Then she squirted some goop on his arm from a tube that was like a mini toothpaste thing and stuck something to it.
"Hidey-Hide has lots of boo-boos!" She gasped, "Ratchet said that Hide get's boo-boos and they turn silver." She said as she practically coated his arm with the goop, which read "Neosporin", and promptly covered it with stickers, called "Band-Aid". Most of the stickers were pink and bore strange humans and patterns, the fact that they were pink and on him was enough to make him purge, needless to say the very thought of one of the others seeing him made his armor heat up slightly and caused him to shudder.
"Did I hurt you? Let me give you a kiss to make it better!" she leapt up, seeming to only be trying to scare the daylights out of him, and planted a wet kiss on his chin, which made the big, tough, unbreakable Ironhide melt like an ice cream cone on a hot, humid summer day.
She continued to plaster him with the goop and stickers, for her guardian could not stop her without the risk of doing her harm.
By this time quite the group of bots and soldiers had gathered in the large doorway, and quite the many pictures had been taken.
"I never thought I'd see that old rust-bucket with a human child." Wheeljack whispered to the father of the little girl.
"Rust-bucket? Try puddle." Ratchet hissed with a chuckle, "Though he is not as bad as Prime when it comes to that."
Will looked up at his comrades, "Well I never thought I'd see The Puddle covered in Princess Band-Aids!"
"There you go, Hidey-Hide!" the girl clapped her hands.
"You are an excellent nurse, Miss. Annabelle Lenox." The big black bot had finally figured out that "Boo-Boo" meant the same as "Owie".
"I love you Hidey-Hide!" she threw her arms around his big neck.
"I love you too, Annie!" her guardian gently cradled her to his chest as the others scattered, not wanting to anger their tough old friend.
It was a few weeks later when Will was proudly showing around his photo album, Ironhide meandered over to the crowd of purring bots.
"That kid's mine." He smiled.
"No, Hide, you are completely hers." Arcee giggled as Will Lenox turned the page and there, front and center, was Ironhide, covered with princess pink band aids and receiving a kiss from a little girl. On the page across from that, were plenty of other rather embarrassing pictures of Belle smearing and bandageing him. And at the end of the page was a picture of him hugging little Annie.
"How did you—?" the big black bot squeaked.
"You were very preoccupied, and we couldn't resist not taking pictures." A smile played on Optimus Prime's lips, and Ironhide groaned deeply.
"Hidey-Hide!" a tiny voice called, Ironhide's perked up and began to glow with delight.
"Hidey-Hide play hide seek!" She ran to his feet, Optimus Prime took out his camera.
"Alright. Onetwothreefour—" he covered his optics
"No, Hidey-Hide, to fast!"
"Alright. One…. Two…. Three…. Four…"
"No, Hidey-Hide, too slow!" the girl giggled.
"Alright. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine… Ten!" The big Autobot had already located her by her giggling, but he searched anyways.
"Hmmn, she ain't by Optimus," He picked his leader up by the underarms, a thing Optimus hated to have done to him, "She ain't under him either…."
A silvery giggle filled the base.