Me:Hello everyone I'm back with part two hope you like it.
Po:Hey Wild!
Me:Oh hey Po!
Po:What are you doing?
Me:Um... I don't know trying to get the next chapter maybe?
Po:Oh... maybe I should go then.
Me:Good Idea*Po leaves*
Disclaimer:I don't own Kung Fu Panda
Po walked down the village ok maybe not walking he was actually spying on Hui and Tigress just to make sure nothing went 'wrong'.
"What is Hui up too?"He asked himself. Po saw Hui offering Tigress a drink which she accepted not to be rude.
With Hui and Tigress...
"So Tigress how have you been doing for the past couple of years?"Hui asked.
"Kung Fu"Tigress said"What I've been doing my whole life"
"Oh right"Hui said. Tigress took a drink from her tea and then seemed to have pass out.
"TIGRESS!"Po said as he ran in. No way was he going to have something bad happen to Tigress."Tigress!Wake up!"Po said as he tried to wake her up.
"Oh hello big guy"Hui said behind him"I was expecting you"and before Po knew it everything went black.
"Ugh"Tigress groaned"What happened?"She asked
"Tigress are you ok?"Master Shifu asked.
"Yes I am Master but..."Tigress began"... What happened?"
"We're not sure"
"What happened?"Came Po's voice.
"Po do you remember anything?"Shifu asked.
"I think so"Po answer but he realized someting"OMG I'm at the Jade Palace!" Everyone looked at him confused."Wow you're Master Shifu! And YOU guys are the Furious Five!"
"Hmm seems to me that he has a memory lost"Shifu said.
"You mean he doesn't remember he's the Dragon Warrior?"Tigress asked.
"It Appears"Shifu said.
"Wow I'm like your biggest fan!"Po said"I know ALL of your past but the one I really like is yours!"Po looked at Tigress. Monkey and Mantis tried to hold their laughter."Wow this must be your boyfriend Hui"Po said looking at him although he didn't sound so excited."I heard lots about you"Po said in a much angrier but calm things"You nearly killed my father, Shifu and the VALLEY!"Po said angrily. Hui and the others were begining to get scared at him they never heard him talk like that"But other than that you're pretty cool"Po said with a smile.
"First of:He WAS my boyfriend."Tigress said"Second: Are you ok?"Tigress asked.
"Wow! Master Tigress is asking if I'm ok!"Po said"I AM MORE THAN GREAT RIGHT NOW!"
"Well looks like he doesn't remember anything"Mantis said.
"There's nothing we can do"Hui said. Everyone looked at him. Tigress with a half angry half supision look."You know to get memory back."
"Yes we know"Tigress said as she walked up to him"But we can remind him of it. Won't you agree?"She said when her hands crossed.
"Uh... Yeah ok I guess we can."Hui said nervously.Darn it why didn't that potion work on Tigress.He thought to himself. Although Po had lost his memory he still thought Hui had a secret. They all headed to Mr. Pings but just about a block away from Mr. Pings Tigress felt dizzy and fainted luckly Po and Hui caught her.Yes! I knew sooner or later it would work. I was begining to think I got a ripoff. Hui started to laugh. Everyone looked at him."Uh... We should get Tigress in a bed"He said.
Well there you go hoped you liked it. Please Review. Next Chapter coming soon!