A/N: WOO! Hellooo duckies! Time for another story! New verse! :D I am SO excited to get this one off the ground. Yes, yes. Girl at Camp Green Lake it's been done before, and I know that. So...I compensated for it ehehe. For the record, I have an ENORMOUS and disturbing crush on Squid/Alan. Mmf...he's divine. Anywayyy, our adventures take us into the life of pretty Jamie Prescott, I really hope you guys like this. I'll do my best to not make a jackass out of myself. Read and review please!

Camp Green Lake. That was the only other option that the judge gave to Jamie Prescott the day of her hearing. She certainly didn't want to go to the detention center for juvenile girls, no. She was far above spending time all day in some jail cell like a criminal. Was she innocent? Absolutely not, but she did what she had to and it wound up kicking her in the teeth in the end. So instead, she was given the option of Camp Green Lake. An all boys detention camp which she thought was strange. Why not just send her to another facility somewhere else? Jamie didn't understand the legal system, nor did she care to understand it. She'd been to plenty of camps before, how bad could this one be?

Jamie was the only daughter to Richard and Jenine Prescott, your stereotypical wealthy family with a big, beautiful home and ranch in the Texas country side. Her older brother, Michael, had been killed earlier in the year while on duty in Iraq and her younger brother after her, Adam, was just a pain in the ass. Always coming into her room and stealing her things, tattling on her to their parents when she did nothing wrong. But when it came down to it, Jamie couldn't complain. She had it all; a hot Mercedes Benz that she was given for her fifteenth birthday last year, a bottomless credit card, and she was one of the legendary steer handlers in Texas.

That's right, raising one steer every year since she was ten. Jamie had the knack for bringing up the perfect specimen of market steers and such a skill in fitting. It was rare when she left a jackpot show or county fair without the title of Grand Champion or Reserve Champion.

But what could Jamie have done that was so bad that she'd found herself in trouble with the law. A gorgeous sixteen year old with rich, beautiful black hair, and the greenest eyes the world had ever seen. She inherited her mildly tall stature from her father but her body was all her mother; curvy in all the right places and her face was practically carved by the hands of angels with graceful cheek bones, full, glossy lips, and thick butterfly eyelashes that made all the boys in her school nervous. On the outside, she was perfect. But inside…behind closed doors, she was in trouble.

It wasn't her fault, though. Arrested for assault, one would think she went looking for trouble.

So there she was, sitting by herself on the long bus ride to this Camp Green Lake to serve her eighteen month sentence. There wasn't much of a lake around; in fact there wasn't any lake at all. Just miles and miles of a dried up lake bed encircled in far away mountains. She clutched her handcuffed hands together on the back of the seat in front of her and rolled her eyes at the scene passing by her. All around, the road to this "camp" was surrounded by holes. Hundreds of holes. Is this what she was doing for the next year and a half. She was better off going to jail…

Boys, boys everywhere. Jamie arched her perfectly manicured, dark brow in piqued interest. She could get used to being surrounded by nothing but boys; they were her specialty after all. Wrapping the brainless creatures around her finger and making them her pets on short chains. Even her lips twisted up into a satisfied smirk. And they're calling this my punishment…

The bus lurched forward in a hard stop after rolling into what looked to be a desolate looking Western town. But judging by all the boys in the orange jumpsuits, Jamie gathered that she had arrived to camp. The security guard that was sitting a few seats ahead of her suddenly stood up and pulled her to her feet roughly by the chain on her handcuffs.

"Watch it, Bruno. I bruise easily."

"Hey. You better watch your mouth, little girl. They won't have any of that sass while you're here at camp," He said, looking down at her over his aviator glasses. Jamie rolled her hypnotic green eyes and sighed. Typical teenage girl. The guard went ahead and yanked her forward anyway until she nearly stumbled down the steps out the folded open doors. Already, the stares and whistles started. Jamie was suddenly regretting her wardrobe of choice; a pair of black denim shorts and a blue plaid shirt that she rolled up over her belly and tied the ends together, the top buttons undone. At least she had the decency to wear solid black Converse that were low risers. Even so, it'd been months since any of these boys had seen a girl, let alone one as gorgeous as Jamie.

"Alright, this way, girlie." The guard grunted. Jamie hated being called "girlie" and cursed under her breath. This heat was ridiculous and the place was filthy, dirt everywhere. Jamie cringed while she was led into a building that looked over one hundred years old where she was greeted by a gruff looking man who radiated the aura of an asshole. He would be tall except his shoulders were hunched a bit and his eyes seemed stuck in a permanent squint. He moved from the mini fridge after pulling out a cold soda and handed the drink around her to the rude guard.

"S'with the sunflower seeds?" He asked.

"I just give up smokin'. Have a seat, Missy," Muttered that ape looking man. With another roll of her eyes, Jamie dropped her black JanSport backpack onto the dusty ground and sat lazily in the old wooden chair in front of his desk. There was a little name tag that read "Mr. Sir" in faded black letters, Jamie just had to raise an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Jamie Prescott. Sixteen years old and arrested for assault on your father. Well then, looks like we got ourselves a bit of a rebel, huh?" Jamie grunted. "My name is Mr. Sir, you are to call me by my name, is that understood?"

With her eyebrow still arched, Jamie couldn't stop the small snort she made at the sound of his name. Mr. Sir glared at Jamie like a snake trying to intimidate her. She only stared right back with a smile on her face. "You think that's funny, girl?"

"Mhm..no Mr. Sir."

"I can see you got a smart mouth on you already. Assaultin' yer daddy, you got some problems there with respect, don't ya?" Mr. Sir was treading into dangerous waters, he could tell by the sinister glare he was receiving. With a chuckle, he sat up and told her to follow him outside. It was with great reluctance that Jamie followed Mr. Sir back into the heat as he gave her a half-assed tour of the camp, telling her they had the only water for one hundred miles and that running away would solve nothing. Something about buzzards picking her clean and yellow spotted lizards. The next place they went was next to the "Library."

"Yo look guys, we got us another girl in camp. It's been what…two months since we had one? Woo she's fine." Jamie heard a voice behind her. It had a familiar Southern drawl but she ignored it, she was in Texas after all. Just about everyone had a twang in their speech.

After Mr. Sir had given her the ugly orange jumpsuits and her shovel, she attempted to persuade him to let her change somewhere else. She didn't want people to see her skin. She didn't just give away herself to complete strangers. Their argument was interrupted when another man, a skinny man, walked inside with sunscreen applied to his nose and wide brimmed hat on his head.

"This will be your counselor, Mr. Pendanski. Eh…you take it from here then," Mr. Sir muttered as he trudged away outside. Jamie made a face but wiped it off when Pendanski turned back around to speak with her, a strange smile on his face. It looked like he was trying too hard to be her friend.

"Like Mr. Sir said, I am your counselor, you'll be in D Tent. I want you to know, Jamie, that just because you made a bad choice that does not make you a bad person. Come on, I'll show you were you'll be sleeping."

Ugh…he's going to try to appeal to my humanity…Let's just get this over with. Jamie followed her counselor across the camp to a moderately sized tent where he held open the flaps to let her inside. It was dingy, it was dirty. A far cry from the five star accommodations she was used to. But inside, Jamie received the shock of her life when Pendanski began to introduce the D Tent boys.

"These will be your roommates. Here we have Theodore—"

"Yo man, my name is Armpit." Mr. Pendanski rolled his eyes at the large colored boy who lay sprawled on his bed and swiped the hat off his head.

"This is Ricky, Rex, Jose, and Alan. The rest of the boys should be back in from digging their holes soon, like Lewis. Now, don't be confused, they all have their little nicknames, but I choose to use the names that society will remember them by-"

"You talk a lot don't you?" Jamie interrupted, clearly annoyed with all the yapping Pendanski was doing. He said no more and left the girl to fend for herself. Alan he said?…No it couldn't be. Jamie threw her backpack onto the spare bed and looked around at the boys.

"Jamie?" Yep. Green eyes widened at the sound of her name in the familiar, delicious twang that made her heart melt and the butterflies in her stomach wreak havoc. She turned around slowly and stepped into the aisle of the tent as the boys cleared the way for one boy in particular. "I thought that was you steppin' off the bus."


"Girl you got a lot to learn. Dat's Squid. Over there, that Ricky fool? That's Zig-Zag, and here we got Magnet. Barfbag should be in soon. And me? I'm X-Ray."

Jamie paid absolutely no mind to the dark boy with thick glasses. He must have thought of himself as some leader of this little posse but she could care less. Her focus was instead on Alan…or Squid…whatever. Slowly, she stepped forward a pace or two and froze when he started coming towards her. The first familiar face she's seen and it had to be him. But he was such a sight for sore eyes that she couldn't stop her feet when they suddenly ran the short distance between them and threw her arms around his neck, stunning the boys in the tent.

"Jamie! What…what are ya doin' here?" His normally loud voice was in that of a whisper. He didn't want his friends to hear and make fun of him later.

Alan smelled like dirt and sweat and oddly she didn't mind it. After not seeing him for three months after he was arrested for stealing, she didn't care. A sense of relief came over her when she realized she wasn't going to be completely alone during her long sentence. He made a motion with his eyes and hands for the boys to get out so he could talk to her for just a minute. They all made the same disappointed face and left. When the tent was empty, he pulled her away to look at her.

"Jamie, did ya here me?"

"Yeah, yeah I heard you," Her brows furrowed in slight annoyance.


"Kicked the shit outta my dad, so what? I don't wanna talk about it. I'm here, alright? And you!" Jamie placed her hands on his chest and shoved him off her suddenly. "You stopped writing me!"

Squid dropped his arms in defeat and just stared at her, those green eyes of hers were angry. He only stopped writing because he was running out of things to say. Digging holes all day wasn't much to talk about. And the way they left things in the days before his arrest had him convinced that she hated him. But even so, he wanted to know exactly what she was doing here and why. She beat up her dad? That didn't sound like the Jamie he'd known since they were kids. Sure, she was a smartass, but she was never a violent girl.

"I'm sorry alright? I dunno what else to say. But, you will tell me one way or another why yer here. So…can I have that hug back?" Dammit. He was doing it, those enormous brown eyes of his were glassy when he looked at her, like a kicked puppy. Since they were five, he always pulled "The Face" to get what he wanted. And it always worked.

"Come here, Squid," He laughed when she sarcastically used his nickname and came back into his arms to take another whack at that hug. Squid swallowed thickly as she tucked her nose under his chin, getting him a whiff of the vanilla scented shampoo she always used in her hair. This was going to be a long stay if he couldn't stifle and bury those stupid old feelings.

They pulled apart so she could change her clothes. These jumpsuits were ridiculous, she'd look like a clown wearing them because they were enormous on her.

"Got any scissors?" Squid smirked, he knew where this was going and handed her a pair that they kept hidden under a mattress. He watched her cut both of her suits in half, talking out a good portion of the middle. Next to go were the legs that she sliced into hot little shorts to show off those lovely stems of hers. And finally, the arms which came off at the shoulders.

"Much better and more acceptable," she said with a satisfied sigh.

"Better hope Mr. Sir don't have a problem with it. Not that I do of course," Jamie blushed when he winked at her.

"Shut up."

"Can we come in now?! It is our tent, too!" Zig-Zag's voice.

"So. Looks like we're all gonna be great friends. Well boys, I'm Jamie. I'm here because I kicked my daddy's ass and that's all you're ever gonna get outta me. So! What's for dinner?"

That first night in the dinner hall was something else. Jamie had never seen a dirtier cafeteria, nor had she ever seen such a wide variety of beans. Not one of them looked appetizing enough to eat. But there were some hot dogs and slices of bread so she settled with that and went to her assigned table. When she got there, Squid forcibly pushed the one who called himself Magnet out of the way and made room for her to sit.

"Sit here, now, I don't want none of you guys tryin' any funny business with this girl," Squid warned, waving his fork at his tentmates. Those emerald eyes rolled as she picked a piece of her hot dog bun off and played with it. She jumped a bit when an arm reached in front of her and nearly grabbed her bread.

"Hey, you didn't dig today, so…you won't mind givin' your bread to somebo-"

"Don't touch my food." Jamie threw her hand out and captured X-Ray's wrist in a snare-tight hold and jerked it away from her bread. Already, X-ray could tell she was going to be a fighter. The boys all became silent and stared at the girl like she had a third eye. "You get one warning."

"Ohh, someone feisty. Bet you got all the boys back home whipped, don't ya?" X-ray taunted. The grip on his wrist tightened before she threw it back at him and slammed her tray onto the table before getting up and leaving.


"Throws fits with a dirty mouth, too. Squid, better go train that girl before she gets into trouble."

Squid sighed with a roll of his eyes, watching Jamie storm out through the doors and head back to the tent. He massaged his temple with his fingers in mild frustration. Anyone who knew Jamie was aware of the temper she had never seemed to grow out of. "Dude, I told ya not to mess with her."

"Of all the crude, brainless, disrespectful-! Why I oughta march back in there and put my fist between his teeth. Touching my food, I'll break his hands so he can't even take a piss…" Jamie angrily muttered to herself as she rushed into her tent. She was startled and stopped her stomping when she ran right into another tentmate.

"Oh damn. I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone else was in here," She stammered, her hair in her face from the collision. She heard a deep laugh and hurried to toss her hair back. She'd run into a tall boy with sandy blonde hair and the clearest blue eyes she'd ever seen. "You must be…"

"Lewis. But, heh, everyone calls me Barfbag. So, we got another girl at Camp Green Lake, huh?" Jamie chuckled and tucked a lock of raven hair behind her ear with a nod. She reached out her right hand with a smile.

"It would seem that way. I'm Jamie."

Barfbag smiled at her which made her breath catch in her throat as he shook her offered hand. He had a remarkably charming smile that made her cheeks flush and her eyelashes flutter.

"Don't worry, I'm sure the guys will give you a nickname soon. So, what're ya in for?"

"Ohh nothin' special. I did kick my daddy's teeth in though. Apparently that's frowned upon in today's society."

The voices inside the tent made Squid freeze in his tracks. Someone was in there chatting up Jamie. His Jamie. Well…she wasn't exactly his, she hadn't been since he was arrested. Or at least he thought so. But by the sound of it, she was talking to Barfbag…and laughing. Laughing the way she used to when Squid would sweet talk her.

At his sides, Squid's hands clenched into tight fists as he walked into his tent with a blank face. If he went in without the face of a fight, maybe she wouldn't notice that strange pang of jealousy he possessed. The conversation inside came to an awkward halt when Barfbag noticed Squid come up behind Jamie, look at her, and brush past him and bump into his shoulder. That was new. Jamie knew that boy inside and out and could smell his jealousy from a mile away. Now things were getting interesting as she looked between Squid and Barfbag.

"So, Lewis," Jamie made a point to call the boy by his real name just to add a little fuel to the fire. "How long are you in for?"

I know what she's doin' and it ain't gonna work. Nuh-uh… Squid thought to himself as he sprawled out on his cot. Barfbag shifted uneasily between the two and decided to answer her question before the silence became too uncomfortable.

"Twelve months. Broke into some guy's car and took his stereo. Got another eight months to go," Squid scoffed and laced his hands together behind his head as he stared up into the fabric ceiling of the tent. He played with his toothpick, flipping it over and over in his mouth. He fumed just a little more when Jamie sat down on her cot and tugged Barfbag down to sit beside her.

Not gonna work, Jamie.

"So, you got a girlfriend back home?" Both Barfbag and Jamie turned their heads when Squid grunted and turned on his side to face away from them. Jamie smirked.

"Nah. Not right now. What about you? Girl as pretty as you has to have someone back home waiting for her," Now Squid was paying attention to every word she said. After the fight they had when he was arrested, they never made it clear as to the status of their relationship. Were they really over? She couldn't still be mad at him for stealing, or maybe she was mad that he stopped writing…

"Dunno, really. Things were left a little…unresolved," She was choosing her words carefully. "But, I won't be looking any day soon."

Silently, Squid sighed a breath of relief. At least she didn't say she was single. Jamie was a lot of things, but a heart-breaker was never one of them. He was thankful that she wasn't out to rip what was left of his heart out of his chest. She was right, things were unresolved. They never said it was over, nor did they say it was still on. But even so, he still didn't like how chummy Jamie was getting with Barfbag. Even if they did only turn out to be friends throughout her stay.

After Barfbag and Jamie talked a little longer, he excused himself to go get himself some dinner and eventually shower. Jamie lounged on her cot on her side and faced Squid who was two beds down from her.

"Quit pouting, will ya?"

Squid said nothing and bit his lip to keep from starting another fight. She'd just gotten there today, he didn't want to start out her miserable sentence with an argument. Instead, he got up and went over to her where he loomed overhead like some predator. Almost immediately, Jamie scurried to sit up and pulled her knees against her chest, her previous demeanor all but gone. Squid found it somewhat odd the way she reacted but got in her face anyway. She widened her glass green eyes when he stared her down.

"I don't care what happens between you and Barfbag, but you're my girl."

There it was again, that voice he used to make her weak in the knees. But Jamie shook it off.

"You don't own me, Alan," She said, teasingly tucking some his hair behind the shell of his ear. When her fingers brushed against his skin, he shuddered. "No one does. Now go away. I'm tired…"

Girls were so confusing in the way they acted, Squid could never make heads or tails of Jamie sometimes. One minute she was an adorable dork and the next she was a seductive badass. Jamie really was a coin to be flipped. But his pondering was interrupted when the other boys of D Tent came strolling in. He left her cot and went back to his own, his eyes on X-Ray as he approached her.

"That was some stunt you pulled in there, girl. You better watch yourself."

"Oh, Baby, I'm so scared," Jamie feigned innocence. She winked and quirked her brow when X hesitated and gave her a dumb-founded look. She even went so far as to smooch her lips at him. He brushed her off like a fly and went to his own cot and collapsed lazily. Right next to her, was Zig-Zag. Now he was a character, with wild hair and even wilder eyes. She'd never seen such a crazy looking kid, but she oddly found herself liking it.

The rest of the night, the boys found themselves talking about their day and ignoring the spat between X-ray and Jamie. They even managed to ignore the strange tension between Squid and her, even though they were all dying to know what sort of relationship they had before either of them got sent to camp. Squid never once took his eyes off Jamie, he still couldn't believe that she was actually there. This good little rich girl sitting in a dusty, old tent with a bunch of delinquents. His brain couldn't wrap around it.

Jamie lucked out tonight, it wasn't sharing night in the Rec Room with Pendanski. The last thing she wanted to do was sit in a circle and talk about her problems to a room full of boys who couldn't possibly understand her. Plus, she didn't want Squid to know why she did what she did. She didn't want anyone to know. The only people who were in on the secret was Jamie and her father, and he was making sure that his story was the one everyone else believed. Obviously, they did. Otherwise she wouldn't be here. But Jamie had to give the old man some credit. Had he not pressed charges, she wouldn't be here with Squid.

It was funny how some things turned out. Things certainly weren't great in her favor but they weren't too bad either. She would rather be home working with her steer for the next upcoming jackpot show, but being near him again was satisfying enough. She'd just have to keep her steer for the bigger shows when she got out. Squid often wondered how she was doing in the time they'd been apart. He thought about writing her again, he stopped after the first two letters because he just couldn't find the words to say to keep her waiting for him. Being a teenager sucked, being a juvenile delinquent made it that much worse.

Eventually, Jamie managed to get over the thick, humid air and fall asleep. But her slumber was anything but restful. She missed her memory foam mattress and her air conditioning, but more than anything she just missed her room. Full of pictures of her and mother and brother, Michael. She missed Michael and wished that he'd never enlisted in the Marines, but no matter what she would have said, he wouldn't have changed his mind. More than anything, she missed running to his room at night and watching the late night horror movies with him and a bowl of popcorn. Thinking about home put her mind and heart in a state of agony.

Squid took notice when he heard the occasional whimper coming from her cot, making him rise in bed and glance over at her. He couldn't understand why her face was wet with tears. He didn't know anything that was going on because he never read the letters she kept sending, afraid he'd do something stupid to break out and see her. But of course, running was never an option when he was in the middle of the desert. Instead, he watched helplessly as she struggled to find a good dream. But that never came, and soon the morning wake up tune played over the loudspeakers.

Jamie sluggishly sat up and rubbed the tears from her cheeks and yawned. "Well shit…day one."

A/N: Huehuehue...I'm retarded. Can't help myself sometimes. So, hopefully, this story gets as much affection as my TMNT story. Ohh I hope I know enough about 'Holes' to make sure this doesn't suck. READ AND REVIEW to tell me what you think so far! I need to know, duckies. Anyway, Jynxxi loves you! Thanks for your support :D Let's see how this one goes eh?