
Wait what? Am I really updating this story?

Yes, I am. And you can thank Em (Klaineforya on twitter), who found me on twitter and basically gave me the right kick to start writing. So thank you Em for the energy you sent me, you are real sweetheart

I'll update also on Absolutely Perfect by the end of January, hopefully I'll get bit more time now, I'm dealing with lots of family stuff now.

It's not checked by my beta, I've literary just finished it now and wanted to give it to you as soon as possible. I've only proof reader it once and I'm tired so I'm sure there are going to be many mistakes so sorry for that.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Glee, everything belongs to Ryan Murphy, Fox and the rest of the authors.

Hope you guys gonna enjoy it.

Love Helen

Chapter six – This could be the end of everything

It was calm Sunday morning. The sun was just rising, casting the room in soft orange glow. Kurt stretched his tired body like a cat and scooted closer to the warmth radiating from his lover. Raising Blaine's arm a bit he sneaked under it and pressed his face into his naked chest. Blaine smacked his lips, murmuring something unintelligible but he calmed down quickly, tightening his arm around Kurt. The younger man sighed deeply, inhaling his lover's smell and closed his eyes again.

He tried to fall back to sleep but the more his mind began waking up the more he started realizing a few discomforts. First – he was cold. Really cold, his feet felt like icicles and he was shivering. And second - his lower belly hurt. It wasn't sharp pain, nothing to raise immediate alarm bells in his mind but it was uncomfortable. Like pulled muscle kind of pain – dull ache that didn't seem to wanting stop anytime soon. He tried to change positions, turning this and that way, but it didn't stop. He tried to not freak out just yet – he remembered the words of his doctor and also what he read in the books on male pregnancies.

Pains were more common for males during pregnancies - where woman's bodies were built to carry child, men's bodies needed to make space for the uterus and fetus. Slight pains were pretty common. There wasn't any need to panic (at least that's what the book said), you only should start being concerned when the pains become unbearable or were accompanied with bleeding or spotting. So he only cuddled close to Blaine for warmth, trying not to get himself into panic attack. He was already past his first trimester; the most dangerous stage of pregnancy was behind him, every day the chance of miscarriage was dropping down. It couldn't go wrong now, right? Right?

"Mmmh good morning" Blaine murmured, pressing his lips against Kurt's forehead.

"Morning Honey" He smiled in Blaine's chest and kissed the warm skin above his heart. Blaine sighed contently and rolled on his back taking Kurt with him so he was lying atop of him.

"How did you sleep?" Blaine smiled at him sleepily, stroking his back. Kurt scooted up a bit and pressed his lips against Blaine's lips not caring about the morning breath.

"Good" He murmured against the lips of his lover, not ready to part yet. He pressed against Blaine even more and reached for the blanket that slid down his back and tucked it around them tightly. "It's so cold today" He whined slightly when he broke away from Blaine, shaking a bit.

"Should I bring you the spare blanket?" Blaine asked him sweetly, pressing him closer to his body.

"No, no it's okay" He nuzzled his face into Blaine's neck.

"Someone is cuddly this morning" The curly haired man chuckled but it was clear he didn't mind even one bit. Kurt made soft 'mmhp' sound and laid his cheek on Blaine's shoulder closing his eyes.

"Is Santana coming over today?"

"God no" The older one groaned, playing with Kurt's hair. "But I have to go through her songs ideas. She gave them to me earlier this week but I fear looking at them"

"Courage baby" Kurt said with slight smile. The week they went to Lima he suggested Blaine that Santana could be the right person for Warbler's Records' break out star. Blaine was refusing to hear about that idea; he basically stuck his fingers in his ears and started singing every time he heard her name. But even he had to admit she had a killer voice. He liked her, she was great friend to both of them, but Blaine couldn't imagine working with her because let's be honest, she could be nightmare. But after some persuading (and some serious puppy eyes from Kurt) he and Wevid decided to give her a shot.

And the hard work began. Kurt knew how thickheaded both Santana and Blaine could be. So it wasn't any wonder when the two of them spent more time bickering than working. Earlier this week Santana was here to go over her original songs she wrote, but not even twenty minutes later she stormed out of the house, almost knocking over Kurt who was mopping the floor in hallway, muttering something in Spanish under her nose. Kurt was sure it wasn't anything pretty.

"It's going to be hell. I hope you didn't have any plans for us today Cupcake, I really have to sort them out" Blaine sighed tiredly.

"No, I didn't. I'm gonna probably spent the day resting. Maybe work on my own assignments."

"You feeling alright baby?"

"Yeah just little tired" He didn't want to lie to Blaine but he didn't want to worry him if the pains were actually nothing. He had enough on his plate as it was. "Do you think we could go back to sleep?"

"Of course. It's way too early to be up on Sunday morning anyway"

"Will you stay with me?" Kurt asked as he nuzzled his face against Blaine's sweet smelling skin.

"Wouldn't dream of being anywhere else" His boyfriend murmured kissing his forehead. Smiling Kurt felt his body relax and soon he was back to sleep.

When he woke up again the sun was high on the skies and the bed next to him was empty. Stretching his body with pleasant moan after he felt his joints pop, he got up from the bed. From the back of his vanity chair he took Blaine's hoodie and put it on, inhaling Blaine's smell with smile. He could hear soft clinking from the kitchen and Blaine silently speaking, probably to Clooney. Silently he made his way through their small apartment, halting his steps in the doorway to the kitchen.

Blaine was standing in front of the stove, already dressed up for the day in dark violet jeans and white V-neck shirt. His hair was free of gel and clearly freshly washed, creating mess of curls. Clooney was lying down on his matt, chewing on some rubber toy. He had his collar on so Blaine must take him out some time ago.

"Hey you two" He said softly, walking inside the room and straight to Blaine. The older man turned around with beaming smile, immediately sneaking his arms around Kurt's waist.

"Hey you two" He repeated and placed one of his hands on Kurt's almost on nonexistent bump, stroking it gently. "How did you sleep?" He run his other hand through Kurt's tousled hair, smiling at the soft purr Kurt let out.

"Great. What smells so delicious?" Smiling he peered over Blaine's shoulder to look at the stove.

"Potato and cauliflower curry with chicken breasts-"

"Of course" Kurt added softly, he knew Blaine was carnivore and just couldn't do without a meat.

"- and parathas. I didn't put ginger and coriander in it, I know your stomach are not handling them well lately and also I didn't put that much of chili in it, I don't want to burn our baby" He explained and guided Kurt to the table pulling a chair out for him. Kurt smiled at him gratefully and inhaled the amazing smell of the meal. Blaine was incredible cook (it was weakness of Kurt) and since their found out about the pregnancy he was taking advantages of it and kept cooking delicious meals, slowly helping Kurt to put on some healthy weight.

"Oh god, it's amazing" Kurt flat out moaned around the first bite. "That's it, I'm never cooking again, I'm leaving it on you" Blaine laughed at this, but Kurt saw bit of blush creeping on his cheeks. They enjoyed their meal in comfortable silence, once in while exchanging soft touches and kisses. After they were done (Kurt even asked beaming Blaine for seconds) they together made the dishes and then Kurt prepared tea for them. All the time Blaine was standing behind him, cuddling to his back and peppering his neck and shoulder in soft kisses.

"I should go work on the songs" Blaine sighed when the tea was done and Kurt turned around in his arms.

"Well think of it this way, the sooner you get to it, the sooner you can come cuddle with me" He kissed the tip of his nose. The curly haired man sighed again but then smiled.

"You are right. Okay, will you be okay without me? Don't you need me to keep you company?" Blaine asked and Kurt knew what his real reasons were.

"Go work you lazy bum! Go, go, go" He slapped his shoulder lightly with laugh.

"But Kuuuurt! I just peeked into her songs when she gave them to me and one it's called 'Cutabitch'! I fear for my sanity"

"Oh did she put 'Trouty mouth' there too?" He asked excited.

"The song she wrote for Sam? I hope not" He sighed tiredly. "Alright you three, be good here okay?" He smiled at him and then looked at Clooney who was already napping on his matt. Rolling his eyes he kissed Kurt's forehead and picking up his tea he disappeared behind the door to his study. Smiling Kurt shook his head and sipped his own tea. He had the whole afternoon off and he didn't feel like working, any of his assignments weren't due anytime soon so he decided to just chill in front of the TV. But first he was in desperate need for shower.

With song on his lips he went to their bathroom and let his clothes fall down to floor without caring. The warm water was doing wonders to his tired and aching body. He relaxed under the spray singing – but not too loud, their flat had paper walls and he knew Blaine wouldn't be able to concentrate. He was just lathering his shoulders in thick foam when pain sharp like knife cut through his lower belly. He gasped, his legs wobbling under him. But in second the pain was gone. He stood, leaning on the wall, breathing quickly. When he got back his bearings he washed himself off the foam and climbed out of the shower. His legs were still shaking so he dried himself quickly and put back on his clothes.

In the living room he sat down on the couch his heart beating fast. Okay that pain was worse than in the morning. What he should do now? Should he tell Blaine? Should they go to the hospital? It's Sunday would doctor Kim even be there? Maybe he could call her first. She gave him her personal number and she would tell him what to do.

He went back to their bedroom where he left his phone and with shaking hand he dialed the unfamiliar number. He could feel his heart beating against his chest but he tried to not to panic yet. He would call her, she would assure him that it was perfectly normal and that would be it. No harm done, everything will be okay. He didn't have to wait long, Doctor Kim picked up on the third ring.

"Allyson Kim speaking"

"Uhm, hi Doctor Kim, this is Kurt, Kurt Hummel" He stammered awkwardly.

"Oh, good afternoon Kurt. What can I do for you? Is everything alright?"

"Good afternoon. I have a question. Um I'm having pains since I woke up this morning. Mainly in my lower belly" He said, biting at his nail nervously.

"Okay, are they a constant pain or are they coming and leaving? Any spotting or bleeding, nausea, fever, fainting or dizziness?" She asked him and he could hear rustling of papers.

"No, no any of those. I woke up and it hurt just a bit, like pulled muscle or something. Then I've fallen back to sleep and didn't bother me when I woke up again. But I was showering a few minutes ago and it, it got worse. It came out of nowhere and it was kind of sharp"

"Is it still hurting?"

"No, no it lasted only a few seconds. I don't feel anything right now"

"Oookay" She drawled out and the typing of computer keyboard reached Kurt's ears. "I'm pretty sure they are just the common abdominal pains that may occur during the first stages of pregnancy. They are pretty normal and if they don't get any worse they are nothing to worry about. I would suggest for you to lie down and try to relax as much as possible. You can also use hot water bottle on the places that are hurting the most. And I'm pretty sure that Blaine wouldn't mind even in the slightest bit to give you a back rub to help you relax" She said her voice getting slightly teasing at the end. In the almost three months she was his doctor, she picked how devoted Blaine was to him. He never missed one checkup and always was eager to see their baby.

"No, no he wouldn't mind at all" He chuckled, but his heart still wasn't eased.

"Kurt I know you and that you are worried. And as doctor I want for my patients to have as much peace during their pregnancy as they need so we could do a checkup today. Would that ease your worries?"

"You, you don't have to do this. It's Sunday I don't want to be bother" He said biting his lip because his first reaction was to scream yes.

"Kurt that's my work. You aren't in any means bother. I'm not in New York now but I should be back in three four hours so what about six?"

"Yes, that would be really great. I'm so grateful to you, Doctor Kim" He breathed out sight of relief.

"It's a date then! And Kurt, it's perfectly alright. We both want the same thing and that's for your baby to be healthy. If the pain gets worse or you start bleeding go straight to the hospital and have Blaine call me okay?"

"Yes, yes, thank you, thank you so much"

"No need for that. So remember plenty of rest and we'll see each other at six. Until then Kurt" And with that she hung up. Kurt breathed out looking around the living room. Okay rest that he could do. But first he had to find the warming bottle. And probably he should go talk to Blaine. But he just started working a half an hour ago and he had so much work to do. If he would go tell him now he knew Blaine would start dotting on him and wouldn't get a thing done. So he would go lie down for a bit and tell Blaine in some time.

He put on some relaxing music and with the warming bottle pressed against his right hip where he felt the pain in the shower the worst he laid on the couch his legs propped up on the arm rest. Clooney came join him after some time, jumping on the couch and curling himself in the little space under Kurt's calves. The warmth from the bottle and Clooney, combined with the soft music soon put him into slight doze. He didn't even notice how much of time passed, or when Blaine left the study. He heard him shuffling around the apartment but he was too comfortable to move. Soon there were soft lips pressed against his forehead and hand stroked his face. He leaned into the touch, smiling and opened his eyes. Blaine was bending over the back of the couch, smiling at him.

"Sorry I didn't want to wake you up" He said quietly and pressed another kiss, this time against Kurt's cheek.

"I was just dozing off" He said blinking at him sleepily.

"What's with the water bottle baby?" His boyfriend asked and pointed with his chin to the bottle that Kurt was still pressing against his belly. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just some abdominal pains"

"Pains? Should I take you to the hospital?" Blaine asked, immediately getting into protective and concern father mood.

"No, not yet" He shook his head and sat up, putting the bottle next to him.

"What you mean not yet?"

"I've called Doctor Kim some time ago, because I was having bit of pains and freaked out a little. But she ensured me it's pretty normal in the early stages and if they don't get sharp or intense or I don't start bleeding there is nothing to worry about. But she knows me so we sat up checkup for this evening" He explained and checked the time. It was only half past three so they'll still have plenty of time.

"Why didn't you tell me anything Kurt?" Blaine asked bit of hurt and concerned, sitting down next to his lover on the couch.

"I didn't want to worry you and mainly because I've woke up with them so I thought I was just stiff from sleeping in bad position." He took Blaine's hand and squeezed it.

"You should tell me anyway." The curly haired man reprimanded him softly and kissed the top of his head. "Do you need anything? Tea or something to eat?"

"No I'm fine. Buuuut Doctor Kim suggested that in order to keep me relaxed you could give me back rub" He said with playful smile leaning up so he could kiss him on the lips.

"Oh did she?" Blaine murmured against his lips, embracing Kurt around his waist. Kurt only hummed in affirmative, not wanting to break up the kiss. "Well then you are going to get back rub, Mister" Blaine said after they separated. Kurt was still out of the breath from their lip-lock so he didn't notice Blaine sneaking his arms under his knees and around his shoulders. He squealed when his lover picked him up in his arms and carried him to their bedroom. He put on some protest but Blaine was right, he would be more comfortable on the bed. When they reached the bed, Blaine gently laid him down on it, kissing his forehead.

"Take of your shirt Babe"

"Oh no wooing or even foreplay? You are going straight on it?" Kurt mocked a gasp, feigning shock. Blaine chuckled at it and helped him out of his shirt.

"Can you still lie on your stomach?" Blaine asked while he rummaged through their bedside table for bottle of raspberries scented massage oil.

"I don't have bump yet, of course I can lie on my stomach" He rolled his eyes at the question but laid himself down on the covers. Soon familiar hands started spreading the oil all over his back. He let out stream of pleasant moans, feeling the stress leaving his body. Blaine's hands were magical and doing wonders to his body.

"Who did you bribe to have skin like this?" Blaine murmured from above him, placing soft butterfly kisses on his shoulder blades.

"Mmh no one. I used to bath myself in the blood of innocent virgins." He pushed his face into the pillow to quiet his giggle.

"Dork" Blaine laughed and turned him around. Kurt wanted to protest, his massage was too short for his liking, but before he could Blaine started gently rubbing his belly.

"Ooooh" He moaned out.


"Yeah" He let his eyes fall shut when he felt Blaine's lips caressing the skin around his belly button. It didn't take long for the soft touches put him back into light doze. He still could feel Blaine's hands on him and soft stream of words as Blaine spoke to their baby, but it didn't make much of sense to him. Once in while he caught parts of it, soft 'I love you', 'Your daddy is so beautiful', 'I can't wait to see you' being whispered against his skin, so with content smile he let sleep overcome him.

When he woke up again, it was with a start. At first he was confused; he didn't know what woke him up. He rubbed at his eyes sleepily looking at the alarm clock on the nightstand. It was almost five so he decided he would get up. He would need some time to get ready before the appointment; mainly he needed to take another shower because his skin was clammy with the lotion.

Swinging his legs down from the bed he stood up with stretch. He didn't get far, only to the hallway when his mind registered wet feeling between his legs. He frowned and stopped in his track. He and Blaine sure didn't have sex before he fallen asleep so why was he sticky down there?


His heart picked up on speed dangerously and he trusted shaking hand inside of his pants. When it came out covered in blood he almost fainted. He had to lean against the wall because his legs refused to carry his weight. He was going into full body tremors and suddenly he found himself sitting down on the floor, not knowing how he got there. He tried to pick himself up, but he was shaking too badly. And only now he started registering the pain in the middle of his lower back and underbelly.

"No, no, please no" He whispered desperately and tried to raise himself, but he only succeeded into getting on his knees. Giving up on his tries he tried to held back sobs that were threatening to push past his throat.

"Blaine!" He called for his boyfriend, his voice probably too soft for Blaine to hear him. The only one who came was Clooney, who came running and yapping excitedly. He sniffed against Kurt's face, but he sure could smell his distress and started whining. The younger man pushed him away and called for his lover again. This time Blaine must heard him, because soon the door opposite them opened and Blaine stepped in the living room, not noticing Kurt on the floor.

"Babe? Did you call for me?" He looked around the living room but gasped suddenly when he noticed his lover on the floor. "Babe, Kurt what's wrong?" He felt down to his knees, taking Kurt's face in his palms.

"You need to take me to the hospital. I'm bleeding" Kurt gasped out and then groaned, when wave of pain cut through his body like the blade of knife. He saw Blaine's eyes widen and then concern and fright appeared on his face.

"Okay, baby, okay" The curly haired man murmured and scooped him up into his arms. Kurt locked his arms around Blaine's neck and let himself be carried to the couch on the living room. "Just let me take my wallet and keys, okay?" He turned around but Kurt latched on his arms.

"I'm so scared Blaine"

"I know, I know Honey, but everything will be alright okay? You and the baby are going to be just fine" He kissed him on the forehead and then quickly run to their bedroom to get his stuff. Kurt was trying to concentrate on his breathing, trying to relax. The older man was back in seconds, gently scooping him up in his arms. Kurt couldn't help but let out another whimper of pain.

"God it hurts so badly" He whined and hid his face in the crook of Blaine's neck. His lover shushed him, kissing the side of his face. In the car, Blaine strapped them in and pulled the car out of the park.

"You have to call Doctor Kim"

"Yeah, yeah I'm on it" Kurt didn't listen to the conversation his boyfriend was having. Currently he was trying not to faint from the pain and nausea controlling his body.

"They are ready for us" Blaine said after a while and reached for Kurt's hand, squeezing it. "It's going to be alright. They are going to take care of you two"

"Blaine, what if I lose the baby?"

"You will not Darling okay? We are almost at the hospital and soon the doctors will found out what's wrong" When they made it to the hospital, bunch of medical stuff was waiting for them, with Doctor Kim in the lead. They put him on stretcher right away and on the instant started moving him away from Blaine. Doctor Kim was trying to ask him questions but he didn't respond to them, he wanted Blaine and he told her exactly that.

"You will see him soon Kurt but now we need to examine you to determine what's wrong" Doctor Kim explained to him gently, patting his hand.

"No I need him. I need Blaine. Blaine. Blaine!" He screamed arching off of the bed.

"Doctor Kim he is losing too much of blood" One of the interns said and they finally stopped moving. Kurt stared up on the bright fluorescent light, trying to calm himself down, but he was too far gone. Many pairs of hands were touching him, pricking him with needles, putting pressure cuff around his bicep and at the end he was moved on different bed. He felt someone taking off his yoga pants and underwear and his legs were placed in stirrups. His shirt was ridden up too and cold gel was squirted on his stomach.

The worst thing was that he could hear Doctor Kim talking to him, asking him questions and reassuring him but the words weren't making any sense to his mind. He was shaking and choking on his breath, tears streaming down his face. Someone was stroking his hair and telling him to calm down. He looked up, hoping to see Blaine, but he only saw one of the young interns.

"Blaine" He whispered, feeling dizzier with every passing second.

"His blood pressure is dropping to low!" Someone called over him and more words were being said in nervous rushed tone but on the next wave of pain that swum through his body, he fainted.

When he started come back to his senses he felt like he was floating. His body felt light but also heavy at the same time. His head was hurting and stomach churning unpleasantly. There was foal taste in his mouth and he whined out softly. He felt like he was having a pretty bad cold and he didn't like that. He tried to move his body, succeeding only in squirming and he whimpered at the effort it took.

"Hey, hey baby it's okay. Open your eyes from me. Come on love" Someone was crooning gently and hand stroked his cheek. He opened his eyes to come face to face with Blaine. His boyfriend looked strangely sad and heartbroken. He tried to smile down at him but his red rimmed eyes gave him away. Confused, Kurt looked around the room and seeing the all the different devices and machines everything slowly started making sense.

He still could feel hands, many hands, touching him and medical terms being shouted over him. But worst, he still could feel the blood slowly dripping down his legs and sharp pain cutting through his stomach.

"No" He whispered and met Blaine's hazel eyes.

"Love" Blaine cupped his cheek but couldn't stop the treacherous tear that left the corner of his left eye.

"No, Blaine no! No! Tell me it's not true! Blaine tell me, Blaine please!" He sobbed desperately. His heart was beating wildly against his chest.

"I'm so sorry, baby, so sorry" His lover whispered softly and sat down at the edge of the bed, hugging him to his chest.

"No, no, no, no, no. Blaine- our baby, our baby" His breath hitched dangerously and Blaine squeezed him even tighter. He was choking on his sobs, feeling like he wasn't getting enough of oxygen but he didn't care. He didn't care because he lost their baby. Their little baby he was carrying under his heart. He lost their little miracle that was making him happier than he ever was in his life. It was gone and suddenly he felt like he didn't even deserve to breathe, to live, because he didn't keep on his promise to always protect him and take care of him.

"Angel you need to breath. Come on" Blaine was pressing little kisses all over his face and body, trying to soothe him.

"Please, please" He kept on whispering and sobbing clutching the fabric of Blaine's shirt in his fist. He felt him move and soon Blaine was lowering them down on the bed. He cling to him, sobbing into his chest, his body shaking and wrecking with the power of his sobs. Blaine was whispering sweet nothings into his ear, crooning, but Kurt feel that he was crying too. And that make him sob even harder. Their baby was gone.

A/N: Uff. As you can see I wrote it bit different than it was first made in Absolutely Perfect. It's gonna happened from time to time. Hope you liked it anyway.