Big Man in a Suit of Armor

"Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off, what are you?" Rogers spat.

"Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist," he replied simply as if it were obvious.

"I know guys with none of that worth ten of you. I've seen the footage. The only thing you really fight for is yourself. You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on the wire and let the other guy crawl over you."

It stung. It really did, not that he'd ever care to admit it. He was supposed to ignore what the others said, just like he'd done for his whole life. He'd learned right from the start that anything he said or did was wrong and people noticed. Everything about him was just wrong and he knew that. Honestly, he did. He didn't need the whole world telling him that he was a failure because no one knew that better than he did himself.

"I think I would just cut the wire," he stated, hoping that he managed to keep his emotions tucked safely behind the wall. Safe from the world.

"Always a way out… You know, you may not be a threat, but you better stop pretending to be a hero."

The words pierced the wall, bringing it all crumbling down on top of him. The funny thing was that he finally thought he'd changed. For the better. He didn't think he was just a disaster that destroyed everything he touched. He, for once, didn't completely hate himself. But maybe he was wrong to think that. He was a disaster that destroyed everything, no matter what he thought.

Steve Rogers knew that he was wrong as he watched Tony. There wasn't hesitation. There wasn't any second guessing. There was only a man who was willing to lay down on the wire and let the other guy crawl over him. At that moment, he realized what a huge mistake he had made. Tony was flying to his death, a nuke strapped to his back, determination oozing from him. Steve wasn't going to be able to take back what he said, to erase it from his memory. He wasn't going to be able to tell Tony that he was wrong all along, that he really was a good man. He was going to disappear without another word and Steve could do absolutely nothing to stop him. He couldn't help but allow the guilt to settle in his chest. He swore at that moment that he would never make another mistake like that because he didn't think he could live with it.

He held his breath as Tony flew into the hole, dragging the nuke right behind him. He knew that Tony was gone, no turning back, but he held onto the wavering hope that still clung weakly to him. But Tony wasn't returning. He was gone. And the hope vanished.

"Close it," he murmured. The hope was gone. He was gone. There was nothing he could do to change that. He needed to end it once and for all.

But the hope reappeared. And Tony was back, falling through the sky. All he could say was "Son of a gun." He couldn't gather enough energy to say anything other than just that. He was relieved, making him feel weak. He was going to be able to tell Tony that he wasn't just a big man in a suit.

He was a hero.

So, this was just a ridiculous little drabble that I wrote up a few nights ago in ten minutes. I don't even know what I can say about it other than it was just a ridiculous little drabble. Anyway, I was hoping that maybe someone would review and make my day? I would really appreciate it. Thanks for reading.
