Summary: Yuugi has always had a crush on the popular kid, Yami, but he's too shy to do anything. He doesn't know that Yami likes him back. When a new guy, Atem, moves to the school, he falls for Yuugi, and doesn't think much of Yami. Will Atem win Yuugi over, will Yami work up the courage to get together with Yuugi, or will Yami and Atem realize that they have more in common than they thought? And can Yuugi deal with the pressures of being sought after by two amazing guys?
Hey guys! New story, sorry it took so long. Obviously, main pairing is Mobiumshipping, or AtemXYamiXYuugi. So, for anyone who didn't catch that, yaoi. You've been warned.
Also, I'd like to thank everyone who supported my last story, and hope everyone enjoys this one!
Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh!
Yuugi stared at the person across the room. They still had four minutes before the first class of the day started, and Yami wasn't wasting a second. He had his head buried in his hands and seemed to be catching up on missed sleep from the weekend. Other people were finishing up last Friday's homework, or just chatting with friends.
Mr. Sumato entered the room. He was in his mid-thirties, with dark hair and glasses. He wasn't the strictest teacher, but all his students knew not to push their luck in his class. Everyone hurried to their seats and quickly sat down. Yuugi glanced at Yami, who was still out of it. He looked back at his teacher, who was looking over the class.
When he got to Yami, he sighed. He walked over to Yami's desk and cleared his throat loudly. Yami shifted but didn't wake up. Mr. Sumato grabbed a ruler from the front of the room and hit it hard on Yami's desk, right near the boy's head. He jerked awake to Sumato's harsh glare. The class giggled and Yami smiled sheepishly.
"Mr. Aisuru, would you care to join us for today's lesson?" he said sarcastically.
Yami stretched and grinned. He held back a yawn and said, "Did I miss anything?"
Mr. Sumato scowled and walked back to the front of the class room. "No. You're very lucky I woke you up before I began teaching. Don't be sleeping in my class again, or I'll just let you sleep next time, and you can make up for that time in detention."
"But if I didn't miss anything, then why can't I sleep?" Yami checked the clock. "And I wasn't technically sleeping in class. We still have approximately thirty-five seconds before class begins."
Sumato scowled. He wanted to say something, but the kid was right. He settled on a small grunt while the whole class smiled, along with Yami. It was always fun to see a teacher get taken down a peg.
Sumato began the lesson for the day. Yuugi payed close attention, while Yami sat idly in his seat, playing with his pencil. A knock on the door drew everyone's attention. Sumato walked over and answered it. A few people caught a glimpse of the person outside the door before their teacher stepped out and closed the door behind him.
The class immediately erupted into whispers. It quickly circulated that the knocker had been the principal, but nobody knew why. Was someone in trouble?
After a moment, Sumato reentered the classroom, along with the principal and a boy none of them had ever seen before. Yuugi was shocked at the new kid's appearance. It was already strange enough that he and Yami looked the same, but now there was a third one? He resembled Yami more strongly than Yuugi, with crimson tip and eyes, and extra blonde bangs sticking upwards, but was much more tanned than either of them. He wore the normal school uniform, though with a bit more jewelry.
"Class, please welcome Atemu Sennen," Mr. Sumato said. The new kid bowed politely. "He's a transfer student all the way from Egypt. I expect you all to get along with him." He surveyed the seating schedule, and pointed Atemu to his seat, which would be right behind Yuugi.
Yuugi grinned at the new kid as he took his seat. He leaned back and turned his head slightly. "Hello. I'm Yuugi. I hope you like it here, Atemu."
"Please, call me Atem," he whispered back with a smile, before Sumato gave them a warning look. They quickly settled down.
The teacher droned on about that day's topic, while most of the kids were more interested in checking out Atem. He was obviously foreign, that much they could tell. And that hairstyle! It was weird enough when two unrelated people had it, much less three. He seemed more like Yami than he did Yuugi. Speaking of Yuugi, the new kid was staring at him. Atemu seemed to be ocasionally smiling at the back of Yuugi's head. He wasn't ignoring the teacher, though; he could still hear every word just fine. He simply seemed to be trying to get Yuugi's attention.
Yami looked up at the new kid. He frowned at the uncanny resemblance to himself, and Yuugi, who seemed to be the only one paying attention. Which was ironic, really, considering everyone else's attention was on him.
Yuugi was oblivious to his classmates stares and focused on the lesson until it was over. When class ended, Yuugi started packing up his things, and looked up, surprised, when he felt someone standing next to him. He smiled. "Hi, Atem. Do you know how to get to your next class?"
Atem rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously. "Ah, I was hoping you could show me," he said, grinning sheepishly.
"Sure," Yuugi said. "Who do you have next?"
Atem checked his schedule. "World History, with Rekishi. Anything is better than listening to that guy drone on about how interesting the Japanese language is, though. I think he invented the word 'monotony'," Atem joked.
A few kids around them laughed, and so did Yuugi. "Come on, then. That's my next class, too. Rekishi isn't too bad. Let's head on." Yuugi picked up his things and walked out of the classroom, with Atem following closely behind.
Yuugi didn't have many friends in his first period class. Well, he didn't have many friends, period. But in his next class, he quickly met up with Ryou and Jounouchi. He introduced them to Atem.
Ryou, Atem quickly noticed, was very shy. He was very pale, and had long white hair and soft brown eyes. He quietly inclined his head as way of greeting.
Jounouchi, on the other hand, was boisterous and loud. He had blonde hair and golden brown eyes. "Hi there, Atem! You can just call me Jou; everyone else does," he greeted him with a smile. Atem couldn't help but smile back.
"Atem moved here from Egypt," Yuugi informed them.
Jou cocked an eyebrow at him. "Isn't Yami from there, too? Got a thing for Egyptians, eh, Yuugi?" he teased, making Yuugi blush. Jou laughed. "Ah, you know I'm just messing with you."
"Who's Yami?" Atem asked, curious.
Yuugi started to explain, Ryou interrupted, saying, "Yami is...popular. He's the class clown, but he never really gets close with anyone. He could probably have any person in this school with so much as a look."
"He went out with a lot of people his freshman year, but never for long." Jou continued the story. "Both boys and girls, though surprisingly few people cared. So that just basically means he has even more admirers."
Yuugi piped up with a quieter voice. "I've had a crush on him for a while now. He can pretty much have anyone he wants, but he's never really shown much interest in anyone."
Atem paid attention to that. Yuugi was gay? Not that he minded; in fact, he was rather happy about it. Just not the part where Yuugi already had a crush on someone else.
The bell rang and Ryou and Jounouchi hurried to their seats, along with everyone else. Atem stood unsurely, until Yuugi gestured for Atem to come sit next to him. He took the seat gratefully.
Yami was the last into the room, walking leisurely to his seat. Some of the students smiled at him, while the teacher didn't pay him much mind.
Mr. Rekishi stood up at the front of the room. He was an older man, with greying hair and little glasses that perched on the tip of his nose. He cleared his throat and called for Atem to come up and introduce himself to the class. It didn't really bother Atem to do this, and he suspected he would have to many more times before the day ended.
"My name is Atemu Sennen, but everyone is free to call me Atem. I'm from Egypt and I'll be here for at least the rest of the year." He raised an eyebrow in a way that said, 'What else do you want to know?' Rekishi told him he could sit back down; Atem returned to his seat next to Yuugi.
Yami considered Atem. He scowled inwardly. The guy was just so good with people. He could probably easily befriend every single person in the room. Half the things that came out of Yami's mouth were sarcastic jabs, typically directed towards a teacher. He wasn't good with regular conversation, like Atem was. And it was obvious that he already had a crush on Yuugi. Yami sighed and focused his attention back on Rekishi.
The man was talking about the Ancient Egyptians, in honor of their new addition. People always seemed to forget Yami was from Egypt, too, because of his pale skin. He rolled his eyes and tuned out again. He looked back to Yuugi. Yami wasn't good with people in general, especially those he liked. He had no idea if Yuugi liked him back; many others already did, but Yami just found the majority of them irritating. Plus he had no idea how to talk to people, lest of all Yuugi.
Atem smiled at Yuugi, noticing their subject for the day. Yuugi was right; Rekishi wasn't too bad. The man was a bit boring, taking about how strong the Egyptians must have been to be able to build the pyramids and other structures, but he wasn't terribly so.
"To help get you all immersed into history," Mr. Rekishi said, "we're going to have everyone pair up."
"Do we have to?" Yami asked. "Could we work alone if we wanted to?"
Rekishi blinked. "I suppose you could, if you really wanted to. However, you just have a week to build a representation of a historical Egyptian structure, and write at least a one page description. You will be judged on your model, description, and presentation to the class on Friday."
Yami nodded, fine with this. Rekishi announced that the class could choose their partners, and everyone immediately scrambled to get their best friend, or a kid they knew was smart. Quite a few came up to Yami. After all, he was popular AND smart, a nice combination. But he turned them all down.
Atem sat in his seat, not knowing anyone well enough to ask to be their partner. To his relief, Yuugi didn't immediately go to a friend to work with. Instead, he looked at Atem. "Would you like to partner up?" he asked.
Atem smiled gratefully. "Sure, that'd be great! When do you want to begin?"
Yuugi smiled back. "No problem, and how about you come over to my house later so we can get started?"
Before Atem could reply, Jou came up to Yuugi, excited. "Hey, Yuugi! Yami hasn't got a partner yet. I bet you could ask him." He raised his eyebrows suggestively.
Ryou came up behind them and rolled his eyes. "He's already turned down everyone else who's asked him. And he was the one who asked if we could work on our own in the first place. Which I'll likely be doing as well."
Jou gasped. "No, Ryou! Come on, bud! Please, be my partner? You know I'll fail!"
Ryou, too nice to say no, just sighed. "Fine. But I'm not doing all the work."
"But wouldn't you be doing that anyway if you were working by yourself?" Jou asked, confused. The bell rang, masking Ryou's groan.
Yuugi laughed at his friends. "Who do you have next?" he asked Atem.
Checking his schedule once again, Atem answered, "Mathematics, with Sugaku."
Yuugi frowned. "I don't have Sugaku at all. Do either of you two?" he asked his friends.
Jou shook his head, but Ryou nodded. "I'll show you the way, Atem." He and Atem headed off to their math class, while Yuugi and Jou went to their next class, with Jou mumbling unhappily about how they had one more whole period before lunch.
On their way there, Atem was surprised when another student, strongly resembling Ryou, came over to them and put a casual arm around Ryou. He studied Atem and then spoke. "You're the new kid, then."
Ryou introduced them to each other. "Bakura, this is Atem. Atem, this is my boyfriend, Bakura."
"Nice to meet you," Atem said. Bakura just grunted and pulled Ryou closer, making him blush. The three entered their next class, and were immediately greeted by a person with some of the craziest hair Atem had seen yet. He had a tan and wore enough jewelry to rival Atem. His hair was a sandy blonde, and stuck out impossibly. He was an imposing figure, and his "friendly" smile just succeeded in unsettling Atem even more.
"This is Mariku," Bakura said. "Mariku, this is Atem, the new kid. Where's Marik?"
Mariku sighed. "Sick. He came down with something over the weekend. Well, actually, I think he's feeling better, but we had a test second period. It was enough to give anyone a migraine."
Ryou laughed. "Sorry to hear." Before he could say anything else, the teacher walked in. The desks were set up in pairs, so Bakura pulled Ryou over to theirs. Mariku walked back to his and sat next to an empty seat, scowling at it. Atem stayed standing, not sure where he should sit.
Ms. Sugaku was a younger teacher than Atem's previous ones. She had shoulder length blonde hair, and bright eyes. She quickly noticed Atem, and asked him to come up to the front of the room.
"Class," she began, instead of having Atem introduce himself, "this is Atemu Sennen. Everyone, please be polite, and make him feel welcome. Now, does anyone have an open seat?" She surveyed the class. "Mariku?"
"No, mine's just absent."
"Well, can Atemu sit there, just for today?"
Mariku shrugged. Atem, before going to his newly assigned seat, said to the teacher, but loud enough for everyone to hear, "You can just call me Atem." He walked over and sat down next to Mariku, nodding to him. Mariku nodded back, and both boys steeled themselves for the lesson.
Yuugi rolled his eyes at Jou. "Do you really have to paint FOOD?"
"But I'm hungry!" Jou complained. "And food is definitely something I love."
Yuugi sighed and returned his attention to his own canvas. Jou had taken art class because he figured it would be easy. And, Yuugi had to admit, while his inspiration was a bit out there, Jou's pieces weren't half bad. Yuugi thought his "nature" was looking a bit...drunk. There was really no other word for it. How else could a simple landscape become so messed up? A completely disproportionate tree, a few monstrous blades of grass that didn't really fit, and his pathway wasn't looking very walkable. Yeah, drunk was the word for it.
Their teacher was walking slowly around the room. She paused by a few students, giving out compliments and criticism. She laughed at Jou's and smiled at Yuugi's. She told Yuugi to hold on a moment and returned with another student in tow. Yuugi gaped.
Yami waved slightly. He wasn't even sure why he'd been dragged over here. Not that he minded, but what was he going to say to Yuugi? This was what he had been avoiding in the first place!
Yuugi was staring at both of them. Why had the teacher brought Yami over? Yami still held a paintbrush in his hand and was twirling it between his fingers.
The teacher left them together, saying, "Your styles are distinctive, but they could easily go together. Give me a combination, a blend of you both." She gave them a whole new canvas, and went back to looking around, pairing up some other students as well.
Yuugi stood uncertainty next to Yami. Yuugi thought he looked bored. What was going through Yami's mind?
Yami was nervous, but trying not to show it. Yuugi was just...staring at him. Would he rather be working alone? Yami turned toward the canvas so he wouldn't have to see those eyes looking at him.
Yuugi took a deep breath and spoke, breaking the tense silence that had settled over them. "Um...what were you painting earlier?" Yuugi asked.
Yami cleared his throat. "A landscape. A few trees in the foreground, a mountainous background. That's all I had done, but I wasn't finished with it. What were you doing?"
Yuugi explained what he'd been drawing. Yami seemed interested, and as they both elaborated a bit more on their drawings, Yuugi discovered that Yami drew harder and sharper lines than Yuugi did, whose were typically softer and more curving.
Deciding to get started, Yuugi grabbed his brush. He started with a few strokes for the top of a tree, while Yami set to work on the trunk. As they worked, Yuugi was trying to think of something to say. Would Yami even want to have a conversation with him? Did he think this was an awkward silence, or would he prefer it if Yuugi just didn't say anything at all?
Yami wanted to start a conversation, but he had no idea how. It wasn't that he found the silence uncomfortable, he just wanted to talk to Yuugi. He never had this problem, as he could never work up the courage to be in a position to anyway. Sure, he could talk back to teachers or any smartass; but just trying to think of anything to say to someone he found attractive might as well have been impossible. He usually tried to avoid it. Yet here he was, with the perfect opportunity to talk to Yuugi. After a while, he talked himself up, finally ready to say something. "How's the - "
"So, are you - "
Both clammed up as the other one began. Yuugi blushed and ducked his head. Yami bit his lip and tried again. "How's the tree top going?"
Yuugi smiled. "Good, I think. How's the trunk coming along?"
"Wonderfully," Yami said. "Though, it's always the leaves that really steal the show, don't you think? A trunk might be interesting at first, but after a while they all look the same. The leaves are always different, and even one leaf can have many different appearances."
Yuugi frowned good-naturedly. "Oh, come on. Leaves are predictable, but trunks aren't. All trunks may not have very diverse coloring, but they can have interesting shapes. And they're really good at hiding things. You know, when winter comes, the leaves start showing it to everybody; they'll change color noticeably before falling off the tree. With the trunk, you couldn't tell. As long as you looked at it the right way, it could be all rotted inside and no one would ever know."
Yami hummed as he put on the finishing strokes. "I suppose that's true. But - "
A shrill ringing interrupted them, making Yuugi jump.
Jou was the first out of the room. He bolted around the corner to the cafeteria, yelling something that sounded suspiciously like, "Food!"
Yuugi smiled uncertainty at Yami, who grinned back. Yuugi walked out of the room, hurrying after Jou. His stomach was still doing flips. He'd just spent time with Yami, and they'd actually talked! Surprisingly enough, Yuugi reflected, he hadn't felt that nervous while the actual conversation had been going on. He'd make sure to tell Ryou, Jou, Marik...and Atem. Yuugi suddenly felt strangely guilty thinking of talking to Atem about Yami like that. But he quickly brushed away the feeling and followed Jou's loud footsteps to the lunchroom.
Yami followed behind at a slower pace, still wondering about his and Yuugi's conversation. Yuugi had seemed to be genuinely enjoying himself, and, Yuugi couldn't really hide his feelings. Still, Yami was still too nervous to try to talk to Yuugi during lunch. Maybe later, he told himself as he entered the cafeteria. Hopefully soon.
So, what do you guys think so far? Feel free to point out any grammatical errors.
I think that's all I had to say. Hope to see you guys next chapter, and as always, have a great day!