Little Pervert and Little Snake

Time travel Naruto

Summary: The legendary Sannin, or as Naruto would put it, Pervy Sage, was dying. There was nothing anyone could do to stop Jiraya from dying, nothing, I tell you! T.T AAHHH! *sniffle, sniffle* But here a fan fiction writer is going to change that, in this story titled Little Pervert and Little Snake. Rated T, because Jiraya's a perv

Chapter 1: Reliving

Jiraya last thoughts...


Jiraya's eyes open, he looked around wondering where he was. Wasn't he dying? Didn't Nagato kill him? What happened?

"Jiraya?" He heard, Jiraya looked up to see Orochimaru as a 13 year old, he gave that evil grin of his that drove him crazy

"Ahhh! Why are you so young?" Jiraya screamed out in freaking out mode.

"You do not know how happy I am to hear that." Orochimaru said giving his signature smirk.

"Wait. What?" Jiraya mumbled.

"Look all I know is that I woke up and I find myself like this." Orochimaru gestured at himself, and Jiraya laughed at Orochimaru predicament. "Oh, but I must add Jiraya you are also a pre-teen." He smirked again.

"WHAT?" Jiraya screams as he starts to freak out because he finally notices that his hair is shorter and Orochimaru seemed to be taller than him. Orochimaru ignored him and looks around and notices three stumps.

"Our old training grounds." Orochimaru recognized. Jiraya paused to see that he was right. "The last thing I remembered is Sauskue killing me," Orochimaru mumbled. Jiraya turns his head fast at his mumbling and remembers his last memory.

"The last thing I remember is Nagato killing me." Jiraya added, Orochimaru cocked his head curiously, but thought how curious it was that there students where the ones to kill them.

"I thought those war orphan brats died." Orochimaru said.

"Yeah, well..." Jiraya stopped at mid-sentence. "Wait. Why am I having a descent conversation with you?"

"Descent?" Orochimaru questioned at the adjective.

"Well yeah, you want to destroy the leaf village and you're a rogue nin."

"Can't deny that." Orochimaru smirked which made Jiraya annoyed. Orochimaru ignored him and focused again at his surroundings and then he saw Tsunade walking towards him. She was as young as them Jiraya saw Tsunade and he couldn't believe it...she...had no...breast!

"Orochimaru, do you think..." Jiraya was about to ask when he saw Tsunade smiling at Orochimaru like they were old buddies.

"I don't think so." Orochimaru whispered back and Jiraya nodded in agreement, but then again why where they being so formal with each other.

"Hey flat chest." Jiraya smirked as he used her old nickname. Tsunade grew a tick mark. As she came closer, she gave Jiraya a murderers glare.

Wrong words, Jiraya thought as he got punched by Tsunade. Orochimaru chuckled and then he slapped his mouth shut with his hands, both Tsunade and Jiraya raised their eyebrows.

"Did Orochimaru just chuckle?" Tsunade asked

"I was just going to ask the same thing," said Jiraya as he rubbed his bruised cheek. Orochimaru scolded at them and unfocused himself from them and then in his mind he was asking himself why am I still here?

What are you talking about we're waiting for Sarutobi Sensei, something answered inside of Orochimaru's head.

Sensei? He asked himself.

Yeah Sarutobi Sensei , again a voice said inside his head and the voice sounded allot like him except it was younger... Yeah it was younger.

Jiraya pictured Tsunade older as he compared pre-teen Tsunade to those big breast!

Fuck no way! Something denied Tsunade's breast size. There is no way on earth that flat chest would've grown to be that big, the younger voice denied inside his head and the voice sounded allot like him except it was younger... It sounded younger!

"AAAHHHHH!" Jiraya and Orochimaru both screamed and they ran off around the training ground trying to run away from something they couldn't run away from. I mean common how could they run away from them selves.

Sarutobi then appeared he walked over to Tsunade and then nudged her.

"Tsunade do you know why those two are running around in a panic?" He asked.

"I have no idea sensei." Tsunade said with her mouth open in surprise to see Orochimaru freaking out and running around like the world had gotten mad, now seeing Jiraya... anything he did was stupid, but this was just surprising to see the two running around in a panic.

"Get out of my head, get out of my head." Orochimaru said as he sat down messaging his head as he realized that he had high jacked his younger self's body. Jiraya on the other hand had passed his freaking out mode and was now talking to his younger self about their accomplishment like how powerful they've become, sadly with Orochimaru, the younger Orochimaru was not happy about older Orochimaru's accomplishments… like killing Sarutobi Sensei, making a lot of genie bigs, and torturing people.

I would never do that, younger Orochimaru screamed to his older self, when all of a sudden both Jiraya and Orochimaru's younger and older self-merged, and there were no more inner voices. (It was an aftershock loop, you know like they're reliving their lives, and it took a while to merge since there could not be two Orochimaru's or two Jiraya's because then it would have been a pain to write younger Jiraya or Older Orochimaru, you're getting me here aren't you?)

"Jiraya, Orochimaru are you okay?" Sarutobi asked his two students, Jiraya and Orochimaru both blinked at the question, for them this was just too weird, but Orochimaru's mind had come up with a lie.

"I was teaching Jiraya how to do genjutsu since he was nagging at me to teach him since he's useless, but he messed up on the genjutsu an put allusion on both of us." Orochimaru lied.

"I suck at genjutsu," Jiraya pouted, which made the lie more believable, but Jiraya wasn't lying about him sucking at genjutsu, because he sucked.

Sarutobi raised his eyebrow, but he let it slide. "Well today we have a mission."

"What rank?" Jiraya asked getting excited.

"D," he said happily, Jiraya pouted he was the legendary Sannin he shouldn't be appointed low level rank, oh wait I merged with my older younger-self so I'm not a sage, or not even legendary. (Hey at least your still pervy.) No help inner voice, but there was also Orochimaru, he didn't seem dangerous as he didn't do anything as he saw Sarutobi sensei. He wasn't all I'm a rouge nin and I am going to kill you again, because I am form the future, but then Orochimaru wasn't that stupid to fight Sarutobi sensei as he was now.

Orochimaru could feel Jiraya's glare and wondered what was going on, dough he had caught up on his predicament and his lie he couldn't believe that he lost his ambition to study kinjutsu and obtain knowledge of all techniques, but when he saw the old man he was relieved to see him. He was happy he was alive, his younger self merging prevented him to wanting to harm him or to even aim to regain his goal from the future. He had to be good ninja he was a prodigy. Orochimaru met Jiraya's gaze and smiled which made Jiraya annoyed, Jiraya could also be prodigy since he does have his memories of the past as he does. Maybe the upcoming war could be changed and people like Tsunade's love ones didn't have to die. Tsunade…

"Why are you staring at me like that?" asked Tsunade as she felt Orochimaru staring at her. Orochimaru turned his head away from her and then looked back at Jiraya, he wouldn't believe me… what I'm planning… that pervert probably didn't even know that they could change the future for the better, but the mission was first….


Orochimaru really didn't like the mission they were given, it was more of a simple job that any one could do, but here he was helping a farmer from doing his chores, but as he could see the man was pretty old and he said his son was out of town and he wouldn't be back until a few days. So here he was helping a farmer where he needed to talk to Jiraya about future stuff, but he didn't want to bring suspicion since he and Jiraya where not that close, they were more like rivals. But he needed to talk to him.

Jiraya hated this job, gosh he was the Legendary Sannin, the Toad Sage and here he was helping an old man, okay he was old an all and he needed the help, but still maybe a c rank mission would be better, this was just hard work. At the end of the day the old farmer gave his thanks with a relived smile, that he offered a dinner for them, Jiraya was happy for the food he needed the energy, for him to grow stronger. To train… Jiraya then finally got what it meant to be in the past again. To train, to protect, the Second Shinobi War was coming, DAMN! He hit the ground, the act surprised everybody as they saw how frustrated Jiraya got.

"What's wrong Jiraya?" Sarutobi Sensei asked, Orochimaru walked up to Jiraya and looked down at him.

"What do you want?" Jiraya growled.

"I'm sorry but we won't be able to join you." Orochimaru directed his words to the old farmer, but never gave him a look. Orochimaru grabbed Jiraya by the arm and hoisted him up. "We need to talk." He whispered and started to walk off to the road and Jiraya simply followed as he re-saw the Second Shinobi War, the War where they got their titles, but also the war where they had many loses.

Orochimaru stopped walking when he thought he was far away inof and waited for Jiraya to come closer, but he shouldn't have expected this, when he stopped Jiraya stopped. Orochimaru turned and he saw his hair covering his face, and he wondered, what was Jiraya thinking?

Jiraya looked down at his feet his hair covered his face and he relived what the War had brought, death, that's the most he could see, but to relive it again… Was the world playing a sick joke on him?

"Jiraya," Orochimaru called, this made Jiraya snap back up at him and what Orochimaru saw brought a sad face, but then he sighted, here comes the hard part.

"I want to help you, it may be hard to believe from what I have done in the future, but my past self and I merged and I couldn't do what my old ambitions wanted."


"I guess you haven't noticed, remember where we running around from are younger self's, well I guess you didn't notice because your younger and older self weren't that different, whereas my younger self were, he had morals and couldn't believe what I had done in the Future, I want to help you Jiraya, the Second Great War is coming and we can…"

"I cannot believe you Orochimaru," Jiraya locked eyes with him, Orochimaru flinched from the stare. Jiraya walked closer and Orochimaru kept on looking he gave a pleadingly look, to believe in him. He wanted to protect.

Jiraya then smiled and gave a happy smile at his friend which caused Orochimaru eyes to widen in shock. "You do not know how much I wanted to see you with those eyes Orochimaru, The Will of Fire lives in you, like it does on me." Orochimaru's smiles and this time it wasn't that annoying for Jiraya.

AN: Sorry for any OCness, but Review that if you don't like friendly Orochimaru, but I am sorry but you're going to have to deal with him that was my plan all along, to make Orochimaru as the good guy. Anyway this is my first Naruto Fic, and I always wanted to write one and now I have. Yeah! Anyway Chapter One is done, until Chapter 2 which I have no idea what I am going to write, I'm mostly winging it, so any ideas will be helpful if you like and thank you for your time.