AN: Well, hi everyone! Long time no see. Sorry about that btw. I have a lot of reasons why (as usual), but I'm not gonna go into them because they really don't matter to you as readers. If you want to know what's been trippin' me up, feel free to ask me. Most of you know I tend to be a chatter box when it comes to most things. Anyway, apologies aside, here is the long awaited Wemma Wedding Brittana smut. I hope it lives up to your standards. I took a little leap on one smutty scene and I wasn't really sure if I was doing it right. Pun intended… LOL. I'm sure if you think about it you can probably guess which scene I'm feeling inadequate or ill prepared for after reading this. ;) Lets just say I had a first in this chapter and leave it at that. ;) Looking forward to knowing if I did do it right by your reviews. ;)
Happy reading! Have fun and enjoy!
Oh btw, this is un-beta'd. Sorry for any mistakes. Not sure where my beta- Brittanafan25 got to, but hopefully she's just busy and couldn't get back to me about this update. Pssst- Brittanafan25 if you're out there, check your email. ;) I still love ya even if you are MIA. Hope all is well!
Disclaimer: My favorite part of the season 4 I Do episode was when Sue was walking down the aisle in the wedding dress and Brittany whispered, "You look so good." I was dying! :)))))) That line I have to give credit to Glee. Two thumbs up for that. They own that line and I few others that I borrowed in this chapter. Oh, and the characters too. I borrow them all the time for reading and writing purposes, but they belong to Glee as well.
Chapter 7… Sort of…
One Shot… I Do Wedding Re-do: Brittana Edition
The Afternoon Of The Wemma Wedding
Brittany was super excited as she drove the short distance to Santana's to pick her up for Mr. Schue's wedding. Today was going to be great! All her old friends were back in town, she'd found an awesome dress that was on sale and she had a smokin' hot date who she loved like crazy. Best wedding ever, she thought as she turned down Santana's street. Brittany couldn't think of anything that could make today any better. Well, maybe if she could add Lord T finally kickin' his smoking habit it would make today better. She couldn't believe the Chantix didn't work. Back to the drawing board… she thought shrugging aside that thought and deciding to worry about that issue later. Today was a happy day and she didn't want to be brought down by the sad thought that she would once again come home to the sight of cigarette butts surrounding his litter box.
Half of another radio, Katy Perry song later and Brittany was pulling smoothly into Santana's driveway. She parked and waited a few seconds to see if Santana would just come out, dressed, and ready to go. But of course that didn't happen, it rarely did. Santana always ran about ten minutes late when it came to these types of events; something about wanting to be fashionably late. Being late never really bothered Brittany. She'd gotten into the habit of telling Santana to be ready at least fifteen minutes before she actually had to be ready so they could be on time. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't, but Brittany didn't really mind waiting for Santana. She could always keep herself entertained. Today she could talk to Santana's parents while she waited. A good date always walks up to the front door anyway, and Brittany really wanted to be a good date today so she opened her car door, stepped out, and immediately felt the cold bite of the February wind nip at her exposed legs. It was cold, she thought pulling her coat tighter around her body. As she felt the wintery breeze ghost across her face she thought back to six weeks ago. The memory of walking miles in the snow with a broken Santana alone in a strange cabin was still fresh in her mind and with that thought still lingering, suddenly a sunny, twenty degree day with a warm winter coat on didn't feel near as bad as it used to now that she knew what truly being cold actually was.
Brittany continued to walk up Santana's walkway now relishing in the bright sunshine and the knowledge that Santana was now completely healed after her injuries. Brittany had a bounce in her step that had been missing over the months away from Santana. It was nice to feel light and like herself again. She kept walking towards the fronts step, being careful of her footing with the snow that had fallen a couple days ago and froze when Santana's front door opened and out walked her beautiful date.
"Whoa…" Brittany sighed breathlessly, watching Santana step down gracefully off her front step. Brittany's blown out blue eyes followed Santana step for step as she moved closer, appreciating the subtle way her hips moved in her tight fitted red dress. Santana could always rock a tight dress Brittany thought, and today was certainly no different, she noticed, feeling her heart rate accelerating to a steady rapid pace. Brittany officially loved that dress.
Santana continued to approach and Brittany smiled brightly allowing her eyes to take in all of Santana's gorgeous curves. Time seemed to slow down as Santana smiled back at her. The way Santana moved and the expression on her face reminded Brittany of a movie. She'd seen this scene many times before. It was the scene when the bombshell, seductively stalked her counterpart. And Brittany knew she was definitely the stalkie in this alluring scenario, which was completely okay with her. She liked it when Santana owned it, and by the looks of her in that dress; she was definitely owning it and working it today.
Santana stepped up directly in front of Brittany and knowingly smirked at Brittany's awestruck expression. "Hi," she flirted.
Without a thought, Brittany licked her lips and stammered. "Wow, uh… hi… y-you uh look…" It was useless, she thought. Her brain wasn't functioning with the titillating sight of her girlfriend posing in a short, skin tight dress in front of her. At this point, she wanted to skip the wedding entirely and grab Santana, drive straight to the hotel, and tear into that dress. Tonight's finally the night… she thought, gulping down the desire she felt for Santana. It had taken over all her thoughts these last few weeks and now it was threatening to spill into every limb of her body. "Good Lord, Santana…" Brittany sighed. "You look the way salty caramel taste. I want to eat you up right now," she said, licking her lips again and thinking about tonight and how long Santana's healing injures had forced them to wait to re-connect physically. Mmmm…, she hummed to herself. Sweet and salty, she thought, trying to rein in her pulsing need to ravish Santana right now.
Santana's smirk deepened as she metaphorically patted herself on the back for getting that level of a response out of her girlfriend. Brittany could eat her up all she wanted Santana thought, closing the remaining distance between them and pecking Brittany on the lips.
"Thanks." Santana paused, taking Brittany's hands, and stepping back to appreciate the whole picture of Brittany in her dress. She sighed as she traced Brittany's body with approving brown eyes. "God, I'm so lucky… You look," she finally said after meeting blue eyes that shined brighter than the sun in cloudless afternoon sky. "You really look amazing, Britt."
"Thanks," Brittany responded bashfully, ducking her head for a split second and squeezing Santana's warm hands with affection. "Shall we…"
"Absolutely," Santana replied, stepping happily in the direction of Brittany's car and following the 'shall we' gesture of Brittany's right hand.
Brittany and Santana arrived at the church, talked to a few people, and took a couple of the only seats that were still available right next to the aisle. The church was packed and it was almost time for the wedding to start Brittany noted, pocketing her phone in her clutch and pulling out her camera to take some pictures.
Santana looked around the church. She acknowledged that it looked beautiful. The flowers were nice, not too over done, but she grimaced when she took in all the people on the bride's side of the aisle. "It's like a carrot top convention."
Santana's words drew Brittany's attention to her girlfriend and her cutely puckered brow then to her surroundings and all the people. "I think it's great," Brittany declared, happily. "I feel like I'm at Strawberry Shortcake's wedding."
Santana's frown immediately turned into a light chuckle and an adoring smile. She couldn't hold back the giddiness she felt just by being around Brittany in that moment. She just took Brittany's hand, brought it to her lap to catch Brittany's eyes with hers, and soaked it all in. "You're so cute," she said, holding Brittany's beautiful blue eyes for a moment and seeing the love she felt for Brittany reflected back at her. It was hard to believe that they'd actually made it here, together, she thought once Brittany turned away to take a picture of little Puckerman sucking face with eating disorder chick. Yup, definitely a Puckerman, she thought cringing and turning away to take in the rest of the church. Two months ago she wouldn't have thought being here with Brittany was even a possibility. When she got the invitation in the mail she actually briefly thought about paying someone to come with her as her date because the thought of showing up alone or worse showing up alone and Brittany showing up with a date was too much to imagine. Luckily, she didn't have to think about that anymore. Thanks to a little help from Mother Nature and a lot of pain and suffering to overcome in the mean time they'd made it here; they were back together, and it felt great. A lot had changed in a couple short months- thank goodness.
"What the hell is taking so long?" Santana bit out, getting impatient. They'd been sitting in their seats for almost a half an hour now and everyone was starting to get a little fidgety.
"Santana, you can't say hell in a church," Brittany chided, worried that the big man didn't like that kind of language in his house.
Santana cringed at Brittany's quick comeback. "Sorry…" Santana whispered, sheepishly.
Wait, why couldn't you say hell in church? Wasn't that part of religion? Didn't bible thumpers hold the idea of going to Hell over people heads to get them to conform to Christian ideals? Whatever, she thought. If it made Brittany happy she wouldn't say hell in church.
Just then the organ started playing and everyone's heads turned to the back of the church.
Becky walked in as the flower girl, throwing rose petals angrily down around the aisle. Bitch… Santana thought as one petal hit her practically in the face. That little fucker did that on purpose, she thought, narrowing her eyes at the retreating girl and following Becky with her glare to the front of the church.
When Becky reached the alter everyone turned back to the doors and suddenly the organ music came to an abrupt halt.
"What the…" Santana said, cutting off the rest of her sentence since she'd already been scolded once. Coach Sylvester? Santana thought, looking perplexed, watching her stroll down the aisle, greeting random people like she was once again running for office. This couldn't be good.
Everyone watched Coach Sylvester glide down the aisle wondering what she was up to. Mr. Schue looked particularly unhappy with her poorly timed appearance.
"You look sooo good," Brittany whispered to Coach Sylvester as she passed them by and then snapped a picture. Brittany appeared to be giddy as she watched Coach Sylvester move down the aisle, and not worried in the least. Santana knew that wasn't true. She was probably just as nervous as everyone else in the church was right now. Brittany knew as well, if not better than anyone how diabolical Coach Sylvester could be.
Santana fought to hold in her giggle at Brittany's reaction. It was such a Brittany thing to say at a stressful time like this. Cutting the tension, Santana thought with a smile appreciating the brief distraction her girlfriend had given her. Santana placed her hand on Brittany's thigh, hoping the contact would help them both relax because whatever was about to go down, it was most definitely not going to be good.
After Mr. Schue ran away from the alter, probably in search of Miss Pillsbury, Coach Sylvester declared bluntly as only Coach Sylvester could do, that the wedding was cancelled. The church emptied quickly, but most people were still lingering around outside gossiping or waiting to see what was going to happen now.
"I think Santana should go in and ask," Kurt told the group when the subject had been brought up about the possibility of still having the reception. It was all paid for come to find out after over hearing two red heads happily talking about dodging a bullet and the end of their ginger lineage. The two had to be Miss Pillsbury's parents. Ass holes... Santana thought, glaring at them and watching them walk away smiling.
"Yeah, Santana… you do it," Artie chimed in.
"WHAT? Hell no," Santana declared, offended that people thought she was completely unfeeling. "I might be a heartless bitch, but I'm not that heartless."
"Santana-" Brittany interrupted through nervous, gritted teeth since she'd said hell once again. But more importantly than that, she interrupted because Santana was spreading more lies about herself. Brittany didn't like when Santana made negative comments about herself like that. She wasn't heartless or a bitch and she was only perpetuating what people thought about her who didn't really know her. She knew it was just Santana's way of keeping people at arms length, but Brittany desperately wanted people to know Santana the way she did, especially the glee club. They would accept her. Well, she re-thought… maybe she didn't want them to know her exactly the way she did, but the real Santana was warm, caring and just plain amazing, she wanted everyone to see that side of her, just not the naked side. That side of Santana was all hers and hers alone.
Santana turned back to Brittany and instantly took Brittany's hand in a gesture of love and apology after seeing Brittany's cute, pouting face. A conversation was had in that moment through just the eye contact they shared and they both visibly relaxed within seconds. At least she had Brittany who understood her, Santana thought releasing a deep sigh.
"Come on Santana, just go in and ask. Somebody has to, please?" Kurt begged, drawing Santana's attention back to the group.
"Fine, but if I do this," Santana said, coming up with an idea. She really didn't want to be the one to go in there when Mr. Schue was probably a mess. Talk about pouring salt into an open wound. She really didn't want to hurt him more than he already was. She hated to see grown ups cry, especially Mr. Schue. He didn't deserve this, but if someone has to do it she was probably as good as anyone, she thought. "Listen Lady Hummell and Gay Berry… If I do this," she said, addressing them. "When we get back to New York you have to get rid of that grotesque, dressing station Armoire thing back in the corner of the loft to make room for my bed. I'm not sleeping on the couch forever. Plus, you're gonna help me hang a curtain rod so I can have some privacy for when Britt comes to visit. That is unless you two are into seeing that kinda thing…"
"I'm into that kinda thing," Puck said, raising his hand off to the side in obvious interest.
"Shut it, Puckerman," Santana hissed sharply, glaring at him before looking back at Kurt and Rachel and waiting for their answer.
They looked completely grossed out which was laughable considering who they'd dated, but it looked like the imagery she described was doing the trick and they were about to cave.
Kurt really did want to have some more time with everyone, particularly Blaine. It was rare that they were all in the same city anymore and it would be a shame not to take advantage of that. Besides, it was Rachel's armoire anyway and it was pretty hideous; small price to pay, he thought even if it did mean some manual labor. "Fine!" Kurt conceded.
"Kurt?" Rachel jumped in, shocked that he had just given in like that. "I'll have you know that armoire was Miss Liza Minnelli's third cousin's. My dad's picked it up at an auction."
"Oh, God, Berry" Santana interrupted, rolling her eyes. "That is all the more reason to get rid of the damn thing. How bout it? Do we have a deal?"
"Deal!" Kurt instantly said for the both of them, holding out his hand for Santana to shake.
Rachel continued to pout as Santana reluctantly walked back into the church to find Mr. Schue. This wasn't going to be easy, she thought after seeing Mr. Schue and Finn sitting on the alter talking sadly.
The reception had started off slowly thanks to it (unfortunately for Mr. Schue) lacking a wedding as a lead in, but it was in full swing now. Everyone was dancing, they ate, some drank, well… Quinn drank; Santana and Brittany just kind of watched her to make sure she didn't do anything completely stupid like have sex with Puck or Finn again. Hell, the way Quinn had been talking about men this afternoon, maybe they should be more worried about her sexing up Berry verse Puck or Finn? Mental note, Santana thought glancing to Quinn who was once again at the bar, keep Quinn away from garden gnomes, Al Roker and anything stronger than wine.
Just then, seemingly out of nowhere, Santana felt warm hands slide around her waist and soft lips trace her earlobe. "Hey beautiful," Brittany said brightly and slightly out of breath after a few dances with Mike.
The gentle touch and whispered breath shook Santana out of her thought filled, pensive trance.
"You okay?" Brittany asked, seeing Santana's far away look. "You look kinda sad."
"I'm okay," Santana said, turning around in Brittany's arms, and smiling thoughtfully when their eyes met. And in that moment, looking into caring blue eyes she realized she really was okay. More than okay in fact. She was here with Brittany which was after all no small feat. They had to go through a lot to get here so knowing that, the other stuff she realized just didn't seem quite as important. "Just thinking, I guess."
"That cute head of yours seems like it has a lot of thoughts… Is this about Mr. Schue? You never mentioned how things went."
"Partially, I guess" she said, still deep in her own mind, but bringing her arms up to wrap around Brittany's neck to lean in a little closer anyway. In that moment she felt like she couldn't get close enough to Brittany. Seeing what happened today to two people who supposedly loved each other was a painful reminder of what could go wrong. Sometimes love just wasn't enough. Santana was going to make sure that nothing like this ever happened between her and Brittany. "He looked so broken, Britt."
"I can imagine," she said, thinking about how she felt when she thought she'd lost Santana for good. "But, if I've learned anything over the last few months it's that nothing's unfixable if you're prepared to work and fight for what you want," she said optimistically, tucking some loose hair behind Santana's ear. "Look at us. We're here, we're healthy and more in love than ever. I'm sure Mr. Schue and Miss Pillsbury can figure it out if they try."
"Yeah, I guess. Hopefully, it won't take them having to endure three feet of snow, hypothermia and broken ribs like we did to figure it out," Santana said, trying to laugh off the reminder that they needed that big of a push before finally coming back together.
"Hopefully," Brittany said, bitter sweetly. Even if it had been hard for them for awhile she wouldn't change anything about the way things were between her and Santana right now. They loved each other and they were finally going to get to express that love to each other tonight. All they had to do was find ways to entertain themselves for a few more hours. "Did Mr. Schue say anything to you? I mean about what happened," Brittany asked, figuring that was as good of a distraction as any.
"Just that… just because he ruined his Valentines Day it didn't mean he had to ruin all of ours."
"Sounds like good advice to me," Brittany said, patting Santana's butt playfully to encourage her to let it go for now and giving Santana her best, genuine, loving smile.
"You're right," Santana said, smiling back. "You're always right. Kiss first, then dance…"
"Score," Brittany responded before kissing Santana sweetly and then pulling her by her hand to the dance floor. Kurt and Blaine were about to sing and Brittany knew they always put on a good show so she wanted to get as close to the front as possible.
As the night wore on everyone seemed to have decided to leave the anxiety of the non-wedding behind them and just tried to enjoy themselves. Most of the older people were gone so at this point the dancing became less and less the dancing you would see at a wedding and more the type of dancing you would find at a club, particularly the dancing Santana and Brittany were doing. With each passing song the girls dancing got a bit closer and a lot more handsy. Santana just decided that her and Brittany didn't exactly have much time to spend together these days so she needed to take advantage of the time they did have so at this point all thoughts about poor, broken-hearted Mr. Schue, or poor, lonely, drunken Quinn, or anyone else for that matter were completely pushed aside in favor of one singular focus: Brittany. Well, that and the steadily rising tension in her own body that Brittany's sexy dance moves over the last hour had brought to new heights. Fricken scortching…
Santana was grinding pretty provocatively onto Brittany's leg by now and her dress as a result had ridden indecently high on her thighs. Brittany could feel her own growing need rising as Santana moved against her body and she definitely knew she could feel Santana's heightened arousal smeared across her leg after a particularly sexy dip Brittany rolled Santana into. Thank goodness it was still pretty crowded and the lights had been turned down so it was difficult for people to see that they were starting to put on a show.
"San," Brittany puffed out after another forceful grind of Santana's hips.
"Hmm," Santana hummed into the damp skin of Brittany's neck.
"San, I think…" Brittany started again until she felt Santana's warm lips meet the skin at the joint of her neck and then suddenly the air and the rest of her previously thought out sentence got stuck in her throat. The new sensation of Santana's lips on her throat caused her to suck in a ragged, labored breath and grip Santana's hips with firm hands in an attempt to maintain some form of control over her jelly-like limbs. It wasn't really working, she conceded, pulling at Santana's ass as Santana tongue snuck out to taste the salty skin under Brittany's jaw. She was beginning to feel like she was going to lose it at any second and just start humping Santana's leg right back and really create a scene.
"Santana…" Brittany tried for the third time before groaning as Santana fisted her hair, pulling her head back to expose more of her neck for her lips to devour.
"San, I think we need…" she said as Santana's grip loosened just a fraction allowing Brittany to bring her head back level. "I-I… no we… we need to cool down for a minute. I-I-ah…I-I, how bout we go get a drink… I think I… I need some water."
Santana pulled back and smirked, locking her eyes with Brittany's. Brittany noted that Santana's eyes didn't even look like her normal, warm brown eyes right now. They were so dark and Brittany audibly gulped at the reason for their visible storminess. She really needed some water, she thought looking around for the bar.
Santana saw the flustered look on Brittany's face and decided to turn down the heat a little. "Okay, let's go take a seat for a couple minutes- take a breather. How bout you grab a piece of cake and I'll grab us a couple waters and meet you back at the table?"
They met each other back at their table after getting their snack and Santana decided that Brittany's lap looked a lot more comfortable than the chair so she sat down so they could share their piece of cake together. She draped her right arm across Brittany's shoulder and set down the two waters on the table.
"Sorry, if I was taking things a little too far back there, I just couldn't help myself. You're just too sexy sometimes," Santana said, kissing Brittany's cheek rather innocently considering how she was acting mere moments ago.
Brittany smiled and wrapped her left arm around Santana's waist to keep her there and lifted a fork full of chocolate cake up to Santana's mouth. "It's okay," Brittany chuckled, watching Santana wrap her lips around the yummy dessert. "I liked it. It's just, I was about five seconds away from fucking you in the middle of the dance floor and I thought that might be frown upon by anyone that wasn't me, you or Puck so I needed a minute to cool down and control myself."
Santana's eyes bugged out at the wording Brittany chose and damn near fell off Brittany's lap. Damn! "Really…" she drawled. "I'm glad I'm not the only one who is incredibly turned on and horny right now. I had to grab your hair so I wouldn't shove my hand under your dress."
Brittany chuckled at that."Well, that definitely would have caused a scene so I'm glad you managed to control yourself. But believe me you're not alone. It's been a long and sometimes painful six weeks not being able to touch you like that."
"At least you could take care of yourself," Santana said, bopping Brittany playfully on the nose and then looking around to make sure no one was close enough to overhear their very private conversation. Thankfully, they were in the clear she noticed, their table and all the tables around them were empty. "I couldn't even get myself off thanks to my broken ribs. Do you have any idea how much sexual energy I built up in here?" she said, motioning to her body.
"I think I have an idea," Brittany said knowingly, but with a hint of a joke. "You practically sprayed me with it back on the dance floor."
Santana playfully smacked Brittany and huffed out loud with a big smile. "Jerk!"
"You love me…" Brittany teased.
"Yeah, maybe… but not so much right now," Santana played back, trying to hide her smile.
"Please…" Brittany responded with just as much playfulness. "You know you do, just say it."
"Nope," Santana said, turning away to hide her smile.
"If you say it," Brittany pleaded, ducking her head to look at Santana, her words belying her innocent look. "I'll tell you about how I touch myself to thoughts of you. My fingers have been working overtime over the last few weeks. I'm surprised my middle finger is permanently pruned."
Santana turned back quickly as she once again almost fell out of Brittany's lap. "I love you," Santana practically shouted.
A fit of laughter immediately took over Brittany's body and she wrapped both arms around Santana's midsection, burying her face in Santana's chest, steadying herself. Sometimes it was just too easy.
"God, I love you so much," Brittany said, continuing to giggle as she sat back up and found a very wide eyed and impatient girlfriend staring back at her.
"Yeah, yeah…" Santana said, moving things along with a hand gesture. The I love you part she already knew, although it was always nice to hear again. The Brittany touching herself part was the part she wanted to hear about right now. "I wantz some details."
"Okay, okay," Brittany said, cutting off the last of her laughter, but still smiling knowingly regardless.
Once the giddiness had passed she moved Santana's hair over her shoulder so she could speak softly into her ear, pulling her closer. "What I think about depends what kind of mood I'm in," Brittany said, noticing Santana stopped breathing at some point during that sentence. "But lately," she continued, smirking at the effect she was have on the girl in her lap. "I visualize opening up you pussy with my fingers, feeling how wet you are, and then watching my fingers move slowly inside you. I really miss being able to feel you all around my fingers and all around me. I love how warm and wet you always get. I just want to watch my fingers move inside of you. It's so hot to see my fingers all shiny when I pull out."
"Holy shit," Santana said, wide eyed and now more than a little wet for real. "What else," she whimpered, fidgeting in Brittany's lap.
"Hmm," Brittany said foe thinking to tease the girl a little more. She knew Santana was incredibly turned on right now and the suspense would only add more fuel to her rising heat. "This one time… I think it was about three weeks ago when we were watching that really horrible horror movie in your room. We'd obviously stopped paying attention shortly into the movie cause we started to fool around, but by the time I left your house a couple hours later I was so turned on I didn't even make it out of your driveway before I started fingering myself. I imagined my fingers were yours. I could practically feel the way you curl and turn your fingers when you're inside me and even though I couldn't reach all the spots you find I came really hard just imagining they were your fingers. It felt so real. I guess because I wanted it so badly to be real and for you to be the one touching me. I want you to touch me now."
"Oh, my God…" Santana said, feeling the need to grab onto something to steady herself. Brittany's shoulder took the brunt of that need as she dug her nails into Brittany's skin. The pulse in her body was vibrating under her skin and it was quickly building to a combustible level. "Britt…" she whimpered.
Just Brittany's singular nick name held dozens of questions that Santana was pleading for Brittany to answer.
"Let's get out of here," Brittany said, picking up on one of those questions and giving Santana a little nudge to rise up off her lap. Santana quickly did without dispute; reaching back to take Brittany's hand as she quickly started walking them towards the elevator.
They managed to make it to their hotel room with all their clothing still pretty much in place, although Santana's dress was once again dangerously high giving Brittany a good feel of the supple skin that transitioned from Santana's upper thighs to her butt when she grabbed at her girlfriends ass. Thongs were such wonderful things Brittany thought, kneading Santana's perfect ass and raising the bottom of Santana's tight dress even higher.
They continued to kiss each other like there was no tomorrow and hands quickly tangled in hair and gripped at clothing wanting to be rid of the barriers.
"Off…" Santana groaned between biting kisses at Brittany's neck. She was now fisting the ruffled material roughly around Brittany's neck, wanting so badly to rip the material away and get at the smooth skin underneath.
Brittany took the opportunity while Santana tugged on her dress to reach down and cup Santana's face, pulling Santana's attention back to her eyes. She wanted to savor this moment.
"Hey." Brittany smiled when Santana's brown eyes met her blue. She watched Santana's over the next few seconds and during that time she saw her beautiful brown eyes soften and fell into them even more. "There you are," she cooed, stroking Santana's flushed cheeks softly and seeing Santana burning desire start to simmer to the level Brittany loved so much; not that Brittany didn't love to just fuck Santana sometimes. She loved every kind of sex with Santana, but right now, being that it was the first time in a long time she just wanted to enjoy being with and feeling Santana. There was no need to rush. "Just slow down a little, we have all night."
"I know. I'm sorry," Santana said, now trailing her hands slowly down Brittany's back to stop and grip at her waist. "I just want you so bad right now. I've missed this. I just want you naked," she said, leaning forward to kiss Brittany at a more deliberate and clear headed pace. "Sometimes you just drive me so crazy."
"Here," Brittany said, smiling and walking Santana backwards until her knees were about to hit the foot of the bed. Brittany's eyes were locked with Santana's as she reached down and grabbed the hem of Santana's dress. She slowly pulled the material up until Santana was forced to raise her arms to allow the material to slide over her head.
Brittany discarded the dress to the floor and looked back and held Santana's eyes (which wasn't easy,) Santana wasn't wearing a bra and she had great tits that demanded Brittany to take notice. By some miracle Brittany managed to maintain eye contact and she noticed Santana's eyes were back to the warm brown that she loved so much. "You're so beautiful. I want my sweet lady kisses," she said leaning forward.
"Mmm," Santana hummed as Brittany's soft lips met hers once again.
They kissed like that for awhile, neither feeling the need to rush anymore. Lips glided against lips, tongues slipped in and out mouths, tasting all the warm places inside and their hands moved around each others bodies until Brittany was soon without her dress and bra as well.
"Lye back," Santana instructed, after breaking the last kiss for a much need breath of air.
Brittany did as Santana request, sliding up into the middle of the bed. Once settled, resting on her elbow she smiled expectantly at Santana and motioned for her to come join her.
Santana didn't immediately start crawling up the bed to meet Brittany, she just stood there for a moment, smiling and taking in all of Brittany's beauty. Brittany was so perfect, Santana thought. Every freckle, birth mark, and line defining a sculpted muscle was perfect. Nothing had changed since the last time she had seen all of Brittany. She was still everything Santana had ever dreamed of. Right now she wanted to kiss and touch everything all at once. She needed more hands for what she wanted to do. It had been too long and she wanted everything.
"Hey…" Brittany smiled, pulling Santana's attention back to her face. "You gonna come join me?"
Santana smiled bashfully and nodded. "I just wanted to take a minute and commit this all to memory."
"You don't have to commit it to memory, baby. I'm yours- whenever you want me."
"I always want you."
"Well, then come here," Brittany said, holding out her hand and smiling.
Santana's expression turned into an awed smile as she gently placed her knee on the bed and began to crawl towards the center of the bed and up to the love of her life. As she moved, her eyes and fingers followed the lines and curves of Brittany's leg. She reached Brittany's knee and stopped to grip underneath to hike up her leg to expose one of her favorite places. She gripped a little more firmly against Brittany's thigh with just enough pressure to show small indents around each of her fingers. Once Brittany's entire inner thigh was visible she started to layer pecking kisses up the inside of her leg. She took her time lingering with each peck causing small goose bumps to rise.
She kept going until she was at the joint of Brittany's leg. She would come back there later, she thought kissing her hip bone multiple times. Santana had decided years ago that Brittany's hip bone was easily the sexiest bone in Brittany's body. It stuck out just enough for you to take notice and then either your eyes would drift north to Brittany's amazing abs or south to her delicious pussy that was still cover by her sexy panties. Santana just stared and marveled at Brittany's body for a minute. It was so strong and taunt, but yet soft and warm. It was perfect. She was perfect, Santana thought looking up to meet Brittany's eyes.
"I love you."
"And I love you," Brittany responded. "Come mere," she said, awed at Santana's sincerity and cupping her cheek to urge her to shift higher so she could kiss her again.
They both hummed in appreciation and approval once their lips connected. Kissing had always been exciting and passionate for them, but now there was more than just the excitement they felt when they were fourteen. Now there was something stable and reliable about their kisses. There was a safe feeling that came along with finally knowing they were both on the same page and path. It felt like their life together was finally beginning and it felt amazing.
Santana rocked her hips forward, weaving their legs together and hummed again into the kiss she moved down to Brittany's neck.
Brittany took in an exaggerated breath when Santana nipped and then soothed the light bite with a kiss over her collar bone. Santana knew all of the spots that drove Brittany crazy and she was using all of that knowledge right now. Santana supported her weight on her hands, but her lower body was resting over Brittany's hips as she layered kisses around Brittany's upper body. Her neck got a lot of attention before moving lower to taste and knead at Brittany's breast. Brittany had always had really sensitive nipples and the deliberate way Santana was pinching and fondling them was causing her sex to begin to throb. Santana took a quick glance away from Brittany's breast to her beautiful blue eyes and smiled. This level of intimacy was what had been missing years ago. There wasn't eye contact then, but now, whenever possible their eyes were locked, savoring all the expressions and sounds the other made. Brittany couldn't help bucking her hips up into Santana when Santana's cheeks hallowed out and she sucked particularly hard on her left nipple.
"God, I missed this," Brittany whimpered, causing Santana to release her nipple and smile. The smile that was exposing Santana's dimples turned into more of smirk as she leaned forward to lick a broad stroke up and over the hard bud causing Brittany to noticeably gasp.
"That feels so good," Brittany sighed, playing with Santana's hair that was falling delicately over her shoulders then moving her hands down to tease the skin on Santana's lower back. "You're so soft, San."
Brittany moved her hands around Santana's back, switching between soft, tender touches of just her finger tips to lightly scraping nails that ran from her shoulders to the small of her back. She teased the top edge of Santana's thong, but couldn't restrain for long and soon dipped her hands below the material to grab Santana's ass and pull her hips into her own.
The delightful pressure of their groins molded together pulled at the knot in Brittany's belly. The contact sent a few pleasurable pulses to her clit and caused her to move her hands lower. The addition of Brittany's hands inside Santana's black thong freed the material of the hold Santana's ass cheeks had on the material and pulled it loose.
Santana took notice of this and took the opportunity to lift her hips so Brittany could move the material as low as she could so she could completely pull off her own panties.
She tossed them to the floor once off and moved into position to do the same to Brittany's. Brittany was watching Santana as she moved. She's so sexy, Brittany thought, seeing the gently ease, and relaxed disposition she now had when engaging in meaningful sex. Brittany's hips were now in the air as Santana pulled the material down her legs and Brittany marvel at how comfortable Santana had become with who she is. It was a major turn on for her to see that level of confidence.
Santana was straddling Brittany's hips now that they were both completely naked and Brittany could feel the arousal Santana was feeling against her stomach. She couldn't wait any longer to reacquaint herself with Santana's wetness so she took her right hand and gently started to circle Santana's clit with her thumb as Santana sat on top of her.
Santana rocked her hips forward into Brittany's thumb and threw her head back feeling the first direct contact on her sensitive clit. It felt amazing! That first touch always was the most intense and her chest swelled even more with love and affection for Brittany.
Brittany watch in awe as Santana reacted to her touch. It was pretty surreal to know she had that much control over Santana's body. The little pleasurable noises Santana made as she enjoyed her touch were so feminine and sexy. It started to wind Brittany up even higher.
"Come closer," Brittany instructed, wanting to feel even more of Santana.
Santana looked at Brittany questioningly now that she stopped moving her thumb, but then smirked once she caught on to her meaning. She shuffled forward until she was position over Brittany's shoulders and then waited for Brittany to make the next move. It didn't take long. Brittany wanted to feel Santana all around her so she adjusted her arms to wrap around Santana's legs and pulled her into position at her mouth.
Santana sighed, melting down onto Brittany's face when she felt Brittany's lips come in contact with her sex. Brittany could feel Santana's thighs quiver once and then twice as she circled Santana's clit with her tongue. Santana was so ready for this, she'd been ready for this for weeks and Brittany knew this and could feel it the amount of wetness that was leaking onto her chin so Brittany set a good pace alternating between long, languid licks that used her entire tongue to short flutters, directly stimulating her clit and open mouth kisses that sucked Santana's lips and clit into her mouth fully.
Santana's wetness coated everything it came in contact with as Brittany worked to bring Santana closer with her mouth. Santana was withering above her now so Brittany used her hands to steady her body. Brittany realized that worked for her too because now she could play with Santana's breast and watch everything as Santana began to unfold.
"Britt," Santana whimpered, starting to pant. She was so close. She could feel the pressure mounting and her hips now had a mind of their own. They rolled into Brittany's mouth and Brittany accepted the movement like she would if she were dancing to maintain their rhythm.
"Oh, God," Santana said, feeling Brittany's tongue penetrate her opening and circle to trace inside.
"Fuck!" Santana gasped, clenching and trying to steady herself, but only coming up with two fistfuls of Brittany's hair. "Britt," she panted again, clutching harder on Brittany's head and bucking forward again as Brittany pinched the skin above Santana's clit and sucked hard on the now completely exposed nerve.
Santana's legs were shaking around her head and Brittany knew she was close with the way she was trembling so she picked up the pace of her licking and hummed in approval into Santana's flesh.
"Holy shit!" Santana panted, undulating forward into Brittany's mouth. "Right there. Oh God," Santana said, clenching and letting her orgasm take over.
Brittany continued to suck, watching Santana from below as the tension in her body released and wave after wave of pleasure worked through Santana's body until she could no longer hold herself upright and fell forward, limp and spent.
Brittany kept slowly licking, feeling the aftershocks jolt Santana on each upward stroke until finally Santana couldn't take it anymore and used her hands to still Brittany's head. "Britt, stop. I'm so sensitive. Please."
Brittany giggled proudly as she scooted up higher in the bed as Santana tried to scoot lower so she could recover and cuddle for a minute before returning the favor.
Brittany wiped her mouth with her hand and rubbed it on the sheet before wrapping her arms around Santana who was curling into her side to snuggle. Brittany loved post orgasm Santana; she was always so soft and cuddly. Despite what you would think or what Santana would ever let anyone believe Santana loved to cuddle, but after an orgasm she was an even bigger snuggle bunny.
They laid their for what could have been seconds but was probably closer to a couple minutes as Santana's breathing returned to a normal cadence. "You okay?"
"Mhm," Santana hummed, rising up to look back at Brittany with a knowing smile, deepening her adorable dimples. "You're so good at that," she said before kissing Brittany again.
They kiss slowly for a little while until the post orgasm contentment had worn off of Santana and the arousal that kissing a naked Brittany always caused, began to burn anew.
Santana shifted so that their legs were intertwined and so she could thrust into Brittany's hips, meeting her center at just the right angle. Brittany appreciated Santana's movement and moaned. "Mmm, so good."
"You like that," Santana said, thrusting her hips forward with a little more purpose and trying to make sure on her upward movement she made contact with Brittany's clit.
"Mmm," she hummed again, her eyes rolling back in her head. "You know I do."
Santana loved Brittany's expression and noises. Somehow they managed to be cute as well as sexy and each reaction caused the tingling at the base of her spine to intensify.
Santana leaned forward and kissed Brittany as she tried to keep pace with her hips. She realized she was a little out of shape after not being able to exercise the way she normally did because of her broke ribs, but she was determined to get Brittany off like this. She knew how much Brittany loved to scissor and even if she turned into a sweaty, worthless pile of bones she would keep working her hips until Brittany screamed her name.
Santana kept her promise, she continued to work her hip, but she was tiring and Brittany wasn't quite there yet. She needed to change the angle to make it easier if she wanted Brittany to come like this so she sat completely up, positioning herself between Brittany's legs and pulled Brittany's right leg up to her chest and over her shoulder.
That seemed to do it for the both of them. Once their centers went flush they both moaned, feeling their lips spread and their wetness smear together.
"Shit," Brittany groaned, angling her hip up further into Santana.
That curse did it for Santana.
"Fuck, Britt," Santana said, pulling Brittany's leg into her chest and bucking forward as hard and as quickly as she could.
Brittany felt like Santana was going to pull her leg right off, but the feeling of their sexes beating together outweighed anything else and she came with a jolt and rode that feeling out until she noticed Santana coming as well and tried to use what little strength she still had and put her back behind a couple hard thrusts to help Santana ride out her orgasm as well.
"Holy shit," Santana said, releasing Brittany's leg and collapsing onto her back, their legs still scissored together.
They both took a few deep breaths for the next minute and Brittany reached down and grabbed Santana's hand.
"God, I missed that."
"Me too." Santana sighed. "You're so sexy. Sometimes I think I could come just from looking at you."
"Oww," Brittany said excitedly, pulling out from between Santana's legs and crawling to snuggle into her at the base of the bed. "That sounds like a challenge, I'd like to try that sometime. Can I talk dirty while you watch me? Oww, can I touch myself?"
"Fuck, Britt," Santana said, shivering at the thought. "I think I just came again," she said, exaggerating, but feeling her pulse vibrate between her legs with an aftershock or the beginnings of what could be orgasm number three. "If you touch yourself right now I'm gonna come again," she breathed heavy like she was still trying to recover.
"Mmm," Brittany hummed into the skin at Santana's neck. She nuzzled behind her ear a little more then said, "That's the plan. I'm not done with you yet."
"I hope you never are," Santana said, lovingly, catching Brittany's gaze once she pulled back to look into her eyes.
Santana obviously wasn't talking about orgasms right now and it pulled at Brittany's heart strings. "I never will, I promise."
"Me too," Santana responded. "Always."
"Always," Brittany trailed off, tucking herself into the joint at Santana's neck. "You're stuck with me."
"I promise," Brittany said, pecking Santana's neck and then settling back into her chest again.
They laid there just breathing in the others natural scent combined with the smell of sex and clean sheets. It was relaxing to just breathe and rise and fall together. It was so comfortable that neither of them ever wanted to move again, but they knew that tomorrow the sun would rise and soon they would be pulled apart, even if it was for only a few months, they knew it would be hard. So hard, but it would be worth it because this feeling right now wasn't just a singular moment of pleasure. This was a moment of contentment that could last a lifetime. A long lifetime, together.
"Happy Valentine's Day, San. I love you," Brittany sighed.
"I love you too. Happy Valentine's day, babe."
They lay there together, warm and sated and soon sleep pulled them both under, but before if could completely consume Brittany one last thought entered her mind as she burrowed further into Santana's chest. Some day they would be back here again and it wouldn't be for Mr. Schue's wedding this time it would be for their own. She'd thought about her wedding before as most girls did, but this wasn't the same as just dreaming of the day. She had the complete picture now; the whole package. The most important part of that image was wrapped around her and was real. It wasn't a dream anymore. She was more sure of that then anything she'd ever felt before. It would happen. Some day this beautiful woman that was in her arms would be her wife and suddenly in the broad scheme of things a few months away from each other felt like nothing when you still had a lifetime to look forward to. A content smile began to rise and then nothing, nothing except two girls asleep in each others arms for the first of many more days to come.
The end!
AN: Well, that's officially the end of this. Sorry for the wait again, but I hope you liked it and I'm glad I could finish it for you.
Happy New Year everyone!
Take care!