Twenty: Strangers
Far below, the mountain lion snarled, jaws gaping for a piece of flesh. The boy in the tree froze, clutching the plum flower to his chest. How could such a large animal get below him so quickly and soundlessly? He knew he wouldn't die from any sorts of injury, but he feared the pain from claws of the mountain lion, and a scream stuck to his parched throat. Panic flooded out all thoughts in his brain, and at that moment he could only stare back dumbly at the lion.
A giant gust roared past his elevated spot in the tree, and he wobbled, gasping as he almost fell from the top branch. The beast below had seen his slip and its eyes followed the boy obsessively, tempted by the meal hanging in the tree. Kiku gripped the trunk of the tree desperately, the blinding sun making him see lights swimming in front of him. His ear buzzed with shock, and he was afraid he might slip again and plummet into the jaws of the mountain cat.
No. He couldn't fall now. It was not too late yet.
Shaking his head, Kiku drew his katana and steadied his footing, his senses finally beginning to function. He scanned the little summit he was on, and with dread in his heart, realized that he would have to descend the tree and confront the lion unless he was willing to leap down the side of the mountain and break every bone in his body. He forced himself to breathe deeply, wishing he had paid more attention to his surroundings, and dropped from his place in the tree.
Kiku wasted no time to swing his blade at the animal. The weapon struck empty air, and its momentum caused the boy to stumble over his feet. The hit managed to scare the cat away however, whose eyes were dilated with starvation. Kiku made for the little outlet, wishing he had more than a split second of diversion. It was not long before the crazed cat charged once more for a chance at a meal. Kiku's katana lashed out once more, but as he managed to fend off the lion, he dropped to his knees hard, wincing. He sensed something floating away in his peripheral vision.
Something pink. Something very important.
He grasped for the flower, his fingertips barely grazing its soft petals. And it was just then that the mountain lion took its chance and pounced. The feline landed not a foot away from Kiku's face, jaws wide and fangs dripping hungrily for a chance at the retreating boy. The deadly claws raking into the earth just as he rolled from the attack, knowing well that a millisecond of delay would've cost him much more than the flower.
A few feet away, the blossom pirouetted in the mountain winds like a graceful dancer as he hacked the cat away. The flower twirled around, then slipped into the little outlet that he had climbed from.
Kiku saw the flower's escape at the last moment gave a shout, making for the outlet as well. But the beast behind him snarled, and jumped over his head, blocking the hole that led to his escape.
Adrenaline coursed through his veins, and he felt hot with fear and anger. He clenched his fist tight around the hilt of the katana. The flower was just on the other side! He did not fight all this way just to be left as a mountain cat's meal!
In this battle, he couldn't possibly win by simple might; one moment of hesitation and one slash from the cat would leave him wounded for one too many days. But as the animal leapt at him again, he swung at it the katana was knocked out of his hand.
The lion pinned him to the ground, and Kiku felt like his bones would shatter from the weight of its paws pressing against him.
Could this be the end? The very first fight would leave him to be eaten on top of a mountain. From the corner of his eye he saw his blade, too far to reach. The lion's breathe reeked of blood thirst, and Kiku braced himself for the agony of the bite.
But then…nothing.
The lion's shadow over him shifted, and there was a terrible ear-splitting scream. Kiku cracked his eyes open to see America…
…driving his katana into the animal. The lion screamed again, bared its back exploded in a cloudy mist of green essence.
Kiku had no time to be confused as he scrambled up, body still aching from the heaviness of the beast. "…America-san!"
"Dude..." America was shaking. He stared at Kiku's sword in his hands, the metal clear from blood and shining in the sun. "It's completely gone! I-It just…disappeared into smoke! ...What was that?" His eyes were wide with surprise.
"I-I don't know," Kiku stammered. "But how…did you get up here?"
"I was worried about you, so I, uh, made the hole a little bigger."
The tiny outlet had been punched right through, and the limestone was still crumbling, the rocks falling in tiny avalanches down the mountain.
"But…the flower!"
"Oh, yeah, it floated out the other side and I thought I could safe keep it for you!" America handed the flower to Kiku, who cradled the crumpled petals in his hands. He continued, now in a proud manner, "Well, whatever that was, I beat it! Man, I'm the HERO! You should've called me when you got yourself in a sticky spot!"
"…sorry. And I am very, very grateful-"
"No need to thank me! It's all good now 'cuz I saved the day! Haha!" America laughed and doffed his HERO cap, skipping towards the enlarged stone outlet. "Come on, slow poke! Your girlfriend ain't getting any younger!"
Kiku nodded and followed suit. "But I have what Mei needs now. This is all that matters."
On the downhill sprint back to America's cabin, the thoughts spiraled through Kiku's mind like a cyclone.
How humiliating! He had another man fight his losing battle…it made him wish he could turn back time to challenge the mountain lion again. Next time, he would need no external help…
But another thought captured his mind. The mysterious mist that the mountain cat had dispersed into…it seemed awfully familiar. That green color…was just like Jade's.
Jade knew where he and Mei were, Kiku realized with a shudder. Jade could track them and sabotage them until they were too weak to go on, then it would take over Mei's island.
"Hey, Japan," America called as they skidded down a steep gully. "Pay attention. You alright?"
Kiku stumbled and nodded, pulled back from his train of thoughts. Before long, they had reached the foot of the mountain once more. The two were messy and dirty, with traces of the forest greens and sweat sewn over their bodies.
In the cabin, Mei was still in her deep slumber as the sun began its drop over the green mountain.
They burst into the silent home like a storm, startling Panda. He saw the flower in Kiku's hand and said, relieved, "Oh, good, you found it!"
"Yes…" Kiku panted from the run but rushed to the girl's side. "How will this help her?"
"Put the flower over her heart," Panda instructed. The flower glowed pale pink and Mei's chest started to rise and fall slowly, but she did not open her eyes. The blossom's light dimmed. Its petals curled up in a brittle brown color and collapsed into a pile of dust.
"When will she wake up? America asked quietly. "We got what she needed, right?"
"She will wake when she is ready," Panda replied simply. "Thank you, Japan and America. The girl has regained soul. She will be alright now."
The voice was here again. This time, it seemed to be a lot less gleeful, though, but only for a moment. The emerald smog braced her knees tightly together, and when it released her, she found herself unable to move her wooded legs.
"Your love has succeeded, just this one time," the voice whispered into the girl's ear. "But it was only because I allowed him to."
The girl whimpered despite her will, and the smog swirled thicker. "Ah, this is so fun~" It sang, stroking her cheek with transparent green hands.
She squirmed uncomfortably in the misty grip. She knew who the voice was talking about; she was certain of it! But she couldn't seem to remember just who it was. But if that man, whoever he may be, is helping her somehow…
Don't hurt him! The girl begged silently. Please…don't hurt us.
"Don't hurt him?" The voice mocked, snaking the mist around her tighter and laughed its strange laugh again. "You don't even know who he is! You don't even know yourself!" The vise became even tighter, and the girl opened her mouth in a soundless scream.
"Silly child…you have no power now!"
The girl suddenly felt the explosion within her again. The force field shot out with a boom in the void, and she was alone once more with another part of her essence cast out into the nothingness.
It was too much. She closed her eyes and lost hold of her consciousness.
But at the same time in another world, her eyes fluttered open.
The hazy purple dusk had settled over the rough American frontiers, illuminating the mountains with dark violet shadows. In the cozy cabin, the travelers gulped down hamburgers and cokes to satisfy their moaning stomachs. But by nightfall, Mei still had not awakened yet. Kiku sat by her side, anxiously patting her hand and polishing his katana.
"Panda," he started hesitantly.
"Hmm?" The little animal looked at him with bright, intelligent eyes. In some ways, Kiku thought, Panda was just like Wang Yao, in his comforting presence and wisdom.
"Are you sure that Mei…will wake up?" Kiku asked, even though he had asked this same question over and over again.
"Yes. She will wake up. I've already told you," Panda seemed just a bit annoyed, and Kiku immediately felt apologetic. "Kiku, it's been a long day. Go to sleep."
"Yes, but—"
"Your panda friend is right," America came through the front door. "You're tired, Japan. I'll look after your girl."
"Yes, but—"
"Hey, have some trust in the hero!" America patted his back with a smile. "Who saved your butt out there today, huh?"
"You did, but—"
"You can use the bed in there," the man said, pushing Kiku towards the backroom. "I'll look after Taiwan. I promise."
The boy sighed, feeling the exhaustion of the day overtake him. He allowed himself to be pushed into the room and sink into the bed. "Thank you for everything, America-san…"
The room was dim, all except for the faint dim rays of the light emitted from a little lantern sitting on the table. America dozed lightly on the couch, a bag of chips scattered on his lap and a Marvel comic book falling from his hands.
Beside him, the girl's finger twitched slightly. She winced, and gasped suddenly as her eyes fluttered open to the dark room.
Where am I? What is this place? Who—the sudden questions flew rampant through her mind. Without another thought, she opened her mouth to scream—
But a strong hand covered her mouth. She knew at that moment, without a trace of doubt, that she was being kidnapped. Kidnapped and sold into slavery in some unknown country!
"Shh, quiet!" The previously dozing young man whispered to her and released his hand slowly. She glanced at him fearfully, only to be met with a childlike, wide grin. "You're awake! But be quiet, because you don't want to wake your friend!" His whispering was incredibly loud. Anyone would be able to hear-
She felt the wind almost knocked out of her as she was suddenly tackled in a giant embrace. Another man…!
"Mei, you're awake!" He buried his face into her hair as the girl frowned. No, he must be around her own age, but a bit older, she decided. But a stranger. She felt very uncomfortable within his arms, and quietly wished that he would release her.
Clearing her throat, she asked, as politely as possible while pushing the strange boy away from her, "Excuse me, sir," she paused. The boy looked at her, his dark eyes shining with joy. She looked back blankly and watched, confused, as the joy simmered away to…hurt?
"Do I know you?"
Silence filled the room. Mei stared at the boy in front of her, and at the blond man. Who were these people?
Kiku froze at her empty expression and slowly pulled himself away, face red. "N-No. F-Forgive me. You…do not know me."
Had Mei called him "sir"?
And Kiku had played right along, using formal speech that was usually reserved for strangers and business.
But never for family and friends.
Never for Mei.
But was she not a stranger now?
The girl sighed a breath of relief. "But who am I? And where is this place?"
The blond man who had first covered her mouth jumped forward. "Hello! I am the country of America, also known as the hero! This is my place. Awesome, isn't it?"
"Yes…country?" She was puzzled, but America spoke again before she could think.
"Yeah, countries! We're all countries around here. You're Taiwan, and this is Japan!" The raven-haired boy beside him, the one who had hugged her tightly, nodded, his face still very red.
"P-Please to meet you," he stuttered and bowed awkwardly.
She tried to comprehend the information, the loud America chattering on about her losing her memories or something and the shy Japan whose gaze was fixed steadily on the ground.
She had lost her memories?
What was happening?
After he entered the bed, Kiku hadn't been sleeping at all. When he heard America's booming whisper, he had jumped out of the room and, in spite of his usual conservative self, enveloped Mei in an embrace. He had never felt such relief in his life; Mei was alive and well!
But then Kiku had felt her tense up within his arms.
And he felt her wanting to pull away.
Of course. That was natural. They were perfect strangers now.
But when her sweet voice asked, "Do I know you?" he felt his heart stop, wobble, and threaten to shatter. For just a second.
That was natural, too, he supposed.
She didn't know him at all.
When America made the introductions, she studied him with her bright russet eyes while he kept his gaze to the ground, afraid to look up at her.
He was afraid, for the few times in his very long life, that he would cry.
She had no past memories. He could've told her they were lovers, and she would have to believe him because she had no other choice. He could've told her they were engaged to be married, and she would never know.
But he didn't. It wasn't true. They were friends, and that was all. He was her friend, trying to help her regain her life and her memories.
But now they weren't even that.
They were strangers, and she didn't love him.
Not one bit.
Kiku's heart ached.