I'm sorry if the story doesn't have enough detail as I've been told. I just am not in the mood sometimes, but at the same time I want to get the story up for you guys. They are 17 in Senior Year. Cassidy and Austin dated in Junior Year. Austin hates her because he thinks she is so annoying and she thinks she can get anything she wants. She also cheated on him.

*Austin's POV*

I haven't talked to Ally in 2 months. Whenever I look over at her, it doesn't seem to bother her. This silent treatment backfired on me. It was supposed to get her to notice that she likes me. Now I think I like- NO! What are you thinking Austin? I can't like her. I barely know the girl.

I walked through the front door. Same thing. Ally talking with her group. Wait! Dez and Andrew are in that group! Why did I not notice before? Oh well.. I will ask Dez about Ally. I walked over to my locker which happens to be near the place Ally's group is. Once I got to my locker, their conversation died down and they went silent. Really? Gosh.

I got my books from my locker and when I closed my locker, Dez was there. The rest of Ally's group left.

"Hey man!" He said.

"Hey." I said monotone.

"What's wrong?" he asked sounding concerned.

"You're friends with Ally." I blurted out.

"Yeah. Why?... Wait a minute. Are you jealous? Do you like her?" Shit. He's on to me. Time to lie.

"No. I just thought that you guys wouldn't talk to her if I'm not. Apparently I was wrong." I semi-lied.

"Oh. Sorry man. It's just she's my friend and-"

"Okay... So.. Tell me about her?"

"I knew you liked her!" I quickly covered his mouth.

"Dez! I don't want the whole school to know!" I said as I removed my hand from his face.

"Sorry. Anyways, what do you want to know?" he asked.

"I don't know. Does she talk about me?"

"That must be her girl talk. So you have to get it from one of her girlfriends."

"Oh. Well, what do you know about her?"

Dez kept on telling me about Ally. She seems like a pretty chill girl. What I hated was that she dated some guys already. I haven't even made a move on a girl.

*Ally's POV*

Dez keeps telling me to talk to Austin. I am so not gonna be the first. If anything he should, since he was the one who decided not to talk.

"Still thinking about Austin?" Trish asked.

"Girl! We've tried everything to get him off your mind! What else is there to do?" Kira asked.

"Guys. I'm fine." I said.

"I think you should talk to him." Trish said.

Should I?

*Austin's POV*

"Why are you asking me about her? I don't want to be the one who delivers information here." Dez spit.

"Dude. It's been 2 months. I'm not just gonna walk up to her." I said.

"I would. Dude, just talk to her." he said.

Should I?


~After School [in the parking lot]~

I have to find Ally. I searched the whole parking lot and finally found her.

I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

I walked up to her.

*Ally's POV*

I need to talk to Austin. I was in the parking right now. I decided It was time to actually look for him.

I turned around and I nearly had a heart attack. There standing in front of me was Austin Moon.

It was time to speak.

"Hi." We said in sync.

A/N: Hey! Sorry I haven't updated! It's been ages! Welps, hope you guys liked it! Sorry it's so short!

CLIFFHANGER! I'm so mean! Oh Whale!
