Phan Fic-

Based on "Teardrops On My Guitar" by Taylor Swift

Phil was sat in the lounge on his laptop, slowly scrolling through his Twitter feed. It was 4 in the afternoon and Phil was still in his pajamas. As he clicked on his interactions he heard the front door open, Dan must have come back from seeing his girlfriend. Phil had not met her yet and he wasn't sure when he was going to. Dan had been keeping her a secret from everyone for a while, he didn't want his fans to find out until he was sure. They hadn't been going out for long and Phil wondered how long they would last. He'd seen some of Dan's past relationships and a few of them hadn't lasted much longer than the one he was in, Phil wondered if he would have to stock up on ice cream if that was the case with this one.

Dan opened the lounge door and dropped down onto the sofa. When Phil looked up Dan was on his phone, smiling at whatever was on the screen. He tapped the screen a few times, smiling once more before putting his phone in his jacket pocket. Phil closed the laptop and turned to face Dan who had started to talk about his date. He seemed so happy yet Phil found that he couldn't be quite as happy for Dan as he should. Just before Dan finished his story, his ringtone started to blare out, signaling that his girlfriend wanted to talk. Dan smiled apologetically at Phil as he answered his phone, smiling again as he left the room. Once the door shut, Phil opened up his laptop again, it was still on his interaction page. He clicked on a picture someone had linked him to. It was an edit of him and Dan, their heads stuck onto the bodies of a couple from some new movie. The couple looked as if they were about to kiss and Phil sighed to himself as he turned the laptop off and decided to go film a new video instead.

A few days later as Phil was settling down to have dinner, Dan came into the kitchen. He was dressed for going out, adjusting the sleeve of the new jacket he was wearing. Phil turned back to check on the food, hoping that Dan wouldn't see that he couldn't breathe. Dan coughed nervously before he spoke,

"Hey Phil, do you think this looks ok?"

Phil turned slowly, faking a smile so that Dan wouldn't see what he was really thinking,

"It looks fine. Where are you going?"

Dan smiled almost secretively as he answered,

"We found this restaurant the other day and we thought we would try it tonight. I won't be back too late."

Phil hoped his smile looked convincing as he said,

"Oh right. Well have a good time, I'm going to edit my video after dinner so if I don't answer my phone you know why."

Phil turned back to the counter, pretending to be interested in the food once more. Dan looked at his phone and left to catch the tube to meet his girlfriend. Phil watched him go out of the corner of his eye. Even when Dan was late he walked so perfectly, not making it obvious he was in a rush, his movements almost fluid, the kind of flawless Phil wished he could be. Phil shook his head, as if he could physically remove the thoughts from his head. He would think about it later so there was no point doing it now when he did actually have a video to edit.

A few hours later, Phil was finally at the last stages of edit and was ready to upload. He didn't like to upload too late at night like Dan often did, so he had worked hard to make sure it was finished. It was a welcome distraction for him and he found some enjoyment in the process. It was just after 11 when the video was up and he decided to stay up for a while longer and reply to the masses of comments and tweets that would inevitably follow. When he was finished he looked at the clock on the computer screen, it was nearing 1 in the morning. He decided he may as well sleep, sending out a tweet promising to reply to more later on. Phil slowly changed out of his clothes and into his pajamas. He checked that his laptop was fully turned off and that the lights were off in the apartment before going to bed. Dan still wasn't home yet and Phil wondered how much longer he was going to be.

Phil climbed into bed and his mind was a mess of thoughts as he started to drift into sleep. He found his thoughts as usual drifting towards Dan. Dan was all Phil could think about at night. Phil couldn't exactly pinpoint when it had all started, liking Dan. He sometimes wondered if was when he first met him but another part argued it was when they started to make the first videos together. When Dan talked to him, Phil laughed because Dan was just so funny at times, the way he pronounced certain things or didn't understand some northern phrase, his reaction made Phil laugh. As they spent more and more time together, Phil found himself spending less time with his other friends. He just didn't see anyone else when he was with Dan. Phil didn't think he was in love with Dan as such until Dan hadn't gotten a girlfriend, then it hit him like a train. It had just happened one night, he had been lying there, taking in the news that Dan had found some girl when it hit him. He had never imagined after Dan's previous girlfriend that he would date for a long time. Phil had been there though the breakup and saw how bad Dan was taking it and the two of them had grown closer. Dan had joked that maybe he should give up on girls and move start on guys. Phil remembered how his heart had leapt at that and when he thought about it a part of him hoped that Dan would. Phil rolled over in bed and realised he had left his blinds open. He looked out into the London sky and was suprised to actually see a star though the London smog. Phil smiled as he pretended it was some sort of wishing star and he thought about his wish as he went to shut the blind. He knew what his real wish was and it played over and over in his head.

When Phil woke up the next morning he decided to have breakfast as he looked through the next batch of comments. He glanced at the clock, it was just after 11. He hadn't fallen asleep for a while, his mind filled with thoughts of Dan in his new clothes. Phil yawned, stretching as he walked into the kitchen. He was suprised to see Dan there, looking surprisingly wide awake. He smiled as he offered Phil some coffee. Phil smiled back, grateful for the coffee, he was going to need it for when Dan started to tell him about his latest date. They ate their breakfast in the lounge, Phil sat at the table with his laptop, Dan on the couch. They were quiet for the first few minutes, Phil concentrating on the screen in front of him. Then Dan lowered his cereal and Phil took it as the signal that he was ready to talk. As Dan started to talk to him, Phil paid attention both to Dan and the internet, hoping it would hurt less if he paid less attention. Dan had enough of Phil to break his heart and telling him about this date would add another crack to it. Dan finished his story, getting up to take his bowl into the kitchen before showering. Just when Phil thought he could take no more Dan spoke again,

" I'm so in love with her Phil. You'll understand when you meet her. I think I finally got it right."

Dan looked at Phil who had to fake yet another smile. Phil wanted Dan to leave before he could say anything else,

"That's great. If you're going to shower, don't be long. I have to shower quickly as I need to go somewhere soon, I have to get something."

Dan left the room, closing the door behind him. Phil took a deep breath and looked down. There was teardrops on his keyboard. Phil didn't realise he had been crying and hoped Dan hadn't thought he was. He heard Dan go into the bathroom, the door shutting loudly behind him. Phil looked at the teardrops on his keyboard, he couldn't bring himself to wiping them away. As he stared at them he thought about the girl, hoping she knew how lucky she was as she looked into those beautiful eyes, having everything that Phil had to live without. Phil hoped that the girl would do everything he couldn't for Dan, that she held him tight, gave Dan all her love. He was like a song that Phil kept singing and didn't know why he did, Dan appealed to him in a way that Phil didn't understand or could control. Phil wanted and needed everything that him and Dan could be. Dan was the reason for the teardrops on Phil's keyboard and Phil wondered what was going to happen next if he couldn't change the way he felt.