One-shot. Based on a true story. Takes place at the beginning of season 2.

DISCAIMER: I don't own Ultimate Spider-Man unless I'm dreaming.

The Cheeseburger

Ava sighed to herself. It had been a long couple of days- the team had been forced to track some random super-villain for three days straight, without any real sleep. Now everybody was trekking back to Peter's house, where his Aunt May was waiting eagerly to hear the details of their 'school camping trip'. Soon after arriving, though, they found a note on the counter.


Sorry to miss you coming home. Your great, great twice removed cousin's uncle's best friend's daughter Angelina (who is also one of my best friends) broke her femur and needs my help. I should be back within the next two weeks. XOXO, Aunty May

It was a relief to not have to explain the burn-marks and bruises. Ava collapsed into the kitchen chair, and Peter sat down next to her. Danny was already asleep on the couch, snoring lightly, while Luke had stumbled into an armchair, and Sam was rummaging through the fridge.

"There's nothing to eat," Sam groaned to his friends, none of whom bothered to reply. Everybody was exhausted, and no one but Sam was the least bit hungry. He had found, though, that there was virtually no food (with the exception of expired tofu, canned green beans, rotten hot dog buns, baked beans, and Greek yogurt with pink chunks in it- none of which qualified as food). A yellow, crinkled wrapper caught his eye, laying forgotten in the cupboard.

Sam picked it up, finding it to be a McDonald's cheeseburger. It was warm. He stuffed it in his mouth, happy to have found something edible. "Why didn't anybody tell me that you got food on the way home?" Sam asked, swallowing. He felt miffed that none of his friends had bothered to share with him.

"I didn't stop for fast food," Ava rolled her eyes. "That stuff is nasty."

Sam shook his head at the girl's obvious lie. "This cheeseburger is still warm. It's delicious!" he exclaimed. It was unbelievable that any of that junk could taste good at all, in Ava's opinion.

"Cheeseburger? Where'd you find a cheeseburger?" Peter yawned.

"Hidden in the cupboard. I can't believe that you guys didn't share with me! Where did you put those little ketchup packets? And did you save me any fries?" Sam demanded.

Peter snapped awake. "Wait... you found a cheeseburger in the cupboard? Lemme see it," he said urgently.

"No way, Bug Breath!" Sam held the burger aloft, out of Peter's reach. However, since they were all still in uniform, it took Peter only a small flick of the fingers to snatch it with his webbing.

"Sam... This isn't fresh... It's warm because my aunt turned off the air conditioning to save money when she left and it's over a hundred degrees outside..." Peter trailed off, repulsed by the burger.

Ava wrinkled her nose. "Ew, Sam. Here, Pete, give me the wrapper for a sec." Peter tossed the bright yellow wrapper to her, and Ava turned it over, finding what she was looking for. "Aha! The receipt... January second of last year... oh, God, Sam, you're eating a rotten burger!"

"Nu-uh! It's delicious! Here, give that back to me, Web Head!"

As Sam started shoving the burger into his mouth again, Ava sighed, and got up. I can't let the Bucket Head die of food poisoning, after all. She jammed the receipt in her teammate's face, and Sam finally believed his friend, promptly dropping the cheeseburger onto the table, and backing away, repulsed. As he ran to the bathroom, hand over his stomach, Luke walked into the kitchen, stretching.

"Oh, cool, you guys got fast food," he said, and popped remainder of the burger into his mouth.