A thousand thanks to all who favor, read and follow

A billion thanks to all who have reviewed

Golden-brown fried chicken, peppermint patties, juicy pork chops, thick cut fries, and creamy mashed potatoes lay in steaming platters next to jugs of tangy orange juice and sweet butterbeer. The smells alone were enough to make even the pickiest of eaters drool.

Cursing Sirius and his "lady obligations", James trudged down the lunch hall, ignoring the heavenly scents of food, a heavy weight on his shoulders. Severus must know it was him. Oh Damn it, damn it, Severus just had to sit right in front of him the day he was going to prank him. Life is such a bitch! Shoulders sagging with defeat he plopped down into a random seat not noticing who was right across from him.

"You slimy toerag!"

James's head snapped up to face a furious Lily.

"You horrible excuse of a man, you stupid potato, you... you animal. James Idiot Potter you have the charm of coal, the appeal of a rotten banana and the personality of a slug." Lily paused to take a breath, cheeks flaming with anger."You cracked egg, unsharpened pencil, unsophisticated duck...even an elephant has more class than you. You.. you coward, you cow, you big, fat bull, You should be ashamed of who you are...you..you bad, ugly hunk of metal! She ended with a fierce glare, not even sure what she had said, but satisfied, as it had completely wiped any trace of a smile off Potter's face. Standing up she was about to turn her back on him to drive the point home, when all of a sudden she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"What?" she snapped, turning back around. Oh if that Potter kid tried to defend himself, she would continue ranting until his ear bled

Naturally, she was shocked to see the look of total anguish on his face."Please Lily," James croaked "I...I know I am a hunk of metal and everything else you said, but I swear I didn't mean to hurt Severus. It was an accident. I mean...I..I..just...please tell him I am really sorry."

Lilly eyes narrowed. His voice was sincere enough, but yet...he is lying. Anyone with eyes could see that explosion was no accident. Potter must be trying to make Sev forgive him so he can just hurt Severus more. Yes, yes that was totally it.

With short laugh, she snorted "Save your breath. Sev hates your guts, now more than ever. Just yesterday he told me he thinks you are dirt." With a simpering smile she turned away, making sure to sashay all the way to the door.

As soon as she was clear of the lunch hall she peered back, wondering if James believed her. To her relief James was now disconsolately picking at his food, looking like he was going to be sick.

Unconsciously she bite at her nail, her heart tinged with guilt, Severus had said no such thing, in fact yesterday he had been saying how much he wanted to be James's friend and if she, Lily could help him.

Maybe she should go back and tell James the truth?...NO WAY. It would definitely cause trouble. Poor Severus was way too trusting, so as his closest confidant she should protect him...right? After all what if Severus started liking James more than her? That would just be wrong. As his first friend, it was normal to fend off other friends...right?...Yes, right. No matter what it took, she would fight. Sev could only have one best friend and it was going to be her.

Satisfied that she was doing the right thing, Lily began walking to the charms classroom, preparing to recite whole speech on how it angered her to see that blockhead James rudely slander her dearest and bestest friend (Severus) in front of the whole Gryffindor table.

Author's Message:

I am a humble beginner at writing, I hope you enjoyed this fanfiction

I know this chapter is short, but I will try to add new chapter every two weeks. Maybe even every week if I get lots of reviews. (*wink)

If I get at least 25 reviews in total, the next chapter will come out within a week. (I already have ideas for the next few chapters). So please review my work, any comments or suggestions would be immensely appreciated. Also any plot changes or scenes you want to see will tried to be incorporated.

Thank you very much :)

Shadow Pride