Chapter 50

It was February 3rd when Antonio came to school with the widest smile he'd had since seeing Lovino for the first time after their Christmas break. When he spotted his fiery boyfriend scolding some senior for something and threatening him with the usual stuff if he didn't cooperate, he charged right over to him instead of waiting for him to finish like he normally did.

"Lovi, Lovi, Lovi! Guess what!" Antonio demanded excitedly as he launched himself at the Italian and wrapped his arms around him in a tight hug. He was practically bouncing up and down in excitement and the other boy took this time to escape so he wouldn't have to keep listening to Lovino's rant.

"Damn it! Antonio, you fucking interrupted me! I was talking to someone." The sophomore yelled at him, slapping his arms and chest repeatedly to try and get him to let go. It made the younger man's cheeks turn bright red whenever he was showed such attention in public which just made matters even more embarrassing than they had ben from the pda already.

Finally, his set his boyfriend down just to steal a quick peck on the lips. "You still haven't guessed what I was going to tell you." He cooed happily, but didn't wait for him to guess anyways because he was too excited to wait to tell him. "My dad is flying in again! My brother too. They're coming home on in two days and staying a whole week and a half just for my birthday! Isn't this exciting?"

He ended up sighing at Antonio's over eagerness, acting as if he was irritated by it even though he found it endearing and loved watching him get so excited like so. "Why should I care? Did you really have to attack me just to tell me that?"

The junior giggled and stole another kiss from him with a smile. "I just thought you'd like to know since I'm going to bring you over for dinner while they're all here. Plus I think I'm going to have some really exciting news once my father comes back, we talked about it a little the last time he was here… But I can't tell you yet!"

"Well, it better be more exciting than what you just told me. Now stop kissing me and get to class, I heard about that stunt you pulled in chemistry class the other day and you're lucky I got you out of detention. isn't going to be so easy to convince next time if you're late to your homeroom all the time." Lovino informed him and began walking towards Antonio's first hour with him, only scoffing softly when his hand was taken.

At the time he didn't think about this 'surprise' very hard, only really worried about what he could get Antonio for his birthday that would make him just as happy as his family visiting.


That event had been on Monday, so it was the middle of the week when called her son in as sick for the rest of the week, wanting him to have as much time with his father who couldn't normally be around as he could get. That meant Lovino was stuck at school alone, surrounded by hundreds of idiots.

Sure, the grumpy Italian still got texts from his boyfriend but it was different and it seemed to affect how everything went on at school. Enough had already changed during the new year;

Ludwig and Gilbert's parents had finally gotten divorced and they were officially under the custody of their grandfather.

Arthur and Alfred had broken up because the Englishman had been so upset with his partner for leaving him during the break, even if it hadn't been up to him and so now he was letting Francis flirt with him just to make the quarterback jealous.

Ivan and his sisters had transferred to a different school because their family moved which made several people surprisingly sad, missing their company. Yao seemed especially bothered by it, but seemed to go back to normal once the classes picked up again. His attitude certainly had nothing to do with the fact that the Russian boy had called him and still proceeded to do so every night now.

Anyways, it was a lot of changes for Lovino to have to try and deal with and he was annoyed with Antonio for ditching him for his family, even if it was because he almost never got to see them. Then again, as long as the Spaniard was happy then perhaps it was alright for a little bit…


It was the second day that his father and brother were home when Antonio and just Mr. Carriedo went out to dinner together. It was always a nice treat to do so and it made the highschooler happy to be with his dad whenever he could.

They had simply gone out to a simple restaurant, it wasn't a five star place but it certainly wasn't some dinky little place. They had already ordered their meals and were chatting together happily when suddenly the elder brought up the conversation they had had back the last time he had come home to visit.

"So, Antonio, do you still want to come with your brother and me after your birthday? I've talked to your mother and we planned on giving you a plane ticket for your birthday… But I just couldn't stay quiet about it any longer." He said with a chuckle, watching as his son's face lit up happily.

"You really mean it? I would love it! Traveling sounds so much fun and I would love to hang out with you and Juan all the time." Antonio said excitedly, nodding his head quickly in agreement.

Seeing that the teen was still eager about coming made him smile back just as brightly, it would be great if their family could be together more than they were now. "That's wonderful news then. It's not really news, but your brother clearly doesn't want to take over the company. He's much more interested in studying and women to tie him down like that, but you seem much more eager to take over."

Antonio nodded again, beginning to shift around in his seat because it seemed like all of his emotions were whirling around in him all at once. "Oh, sí! I would love to take the company some day! I used to always think about it when I was little and truthfully I still think about it a lot. It would be so amazing to get to follow after your footsteps." He said in an animated voice, earning another laugh from his father.

Their conversation was interrupted by their food coming, but neither seemed to care too much since they were both in such high spirits together now. "Perfect. You're such a god boy, Antonio. Just don't let your mother know that I spoiled the surprise so early."

He agreed easily and then their conversation drifted off topic again. It had been something his parents had thought of very carefully because they still wanted Antonio to be educated and taken care of in the future, but as for the young man himself it just seemed like a dream come true and so he hadn't thought very seriously about the consequences yet.

The rest of their dinner was spent together in merry voices and happy faces, both of them over the moon at the thought of being together again. When they went home Antonio's mother was none the wiser over what their conversation had been about but he couldn't wait to tell Lovino now that he knew for sure his suspicion was true about getting to leave highschool early.


The party was on the 8th, 4 days before his birthday and on a Saturday so that his friends from school could come as well. Antonio was eagerly standing at the door and greeting people the moment they walked through the door.

The first to arrive, right on time was Arthur who normally would have dragged Alfred along with him but because of their current breakup that wasn't the case. This was actually rather awkward for the two of them since they weren't exactly the closest and actually got into disagreements regularly. The only reason he had actually invited Arthur was because he had invited all of the people who normally sat with them at lunch.

The Englishman cleared his throat and shuffled from foot to foot for a moment. Finally he held out a small gift bag and trying not to meet his eyes. "Yeah well, here's your gift. How long until the others are here?" He asked, chewing on his lip and practically jumping out of his skin when Isabella suddenly bustled into the entryway.

"Oh! Your first friend is here! Come in, come in, don't just wait out here! Oh, and don't give him that. He'll open it before he's supposed to. I'm , and you are?" "Arthur, an-" "Oh, well come along then. I have some food you can eat while we wait for the rest."

The poor blond didn't have even a second to interrupt as the older woman chatted away endlessly and dragged him into the other room, leaving Antonio to greet the rest of his guests.


The next to arrive was Ludwig, dragging Gilbert behind him to make sure that he would end up being late. They both managed to get a few friendly words in before the woman of the house stole them away as well.

The process was repeated with Alfred and Madeline, then Yao showed up. It was only a few minutes later when it was Lovinio's turn to knock on the door. He stepped into the house with a blush and shyly gave his boyfriend a hug. "H-hey, happy birthday."

Antonio grinned and hugged him back, stealing a quick peck off of his cheek. "Hey there. Be quiet, k? Or my mom will snatch you away from me." He said quietly and pulled him just to the right a bit so the woman couldn't see him if she poked her head through the doorway.

"It's been so long since I saw you. I wish you could skip school with me so we could hang out… It's going to be even worse later." The Spaniard said with a sigh, thinking about how he was planning on leaving with his father and brother.

However, Lovino didn't know what he meant and simply rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well you'll have me all of today so don't worry about it." It looked like Antonio was going to interrupt him to explain but the doorbell rang again and he had to greet the next guest.

It was Ivan but without even getting a chance to speak again, Francis and Feliciano were arriving as well since they had both pulled into the driveway at the same time. Once every one was here they made their way into the living room where everyone else was and they began to chat with everyone else.


I meant to post this last weekend but I never got a chance… I hope you guys like it- there's not much for me to ramble about this time other than sorry for being so late again. Thanks for reading and I hope it was ok, please review :)