Author's NOTE: This story is potentially going to go onto hiatus if I find me really bored and I'll start up the story about the oneshots. Now I will take any item even if there is only 3 votes, so make sure your opinion gets in! I'll warn you when it will end! Also, there will be a few chapters where it's just Camp Jupiter. After that, then I'll proceed to Camp Halfblood.
Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or HoO.
Jason POV
Timeskip 3 days later...
Well, another day has passed as the golden sun sets on the ancient hills of New Rome. I think that many people are staring at me with these expressions of awe as we venture through the hills of New Rome, with people occasionally stopping and soluting me after the acts of the war games 2 days ago...
3rd person POV
Jason, Bianca and his new friend Leo Valdez walked through the purple curtain to reveal a gigantic meeting containing every soldier from the 5th cohort and the centurions of the 5th. A centurion Gwen shouted out: "Alright you lot! Listen up! Now as usual, we are being thrown to the defences to soften them up!"
A massive groan escaped everyone's lips except for Jason who was in shock. His mouth agape and the scar on his lip disappeared when he opened his mouth. " Well, I know this is bad, but today if we play our best we can potentially get through the defences!"
Gwen was practically the best when it came to optimism. She never let anyone down and when spirits were low, she oftened raised the mood by quite a margin.
She continued explaining the battle plan: "As you can see here, the main defences are in the central port where the ballistae will be aiming at the East. Now we will send 4 different waves. Wave one will be with me and we'll be attacking in Turtle formation. Once we get about 60 meters in front of the wall, we will head off to the right while the 2nd wave which is also in turtle formation, heads to the east. Once the 3rd wave has come into the middle, we are all going to charge and storm the walls. While the wall is being held, we will have Jason lead a few people into the tunnels. Once that is done, Jason, you'll need to destroy the group inside out and then you can proceed."
Most legionairres were confused that Gwen was putting so much trust into the newcomer and gave her confused stares, but she ignored them and led her squad outside. Jason, Dakota and a person named Leroy, who Jason didn't know, had all led their squads outside and then, the horn sounded.
People were rustling to get their gear and attach their armor.
Once they had all put on their armor, Jason stood out like a sore thumb with his sky blue cropped golden armor. His helmet stood tall and majestic, with his gladius out and a shield. But he didn't have time to admire his armor, so he ran outside and waited for the other squads to proceed.
Gwen's squad marched out with Dakota's and Leroy's closely following her's. Once all in position with general chaos spreading around the arena, Jason led his squadron over to his starting tunnel and then, it happened.
A giant, 20 foot tunnel activated and stretched above his head, giving them cover against the 1st and 2nd cohort's water cannons and ballistae.
Jason and his team squelched through the muddy remains of this tunnel and reached what seemed to be a massive stone wall. Jason then orderd to bring out the battering ram. It was a massive 10 foot long log with wheels attached to it, basically. "Alright people! Let's do this!" Yelled out Jason. The ram crashed into the wall and then stones and rocks were falling down into the pit and the people were panicking, but luckily Jason told them to put their shields above their heads and the rocks bounced off harmlessly. Some people stuggled under the weight of some of the rocks. The battering ram had nearly worn out, but was still pushing through and BAM!
The wall crippled to dust. The squad cheered and people above were wondering what the heck was going on down there. Jason led his team to the cohort's main base unlocked the gates and then the entire game proceeded into chaos. Out of the corner of his eye, Jason thought that he oucld see Hannibal trumpling people underneath his feet.
Jason, Bianca and Leo were unstopabble in their path of destruction. Jason alone was a challenge for most people, but with his two friends, nothing could get in their way.
Jason whirled his sword like a tornado, spinning and slashing, sometimes turning the blade so the flat of it hit the other legionairres. He did a somersault over the line of soldiers and disarmed them all in a blink of an eye.
Many people were in awe of this display of swordsmanship and were just standing there while the rest of the battle happened. The centurion, Octavian had come out and ordered his soldiers to rally, but his helmet was singed by Leo's flaming hammers. He ran outside screaming for help and after that incident, the people all fell like dominos.
Many were either unconcious, incapitated or had surrendered to the might of the 5th cohort. Many soldiers were rushing forward from the 3rd and 4th cohort, but couldn't get through the mass amount of the 1st and 2nd cohort's bodies. People from all directions were piling in.
Meanwhile, Jason and Bianca were taking the banners while Leo was handling the people outside and defending them.
Jason sprinted inside and pulled his gladius out, then slashed at someone's helmet, blocked a shield and then kicked someone in the stomach, making them double over.
He stabbed at someones shield, then he found himself surrounded in a tiny space, and then he activated one of his special powers. He called down a bolt of lightneng, and causing the people to flee in panic.
Bianca, meanwhile was grabbing the banners and then yelled out: "Alright! Let's get out of here!" Leo was right behind Jason after taking out the 3rd and 4th cohorts along with the 5th cohort. They all got onto Hannibal and ran out into the field of Mars.
End flashback:
Jason walked down the principia and walked into a senate meeting. When suddenly, a horn sounded from nowhere. The sound of a...
Cliffhanger. Nuff said. Anyway, I know, you guys hate me now but yeah, Rate and Review and all that kind of stuff.