Hey guys! I'm REALLY sorry that it took forever to update! I've had serious writers block! I made this chapter extra long to make up for the late update, and because it's the last one. I'm so sad right now because we are on the last chapter of this story. I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout this story and for all of the sweet reviews that I've received. This was my very first story that I have ever written and all of your support means the world to me. I can't thank you enough for all of this, and I hate to end this story. But all good things must come to an end. So, here is the tenth and final chapter of 'The Secret Ending To Whodunit Up'. I hope you guys like it!

Rocky point of view

"Hurry up, Tinka! Your taking forever!" I yelled through the door of the fitting room at the mall.

After Ty and Tinka agreed to go out on another date, (I may have been eavesdropping a bit), Tinka asked me and Cece for help. Mainly on what to wear. Since Ty is my brother and like a brother to Cece, we know what he likes. So the three of us are at the mall, and Tinka was in the fitting room, trying on a dress that Cece and I picked out. And she's been in there for what feels like hours.

"I'm not sure about this, guys." I heard her say from the other side.

"Oh come on." Cece said. "Just come out so we can at least give you our opinion."

"Yeah, Tinka." I agreed. "And besides, Ty really likes you. I'm sure you could go on the date wearing a clown costume and he wouldn't care!"

"We're not going to make her try on a clown costume too, are we?" Cece complained.

I rolled my eyes. Typical Cece. But we all love her!

"Just come out, Tinka. So we can see how it looks." I said.

"Fine." She said. The door slowly opened, as Tinka stepped.

My and Cece's jaws dropped and our eyes widened as we saw the sight of Tinka.

"How is it?" She asked, a bit nervous. "Do you think Ty will like it?"

"Oh don't worry." I said with a smile. "I think that that this date is going to work out just fine."

(Friday Night)

Ty point of view

I was in my bedroom with Rocky and Deuce. I was looking in the mirror, combing my hair, making it look perfect. Tonight was the night. The night where me and Tinka finally go out on our second date! I have to pick her up soon, and I'm almost ready. Though I was pretty scared of messing up tonight. I don't want to just be friends with Tinka anymore.

"I still can't believe you and her are going on another date!" Deuce said, who was sitting on my bed.

"It's pretty mind blowing." Rocky agreed, who was leaning against my dresser.

"Come on, guys." I said. "Can you at least try to be supportive?"

"We are!" Rocky said.

"So where are you guys going?" Deuce asked.

"Well, I managed to book a reservation at that new restaurant down town." I said, while putting my comb down and fixing my jacket. "I forget the name. I think it was something in French."

"That restaurant?" Rocky asked. "Ty, that place is really expensive!"

"Don't worry." I said. "I got cash."

"How?" Deuce asked "You don't have a job."

"Well, you know that jar I keep in my closet that holds my funds for a new car?" I asked. They both nodded their heads.

"Well now the jar is empty." I finished.

"You spent all of your money for a car on this date?" Deuce asked in shock.

"Yeah, I guess." I answered.

"But you've been saving up all that money since you got your learner's permit!" Rocky said.

"Well yeah, but this is important." I said.

They both just starred at me in disbelief. Finally, Rocky broke the silence.

"Are you whipped?" She asked

"What? No!" I said. I'm not! I've never been whipped before and I'm not whipped by Tinka!

"Oh come on Ty!" Deuce said. "You really like her, you've been acting weird all week because of this date, and now your saying that you spent all your money on this date."

"Yeah I'm pretty good at math, and I'm pretty sure guy liking girl, plus guy spending all his money on her, equals WHIPPED!" Rocky said, and slap her hands together when she said 'whipped'.

"Trust me, I'm not whipped." I said as I grabbed my wallet and left the bedroom, with Rocky and Deuce right behind me.

"Fine, be in denial!" Rocky said. "Just, good luck on the date."

"Thanks sis." I said. We said our goodbyes and I ran out of the apartment. I ran to the subway station, and got the next train to Tinka's apartment. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could, so that when I finally made it to her door, I was completely out of breath. I stood there for a few minutes, catching my breath. Then I knocked on the door.

I waited with bated breath for a few minutes. Then finally, the door opened, as my date made her way out. My jaw dropped, and my eyes widened at the sight of Tinka.

She was gorgeous! She was wearing a long, silk, sleeveless, red dress, with sparkles at the very bottom, and with one strap. Her hair was straight and down, just like it was on our first date. And the most beautiful thing about her right now, was her beautiful smile, and her eyes.

"Hello Ty." She said in a small voice, showing off that beautiful smile of hers.

"Hey." I said, still mesmerized by her beauty. "Wow, Tinka. You look...absolutely lovely. Beautiful!"

"Thank you, Ty." She said, smiling wider. "Rocky and Cece helped pick out the dress."

"Well they did a good job." I said, looking into her eyes. I started feel those familiar sparks.

"So, what are we doing tonight?" Tinka asked, excitedly.

"Oh yeah!" I said, remembering that we were going somewhere. "Well, I booked us a reservation at this restaurant down town. And after we eat, maybe we could just hang out."

"Sounds great!" She said. "Let's go."

So we head out the building, as the sparks between us grew, both of us very excited of what this evening will bring.

Tinka point of view

Ty just picked me up for our second date, and I have never been so excited and scared at the same time. I really want this date to work out! I don't want Ty to think that I'm just a weird foreign girl, like everyone else in the school thinks. I want to show him, that I'm a girl with potential, and that I'm good enough to be with him. I hope I don't screw up!

We went to the subway station, and got on our train, heading down town, towards the restaurant. When we got off at our stop, we walked one more block, reaching the restaurant. Ty held the door open for me and we entered. Our tables were already ready for us, and the usher lead us to it and sat us down. He handed us our menues, and told us that our waiter would be with us momentarily.

After he left, it was just me and Ty. We looked across the table at each other, both of us smiling. I got lost in his chocolate brown eyes. They seemed to sparkle, and I felt my heart melt. He was just so… perfect. That's the only word to describe this boy. Perfect.

It was very quiet for a few seconds, until Ty finally broke the silence.

"So what do you think of this place?" He asked. "Pretty nice, huh?"

"Yeah," I agreed, looking around. It was very nice. There were many paintings on the wall, and a crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. There was also classical music playing, which is one of my favorite types of music. There was also a small dance floor in the middle of the restaurant.

"This place is beautiful." I commented, after getting a good look around.

"Yeah it is." He agreed, with a smile. "But not as beautiful as you."

I turned to him, and I couldn't help but smile. He just called me beautiful! My heart was frolicking in my chest.

"Your just saying that." I said

"No I'm not!" He said. "You really are beautiful."

It took every muscle and bone in my body to keep me from squealing and jumping up and down. Ty really thinks I'm beautiful! This was almost to good to be true! I didn't pinch myself this time. Because if this is a dream, I never want to wake up!

"Thanks Ty, that's really sweet of you." I said, trying to seduce my excitement.

We were both quiet for a moment, before Ty spoke up.

"You know I've always thought that." He said. "That your beautiful."

"Now your just trying to be nice." I said.

"No I'm not. I've thought that since our first date." He said, smiling. "And it's true."

His bright smile was contagious, because I smiled right back.

Then our waiter came over and took our order. Eventually, we got our food. We ate our dinner together, talking and laughing, and having so far the best date ever. To me, it was magical. I hope that Ty is having a good time, too. He looks happy, I just hope it's not an act.

Then later, after we finished dinner, and Ty just finished paying the bill, we heard music start playing. It sounded really familiar. We looked over and saw that there was a man playing on a saxophone, and couples coming onto the dance floor.

Then it hit me. This was the same song that we danced to on our first date!

I think it hit Ty too, because his eyes lit up, and he jumped out of his seat did the same little dance move he did over a year ago.

"You remember this song?" I asked

"How could I forget?" Ty said, and held out his hand. "Dance with me."

I blushed. That's what he said all that time ago. Except this time, I didn't hesitate.

"Of course." I said, taking his hand.

He lead me to the center of dance floor. We started dancing together, just like we did before. He twirled me around, and help me close to him. He felt warm against me, and I could feel those familiar sparks growing between us. It felt incredible.

My heart was beating a mile a minute, and I have never felt more alive.

This night is a fairy tale.

Ty point of view

After Tinka and I finished our dance, we left the restaurant. I was having an amazing time. Tinka looked beautiful, we had a good dinner, and we got to dance together again, the same dance we did on our first date. I felt those strong, powerful sparks, and if it was up to me, I would have had us dance forever. But the song had to end, and we had to leave.

Instead of going home, I took her to the park for a late night walk. It was dark out, but it was a full moon and that gave us enough light.

We walked through the damp grass, talking about the previous events of the evening, and sat down on one of the benches. We looked up at the stars. She was right next to me, and I couldn't help but take the risk. I lifted my arm, and put it around her shoulder. And she tuned towards my arm, with a bit of an surprised look.

"I'm sorry!" I said, immediately pulling my arm away.

"No it's fine. You weren't bothering me." She said, with a gorgeous smile.

"Oh, okay." I said, smiling back, and putting my arm around her again.

"I had a great time tonight." Tinka said, turning towards me. "Sometimes I forget what a great guy you are."

"Thanks." I said, turning towards her. "I had a great time, too."

I looked into her eyes. Her beautiful, bright, blue eyes. I can't believe it took us over a year to go on a second date! I was really missing out. At least it finally happened. And I'm glad it did. I had an amazing time, and it was so great to spend time with her. Opposites really do attract.

Suddenly, I started to feel sparks again. No, not sparks this time. More than that. Stronger than sparks. It almost felt like electricity. Like a lightning bolt was running through my body. And it felt great.

I can't wait anymore. I'm taking the chance!

I started leaning in towards Tinka. And then I realized that she was leaning in too! I can't believe it! Our heads were moving closer and closer together. The electric feeling was growing bigger and stronger, the closer I got to her.

Our heads were so close that our noses were touching. I could feel her breath on my lips, hers just inches away. And before I knew it, my lips crashed into hers.

Now I felt more than sparks, or electricity. I felt fireworks. Fireworks exploding at the touch of her soft lips. At first it was a small kiss, but it slowly became more and more passionate. Warmth was racing through my body with every little kiss, every bit of friction. It was amazing. I wanted it to last forever.

But soon, the need of oxygen became to much, and we had to pull apart. We looked into each other's eyes, both of us silently painting.

This date has been more incredible than imagined, but there was still one more thing I had to do.

"Tinka" I said, still trying to catch my breath. "I know it's only second date, but we've been through a lot together the past couple of weeks. And I'm 100% certain of my feelings for you."

"What are you saying?" She asked, with a confused look.

"I guess I'm saying… Tinka Hessenheffer… will you be my girlfriend?"

The second those words left my mouth, her eyes widened in shock. But that was soon replaced with a smile.

"Yes Ty, I would love to be your girlfriend."

I couldn't help but smile back. And instead of saying something, I just leaned in and kissed her again. And she kissed back.

I can't believe it. Tinka is my girlfriend! This is amazing! Rocky was right. I am whipped. But I don't care. I don't care if I'm teased at school for being with a Hessenheffer. I don't care if I loose my cool guy reputation. None of that matters anymore. All that matters is that I'm with the girl of my dreams.

Everything is perfect now.

No point of view

Ty and Tinka walk up the stairs to Tinka's apartment, holding hands. The now official couple walk up to the door, both sad that their date had ended.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow." Ty said to his girlfriend.

"You too. Bye." She responded. They shared one more passionate kiss, before the blond went into her apartment.

After closing the door behind her, she walked to the center of the room, and fell onto the couch.

"What a night…" she said to herself, smiling, and staring at the ceiling. The sparkly girl was overwhelmed with the fact that the boy she has had a crush on for so long is now her boyfriend. Her first boyfriend to be exact. That is something that can easily overwhelm and change the life of anybody. And she couldn't be happier.

"Your back! How did it go?"

She turned her head to see her twin brother standing behind the couch, well aware of all that has happened from the last few weeks with her and Ty.

"Well?" He asked, getting impatient.

A big grin grew across her face before she answered.

"I have a boyfriend now."

Ty opened the door to his apartment, after coming back from his date with Tinka. After closing the door behind him, he pressed his back against it, and slid down onto the floor.

"What a night…" he said, with a big grin. The young rapper has never been happier to be with somebody in his entire life. He's with somebody who he can't get out of his head, and wants to spend every minute with. It was late, about 11:30, and he couldn't wait for tomorrow so he could see her again. The thought of it made his grin grow even bigger.

"Hey look! He's back!"

He lifted his head, to see his sister, and his best friend sitting on the couch, looking at him. Both were there when he left and must have stayed to see the results.

"How'd it go with Tinka?" Deuce asked curiously. And from the look in her eyes, you could see Rocky was anxious to know as well.

"Well," Ty said, not moving from his spot on the floor. "Remember before I left, you guys said I was whipped, and I said I wasn't?"

"Yeah…" Rocky and Deuce both said at the same time.

"Yeah, well… I was wrong."

He pushed himself off the ground, and left the living room, leaving the two teens on the couch, shocked. He went into his room, and fell on his bed. He fell right asleep, and dreamed about his girl. He still couldn't believe that this one girl made him so happy. It almost seemed unreal. But it is real, and it couldn't be more perfect.

Still no point of view

It's the year 2031, and a thirty three year old Tinka is in the kitchen of her apartment, cooking dinner. A little five year old boy with tan skin, who's wearing a betwinkled leather jacket and fedora, runs into the kitchen, up to her, with a friendly smile on his face. Tinka looks down to the little boy and smiles back.

"What's for dinner, mommy?" He asked.

"I'm making you and Stacy some spaghetti, Troy." She answered, stirring up the food in the pot.

"Mommy why does Stacy have to babysit me again tonight?" Troy asked curiously.

"I told you already, sweetie. Me and daddy are going out tonight for a special occasion, and we can't leave you by yourself."

"I know. When will daddy be home?"

"He should be back from work any minute now."

And just as the words left her mouth, the door swung open. A tall, fit, thirty six year old Ty entered the small apartment.

"I'm home!" He yelled as he hung up his jacket on a nearby rack.

"DADDY!" Troy yelled, as he ran up to his father, and Ty picked up his son.

"Hey little man!" Ty said cheerfully. "How was school?"

"It was good! We had show-and-tell today!"

"Really? What'd you bring in?"

"One of those trophies I found in your bedroom. Mommy was mad when she found out I took it."

"Don't worry about it, Troy." Ty said, putting his son down. He made his way over to the kitchen and kissed Tinka on the cheek. "Hey sweetheart."

"Hey Ty! How was your day?" She asked, with a smile.

"It was good! I'm almost done recording my new album! How was yours?"

"It was good. Same old, same old. Designing my new line of clothing, picking up Troy from school, putting him in time out for taking ANOTHER one of your Grammy Awards, and I also set up our reservation for dinner tonight. We should leave right when Stancy gets here around seven to babysit Troy."

"Sounds great!" Ty said, as he scooped out spaghetti from the pot, put it on a plate, and handed it to Troy.

"Here you go, buddy!" Ty exclaimed.

"Thanks daddy!" Troy exclaimed, taking the plate and running to his seat.

"Oh one more thing!" Tinka remembered. "I was cleaning out the closet, and I found this." She reached into her pocket, and pulled out what looked like a small pink letter.

"Remember this?" She asked, handing it to Ty. Ty took the small note, opened it up, and started reading it to himself. As he read, a smile grew across his face.

"Oh yeah, I remember." Ty said. "No way I could forget getting this letter, and finding in my locker."

"I can't believe you kept it all these years." Tinka said, a bit surprised.

"There's no way in the world that I would be able to throw this away." Ty said, holding it up. "This is what made me realize who I wanted to be with, and who I had to be with."

A smile went right across Tinka's face, who's heart melted at what her husband had just said. She gently grabbed the back of his head and pulled him into a passionate kiss. Luckily, Troy was to busy eating to notice. The kiss became more and more passionate with every second that went by. Then Ty pulled away for a second, and smiled at his wife.

"Happy ten year anniversary." He whispers to her.

She smiles and responds, "Happy anniversary." before he pulls her into another lovely kiss.

And to think… it all started with that one little note…

That's the end of 'The Secret Ending To Whodunit Up'! I still can't believe I'm ending my first story! I'm so thankful for all of your sweet reviews and all of your loyalty. Thank you so much for supporting me, and encouraging me to continue. If it weren't for you guys, I wouldn't have made more than three chapters! And the fact that you all have stayed loyal to this story, stayed loyal to me, means more than you could ever imagine. I can't say thank you enough! I'm planning on writing more stories in the future, and would love it if you guys stuck around for them! And would also love it if you tried out my other stories that I'm currently writing, including 'Return to the Future It Up', and 'I Don't Get It Anymore'.

Once again, thank you guys so much for reading this, and on a scale of 1-10, let me know what you thought of this story! I love you guys so much, and I'll see you next time! Bye!