Brittanys POV:

we were living in a cardboard box wanting a family...but no one could adopt us or take us in. We lived in L.A since we were 5. We moved here with a nice family from Australia. But they abused us when we were 7 All because we hung out with our friends more than them. Anyoo we escaped and have been living out here ever since were 9 1/2 years old and We are hungry and lonley.i have my sisters and my sisters have me but we need a mom and dad. everyday its the same routine...people see us in the cardboard box and they give us food and when we thank them they just run away. Sometimes we find holes that lead to stores with food and we steal some so we wont starve and die. brittany and i have auburn fur with electric blue eyes. im the eldest of my sisters. The next eldest is jeanette. Jeanette has dark brown fur with purple eyes. She also has glasses since she cant see well. And the youngust is eleanor. Eleanor has blonde fur with green eyes. we are all triplets and we stick together no matter what happens. Just like was a bad day for us. No one will give us food and the store managers fixed the holes that lead to the inside of the store...and now we are really hungry and thirsty. We need something or we will die of hunger and thirst." really hungry." Jeanette said while holding her stomach.

"ya me to. If i dont get any food i will die of hunger." Eleanor said.

"i know girls but we need something to catch there attention.i know signs wont work because they will just run and scream like everyone else. So we need something new." I said. Then we heard music from the radio that was next door. It sounded like the chipmunks that everyone keeps talking were listening to the music then it hit me."hey why dont we sing to get people attention."

"why?" Jeanette asked

"because the chipmunks are male chipmunks that can sing and we can sing just like them...then people will not be afraid of us anymore And probably give us food or money."

"that is not a bad idea your a genius."

" what song are we going to sing?" Eleanor said. We thought about it.

"how about put your records on?" Jeanette suggested. Me and eleanor nodded.

"sure so i will sing the first verse...jeanette you will take the next verse and eleanor you will take the bridge." i said.

"okay so we need to get on top of something so everyone can see us." Eleanor said. Then we looked around the street that we were on until i spotted a bench.

"hey how about that bench." I said while pointing to the bench a few feet away.

" lets go." Jeanette said. Then we headed to the bench. Luckily no one spotted us then people would have screamed and run Away. So we jumped on the bench and stood in the middle so we have enough room. Then i began to sing.


Three little birds, sat on my window.

And they told me I don't need to worry.

Summer came like cinnamon

So sweet,

Little girls double-dutch on the concrete.

[what we didnt know is that we gathered peoples attention and they started gathering around. Also we somehow caught the chipmunks attention.]

Maybe sometimes, we've got it wrong, but it's alright

The more things seem to change, the more they stay the same

Oh, don't you hesitate.


Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song

You go ahead, let your hair down

Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,

Just go ahead, let your hair down.

You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow.


Blue as the sky, sunburnt and lonely,

Sipping tea in a bar by the roadside,

B+E: (just relax, just relax)

Don't you let those other boys fool you,

Got to love that afro hair do.

Maybe sometimes, we feel afraid, but it's alright

The more you stay the same, the more they seem to change.

Don't you think it's strange?


Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song

You go ahead, let your hair down

Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,

Just go ahead, let your hair down.

You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow.


'Twas more than I could take, pity for pity's sake

Some nights kept me awake, I thought that I was stronger

When you gonna realise, that you don't even have to try any longer?

Do what you want to.


Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song

You go ahead, let your hair down

Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,

Just go ahead, let your hair down.

Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song

You go ahead, let your hair down

Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,

Just go ahead, let your hair down.


Oh, you're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow

when we finished the song everyone that gathered around clapped and threw money. We bowed and waved at them. Once they left we collected the money from the ground but something caught my eye.i turned that direction and i saw Alvin and the chipmunks.i gasped and that caught there attention."whats wrong britt?" Jeanette asked. I just stared at the chipmunks. Then she looked in that direction and gasped. That caused ellie to do the same and gasped at what we saw. We dropped our money on the ground and just stared.

"umm..that was a nice performance." the red clad chipmunk said. we then snapped out of our trance and smiled.

"thanks. My names brittany and these are my sisters jeanette and eleanor." I said.

" Alvin and these are my brothers simon and theodore." Alvin said.

"hey." We said while waving.

"so why were you guys singing?" Asked simon

"well we were trying to get peoples attention." Jeanette said.


"because um..uh..-" jeanette tried to say the reason why. I rolled my eyes and finished her sentance.

"because were homeless chipmunks who are hungry and want a family and whenever we try to talk to a person they scream and we are trying to get money so we can buy food and finally eat after 5 days of hunger." I started to tear up. me and my sisters just looked at the floor.

"oh well you can come with us and see if our adoptive father will give you guys a home."theodore said.

"okay. Oh is there food because i need to eat or else im going to dye." eleanor said.

"ellie can you stop being sarcastic." Jeanette said.

"well it true. Look at you two i can almost see your bowns in your arms and im getting skinnier." Then me and jeanette looked at our arms and she was right. You can barely see our boys just chuckled.

"yes theres is lets go." Said simon. we all nodded and followed the chipmunks to their house. On the way there we talked.

"so where are you guys from?" Alvin said.

"we are from australia." I said.

"wait if your from australia then how did you guys get here?"

"Well we found a nice family and we moved from australia to L.A...then after a while they abused us for just for hanging out with our friends more than them. anyway we escaped and romed the streets and whenever we past someone they would scream 'RAT!'. So we found a good place to live and it was a cardboard box. So we lived in that cardboard box for two years."jeanette said.

"oh.. that makes sence. thats a stupid reason for abusing you girls."theodore said.

"i know. But off that subject. is this dave nice?" Eleanor said.

"ya. He is really nice but sometimes if alvin does something wrong he would scream out his name." Me and my sisters giggled at that statement.

"same with brittany but differently. Whenever she get into a fight with someone we scream out her name and pull her away. Or when she doesent pay attention to us we scream her name. Or when she gets into an arguement with me jeanette either has to scream or pull out her claws then brittany backs away."

"why does brittany back off when jeanette pulls out her claws?"simon asked.

"Watch. Jeanette can you pull out your claws when brittany looks at you?" Jeanette nodded."brittany can you look at jeanette for a sec?"

"fine what is it?" Then jeanette pulled out her claws and i looked frightened and backed away when jeanette got i was backing away the memory of my mother cutting my wrists and upper arm every time i tried to go to my friends house. I breathed heavily when the memory got worse and worse. i started to cry when the pain came back to me.i felt blood on my arm and i hissed in pain. Then i heard eleanor tell something to jeanette.

"Woah! Ok jeanette put the claws back or else the memory is going to get worse then brittany would be frightened for life." Then jeanette nodded and retracted the claws.

"are the claws gone?" I asked trying to calm down.

"yes there gone." Jeanette said.

"okay." Then i looked at them. All i saw was three confused chipmunks and two worried sisters.

"jeanette check her pulse." Eleanor said.

"okay." Then jeanette walked to me and put to fingers on my left wrist. My pulse was going from rapid to normal. Then jeanette lifted up her fingers and she gasped then turned to eleanor."um...e-ellie."

"ya jen..whats wrong."

"Look." she then pulled her two fingers to everyone saw blood on her fingers they gasped.

"how did blood get on your fingers?" Simon shrugged.

"well if you dont know then lets ask brittany because you got the blood from her." Alvin said. Then when everyone turned my way they saw that i was gone. So they went to find me. When they found me i was sitting on the bench crying softly while hugging my knees. when they saw me crying they ran to me and crowded around me.

"what do you guys want?" I said not making eye contact.

"we want to know why there was blood on your wrist when jeanette checked your pulse." Alvin said while sitting next to me and wrapping his arm around my paw reached the other side of my shoulder i hissed in pain and he quickly let go. When he let go he looked at his paw and saw blood."theres blood on her shoulder."

"yes there is but why." Ellie said.i sighed.

"well you know how mom and dad always used to cut me instead of you guys?" I said. They nodded."well they always cut me on my wrists and upper arm. Sometimes on my ankles and theigh. And whenever i see something sharp or you guises claws,i would remember the pain and then the wounds would come back and it would always bleed."

"wait is this why we would see blood on your side of the box?" I nodded"well why didn't you tell us? We could've helped."

"ya." Jeanette said.

"i don't know i was just scared to tell you guys..thats all."i said while shrugging.

"britt...were like you said when we were 10 'sisters stick together no matter what.'"

"your right can we go because im really hungry."

"ya lets go." Simon said. Then alvin lended me his paw and i grabbed it. He let me up and we left.